// Initialize global variables

/* COMMENTS see DBS_stim.txt */

DBS_GPeGPi = 4
DBS_GPeGPe = 5
DBS_GPiTha = 6

numDBS = 7
objref dbsONflags[numDBS],dbs_activationProb[numDBS], dbs_gidOffset

for tmpi=0,numDBS-1 {
	dbsONflags[tmpi] = new Vector()	//array of vectors containing indices into dbsStim object arrays

dbs_activationProb[DBS_STN] = new Vector(numSTN, 0.8)
dbs_activationProb[DBS_STNGPe] = new Vector(numSTN, 0.8)
dbs_activationProb[DBS_STNGPi] = new Vector(numSTN, 0.8)
dbs_activationProb[DBS_GPeSTN] = new Vector(numGPe, 0.8)
dbs_activationProb[DBS_GPeGPi] = new Vector(numGPe, 0.8)
dbs_activationProb[DBS_GPeGPe] = new Vector(numGPe, 0.8)
dbs_activationProb[DBS_GPiTha] = new Vector(numGPi, 0.8)

//gid offset of artificial cell (dbsStim object) gids, must be beyond those assigned to STN,GPe,GPi cells
//  need gid to make connection for orthodromic event to be communicated

if (ncell > 1000) {
	print "ERROR - gid overlap in dbsStim.hoc"
dbs_gidOffset = new Vector(numDBS)
dbs_gidOffset.x(DBS_STN) = 1000
dbs_gidOffset.x(DBS_STNGPe) = 2000
dbs_gidOffset.x(DBS_STNGPi) = 3000
dbs_gidOffset.x(DBS_GPeSTN) = 4000
dbs_gidOffset.x(DBS_GPeGPi) = 5000
dbs_gidOffset.x(DBS_GPeGPe) = 6000
dbs_gidOffset.x(DBS_GPiTha) = 7000

// ad* objects are dbsSTIM objects that apply a current to their somatic parent and send an event to orthodromic targets
// odnc* objects are pointers to NetCon objects connect an ad* to a target synapse, used to set weights and delays

objref directSTN[numSTN], adSTNGPe[numSTN], adSTNGPi[numSTN], adGPeSTN[numGPe], adGPeGPi[numGPe], adGPeGPe[numGPe], adGPiTha[numGPi]

//orthodromic effects through NetCon from antidromic sources of presyn cells that project to target
objref odncSTNGPe[numGPe], odncSTNGPi[numGPi], odncGPeSTN[numSTN], odncGPeGPi[numGPi], odncGPeGPe[numGPe] 	//vector of nclist indices for each cell

for tmpi=0,numSTN-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_STN, tmpi))) {
		directSTN[tmpi] = new dbsStim()
		adSTNGPe[tmpi] = new dbsStim()
		adSTNGPi[tmpi] = new dbsStim()
		odncGPeSTN[tmpi] = new Vector()		
for tmpi=0,numGPe-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPe, tmpi))) {
		adGPeSTN[tmpi] = new dbsStim()
		adGPeGPi[tmpi] = new dbsStim()
		adGPeGPe[tmpi] = new dbsStim()
		odncSTNGPe[tmpi] = new Vector()
		odncGPeGPe[tmpi] = new Vector()
for tmpi=0,numGPi-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPi, tmpi))) {
		adGPiTha[tmpi] = new dbsStim()
		odncGPeGPi[tmpi] = new Vector()
		odncSTNGPi[tmpi] = new Vector()

// Functions to set up network from current value of global variables

proc newStimOBJ() {local gid	localobj dbs,nc,nil	//($1:cell type, $2:index, $3:pathway type, $o4:dbsStim obj) 

	dbs = $o4

	pnm.pc.gid2obj(cellID($1, $2)).soma dbs.loc(.5)
	gid = cellID($1, $2) + dbs_gidOffset.x($3)	//global id
	pnm.pc.set_gid2node(gid, pnm.pc.id())
	nc = new NetCon(dbs, nil)
	pnm.pc.cell(gid, nc)

proc newStimNc() {local k,ncIndx  localobj dbs,nc //($1:srctype,$2:srcIndx,$3:tartype,$4:tarIndx,$5:synIndx,$6:pathtype,$o7:ncIndx array[.]) 

	//Get dbsStim object associated with presyn cell in this NetCon object.
	//	When it is antidromically active, its net_event will trigger an
	//	orthodromic event too, through this NetCon

	ncIndx = pnm.nc_append(cellID($1, $2)+dbs_gidOffset.x($6), cellID($3, $4), synNum($1, $3, $5), 0, 0)
	if (ncIndx >= 0) {

proc STIconnectNet() { local i,j,k

// connections at/from STN

for i=0,numSTN-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_STN, i))) {
		newStimOBJ(ID_STN, i, DBS_STN, directSTN[i])
		newStimOBJ(ID_STN, i, DBS_STNGPe, adSTNGPe[i])		
		newStimOBJ(ID_STN, i, DBS_STNGPi, adSTNGPi[i])

// connections from GPe

for i=0,numGPe-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPe, i))) {
		newStimOBJ(ID_GPe, i, DBS_GPeSTN, adGPeSTN[i])
		newStimOBJ(ID_GPe, i, DBS_GPeGPi, adGPeGPi[i])
		newStimOBJ(ID_GPe, i, DBS_GPeGPe, adGPeGPe[i]) 

// connections from GPi

for i=0,numGPi-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPi, i))) {
		newStimOBJ(ID_GPi, i, DBS_GPiTha, adGPiTha[i])

// Go through synapse lists for each cell (A) and find ad dbsStim objects for each presyn cell (Bs),
//	then connect them as presyn objects to that cell (A)

// orthodromic dbs to STN

for i=0,numSTN-1 {
	for j=0,numGPeSTN-1 {
		newStimNc(ID_GPe, srcGPeSTN[i].x(j), ID_STN, i, j, DBS_GPeSTN, odncGPeSTN[i])

// orthodromic dbs to GPe

for i=0,numGPe-1 {
	for j=0,numSTNGPe-1 {
		newStimNc(ID_STN, srcSTNGPe[i].x(j), ID_GPe, i, j, DBS_STNGPe, odncSTNGPe[i])

	for j=0,numGPeGPe-1 {
		newStimNc(ID_GPe, srcGPeGPe[i].x(j), ID_GPe, i, j, DBS_GPeGPe, odncGPeGPe[i])

// orthodromic dbs to GPi

for i=0,numGPi-1 {
	for j=0,numSTNGPi-1 {
		newStimNc(ID_STN, srcSTNGPi[i].x(j), ID_GPi, i, j, DBS_STNGPi, odncSTNGPi[i])

	for j=0,numGPeGPi-1 {
		newStimNc(ID_GPe, srcGPeGPi[i].x(j), ID_GPi, i, j, DBS_GPeGPi, odncGPeGPi[i])


proc STIupdateWeights() { local i,j

// connections at/from STN

for i=0,numSTN-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_STN, i))) {
		directSTN[i].del = dbs_del
		directSTN[i].dur = dbs_dur
		directSTN[i].amp = dbs_direct_amp
		directSTN[i].pw = dbs_direct_pw
		directSTN[i].period = dbs_period
		directSTN[i].actPrb = dbs_activationProb[DBS_STN].x(i)

		adSTNGPe[i].del = dbs_del
		adSTNGPe[i].dur = dbs_dur
		adSTNGPe[i].amp = dbs_ad_amp
		adSTNGPe[i].pw = dbs_ad_pw
		adSTNGPe[i].period = dbs_period
		adSTNGPe[i].actPrb = dbs_activationProb[DBS_STNGPe].x(i)

		adSTNGPi[i].del = dbs_del
		adSTNGPi[i].dur = dbs_dur
		adSTNGPi[i].amp = dbs_ad_amp
		adSTNGPi[i].pw = dbs_ad_pw
		adSTNGPi[i].period = dbs_period
		adSTNGPi[i].actPrb = dbs_activationProb[DBS_STNGPi].x(i)

		for j=0,numGPeSTN-1 {
			pnm.nclist.o(odncGPeSTN[i].x(j)).weight = gmaxGPeSTN/numGPeSTN
			pnm.nclist.o(odncGPeSTN[i].x(j)).weight[1] = 1	//dbs NetCon
			pnm.nclist.o(odncGPeSTN[i].x(j)).delay = delGPeSTN

// connections from GPe

for i=0,numGPe-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPe, i))) {
		adGPeSTN[i].del = dbs_del
		adGPeSTN[i].dur = dbs_dur
		adGPeSTN[i].amp = dbs_ad_amp
		adGPeSTN[i].pw = dbs_ad_pw
		adGPeSTN[i].period = dbs_period
		adGPeSTN[i].actPrb = dbs_activationProb[DBS_GPeSTN].x(i)

		adGPeGPi[i].del = dbs_del
		adGPeGPi[i].dur = dbs_dur
		adGPeGPi[i].amp = dbs_ad_amp
		adGPeGPi[i].pw = dbs_ad_pw
		adGPeGPi[i].period = dbs_period
		adGPeGPi[i].actPrb = dbs_activationProb[DBS_GPeGPi].x(i)

		adGPeGPe[i].del = dbs_del
		adGPeGPe[i].dur = dbs_dur
		adGPeGPe[i].amp = dbs_ad_amp
		adGPeGPe[i].pw = dbs_ad_pw
		adGPeGPe[i].period = dbs_period
		adGPeGPe[i].actPrb = dbs_activationProb[DBS_GPeGPe].x(i)

		for j=0,numSTNGPe-1 {
			pnm.nclist.o(odncSTNGPe[i].x(j)).weight = gmaxSTNGPe/numSTNGPe
			pnm.nclist.o(odncSTNGPe[i].x(j)).weight[1] = 1	//dbs NetCon
			pnm.nclist.o(odncSTNGPe[i].x(j)).delay = delSTNGPe

		for j=0,numGPeGPe-1 {
			pnm.nclist.o(odncGPeGPe[i].x(j)).weight = gmaxGPeGPe/numGPeGPe
			pnm.nclist.o(odncGPeGPe[i].x(j)).weight[1] = 1	//dbs NetCon
			pnm.nclist.o(odncGPeGPe[i].x(j)).delay = delGPeGPe

// connections from GPi

for i=0,numGPi-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPi, i))) {
		adGPiTha[i].del = dbs_del
		adGPiTha[i].dur = dbs_dur
		adGPiTha[i].amp = dbs_ad_amp
		adGPiTha[i].pw = dbs_ad_pw
		adGPiTha[i].period = dbs_period
		adGPiTha[i].actPrb = dbs_activationProb[DBS_GPiTha].x(i)

		for j=0,numSTNGPi-1 {
			pnm.nclist.o(odncSTNGPi[i].x(j)).weight = gmaxSTNGPi/numSTNGPi
			pnm.nclist.o(odncSTNGPi[i].x(j)).weight[1] = 1	//dbs NetCon
			pnm.nclist.o(odncSTNGPi[i].x(j)).delay = delSTNGPi

		for j=0,numGPeGPi-1 {
			pnm.nclist.o(odncGPeGPi[i].x(j)).weight = gmaxGPeGPi/numGPeGPi
			pnm.nclist.o(odncGPeGPi[i].x(j)).weight[1] = 1	//dbs NetCon
			pnm.nclist.o(odncGPeGPi[i].x(j)).delay = delGPeGPi



strdef pstr

proc dbsRESET() { local i


if (pnm.pc.id() == 0) {
	// master tells all slave nodes to update network with inputs vector

	pnm.pc.context("dbsRESET", 0)
	for i=1,pnm.pc.nhost-1 {
		sprint(pstr, "dbsRESET%d", i)
} else {
	// slave nodes clear message from master and doit

	sprint(pstr, "dbsRESET%d", pnm.pc.id())

	for i=0,numDBS-1 {


proc dbsOFF() { local i

if (pnm.pc.id() == 0) {
	// master tells all slave nodes to update network with inputs vector

	pnm.pc.context("dbsOFF", 0)
	for i=1,pnm.pc.nhost-1 {
		sprint(pstr, "dbsOFF%d", i)
} else {
	// slave nodes clear message from master and doit

	sprint(pstr, "dbsOFF%d", pnm.pc.id())

// turn all OFF

for i=0,numSTN-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_STN, i))) {
		directSTN[i].active = 0
		adSTNGPe[i].active = 0
		adSTNGPi[i].active = 0

for i=0,numGPe-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPe, i))) {
		adGPeSTN[i].active = 0
		adGPeGPi[i].active = 0
		adGPeGPe[i].active = 0

for i=0,numGPi-1 {
	if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPi, i))) {
		adGPiTha[i].active = 0


proc dbsON() { local i,j


if (pnm.pc.id() == 0) {
	// master tells all slave nodes to update network with inputs vector

	for i=0,numDBS-1 {
	pnm.pc.context("dbsON", 0)
	for i=1,pnm.pc.nhost-1 {
		sprint(pstr, "dbsON%d", i)
} else {
	// slave nodes clear message from master and doit

	for i=0,numDBS-1 {
	sprint(pstr, "dbsON%d", pnm.pc.id())

// turn selected components ON

for i=0, numDBS-1 {

	for j=0,dbsONflags[i].size-1 {

		if (i == DBS_STN) {
			if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_STN, dbsONflags[i].x(j)))) {
				directSTN[dbsONflags[i].x(j)].active = 1

		if (i == DBS_STNGPe) {		
			if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_STN, dbsONflags[i].x(j)))) {
				adSTNGPe[dbsONflags[i].x(j)].active = 1

		if (i == DBS_STNGPi) {		
			if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_STN, dbsONflags[i].x(j)))) {
				adSTNGPi[dbsONflags[i].x(j)].active = 1

		if (i == DBS_GPeSTN) {		
			if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPe, dbsONflags[i].x(j)))) {
				adGPeSTN[dbsONflags[i].x(j)].active = 1

		if (i == DBS_GPeGPi) {		
			if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPe, dbsONflags[i].x(j)))) {
				adGPeGPi[dbsONflags[i].x(j)].active = 1

		if (i == DBS_GPeGPe) {		
			if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPe, dbsONflags[i].x(j)))) {
				adGPeGPe[dbsONflags[i].x(j)].active = 1

		if (i == DBS_GPiTha) {		
			if (pnm.gid_exists(cellID(ID_GPi, dbsONflags[i].x(j)))) {
				adGPiTha[dbsONflags[i].x(j)].active = 1




// Call setup functions when .hoc file is loaded


// Dialog to update parameter values