// verify that all corresponding HalfGap have the same HalfGap.g
// Do this is a distributed way if running in parallel by sending
// all the id, g info to the rank abs(id)%nhost

proc verifyHalfGap() {local i, n \
  localobj hglist, hg, vcnts, vdispl, idsrc, gsrc, iddest, gdest, s, vsrt
	hglist = new List("HalfGap")
	n = pc.nhost
	vcnts = new Vector(n)
	for i=0, hglist.count-1 {
		hg = hglist.o(i)
		vcnts.x[(abs(hg.id)-1)%n] += 1
	vdispl = new Vector(n+1)
	for i=0, n-1 {
		vdispl.x[i+1] = vdispl.x[i] + vcnts.x[i]
	idsrc = new Vector(vdispl.x[n])
	gsrc = new Vector(vdispl.x[n])
	for i=0, hglist.count-1 {
		hg = hglist.o(i)
		aid = abs(hg.id)
		j = (aid-1)%n
		idsrc.x[vdispl.x[j]] = aid
		gsrc.x[vdispl.x[j]] = hg.g
		vdispl.x[j] += 1

	iddest = new Vector()
	gdest = new Vector()
	if (n == 1) {
		iddest = idsrc.c
		gdest = gsrc.c
		pc.alltoall(idsrc, vcnts, iddest)
		pc.alltoall(gsrc, vcnts, gdest)
	vsrt = iddest.sortindex
	idsrc.index(iddest, vsrt)
	gsrc.index(gdest, vsrt)		
	for (i=0; i < idsrc.size; i += 2) {
		if (idsrc.x[i] != idsrc.x[i+1]) {
			s = new String()
			sprint(s.s, "Only one of a pair of HalfGap for %d\n", idsrc.x[i])
		if (i > 0) {
			if (idsrc.x[i] == idsrc.x[i-1]) {
sprint(s.s, "More than two HalfGap share the same id %d\n", idsrc.x[i])
		if (gsrc.x[i] != gsrc.x[i+1]) {
			s = new String()
sprint(s.s, "At t=%g, for HalfGap.id %d, g differs: %g %g\n", t, idsrc.x[i],\
gsrc.x[i], gsrc.x[i+1])