begintemplate PYR_template
public init, topol, basic_shape, subsets, geom, biophys
public synlist, x, y, z, position, connect2target
public ampa,nmda,gabaa,gabab,gabaaf,gababf,gabaad,gababd

public soma, dend
public all, somatic, dendritic, apical, basal, dend0, dend1
public dend2, dend3, dend4, dend5, dend6 
public pre, ampa, gabaa, gabab, nmda
public gbar_ar, gbar_cat,voltagem,spiketimes,tonicg,vec_ek,vec_ec,vec_evm,vec_gab,tonicg,GABA,AMPA,Currentclamp

objref synlist,voltagem,spiketimes,spikecount,Currentclamp,vec,tvec,vec_ek,vec_ec,vec_evm,vec_gab,GABA,AMPA

proc init() {
  synlist = new List()
  x = y = z = 0 // only change via position

create soma, dend[7]

proc topol() { local i
  connect dend(0), soma(1)
  for i = 1, 2 connect dend[i](0), dend(1)
  connect dend[3](0), dend[2](1)
  connect dend[4](0), soma(0) 
  for i = 5, 6 connect dend[i](0), dend[4](1)
proc basic_shape() {
  soma {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-50, 765, 0, 1) pt3dadd(-50, 778, 0, 1)}
  dend {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-50, 778, 0, 1) pt3dadd(-50, 813, 0, 1)}
  dend[1] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-50, 813, 0, 1) pt3dadd(-250, 813, 0, 1)}
  dend[2] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-50, 813, 0, 1) pt3dadd(-50, 993, 0, 1)}
  dend[3] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-50, 993, 0, 1) pt3dadd(-50, 1133, 0, 1)}
  dend[4] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-50, 765, 0, 1) pt3dadd(-50, 715, 0, 1)}
  dend[5] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-50, 715, 0, 1) pt3dadd(-156, 609, 0, 1)}
  dend[6] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-50, 715, 0, 1) pt3dadd(56, 609, 0, 1)}

objref all, somatic, dendritic, apical, basal, dend0, dend1, tonicg
objref dend2, dend3, dend4, dend5, dend6
proc subsets() { local i
  objref all, somatic, dendritic, apical, basal, dend0, dend1
  objref dend2, dend3, dend4, dend5, dend6
  all = new SectionList()
    soma all.append()	
    for i=0, 6 dend[i] all.append()

  somatic = new SectionList()
    soma somatic.append()

  dendritic = new SectionList()
    for i=0, 6 dend[i] dendritic.append()

  apical = new SectionList()
    for i=0, 3 dend[i] apical.append()

  basal = new SectionList()
    for i=4, 6 dend[i] basal.append()

  dend0 = new SectionList()
    dend dend0.append()

  dend1 = new SectionList()
    dend[1] dend1.append()

  dend2 = new SectionList()
    dend[2] dend2.append()

  dend3 = new SectionList()
    dend[3] dend3.append()

  dend4 = new SectionList()
    dend[4] dend4.append()

  dend5 = new SectionList()
    dend[5] dend5.append()

  dend6 = new SectionList()
    dend[6] dend6.append()


proc geom() {
  forsec all {  }
   soma.L = 13
   dend.L = 35
   dend[1].L = 200
   dend[2].L = 180
   dend[3].L = 140
   dend[4].L = 50
   dend[5].L = 150
   dend[6].L = 150
    soma.diam = 15.6
    dend.diam = 2.5
    dend[1].diam = 2.3
    dend[2].diam = 2.4
    dend[3].diam = 2
    dend[4].diam = 2.5
    dend[5].diam = 1.6
    dend[6].diam = 1.6

proc geom_nseg() {
  soma area(.5) // make sure diam reflects 3d points
forsec all { if (L < 250) {nseg=1} else {nseg=int(L/50)} } //change to 50 for making vector play work
proc biophys() {
 forsec all {

	insert pas
	insert kdrs1 
	insert nas_rs

celsius = 30
Ra = 200
cm = 1
g_pas=.00004 //0.00004

Koutside= 3.5 //mM control 5 3.5 
Kinside=140 //mM control 160 140
Naoutside= 140 //mM //140
Nainside=20 //mM
Cloutside=110 //mM 120 120
Clinside=6 //mM control 3 4
R= 8.314 //J.K-1.mol-1
T=celsius+273.15 //Kelvin
F=96485 //C.mol-1
pCl = 0.45 //cl relative permeability 0.45
pNa = 0.04 //na relative permeability 0.05
pK=1//relative K permeabiltiy
Vrest = (R*T/F) * log(((pK*Koutside)+(pNa*Naoutside)+(pCl*Clinside))/((pK*Kinside)+(pNa*Nainside)+(pCl*Cloutside)))
Vrest = int(Vrest*1000)
ek = (R*T/F) * log(Koutside/Kinside)
ek = int(ek*1000)
ena = (R*T/F) * log(Naoutside/Nainside)
ena = int(ena*1000)
ecl1 = (R*T/-F) * log(Cloutside/Clinside)
ecl1 = int(ecl1*1000)

e_pas = Vrest
printf("\nThe Resting membrane potential of FS neuron is = %f mV",e_pas)
printf("\nThe Potassium Nernst potential is = %f mV",ek)
printf("\nThe Sodium Nernst potential is = %f mV",ena)
printf("\nThe Chloride Nernst potential is = %f mV",ecl1)


forsec somatic {

gna_nas_rs = 0.45  
gkdr_kdrs1 = 0.1 


forsec dendritic {

gna_nas_rs  =  0.1125   
gkdr_kdrs1 =  0.03  


 }  //end proc biophysics 

proc position() { local i
  soma for i = 0, n3d()-1 {
    pt3dchange(i, $1-x+x3d(i), $2-y+y3d(i), $3-z+z3d(i), diam3d(i))
  x = $1  y = $2  z = $3
proc connect2target() { //$o1 target point process, $o2 returned NetCon
  soma $o2 = new NetCon(&v(1), $o1)

proc Currentinjection() {

soma Currentclamp= new IClamp(0.5)
Currentclamp.dur = 2000
Currentclamp.amp = 0
Currentclamp.del = 0


proc recordvec() {
soma spikecount=new APCount(0.5)
spiketimes=new Vector()


voltagem=new Vector()


func is_art() { return 0 }

endtemplate PYR_template