// simple_inputs.g - used by ACnet2-default.g and variants

/* This version of simple_inputs2-9.g defines row_sep (row difference between
   input1 and input2) as a global.

int first_row = 16  // input row for stimulus 1
int row_sep = 7 // default input row for stimulus 2

str input_source = "/MGBv" // Name of the array of input elements
echo " input_source = "{input_source}

/* The following global variables are defined in the ACnet network script:

   int Ninputs // number of auditory inputs
   // approx 1 mm/octave - gives integer rows/octave
   float octave_distance = 0.96e-3
   float Ex_SEP_Y // separation between rows of Ex cells
   int input_spread // input to row_num +/- input_spread

   float spike_jitter = 0.0005 // 0.5 msec jitter in thalamic inputs
       or spike_jitter = 0.0

   float input_delay = 0.0	 // seconds
   float input_jitter = 0.0

   str input_type // "pulsed_spiketrain", "pulsed_randomspike", "MGBv"
   str input_pattern  // == "row", "line", "box"

   This version also needs Ex_SEP_X, Inh_SEP_X, Inh_SEP_Y

int rows_per_octave = {round {octave_distance/Ex_SEP_Y}}

/* Input target rows are numbered 1 through Ninputs, and cell rows are
   numbered 0 through Ex_NY - 1.  The first and last one-third octave
   of the cell rows do not receive MGBv input, so the cell row number
   is offset from the input row by input_offset.
int input_offset = {round {rows_per_octave/3.0}} - 1

// Pulsed spike generator -- for constant input, use pulsewidth >= tmax
float pulse_width =  0.05    // width of pulse
float pulse_delay = 0.05        // delay before start of pulse
float pulse_interval = 0.15 // time from start of pulse to next (period)
float spikefreq = 110          // just to initialize the dialog

/* Default input conduction delay and jitter - the many targets of a single
   MGBv cell will receive a spike with delay ranging from
   input_delay*(1 - input_jitter) to input_delay*(1 + input_jitter)

   This may be used to reduce the correlation between the inputs to the
   target rows.

// These are set in the main script
// float input_delay = 0.0  // seconds
// float input_jitter = 0.0
// float spike_jitter = 0.0005 // 0.5 msec jitter in thalamic inputs

//      Function Definitions

/* Functions to create the MGBv cells that will provide the inputs 
   In this case the "cells" are spikegens controlled by pulsegens

function make_MGBvcell(path)
    str path
    // The full MGBvcell model would have  MGBvcell parameters here
    // Pulsed spike generator -- for constant input, use pulsewidth >= tmax
    // these will get changed
    float pulse_width = {tmax}     // width of pulse
    float pulse_delay = 0          // delay before start of pulse
    float pulse_interval = {tmax}  // interval before next pulse
    float spikefreq = 110 // Hz.   // initial value of frequency

    // This parameter is used for the full MGBvcell model
    // float spike_weight = 8
    /* Create the basic cell as a container for the pulsegen and spikegen */
    create neutral {path}

    // add fields to keep the target row, frequency and weight
    addfield {path} input_row
    setfield {path} input_row 0 // just to initialize it
    addfield {path} dest_row
    setfield {path} dest_row 0 // just to initialize it
    addfield {path} input_freq
    setfield {path} input_freq {spikefreq}
    addfield {path} output_weight
    setfield {path} output_weight 1.0

    create pulsegen {path}/spikepulse // Make a periodic pulse to control spikes
    // make a spikegen to deliver the spikes
    create spikegen {path}/spikepulse/spike
    setfield {path}/spikepulse/spike thresh 0.5
    setfield {path}/spikepulse width1 {pulse_width} delay1 {pulse_delay}  \
          baselevel 0.0 trig_mode 0 delay2 {pulse_interval - pulse_delay} width2 0

    if (input_type == "pulsed_spiketrain")
        if (debug_level >= 1)
            echo "Using simple pulsed spiketrain input"
        // set the spikegen refractory period = 1/freq
        setfield {path}/spikepulse/spike abs_refract {1.0/spikefreq}
        addmsg {path}/spikepulse {path}/spikepulse/spike INPUT output
    elif (input_type == "pulsed_randomspike")
        if (debug_level >= 1)
            echo "Using pulsed random (Poisson) spike input"
        create randomspike {path}/randspike
        setfield {path}/spikepulse/spike abs_refract 0.0009 // 1100 Hz max
        // Intialize randomspike amplitude to zero
	setfield {path}/randspike min_amp 0.0 max_amp 0.0 \
            reset 1 reset_value 0  rate {spikefreq}
        // gate the randomspike by setting min and max to pulsegen output
        addmsg {path}/spikepulse {path}/randspike MINMAX output output
        // This will gate the state of the randomspike, but not prevent it
        // from registering events. The state should be sent to the spikegen
        addmsg {path}/randspike {path}/spikepulse/spike INPUT state
      echo "No input_type was specified!"
end // function make_MGBvcell

function set_input_freq(cell, input_freq)
    str cell; float freq, input_freq
    setfield {cell} input_freq {input_freq}
    freq = input_freq
    if ({input_freq} > 1000)
        freq = 1000
    float abs_refract = 1e6 // A very low frequency
    if ({freq} > 1.0e-6)
       abs_refract = 1.0/freq
    if (input_type == "pulsed_spiketrain")
        setfield {cell}/spikepulse/spike abs_refract {abs_refract}
    elif (input_type == "pulsed_randomspike")
        setfield {cell}/randspike rate {freq}
      echo "No input_type was specified!"
end // set_input_freq(cell, freq)

// Set parameters for spike train pulses
function set_pulse_params(input_num, frequency, delay, width, interval)
    int input_num
    float frequency, delay, width, interval, abs_refract
    setfield {input_source}[{input_num}]/spikepulse width1 {width} delay1 \
        {delay} baselevel 0.0 trig_mode 0 delay2 {interval - delay} width2 0
    // free run mode with very long delay for 2nd pulse (non-repetitive)
    // level1 is set by GUI spiketoggle function, or by a batch mode command
    // set the abs_refract of the spikegen to spike every 1/frequency
    set_input_freq {input_source}[{input_num}] {frequency}

function set_spiketrain_weight(input_num, weight)
    int input_num
    float weight
    str Ex_layer = "Ex_" @ {default_layer}
    str Inh_layer = "Inh_" @ {default_layer}
    setfield {input_source}[{input_num}] output_weight {weight}
    // Now set the weights of all network cell targets (not Inh feedback)
    // The optional 2nd arg for target isn't used here
    rvolumeweight {input_source}[{input_num}]/spikepulse/spike  \
        -fixed {weight}

function setall_driveweights(weight)
    int i
    float weight
    for (i=1; i <= {Ninputs}; i=i+1)
        set_spiketrain_weight {i} {weight}

/* Set up the circuitry to provide spike trains to the network */
function make_input_source(input_num)
    int input_num, input_row
    float x0, y0, z0, y
    x0 = 0; y0 = input_offset*Ex_SEP_Y; z0 =0;
    make_MGBvcell {input_source}[{input_num}]
    // Set the separations of the vertical array of inputs to that of network
    y = y0 + input_num*Ex_SEP_Y
    setfield {input_source}[{input_num}] x {x0} y {y} z {z0} // initial setting
    // Special case for Ninputs <=2, with inputs to rows 16 and 23
    if (Ninputs > 2)
        first_row =  {round {rows_per_octave/3.0}}
        row_sep = 1
    end // else use the global value

     input_row = first_row + (input_num-1)*row_sep
    // for now, these are the same
    setfield {input_source}[{input_num}] input_row {input_row}
    setfield {input_source}[{input_num}] dest_row  {input_row}
end // function make_input_source

/* make_inputs and connect_inputs are the two functions called by ACnet2
   to set up the inputs to the network

// Make array of pulsed inputs ({input_source}[{input_num}]) and initialize
function make_inputs(f0)
    int i, input_row, input_offset
    float f0, freq
    f0 = 110
    if ({argc} == 1)
        f0 = {argv 1}
    input_offset = {round {rows_per_octave/3.0}}
    if (Ninputs > 2)
        first_row =  {round {rows_per_octave/3.0}}
        row_sep = 1
    end //else use default global value

    for (i=1; i <= {Ninputs}; i=i+1)
        make_input_source {i}
        // This assignment can be changed as needed
        input_row = first_row + (i-1)*row_sep

        freq = f0*{pow 2.0 \
            {1.0*((i-1)*row_sep + first_row - input_offset)/rows_per_octave} }
        set_pulse_params {i} {freq} {pulse_delay} {pulse_width} {pulse_interval}
        if (debug_level > 1)
            echo "source "{i}"  freq = "{freq}
end // function make_inputs

function set_input_delays(delay, jitter_factor)
    str Ex_layer = "Ex_" @ {default_layer}
    str Inh_layer = "Inh_" @ {default_layer}
    // give a random delay unfiformly distributed between
    // delay*(1 - jitter_factor) and delay*(1 + jitter_factor)
    float delay, jitter_factor
    // be careful to do it for just the network targets  
    rvolumedelay /MGBv[]/spikepulse/spike  \
        -fixed {delay} -uniform {jitter_factor}

// Asume that spike_jitter < 1.0/input_freq (e.g. 2 kHz for 0.5 msec jitter)
function add_spike_jitter
    int i
    float st
    for (i=1; i <= {Ninputs}; i=i+1)
	st = 1.0/{getfield {input_source}[{i}] input_freq}
	setrandfield  {input_source}[{i}]/spikepulse/spike abs_refract \
            -gaussian {st} {spike_jitter}

function make_jitter_adder
    create script_out /jitter_adder
    enable /jitter_adder
    useclock /jitter_adder 2 // same as netview_dt
    setfield /jitter_adder command "add_spike_jitter"

/* --------------- Notes on function connect_inputs ------------------

  The default input_pattern = "row" makes connections to all cells on the
  specified row.  If input_spread > 0, connections with an exponentially
  decaying probablility will be made to adjacent rows +/- input_spread.

  There are two versions:

  function connect_inputs makes connections from the input source to rows
  with rvolumeconnect to a region encompassing a particular row. The connection
  probability for each row is set as described above. When PGENESIS 2.4
  rvolumeconnect, this means that a row will be picked with with the given
  probability and connections will be made to each cell in the row with
  100% probability.

  function connect_inputs2 makes the connections using raddmsg in a loop
  over the cells in a row. This way, a separate random number is assigned
  to each target cell.


function connect_inputs
       Note that the Inh cells are displaced from Ex by Ex_SEP_X/2,
       Ex_SEP_Y/2, with twice the spacing.

       Also, note the that '-relative' option is not used here.

    float xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
    if (input_pattern == "row")  // The usual option to target a full row
      /* Use code from MGBv_input2-5.g to provide input_spread */
      int i, k
      float target_y, y, ymin, ymax, prob, max_prob
      // number of rows below and above "target row" of input spread
      int kspread = input_spread // defined in main ACnet script
      int kmax = kspread  // number of rows to go above target row
      int kmin = -1*kspread  // number of rows to go below target row
      /* Target rows are numbered 1 through Ninputs, and cell rows are
          numbered 0 through Ex_NY - 1.  The first and last one-third octave
          of the cell rows do not receive MGBv input, so the cell row number
          is offset from the input row by input_offset.

      max_prob = 1.1 // just to be sure that all target row cells get input
      // Below, the exponential decay of probability is set to give
      // prob(kmax) = exp(-2.0), to make it independent of Ex_SEP_Y
      float decay_rate
      if (kspread == 0)
          decay_rate = 1.0 // avoid a singularity if no spread
        decay_rate = 2.0/kspread
      for (i=1; i <= {Ninputs}; i=i+1) // loop over inputs
        target_y = {getfield {input_source}[{i}] dest_row} * Ex_SEP_Y
        if (debug_level > 1)
           echo "source "{i}"  target_y = "{target_y}
        // Now get the input_row number for the source to target_y
//        setfield {input_source}[{i}] input_row {i + input_offset}
        // Special case: for Ninputs <=2, have inputs to rows 16 and 23
        str Ex_layer = "Ex_" @ {default_layer}
        str Inh_layer = "Inh_" @ {default_layer}
        for (k = kmin; k <= kmax; k=k+1)  // loop over spread about target
          y = target_y + k*Ex_SEP_Y
          prob = max_prob*{exp {-1.0*decay_rate*{abs {k}}} }
          ymin = target_y + (k - 0.2)*Ex_SEP_Y
          ymax = target_y + (k + 0.2)*Ex_SEP_Y
          rvolumeconnect {input_source}[{i}]/spikepulse/spike \
            /{Ex_layer}/{Ex_cell_name}[]/{Ex_drive_synpath}@{workers} \
            -sourcemask box -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 \
            -destmask box -1 {ymin} -1 1 {ymax} 1 \
            -probability {prob}
          // Earlier versions of simple_inputs set the Inh drive connection prob = 0
          rvolumeconnect {input_source}[{i}]/spikepulse/spike \
            /{Inh_layer}/{Inh_cell_name}[]/{Inh_drive_synpath}@{workers} \
            -sourcemask box -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 \ // be sure to include the source
            -destmask box -1 {ymin + 0.5*Ex_SEP_Y} -1 1 {ymax + 0.5*Ex_SEP_Y} 1 \
            -probability {0.65*prob}
        end // for k
      end // for i

    // give a random delay unfiformly distributed between
    // delay*(1 - jitter_factor) and delay*(1 + jitter_factor)
    set_input_delays {input_delay} {input_jitter}

    if (({spike_jitter} > 0.0) && ({input_type} == "pulsed_spiketrain"))
        // Create a script_out to provide jitter in spike arrival time
end // function connect_inputs

function connect_inputs2
       Note that the Inh cells are displaced from Ex by Ex_SEP_X/2,
       Ex_SEP_Y/2, with twice the spacing.

       Also, note the that '-relative' option is not used here.

    str src, dst, dst_cell_path
    int input_row, Inh_input_row, i, j, k, cell_num, dst_index, dst_node
    if (input_pattern == "row")  // The usual option to target a full row
      /* Use code from MGBv_input2-5.g to provide input_spread */
      float prob, max_prob
      // number of rows below and above "target row" of input spread
      int kspread = input_spread // defined in main ACnet script
      int kmax = kspread  // number of rows to go above target row
      int kmin = -1*kspread  // number of rows to go below target row
       /* Target rows are numbered 1 through Ninputs, and cell rows are
         numbered 0 through Ex_NY - 1. In some versions of the input model,
         There is an input for every row except the first and last one-third
         octave of the cell rows. These do not receive MGBv input, so the cell
         row number is offset from the input row by input_offset. In this
         version there are only 2 inputs (1 and 2) with input_row = first_row,
         and first_row + row_sep.

      max_prob = 1.1 // just to be sure that all target row cells get input
      // Below, the exponential decay of probability is set to give
      // prob(kmax) = exp(-2.0), to make it independent of Ex_SEP_Y
      float decay_rate
      if (kspread == 0)
          decay_rate = 1.0 // avoid a singularity if no spread
        decay_rate = 2.0/kspread
      for (i=1; i <= {Ninputs}; i=i+1) // loop over inputs
        input_row = {getfield {input_source}[{i}] input_row}
        if (conn_debug)
           echo "source "{i}"   input_row = " {input_row}
        // Now get the input_row number for the source to target_y
        // setfield {input_source}[{i}] input_row {i + input_offset}
        // Special case: for Ninputs <=2, have inputs only to rows 16 and 28
        str Ex_layer = "Ex_" @ {default_layer}
        str Inh_layer = "Inh_" @ {default_layer}
        src =  {input_source} @ "[" @{i} @ "]/spikepulse/spike"
        if (conn_debug)
            echo "spike input source is "{src}
        for (k = kmin; k <= kmax; k=k+1)  // loop over spread about target
            prob = max_prob*{exp {-1.0*decay_rate*{abs {k}}} }
            dst_cell_path = "/" @ {Ex_layer} @"/" @ {Ex_cell_name}
            if (conn_debug)
                echo "For input_row = " {input_row} "Spike src = " {src}
            for (j=0; j<Ex_NX; j=j+1) // loop over the Ex_cells in row k
                cell_num = (input_row + k)*Ex_NX + j		    
                if ({rand 0 1} <= prob)
                    dst_node = {cell_node {cell_num} {Ex_cells_per_slice}}
                    dst_index = {cell_index {cell_num} {Ex_cells_per_slice}}
                    dst = {dst_cell_path} @ "[" @ {dst_index} @ "]/" @ {Ex_drive_synpath}
                    if (conn_debug)
                        echo "cell_num = " {cell_num} "dst = " {dst} "  dst_node = " {dst_node}
                    raddmsg {src} {dst}@{dst_node} SPIKE
            end // loop over cells in a row  
            // Earlier versions of simple_inputs set the Inh drive connection prob = 0
            prob = 0.65*prob // lesser probablity for Inh_cells
            dst_cell_path = "/" @ {Inh_layer} @"/" @ {Inh_cell_name}
            // Inh rows have twice the spacing. input_row could be odd.
            Inh_input_row = {round {(input_row -0.1)/2.0}}
	        for (j=0; j<Inh_NX;  j=j+1) // now loop over the Inh cells in row k
                cell_num = (Inh_input_row + k)*Inh_NX + j
                if ({rand 0 1} <= prob)
                    dst_node = {cell_node {cell_num} {Inh_cells_per_slice}}
                    dst_index = {cell_index {cell_num} {Inh_cells_per_slice}}
                    dst = {dst_cell_path} @ "[" @ {dst_index} @ "]/" @ {Inh_drive_synpath}
                    raddmsg {src} {dst}@{dst_node} SPIKE
            end // loop over cells in a row  
        end // for k
      end // for i
    end // if (input_pattern=="row") -- the only option allowed in this version

    // give a random delay unfiformly distributed between
    // delay*(1 - jitter_factor) and delay*(1 + jitter_factor)
    set_input_delays {input_delay} {input_jitter}

    if (({spike_jitter} > 0.0) && ({input_type} == "pulsed_spiketrain"))
        // Create a script_out to provide jitter in spike arrival time
end // function connect_inputs2