 * @file ringplot.hoc                                                           
 * @brief Horizontally scrolling plot                                
 * @author M. Hines @ Yale, Werner Van Geit @ BBP                                                 
 * @date 2015                                                                    


begintemplate RingPlot
public g, clipped_voltage
public view_count, fastflush, flush, cleanup
objref g, clipped_voltage, clipped_time, voltage, time, max_vec

/** Constructor */
proc init() {
    // Generate graph
    g = new Graph(0)

    // Horizontal width of the plot (in ms)
    clip_size = 3000.0

    // Record voltage
    voltage = new Vector(10000)

    // Record time
    time = new Vector(10000)

    // Vector that will contain the clipped data
    clipped_voltage = new Vector()
    clipped_time = new Vector()

    // Set up location and size of window
    g.view(0, -90, 3000, 120, 50, 650, 1007.04, 450)

/** View count of the graph */
func view_count() {
    return g.view_count() 

/** Fast flush the plot */
func fastflush() {
    return g.flush()

/** Flush the plot */
func flush() {
  return g.flush()

/** Update the plot */
proc update() {
    // Set clipping region (in ms)
    clip_size = 3000.0
    // Time at right side of clipping region
    right_t = t

    // Time at left side of clipping region
    // Wait until time reaches clip_size to start scrolling
    if (t >= clip_size) {
        left_t = t - clip_size
    } else {
        left_t = 0.0

    // Calculate clipped vectors
    clipped_voltage.copy(voltage, 0, left_t/dt, right_t/dt-1)
    clipped_time.copy(time, 0, left_t/dt, right_t/dt-1)

    // Erase previous plot
    // Plot clipped vectors
    clipped_voltage.plot(g, clipped_time)

/** Clean up the plot */
proc cleanup() {

    // Vector that will contain the clipped data
    clipped_voltage = new Vector()
    clipped_time = new Vector()

endtemplate RingPlot