proc want_all_spikes() { local i, gid
	for pcitr(&i, &gid) {

objref mxhist_
proc mkhist() {
	if (pnm.myid == 0) {
		mxhist_ = new Vector($1)
proc prhist() {local i, j
	if (pnm.myid == 0 && object_id(mxhist_)) {
		printf("histogram of #spikes vs #exchanges\n")
		j = 0
		for i=0, mxhist_.size-1 {
			if (mxhist_.x[i] != 0) { j = i }
		for i = 0, j {
			printf("%d\t %d\n", i, mxhist_.x[i])
		printf("end of histogram\n")

objref tdat_
tdat_ = new Vector(6)
proc prun() {local x, y, i
	set_maxstep_time = startsw()
	set_maxstep_time = startsw() - set_maxstep_time

proc prun1() {local x, y, i
	tdat_.x[0] = pnm.pc.wait_time
	if ( == 0) { printf("Before stdinit FreeMem %ld\n", pc.send_time(11))}
	x = startsw()
	stdinit_time = x - runtime
	if ( == 0) printf("stdinit %g\n", x - runtime)
	y = startsw()
	tdat_.x[0] = pnm.pc.wait_time - tdat_.x[0]
	if ( == 0) printf("psolve %g\n", y - x)
	runtime = y - runtime
	tdat_.x[1] = pnm.pc.step_time
	tdat_.x[2] = pnm.pc.send_time	
	tdat_.x[3] = pnm.pc.send_time(2)
	tdat_.x[4] = pnm.pc.send_time(3)
	tdat_.x[5] = pnm.pc.send_time(4)
	if ( == 0) {
		printf("max_chain_length=%.20g  nclash=%.20g  nfind=%.20g\n", pnm.pc.send_time(5), pnm.pc.send_time(6), pnm.pc.send_time(7))
//	printf("%d wtime %g\n", pnm.myid, waittime)

proc p_tperf() {local method_info, tt \
  localobj s, f, ncon_s, nhost_s, chist, tperf
	// factored out from prun so tperf can be called last
	chist = new Vector(20)
	tperf = new Vector()
	pnm.pc.send_time(4, chist, tperf)
	if ( == 0) {
		printf("extra conservation checks\n")
		for i=0, chist.size-1 {
			//printf("%d %d\n", i, chist.x[i])
	// end of factor out
	method_info = pnm.pc.send_time(8)
	ncon_s = new String()
	if (ncon >= 1000) {
		sprint(ncon_s.s, "%dk", ncon/1000)
		sprint(ncon_s.s, "%d", ncon)
	nhost_s = new String()
	if (pnm.pc.nhost >= 1024) {
		sprint(nhost_s.s, "%dK", pnm.pc.nhost/1024)
		sprint(nhost_s.s, "%d", pnm.pc.nhost)
	s = new String()
	sprint(s.s, "t%dperf%d.%s.%s.%d.%s.%d.%d", bgpdma, ncellpow, ncon_s.s, nhost_s.s,method_info,nrnversion(5), seq,
	if (( % (pc.nhost/n_dat)) == 0) {
		f = new File()
		f.printf("%d\n", tperf.size)
		tperf.printf(f, "%.15g\n")
	seq += 1
	tt = startsw()
	max_avg_per_interval(f, tperf, method_info)
	if ( == 0) {
		printf("max_avg_per_interval time %g\n", startsw() - tt)
		printf("%s\n", s.s)
	if (object_id(f)) {f.close()}

proc max_avg_per_interval() {local n, nd, enq, x, tm, i, j, rank \
    localobj f, td, v1, v2, vv
	f = $o1
	td = $o2
	rank =
	if (bgpdma == 0 || td.size == 0) {
		if (object_id(f)) f.printf("0\n")
	// all this depends on specific TBUF ordering in bgpdma.cpp
	enq = int($3/32)
	nd = 10 + enq + 2*use2phase
	// how many vectors printed
	if (object_id(f)) {
		if (rank == 0) f.printf("10\n") else f.printf("0\n")
	v1 = new Vector()
	v2 = new Vector()
	//after conserve is 3, before barrier is 1
	v1.copy(td, 0, 3, -1, 1, nd) // note v1.size == v2.size+1
	v2.copy(td, 0, 1+nd, -1, 1, nd)
	// start at 0
	x = v1.x[0]
	// ticks can wrap around about every 5 seconds so force monotonic
	tm = 2^32
	while (v2.x[0] < 0) { v2.x[0] += tm } // unlikely
	for i = 1, v1.size-1 while (v1.x[i] < v1.x[i-1]) v1.x[i] += tm
	for i = 1, v2.size-1 while (v2.x[i] < v2.x[i-1]) v2.x[i] += tm
	// now the interval sizes
	v2.sub(v1.c(0, v1.size-2))
	// save sum, max to file
	for j=1,2 { vv = vvreduce(v1, j) if ( == 0) {
		f.printf("%d\n", vv.size)
		vv.printf(f, "%.15g\n")
	for j=1,2 { vv = vvreduce(v2, j) if ( == 0) {
		f.printf("%d\n", vv.size)
		vv.printf(f, "%.15g\n")
	// nsent_cells 5; spikes sent 6; spikes received 7
	// note this is independent of method
	for case (&i, 5, 6, 7) {
		v1.copy(td, 0, i, -1, 1, nd)
		for j=1,2 {
			vv = vvreduce(v1, j)
			if ( == 0) {
				f.printf("%d\n", vv.size)
				vv.printf(f, "%.15g\n") // sum then max

obfunc vvreduce() {local i  localobj vr
	vr = new Vector($o1.size)
	for i=0, $o1.size -1 {
		vr.x[i] = pnm.pc.allreduce($o1.x[i], $2)
	return vr

proc poststat() {"poststat", pnm.myid, tdat_)

objref spstat_
proc postspstat() {
	spstat_ = new Vector()
	cvode.spike_stat(spstat_)"postspstat", pnm.myid, spstat_)

objref tavg_stat, tmin_stat, tmax_stat, idmin_stat, idmax_stat

proc getstat() {local i, j, id localobj tdat
	tdat = tdat_.c	tavg_stat = tdat_.c  tmin_stat = tdat_.c  tmax_stat = tdat_.c
	idmin_stat = tdat_.c.fill(0)  idmax_stat = tdat_.c.fill(0)
	if (pnm.nwork > 1) {
		for i=0, pnm.nwork-2 {
			pnm.pc.take("poststat", &id, tdat)
			for j = 0, tdat_.size-1 {
				if (tdat.x[j] > tmax_stat.x[j]) {
					idmax_stat.x[j] = id
					tmax_stat.x[j] = tdat.x[j]
				if (tdat.x[j] < tmin_stat.x[j]) {
					idmin_stat.x[j] = id
					tmin_stat.x[j] = tdat.x[j]

proc print_spike_stat_info() {local i, j, id  localobj spstat, sum, min, max, idmin, idmax, label
	spstat = new Vector()
	spstat_ = new Vector()
	sum = spstat_.c
	min = spstat_.c
	max = spstat_.c
	idmin = spstat_.c.fill(0)
	idmax = spstat_.c.fill(0)
	if (pnm.nwork > 1) {
		for i=0, pnm.nwork-2 {
			pnm.pc.take("postspstat", &id, spstat)
			for j=0, spstat.size-1 {
				if (spstat.x[j] > max.x[j]) {
					idmax.x[j] = id
					max.x[j] = spstat.x[j]
				if (spstat.x[j] < min.x[j]) {
					idmin.x[j] = id
					min.x[j] = spstat.x[j]
	label = new List()
	label.append(new String("eqn"))
	label.append(new String("NetCon"))
	label.append(new String("deliver"))
	label.append(new String("NC deliv"))
	label.append(new String("PS send"))
	label.append(new String("S deliv"))
	label.append(new String("S send"))
	label.append(new String("S move"))
	label.append(new String("Q insert"))
	label.append(new String("Q move"))
	label.append(new String("Q remove"))
	// following two may or may not exist
	label.append(new String("Q enq1"))
	label.append(new String("Q enq2"))
	printf("%10s %12s %10s %10s    %5s   %5s\n",\
		"", "total", "min", "max", "idmin", "idmax")
	for i=0, spstat_.size-1 {
		printf("%-10s %12.0lf %10d %10d    %5d   %5d\n",\
label.object(i).s, sum.x[i], min.x[i], max.x[i], idmin.x[i], idmax.x[i])

proc perf2file() { local i  localobj perf
	perf = new File()
	perf.printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d    %g %g     ",pnm.nhost, pnm.ncell, ncon,\
		compress_bufsize, selfqueue, bgpdma, setuptime, runtime)
	for i=0, tdat_.size-1 { perf.printf(" %g", tavg_stat.x[i]) }
	perf.printf("     ")
	for i=0, tdat_.size-1 { perf.printf(" %d %g ", idmin_stat.x[i], tmin_stat.x[i]) }
	perf.printf("     ")
	for i=0, tdat_.size-1 { perf.printf(" %d %g ", idmax_stat.x[i], tmax_stat.x[i]) }


proc print_total_spikes() {local i, gid, nin, nout  localobj cell
	nin = nout = 0
	for pcitr(&i, &gid) {
		cell = pc.gid2cell(gid)
		nin += cell.ninput
		nout += cell.noutput
	nin = pc.allreduce(nin, 1)
	nout = pc.allreduce(nout, 1)
	if ( == 0) {
		printf("Total spikes in = %ld  out = %ld\n", nin, nout)
proc print_spike_counts() {local i, gid  localobj f, cell
	f = new File()
	if ( == 0) f.wopen($s1)
	for pnm.serialize() {
		for pcitr(&i, &gid) {
			cell = pnm.cells.object(i)
			f.printf("%d %d %d\n", gid, cell.pp.ninput, cell.pp.noutput)

proc spkcntinfo() {local i, gid, n localobj cell
	n = pnm.cells.count
	$o1 = new Vector(n)
	$o2 = new Vector(n)
	$o3 = new Vector(n)
	for pcitr(&i, &gid) {
		cell = pnm.cells.object(i)
		$o1.x[i] = gid
		$o2.x[i] = cell.pp.ninput
		$o3.x[i] = cell.pp.noutput
proc postspkcnt() {localobj gid, in, out
	spkcntinfo(gid, in, out)"postspkcnt", gid, in, out)
proc psc1() {local i
	for i=0, $o2.size-1 {
		$o1.printf("%d %d %d\n", $o2.x[i], $o3.x[i], $o4.x[i])
proc print_spike_counts() {local i, tt  localobj f, gid, in, out
	tt = startsw()
	f = new File()
	spkcntinfo(gid, in, out)
	psc1(f, gid, in, out)
	for i=0, pc.nhost - 2 {
		pc.take("postspkcnt", gid, in, out)
		psc1(f, gid, in, out)
	tt = startsw() - tt
	printf("print_spike_counts %g\n", tt)