
        Simulation of hyperpolarization-activated graded persistent
        activity in prefrontal cortex

        Reference: Winograd M, Destexhe A, Sanchez-Vives, MV.
        Hyperpolarization-activated graded persistent activity in 
        the prefrontal cortex.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
        105: 7298-7303, 2008.

        Intrinsic currents: INa, IKd for action potentials, IM for
        spike-frequency adaptation, ICaL for calcium currents, 
        calcium dynamics and the hyperpolarization-activated current
        Ih.  There is also a calcium regulation of Ih, which was 
        taken from thalamic neurons (Destexhe et al., J Neurophysiol.,

        "non-saturating" model (Fig 4 of the paper)


//  load and define general graphical procedures


objectvar g[20]			// max 20 graphs
ngraph = 0

proc addgraph() { local ii	// define subroutine to add a new graph
				// addgraph("variable", minvalue, maxvalue)
	ngraph = ngraph+1
	ii = ngraph-1
	g[ii] = new Graph()

nrnmainmenu()			// create main menu
nrncontrolmenu()		// crate control menu

//  general parameters

tstop = 66000
runStopAt = tstop
steps_per_ms = 5
celsius = 36
v_init = -70

//  create compartments and insert currents

create soma 
access soma

soma {		// neuron settings
 nseg = 1
 diam = 18.8 
 L = 18.8 
 Ra = 123.0 

soma {		// passive properties
 insert ppasi
 g_ppasi = 0.001
 e_ppasi = -70

soma {		// active properties
 insert hh3	// INa and IKd

 insert im	// IKM
 gkbar_im = 4e-6
 taumax_im = 4000		// adaptation decay time cst of 622 ms 

 insert iL	// ICaL
 pca_IL = 2.76e-4

 insert cada	// calcium dynamics
 taur_cada = 20
 depth_cada = 1

 insert iar	// Ih current
 cac_iar = 0.006

// values for the "non-saturating" model
 k2_iar = 1e-5	// slower decay of P1 compared to thalamic model
 k4_iar = 0.001	// -> decay time cst of 875 ms (same as thalamic model)

// values for the "saturating" model (faster upregulation kinetics)
// k2_iar = 1e-4
// k4_iar = 0.008

objref APC		// insert AP counter + calculate firing rate
APC = new APCounter2(0.5)
soma APC.loc(0.5)


//  insert periodic current pulse generator

objref curr
curr = new Ipulse3()
soma curr.loc(0.5)

curr.del = 10000	// delay before starting first pulse
curr.dur = 4000		// duration of pulse
curr.per = curr.del + curr.dur	// total period between pulses
curr.num = 100		// nb of pulses

for i=0,curr.num-1 {
  curr.amp[i] = -0.3  	// amplitude of the pulses

curr.dc = 0.232		// dc current

//  add graphs

objref vbox, hbox[3]
if (name_declared("use_boxes")) {
  vbox=new VBox()

addgraph("soma.v(0.5)",-80,20)		// membrane potential

addgraph("curr.i",-0.3,0.3)		// current

addgraph("soma.m_iar(0.5)",0,2)		// activation of Ih
//addgraph("soma.o1_iar(0.5)",0,1)	// v-dep open state
//addgraph("soma.o2_iar(0.5)",0,1)	// ca-bound open state

if (name_declared("use_boxes")) { new_row(1) }

addgraph("soma.p1_iar(0.5)",0,0.1)	// ca-bound 2nd messenger

addgraph("soma.cai(0.5)",0,0.01)	// calcium
//addgraph("soma.ica(0.5)",-0.1,0)	// calcium current

addgraph("APC.rate",0,50)		// instantaneous firing rate

if (name_declared("use_boxes")) {