#include "my.init"    /** personal definitions **/
#include "lib.init"   /** library definitions and functions **/
#include "gra.init"
#include "draw.init"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>



/************one link**********/

typedef struct	_link {
			int			from_unit;
			float			weight;
			float			firstweight;
			float			*signal;
			int			delay;  
			struct _link 		*next;
			enum LINK_TYPES		type;
			enum BOOLEAN 		reverse;
			float 			reversal;
			int			channel;
			enum BOOLEAN		hebb;
			float			learning_rate;
			float 			max_weight;
			float			delta_weight;
			float			old_signal, old_help;
			float			tau1;
			float			tau2;
			float 			gmax; 
			int			nspikes; 
			int			*spikes;
			float 			*amps; 
			float 			mod; 
			enum COMPS		from_comp;
			enum COMPS		too_comp;
                	}   LINK;   

typedef struct 

			float 			nernst; 
			float 			tau1, tau2;
			enum BOOLEAN 		hebb, reverse;
			float 			max_weight;
			float 			nuu;
			float 			gmax; 
			}	CHANNEL; 

/************update function****/

typedef float (*FUNCTION) ();

/*********one neuron*************/ 

typedef struct {
		enum TYPES 		type;   
		char 			name[10];
		FUNCTION		input_function;
		FUNCTION		state_function;
		FUNCTION		output_function;
		float			inpar1, inpar2;		
		float			stpar1, outpar1, outpar2;
		float   		*state, *output;
		float 			old_state; 
		float 			*calcium;   
		LINK			*links_to_unit;
		int			x_coor, y_coor; 
		int			couche;              
		enum BOOLEAN 		selected; 
		enum BOOLEAN		flag;
		int 			layer;
		int			ncomps;
		float 			comps[5];
		}  NEURON;



int			N_STEPS;	/*number of steps*/
float			ww;
int			N_UNITS;	/*number of neurons*/
NEURON			*units;       	/*neuron vector*/
int			ialea;          /*random numbers*/
double			alea;                           
char			TEX[10];
CHANNEL			channels[4];
int			points;
float 			DELTA;
int			COUNT1;
float 			aplus, aminus, tauplus, tauminus, threshold;
float			*AVSM, *AVSG, *AVSP;
float 			*MAV, *GAV, *PAV, *EAV, *RAV;
float 			*POTSM, *POTSG, *POTSP;


extern double		RANF ();  
extern enum 		BOOLEAN EQU ();
extern float 		GAUSSIENNE ();
extern float		DEXP ();
extern float 		COUNTSPIKES ();
extern float 		VUM ();
extern float 		*INTERSPIKE ();
extern float 		SYNC_COUNT ();
extern float 		*ALDS2 ();