// singlecompartmen--an mimic nucleated patch to test properties of inserted soidum channel
strdef neuron_name
neuron_name = "scp"

create    soma 
soma {
    nseg = 10
    diam = 10
  	L = 10
    //-------------------Hou Han 081003 -------------------------------
    // Notice that the time course of sodium channel depends on some external parameters, 
    //   like:
    //      1. celsius (global temperature, influences the most heavily on the time course as shown below)
    //   since we check it with a singlecompartment model, properties of the cell should also be involved: 
    //      2. cm (membrane capacity, the first term "cm * dV/dt" in HH equation, doesn't act on CHANNEL but on CELL)
    //           Ideally, the term "dV/dt" should equal 0 in the V-clamp case (Hodgkin and Huxley,1952), 
    //           but however, NEURON treats all kinds of CLAMPs by a uniform method of solving the whole 
    //           HH equation without these simplifications, so the term "cm * dV/dt" could have a strong 
    //           effect on the time course of the membrane, as well as of the sodium channel. For example, 
    //           setting cm = 100 results in an obvious distortion of the soma.v(0.5) and soma.gna. 
    //      3. Ra (intracellular resistance, little effect on the time course but a little on the amplitude) 
    //           Ra is crucial in those propagation cases, but here (single section, non-propagation case) it just controls 
    //           the "leakage" of channel current to the nearby cytoplasm. So its influence is limited.   
    //   Paradoxically, in the NEURON environment which was designed for neurons rather than channels, it is 
    //      unavoidable that the properties of the "simglecompartment" which we put the channels in will influence
    //      the properties of the channels which we really care about. So I suggest setting CM = 0 AND RA=INFINITE for the 
    //      exclusivity of the channels' properties which reflects the perfection of the mimic single-channel recording.    
    // ( Fortunately, however, the activation and the inactivation KINETICS are determined only 
    //   by the internal factors all defined in the .mod file. )  
    //---------------------------Hou Han's ---------------------------------
    celsius=37    // TEMPERATURE is crucial whenever time course is concerned !!
                  //    near Line 129 of na.mod:  " tadj = q10^((celsius - temp)/10)   
                  //                                  mtau = 1/tadj/(a+b)   "
                  //     Greg's tadj = 2.3^((37-23)/10)= 2.3^1.4  
                  //     default tadj = 2.3^((6.5-23)/10) =2.3^(-1.65)  
                  //     difference in mtau = 2.3^3.05 = 12.7 times!!
  	Ra=10000000000000000000000   //  see the comments above
  	cm=0                         //  see the comments above
    //  celsius=37
    //  Ra=100
    //  cm=0.9
    //----------- former settings of NEURON by default---------
    // celsius=6.5
    // Ra=35.4
    // cm=1


insert na16
insert na12
insert na