print "Loading alz.hoc..."
// alz.hoc
// Mark Rowan, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK
// April 2012

// Code to repeatedly delete neurons, allow synaptic compensation, and perform
// repeat+unique trials for calculating Fourier information (Crumiller et al. 2011).
// TODO This is currently only set up for a single-column network. It might need some
// basic extension (e.g. cycling through col[i].ce when setting values, rather than just
// calling col.ce).

// **********************************************************************
// Set buffertime (period between data writes) to an appropriate length of time (e.g. 800e3)
// Set basetime (on which deletion duration, info trial length, baseline length) are based (e.g. 1600e3)
// run.hoc: SPKSZ should be at least 20000e3 elements (assuming buffertime=800e3 and scale=1)
// run.hoc: should have prl(0,1) as the last line in the file to turn off printlist recording
// params.hoc: set PreDur, LearnDur and PostDur to appropriate values (see below under 'timing params')
// Typical timings:
//             baseline (1 segment, BaselineDur)) to set scaling targets
//             deletion (optionally with prosthesis) (100 segments, DeletionDur)
//               => 101 saved spike segments of 1600s each = 161600s
//               =~ 45 hours of data
// **********************************************************************


// Timing params. Unit of time is ms (unlike in params.hoc, where it is seconds)
// *** Basic units ***
declare("buffertime",800e3) // Time between spike-to-disk dumps (over-rides value in writedata.hoc)
declare("basetime",1600e3) // Time on which various other events (GetInfoDur, BaselineDur, etc) are based
// basetime sets the time between deletion batches (when dynamicdelete == 0) or the time
// between external input scaleexternalwt checks (when dynamicdelete == 1)

// *** Info trials ***
declare("numpatterns",1) // Number of discrete patterns to be learned
declare("numinfotrials",0) // Number of info trials to run
declare("infotriallength",16e3) // Length of each signal / noise Fourier information trial
// Only the second half of each trial is actually used by (this is to allow the
// network to recover to baseline after each previous trial). So set infotriallength to
// double the actual required length for each trial (e.g. for 8s trials, use 16s).

// *** Main periods of simulation ***
declare("GetInfoDur",numinfotrials*infotriallength*2) // Length of time to run information contribution trials. (numtrials * infotriallength * 2 trials (unique/repeat))
declare("BaselineDur",basetime) // Length of baseline time to obtain scaling targets and learn patterns
declare("DeletionDur",basetime*100) // Length of time to continue running for AD-based deletion

// *** Alzheimer's event timings ***
declare("scalingstart", GetInfoDur + BaselineDur) // Time after which to begin synaptic scaling
// (needs to be long enough for the activity sensors to reach approximately the real average firing rate)
declare("deletionstart", GetInfoDur + (10 * BaselineDur)) // How long before deletion starts?
declare("prosthesisstart", GetInfoDur + (10 * BaselineDur)) // When should prosthesis be started?
declare("prosthesisstop", GetInfoDur + BaselineDur + DeletionDur) // When should prosthesis be stopped?

// Scaling params
declare("scaling", 1) // Set to 1 to enable compensatory homeostatic synaptic scaling
declare("growthfactorscaling", 1) // Set to 1 to enable additional global growth factor (BDNF/TNF-a) scaling
declare("activitytau", 100e3) // Activity sensor time constant
declare("activitybeta", 4.0e-8) // Scaling weight
declare("activitygamma", 2.0e-10) // Scaling integral controller weight

// External input and internal weight params
declare("scaleexternal", 1) // Scale down the external inputs proportionally to the network deletion?
declare("scaleexternalrate", 0.25) // Vary the external scaleexternalwt rate constant (if scaleexternal == 1)
declare("externalwtgain", 1) // Starting gain for external inputs (multiple of initial weights)
declare("internalwtgain", 1) // Gain multiplier for internal weights (i.e. to reduce before learning)
declare("infotrialextwtgain", 0.6) // Reduce external inputs during info trials to prevent bursting

// Deletion params
declare("deleting", 1) // Set to 1 to enable deletion of cells
declare("dynamicdelete", 1) // Set to 1 to enable dynamic deletion from within the cell, or 0 to revert to non-realistic fixed-size (deletionstep) batches of deletion

// **** Fixed-size deletion step settings (dynamicdelete == 0)
declare("randomdelete", 1) // If dynamicdelete == 0, set randomdelete to 1 for uniform random deletion, or 0 for scaling-proportional deletion
declare("roulettewheelselection", 0) // If using randomdelete=0, this chooses whether cells chosen for scalefactor are picked using a roulette wheel, or if the max/min scaled cells are chosen by force
declare("deletionstep", 3 * scale) // If dynamicdelete == 0, delete this many cells per batch

// **** Dynamic deletion settings (dynamicdelete == 1)
declare("delspeed", 0.0001) // For dynamic deletion only, set deletion rate constant
declare("extinpdamage",0) // Damage network by reducing external inputs, or random cell deletion?
if (extinpdamage) {
  // Damage via reduction of external inputs (dynamicdelete == 1 && extinpdamage == 1)
  declare("dynamicdelstep", 0.005) // Amount by which to reduce the external inputs
} else {
  // Damage via random deletion of cells (dynamicdelete == 1 && extinpdamage == 0)
  declare("dynamicdelstep", 15) // Number of cells to delete

// Recording params
numcells = col.ce.count() //470 * scale // Number of cells in the network (set in network.hoc:77 and :124) -- for reading oly
declare("recording_interval", 100e3) // How many ms between scalefactor/activity/etc recordings. Smaller intervals give better graph resolution, but may result in graphs with very large filesize
declare("recording_start", 0) // Start recording data after this time

// Stimulus params for learning and retrieval
declare("stimseed",1) // Default seed for Poisson stims (prosthesis, signal, noise) and cell deletion
declare("stimpercent",15) // Percentage of population (default=E4) to stimulate as part of a 'pattern'
declare("stimsy",AM2) // Which synapses to stimulate
declare("stimfreq",4) // Frequency (Hz) of information trials signal
declare("infostimwt",18) // Weight of stimulus during info trials
declare("stimwt",0.0001) // Weight of pattern retrieval stimulus signal when not doing trials
declare("useACh",0) // Whether to use simulated acetylcholine to 'clamp' cells not part of a pattern
declare("inhibsy",GA) // Which synapses to use for cholinergic suppression of cells
declare("inhibwt", 0.1) // Weight of inhibition during cholinergic suppression
declare("nsigcellpops",5) // Number of populations from the list to recieve input (default=all E, must be >= nproscellpops)

// Params for treatment stimulation ('prosthesis')
declare("prosfreq", 3) // Prosthesis frequency (Hz) 
declare("proswt",2) // Prosthesis weight
declare("useprosthesis",1) // '1' to use prosthesis, '0' to disable
declare("nproscellpops",5) // Number of populations from the list to receive prosthesis (default=all E, must be <= nsigcellpops)
declare("useinfosignal",0) // Whether to use an additional signal (e.g. rat LFP) in E4 to probe information transfer values during stimulation
declare("infosignalstart", 0) // Start information-carrying signal immediately
declare("infosignalfreq",20) // Information signal frequency -- from Cliff's electrostimulation code


// Check that timings match the sim length set in params.hoc
if (PreDur + ZipDur + LearnDur + PostDur != (GetInfoDur + BaselineDur + DeletionDur)/1e3) {
  printf("ERROR: PreDur in params.hoc must be set to %d (or distributed across LearnDur, PostDur, etc. as required).", (GetInfoDur + BaselineDur + DeletionDur)/1e3)
  quit() // Kill the sim

// Load helper functions
load_file("writedata.hoc") // Allow periodic saving of data to disk
load_file("flexinput.hoc") // Provides poisadd

// Define objects
objref remainingcellIDs, randgen, deletionList, auxFile, varsFile, popsig, popprosth, popdamage, sig1, sig2, signal, noisesig, cellpop, proscellpop, prosspks, stimwtvec, proswtvec, p, patterndata, patternpointers, pickpattern, infosignal
strdef auxFileName
strdef varsFileName

proc setup() {
  // Set up list of remaining undeleted cells
  remainingcellIDs = new Vector(numcells)
  remainingcellIDs.indgen(1) // Generate elements from 0 to numcells-1

  // Initialise RNG
  randgen = new Random(stimseed)

  // Set scaling parameters in INTF6

  // Create data file
  // filepath should already have been allocated in writedata.hoc
  sprint(auxFileName, "%s/%s", filepath, "aux")
  sprint(varsFileName, "%s/%s", filepath, "vars")
  auxFile = new File(auxFileName)
  varsFile = new File(varsFileName)
  header_written = 0 // Instruct write_scaling_data() to write vars file header

  // Set up external rat LFP stimulus and artificial prosthesis stimulus

  // Generate set of patterns to be learned
  if (GetInfoDur > 0) {

  if (internalwtgain != 1) {

proc scaleinitialweights() { localobj syw1,syw2,cel
  // Scale down initial synaptic weights
  // Start by initialising empty vectors, into which getsywv() will copy the weights
  for y=0,col.ce.count-1 {

    syw1 = new Vector() // Pre-allocate Vectors
    syw2 = new Vector()
    vrsz(cel.getdvi,syw1,syw2) // Resize the Vectors to match the ip->dvt within the cell

    syw1.mul(internalwtgain) // Scale the weights
    cel.setsywv(syw1,syw2) // Set new weights

proc createpatterns() { localobj pattern, pickcell
  patterndata = new Vector() // This Vector will store all the individual pattern Vectors
  patternpointers = new Vector() // This Vector stores the pointers to separate the patterns
  pickcell=new Random(fixedseed) // Random number generator
  pickcell.uniform(0,1) // Require uniform-distributed random numbers from 0->1
  npops=cellpop.size() // Number of cell populations

  // For each pattern we need to create...
  // (Deliberately running from 0,numpatterns (== numpatterns+1)
  // as the first pattern will be used as the 'repeat' stimulus during info trials)
  // we create numpatternn+1 Vectors and store them in 'pattterndata', with pointers
  // in 'patternpointers'.
  // Hoc does not let you have a Vector of Vectors (that would just be too useful) or even
  // a 2-D array, so we must do some hackery.
  // The patterndata Vector contains a list of all the cell IDs for each pattern, but
  // as it's a linear array, we need a second Vector 'patternpointers' which denotes
  // the start index of each pattern in patterndata. This allows arbitrary-length (but
  // non-resizable) arrays of cell IDs to be accessed.

  for x=0,numpatterns {
    pattern = new Vector() // Temporary vector for each pattern

    for h=0,numcols-1 { // Loop over columns
      for i=0,npops-1 { // Loop over each cell population
        cellstart=col[h].ix[cellpop.x[i]] // Starting cell index
        cellfinish=col[h].ixe[cellpop.x[i]] // Finishing cell index
        for cellid=cellstart,cellfinish { // Loop over each cell in the population
          pickthiscell=100*pickcell.repick() // Whether or not to pick this cell
          if(stimpercent>pickthiscell) { // Pick out cellprct percent of cells
            pattern.append(cellid) // Add this cell ID to the Vector
            //printf("adding %d\n", cellid)
    //printf("Pattern: ")
    patterndata.append(pattern) // Add to the end of the current patterns
    patternpointers.append(pattern.size()) // Add pointer to end of the pattern

    pickpattern=new Random(fixedseed) // Random number generator for choosing patterns
    // Pattern 0 is reserved for the 'repeats' stimulus
    pickpattern.uniform(1,numpatterns) // Require uniform-distributed random numbers from 1->numpatterns

    //printf("\nVector: ")
    //printf("\nPointers: ")

    //printf("\nRetrieval of pattern %d: ", x)

  printf("Created %d unique patterns totalling %d cells\n", numpatterns, patterndata.size())

obfunc getpattern() { local patternnum localobj data, pointers, output
  // Requires:
  //  data: Vector of 'patterns' containing cell IDs (global)
  //  pointers: Vector of pointers to each pattern in patterndata (global)
  //  patternnum: index of the pattern we want to retrive
  // Returns:
  //  Vector containing the elements of patterndata defined by the pointers
  //  in patternpointers
  // Confusing? That's hoc's lack of object encapsulation for you...
  //data = $o1
  //pointers = $o2
  patternnum = $1
  patternlength = patternpointers.x[patternnum] // Obtain length of the desired pattern
  patternstart = 0
  for i=0,patternnum-1 {
    // Obtain the length of each prior pattern
    patternstart = patternstart + patternpointers.x[i]
  patternend = patternstart + patternpointers.x[patternnum] -1 // Find end index

  //printf("\nStart: %d, end: %d\n", patternstart, patternend)

  output = new Vector()
  for i=patternstart,patternend {
    output.append(patterndata.x[i]) // Copy data from the pattern vector

  return output

  // Testing:
  // Six patterns in 'data', conveniently (in this case) consisting entirely
  // of arbitrary number of values, which are equal to the pattern's index
  // data = [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5]
  // pointers = [4 3 4 2 5 1]  // These pointers are the LENGTHS of the patterns
  // patternnum = 0
  //   patternstart = 0
  //   for i = 0,0 {}
  //   patternend=patternstart + 4 - 1 = 3
  //   output = data[0,3] = [0 0 0 0]
  // patternnum = 1
  //   patternstart = 0
  //   for i = 0,1
  //     patternstart += pointers[0] = 4
  //   patternend = 4 + pointers[1] = 4+3 -1 = 6
  //   output = data[4,6] = [1 1 1]

proc setupstims() { local i
   // Define populations
  popsig=new Vector(5)
  // Pop to be stimulated by input sensory signal for information trials

  popprosth=new Vector(5)
  // Pop to be stimulated by prosthesis, when activated
  // Create a regular stimulation signal at stimfreq Hz for information trials
  signal=new Vector(infotriallength * stimfreq + 1) // Must be >= num spikes
  signal.fill(1) // Every element gives an equal probability of a spike
  // Add the populations to be stimulated to cellpop, from the lists of possible populations
  //nsigcellpops=5 // Number of populations from the list to recieve input (now set at start)
  cellpop=new Vector()
  for i=0,nsigcellpops-1 cellpop.append(popsig.x[i]) 
  //nproscellpops=5 // Number of populations from the list to receive prosthesis (now set at start)
  proscellpop=new Vector()
  for i=0,nproscellpops-1 proscellpop.append(popprosth.x[i])

  // For each population in popsig (up to nsigcellpops),
  // assign the stimulation weight = stimwt
  // This will then get passed into poisadd() as the 'signal/noise' stim weight
  stimwtvec=new Vector()
  for i=0,nsigcellpops-1 stimwtvec.append(stimwt)

  // For each population in proscellpop (up to nproscellpops),
  // assign the proswt correctly. For all other cell populations mentioned
  // in popsig, set the proswt to 0.001 (This is necessary to avoid INTF6 crashes;
  // see setprosthesis() for explanation).
  // Also, the list of populations to be stimulated by prosthesis must be a subset of
  // cellpop. If nsigcellpops < nproscellpops, this will not work.
  proswtvec=new Vector(nsigcellpops) // Create vector at same length as cellpop
  proswtvec.fill(0.001) // Fill with low-weights by default
  for i=0,nsigcellpops-1 {
    if (proscellpop.contains(cellpop.x[i])) {
      proswtvec.x[i] = proswt // Set this particular population's weight to correct value

  // Add a fake stimulus -- without it, upon initialisation the INTF6 will think there are no spikes
  // to be presented to the network, and will stop listening to any future spikes (including those
  // which we'd like to push with pushspks() at a later time). This is because,
  // in INTF6, once the vector pointer reaches the end, it sets nxt=-1 and this kills the
  // 'net_send'/'NET_RECEIVE' loop (search for 'if (nxt>0)' in intf6.mod).

  if (useinfosignal) {
    // If we are sending two signals concurrently (info signal and prosthesis), make sure the
    // earlier of the two is used as the timing point for the kick-off 'firstshocktime'
    if (prosthesisstart < infosignalstart) {
      firstshocktime = prosthesisstart + 1
    } else {
      firstshocktime = infosignalstart + 1
  } else {
    // Otherwise, in the absence of info signal, just use prosthesisstart time
    firstshocktime = prosthesisstart + 1
  for i=0,numcols-1 for j=0,nsigcellpops-1 for case(&x,popsig.x[j]) for case(&y,stimsy) for ns=0,1 {
    wshock[i][x][y][ns] = 0.001 // Something very small
    durshock[i][x][y][ns] = 1
    prctshock[i][x][y][ns] = 100 // Shock everything, but weights are so low it doesn't matter
    nshock[i][x][y][ns] = 1 // Only one shock
    isishock[i][x][y][ns] = 100
    startshock[i][x][y][ns] = firstshocktime
  setshock(1) // Set fake spike, and clear any existing spikes

proc setsignalwt() {
  stimwt = $1
  printf("Setting signal weight to %f\n", stimwt)
  for i=0,nsigcellpops-1 stimwtvec.x[i] = stimwt

func getgain() { local startgain, remain
  // Returns gain multiplier for the external inputs, given the starting gain and the
  // number of remaining cells, as well as the scaleexternalrate
  //gain = 1 - ((1 - (remainingcellIDs.size() / numcells)) * scaleexternalrate) // Assumes startgain = 1
  startgain = externalwtgain
  remain = remainingcellIDs.size()
  // Give smooth decrease from startgain, at rate scaleexternalrate, based on num remaining cells
  return startgain - (( ((numcells-remain) / numcells) * startgain) * scaleexternalrate)

proc turn_on_scaling() {
  // Turn on E-cell compensatory synaptic scaling
  printf("Turning on synaptic scaling\n")
  col.ce.o(0).setscaling(1) // 1 for scaling on, 0 for scaling off

  if (growthfactorscaling) {
    printf("Turning on additional BDNF/TNF-a growth factor scaling\n")
    update_growth_factor_scaling() // Force network to update its growth factor-based scaling targets

  // NOTE:
  // Can also use setIscaling(1) to include I-cells, but this seriously
  // unbalances the network dynamics (and I-cell scaling may be biologically
  // implausible anyway -- see Turrigiano (2011) "Too many cooks" paper)

proc turn_on_dynamic_deletion() {
  // Enable dynamic deletion, whereby each cell can independently die with probability as
  // a function of its scaling factor, at any given moment in time (rather than deleting
  // in batches) -- this should allow a varying cell deletion rate as network damage
  // progresses and cascades.

  printf("Turning on dynamic deletion with speed = %f\n", delspeed)
  // Delspeed controls the rate constant for deletion
  // (set to -1 to turn off dynamic deletion)

  if (extinpdamage) {
    externalwtgain = externalwtgain - dynamicdelstep // Reduce external inputs by dynamicdelstep
    scaleexternalwt(getgain()) // Scale down external inputs
  } else {
    // Delete highest-scaling 'dynamicdelstep' cells to kick-start Alzheimer's damage
    printf("Killing off %d cells to kick-start damage\n", dynamicdelstep)

    // Most efficient for large deletion step would be to sort on scaling value,
    // then delete the top n cells from the list.
    // But we don't need to sort the rest of the cells after the top n,
    // so I will be lazy (as this is only executed once) and simply loop
    // n times over the remainingcellIDs, deleting the top scaling factor
    // cell each time.
    for n=0,dynamicdelstep {
      biggestscalefac = 1 // Biggest scaling factor seen so far
      id = remainingcellIDs.x[int(randgen.repick())] // Get random cell index from remainingcellIDs
      for i=0,remainingcellIDs.size()-1 {
        // Loop over all remaining cells and get their scale factors
        scalefac = col.ce.o(remainingcellIDs.x[i]).get_scale_factor()
        if (scalefac > biggestscalefac) {
          biggestscalefac = scalefac
          id = remainingcellIDs.x[i]
      printf("Deleted %d, scalefactor = %f\n",id,biggestscalefac)
      col.ce.o(id).flag("dead",1) // Kill cell
      remainingcellIDs.remove(remainingcellIDs.indwhere("==", id)) // Remove from list of remaining cells

  if (scaleexternal) {
    cvode.event(t + basetime/100, "dynamicscaleexternalwt()") // Begin continuous external input downscaling

proc update_growth_factor_scaling() {
  cvode.event(t + 10e3, "update_growth_factor_scaling()") // Queue next event
  global_scale_factor = col.ce.o(0).update_global_scale_factor()
  printf("Global growth factor scaling = %f\n", global_scale_factor)

proc dynamicscaleexternalwt() { local i
  // Enable external inputs to scale down pseudo-continuously by checking repeatedly the proportion of
  // remaining cells, removing them from remainingcellIDs, and scaling external inputs down by this amount
  cvode.event(t + 10e3, "dynamicscaleexternalwt()") // Queue next downscaling event
  // Find out if any other cells have been deleted since the last call
  // Loop through all cells
  for i=0,numcells-1 {
    // If cell is dead but is still in remainingcellIDs, then remove it
    if (col.ce.o(i).get_dead() && remainingcellIDs.contains(i)) {
      printf("Cell %d detected as dead, removing from remaining list\n", i)
      remainingcellIDs.remove(remainingcellIDs.indwhere("==", i)) // Remove from list of remaining cells

proc deletionround() { local i, deleted, temp, total, randpointer localobj cumsum
  // Delete a number of cells (deletionstep) in one batch, either at flat-random,
  // or in proportion to scaling factors to simulate Small (2008)'s hypothesis of
  // progression of Alzheimer's disease via synaptic scaling.
  printf("*** %d cells remaining, deleting %d\n", remainingcellIDs.size(), deletionstep)
  deletionList = new Vector() // Reset deletionList

  // Obtain list of cells to be deleted (either at uniform random, or proportional to compensation)
  temp = 0
  deleted = 0
  while (deleted < deletionstep) {
    if (randomdelete) {
      // Delete at uniform random
      randgen.uniform(0, remainingcellIDs.size()) // Uniform-random over 0 to number of remaining cells
      temp = remainingcellIDs.x[int(randgen.repick())] // Get random cell index from remainingcellIDs
    } else {
      if (roulettewheelselection) {
        // Delete randomly in proportion to compensation rates
        // Fill Vector with cumulative sum total of scalefactors
        cumsum = new Vector(remainingcellIDs.size())
        total = 0
        temp = 0
        for i=0,remainingcellIDs.size()-1 {
          scalefac = col.ce.o(remainingcellIDs.x[i]).get_scale_factor() ^2
          // squaring scalefactors increases distinction early in the deletion process
          // Ideally I could also subtract 1 from this to show that scaling DOWN is also bad
          // for the neuron (as it's being driven to over-activity, and is constantly trying to
          // scale down) -- but that means the initial cumsum total will be 0 as all the scalefac
          // values will be (1 - 1)^2 = 0, which will cause problems.
          //   e.g. for scalefac = 0.5, (0.5 - 1)^2 = -0.5^2 = 0.25  (forced to scale down)
          //   but for scalefac = 1, (1 - 1)^2 = 0  (no scaling, therefore stable neuron)
          //   and for scalefac = 2, (2 - 1)^2 = 1  (scaling up)
          cumsum.x[i] = scalefac + total
          total = total + scalefac
        // Pick a random value from 0 -> cumsum
        randgen.uniform(0, total) // Re-distribute random numbers from 0->cumsum total
        randompointer = randgen.repick()
        //printf("random pointer %f\n", randompointer)
        //printf("temp: %d, cumsum.x[temp]: %f\n", temp, cumsum.x[temp])

        // Loop through cumsum until cumsum is greater than randpointer
        while (randompointer >= cumsum.x[temp]) {
          //printf("checking cell %f, cumsum %f\n", temp, cumsum.x[temp])
          temp = temp + 1
          if (temp >= remainingcellIDs.size()) {
            printf("ERROR: cum sum of scale factors incorrectly calculated (randpointer too large)")
            temp = remainingcellIDs.size() // Default to first index of remainingcellIDs
        temp = remainingcellIDs.x[temp] // Get the actual cell ID for this location

      } else {
        // Not using roulette-wheel selection, i.e. directly deleting the max/min scaled cells
        // Find the cell with the largest scalefactor distance from 1
        // (so 0.5 should be weighted as strongly as 2, and 0.1 weighted as strongly as 10)
        biggestscaledelta = 1 // Scale factors are centred around 1
        randgen.uniform(0, remainingcellIDs.size()) 
        temp = remainingcellIDs.x[int(randgen.repick())] // Start with random cell so we don't always delete the first cell in the list 

        for i=0,remainingcellIDs.size()-1 {
          // Loop over all remaining cells and get their scale factors
          scalefac = col.ce.o(remainingcellIDs.x[i]).get_scale_factor()

          // If scalefactor < 1, check if (1 / scalefactor) > biggestscaledelta
          if (scalefac > biggestscaledelta) {
            // e.g. scalfac = 2, biggestscaledelta = 2
            biggestscaledelta = scalefac
            temp = remainingcellIDs.x[i]
          if (scalefac < 1 && 1/scalefac > biggestscaledelta) {
            // e.g. scalefac = 0.5, biggestscaledelta = 2
            biggestscaledelta = 1/scalefac
            temp = remainingcellIDs.x[i]

    // Now we have a cell-to-be-deleted (named 'temp'), so add it to the deletion list
    if (!deletionList.contains(temp)) {
      deleted = deleted + 1
      //printf("Deleting cell %d, scalefactor = %f\n", temp, col.ce.o(temp).get_scale_factor())
      deletionList.append(temp) // Only append index if it's unique
      remainingcellIDs.remove(remainingcellIDs.indwhere("==", temp)) // Remove from list of remaining cells
    } else {
      printf("ERROR: Tried to delete cell %d twice\n", temp)
  for vtr(&id,deletionList) {
    // Delete cells in deletionList
    printf("Deleting cell %d, scalefactor = %f\n", id, col.ce.o(id).get_scale_factor())
    // Write deletionlist and compensation rates of deleted cells to file
    col.ce.o(id).flag("dead",1) // Borrowed from network.hoc:dokill()
    //printf("%d\n", col.ce.o(id).get_id())

  if (scaleexternal) {
    scaleexternalwt(getgain()) // Scale external input weights down as the network is deleted

  // While there are still cells to delete, queue another round of deletion
  if (remainingcellIDs.size() > deletionstep) {
    cvode.event(t + basetime, "deletionround()") 

proc scaleexternalwt() { local c,i,vhz,a,sy,ct,idx,sdx localobj vsy,nc
  // scaleexternalwt(gain)
  // Reduce strength of external inputs linearly as deletion progresses.
  // Should be reasonable, as if other columns (represented by external inputs) are also
  // suffering atrophy, their output strengths (to this model's column) will be reduced too.
  vsy.append(GA) vsy.append(GA2) vsy.append(AM2) vsy.append(NM2) vsy.append(AM) vsy.append(NM)
  //setwmatex() // Reinitialise weights matrix
  gain = $1
  printf("External input gain: %f\n", gain)

  // For each CSTIM in lcstim
  for c = 0, lcstim.count-1 {
    i = 0 // Increment through the NetCon objects within this CSTIM
    // For each NetCon in ncl (based on col.hoc proc nsstim) -- based on col.hoc proc nsstim()
    for sdx=0,vsy.size-1 {
      sy=vsy.x(sdx) // go through synapse types
      for ct=0,CTYPi-1 if(col.numc[ct] && wmatex[ct][sy] && ratex[ct][sy]) {//go through cell types, check weights,rates of inputs 
        for idx = col.ix[ct], col.ixe[ct] {
          //printf("idx %d\n", idx)
          // For each cell of type ct (idx is id of the cell)
          // change the weights according to the new values in wmatex, scaled down by gain
          lcstim.o(c).ncl.o(i).weight(sy) = lcstim.o(c).wmatex[ct][sy] * gain
          //printf("c %d, i %d, weight %f\n", c, i, lcstim.o(c).ncl.o(i).weight(sy))
          i = i + 1 // Increment to next NetCon in the list

proc setEexternalinputweights() { local c,i,vhz,a,sy,ct,idx,sdx localobj vsy,nc
  // setexternalinputweights(gain)
  // Where 'gain' is a multiplier for the original weight matrix values
  // (hence different to proc scaleexternalwt() )
  // e.g. 1.0 (to restore original values), 0.5 (to damage population),
  // or 0.01 (to turn off external inputs -- do not use 0 as this kills INTF6)
  // Changes strength of all external inputs (can be used with prosthesis
  // to show restoration of firing activity when external inputs are reduced)
  // Differs to proc scaleexternalwt() as this also takes note of popsig, and ONLY
  // scales the external inputs to cells within that population of cells.
  vsy.append(GA) vsy.append(GA2) vsy.append(AM2) vsy.append(NM2) vsy.append(AM) vsy.append(NM)
  //setwmatex() // Reinitialise weights matrix
  gain = $1
  printf("Set external inputs to selected cell populations = %f\n", gain)

  // For each CSTIM in lcstim
  for c = 0, lcstim.count-1 {
    i = 0 // Increment through the NetCon objects within this CSTIM
    // For each NetCon in ncl (based on col.hoc proc nsstim) -- based on col.hoc proc nsstim()
    for sdx=0,vsy.size-1 {
      // For each synapse type
      for j=0,nsigcellpops-1 {
        ct=popsig.x[j] // Pick cell population to damage (will only go up to nsigcellpops)
      //for ct=0,CTYPi-1 {
        // For each cell type
        if(col.numc[ct] && wmatex[ct][sy] && ratex[ct][sy]) {
          for idx = col.ix[ct], col.ixe[ct] {
            //printf("idx %d\n", idx)
            // For each cell of type ct (idx is id of the cell)
            // change the weights according to the new values in wmatex, scaled down by gain
            lcstim.o(c).ncl.o(i).weight(sy) = lcstim.o(c).wmatex[ct][sy] * gain
            //printf("c %d, i %d, weight %f\n", c, i, lcstim.o(c).ncl.o(i).weight(sy))
            i = i + 1 // Increment to next NetCon in the list

proc restoreexternalwt() {
  // Slowly increase external input weights for E cells from 'gain' back to starting value
  // (Simply setting them instantly to 1 sends the network to hyperactivity)
  gain = $1
  if (gain < externalwtgain) {
    gain = gain + (externalwtgain / 10)
    cvode.event(t + 5e3, "restoreexternalwt(gain)")

proc repeatinfotrial() { local sigwt localobj pattern, spkoutput
  // Queue next unique trial
  printf("Recall repeat (noise) pattern for %d ms\n", infotriallength)
  cvode.event(t + infotriallength, "uniqueinfotrial()")

  // Clear previous spike train data structures to release memory
  for i=0,numcols-1 {
    nqsdel(col[i].cstim.vq) // Delete existing NQS
    col[i].cstim.vq = new NQS("ind","time","wt","sy") // Create new NQS

  // Assuming infotriallength=16e3, leave 8s of quiescence, then start stim for 8s
  time_1 = t + (infotriallength/2) // Time at which to start the signal stimulus
  time_2 = t + infotriallength // Time at which to stop the signal stimulus

  pattern = getpattern(0) // Use first pattern as the 'repeats' stimulus

  if (time_2 < GetInfoDur) {
    sigwt = infostimwt // Use high-power stim during info trials
  } else {
    sigwt = stimwt // Use low-power stim

  // Add Poisson stimulus for each cell in the pattern
  for x=0,pattern.size()-1 { // Loop over each cell in the input list
    spkoutput=poistim(signal,time_1,time_2,stimfreq,stimseed+t) // Calculate Poisson train

  if (useACh) {
    // Apply cholinergic suppression to cells not part of the pattern,
    // to prevent spontaneous retrieval of previously-stored patterns during learning
    for x=0,numcells-1 {
      // Find all E cells not in the pattern, and apply GABA stimulation
      //printf("Cell %d, ice %d, inpattern %d\n", x, ice(col.ce.o[x]), pattern.contains(x))
      if (!ice(col.ce.o[x]) && !pattern.contains(x)) {
        // If not an I cell (i.e. we only want to suppress E cells), and not in pattern
        //printf("inhibiting cell %d \n", x)
        spkoutput=poistim(signal,time_1,time_2,stimfreq,stimseed+t) // Calculate Poisson train

  // Rather than calling setshock(0), just call the actual pushspks code directly:
  for i=0,numcols-1 {

proc uniqueinfotrial() { local sigwt localobj pattern, spkoutput
  // Queue next unique trial

  cvode.event(t + infotriallength, "repeatinfotrial()")
  printf("Recall unique (signal) pattern for %d ms\n", infotriallength)

  // Clear previous spike train data structures to release memory
  for i=0,numcols-1 {
    nqsdel(col[i].cstim.vq) // Delete existing NQS
    col[i].cstim.vq = new NQS("ind","time","wt","sy") // Create new NQS

  // Assuming infotriallength=16e3, leave 8s of quiescence, then start stim for 8s
  time_1 = t + (infotriallength/2) // Time at which to start the signal stimulus
  time_2 = t + infotriallength // Time at which to stop the signal stimulus

  // Pick a random pattern
  randompattern = int(pickpattern.repick()) // Pick one pattern at random
  pattern = getpattern(randompattern)
  printf("Retrieving pattern %d\n", randompattern)
  if (time_2 < GetInfoDur) {
    sigwt = infostimwt // Use high-power stim during info trials
  } else {
    sigwt = stimwt // Use low-power stim

  // Add Poisson stimulus for each cell in the pattern
  for x=0,pattern.size()-1 { // Loop over each cell in the input list
    spkoutput=poistim(signal,time_1,time_2,stimfreq,stimseed+t) // Calculate Poisson train

  if (useACh) {
    // During learning, apply cholinergic suppression to cells not part of the pattern,
    // to prevent spontaneous retrieval of previously-stored patterns
    for x=0,numcells-1 {
      // Find all E cells not in the pattern, and apply GABA stimulation
      //printf("Cell %d, ice %d, inpattern %d\n", x, ice(col.ce.o[x]), pattern.contains(x))
      if (!ice(col.ce.o[x]) && !pattern.contains(x)) {
        // If not an I cell (i.e. we only want to suppress E cells), and not in pattern
        //printf("inhibiting cell %d \n", x)
        spkoutput=poistim(signal,time_1,time_2,stimfreq,stimseed+t) // Calculate Poisson train

  // Rather than calling setshock(0), just call the actual pushspks code directly:
  for i=0,numcols-1 {

  // // View individual spike times

proc setprosthesis() { local i,j,inputseed
  cvode.event(t + infotriallength, "setprosthesis()") // Queue next prosthesis segment
  printf("Set up prosthesis for next %d ms\n", infotriallength)
  // Clear previous spike train data structures to release memory
  for i=0,numcols-1 {
    nqsdel(col[i].cstim.vq) // Delete existing NQS
    col[i].cstim.vq = new NQS("ind","time","wt","sy") // Create new NQS

  time_1 = t
  time_2 = t + infotriallength*2
  printf("Generating prosthesis spikes\n")
  prosspks = new Vector(infotriallength * prosfreq + 1) // Create Vector with one element per spike
  prosspks.fill(1) // Fill with 1s so every timestep, there is an equal chance of causing a spike
  membranestim = 1 // Direct current injection into the cell

  // If we are doing Fourier info trials for a period of time, but then turning them off and doing
  // neurostimulation on only a subset of populations, the INTF6 will crash if we don't continue
  // to stim ALL the cells (i.e. == cellpop, not proscellpop) which are used in the information contribution trials.
  // So atlhough we only want to stim the proscellpop populations with the prosthesis, we should
  // also set a low-weight 'keep-alive' stim for all the other cells.
  // This is achieved by setting the proswtvec to low values for the populations in cellpop which
  // are not to be stimmed, and setting to proswt for the populations which will be stimmed.
  poisadd(prosspks,time_1,time_2,prosfreq,cellpop,100,proswtvec,stimsy,stimseed+t,membranestim) // Vary the random seed, and cause poisadd to remove effects of scaling when modelling the prosthesis weight (so the prosthesis can directly stimulate the 'cell membrane')
  for i=0,numcols-1 {

proc setupinfosignal() { localobj sig1, sig2, cellpop
  // Read rat LFP data file and process signal
  // From Cliff's batch.hoc procedures
  print "Creating information signal"
  infosiglength = infotriallength*2 + 1 // With +1, we can ensure the vector is always longer than the presentation time, so acting as a keep-alive for the stimulation

  // Read in stimulus from file
  ropen("ratlfp.dat") // Open file for reading
  veclen=infosiglength/1000*infosignalfreq // Number of elements required
  filesize=363818 // Number of lines in the file. Stupid? Yes.
  sig1 = new Vector(filesize) // Create new signal. Sigh. Stupidly there's no way to automatically load an entire text file.
  for i=0,filesize-1 sig1.x[i] = fscan() // Get one number from the file
  ropen() // Close the input file

  // Downsample
  objref p
  p = new PythonObject()
  nrnpython("import pyhoc")
  origrate=4000 // 4 kHz
  npts=origrate*infosiglength/1000 // Number of elements of the original to use
  sig2=new Vector(npts) // Initialize semifinal signal
  for i=0,npts-1 sig2.x[i]=sig1.x[i] // Copy vector
  infosignal=p.pyhoc.downsample(sig2,origrate,infosignalfreq) // Finally, compute final vector
  infosignal.add(-signal.min()) // Make minimum zero
  infosignal.div(signal.max()*1.1) // Make maximum 90%
  infosignal.add(0.05) // Add 5% to make bounds [5%,95%]
  print "Done"

proc startinfosignalandprosthesis() { local infosiglength, time_1, time_2 localobj infosignalwtvec, infosignalpopvec
  // NOTE: This is a different information signal to the one used in the "info trials" (i.e. infotriallength, etc)
  // The info trials are a series of short high-intensity stimulations designed for use with the Crumiller et al.
  // Fourier information method.
  // This information signal, on the other hand, is an ongoing permanent input to E4 only which is used with the
  // neuroprosthetic stimulation to determine whether the prosthesis affects information flow in the network.
  infosiglength = infotriallength*2
  cvode.event(t + infosiglength, "startinfosignalandprosthesis()") // Queue next information signal segment
  printf("Set up information signal for next %d ms\n", infosiglength)
  // Clear previous spike train data structures to release memory
  for i=0,numcols-1 {
    nqsdel(col[i].cstim.vq) // Delete existing NQS
    col[i].cstim.vq = new NQS("ind","time","wt","sy") // Create new NQS

  time_1 = t
  time_2 = t + infosiglength + 1

  stimwtvec.x[0] = infostimwt // Set E4 population to high-weight stim
  poisadd(infosignal,time_1,time_2,infosignalfreq,cellpop,100,stimwtvec,stimsy,stimseed+t,0) // Add info signal. Vary the random seed; don't use membranestim

  if (t >= prosthesisstart) {
    printf("Generating simultaneous prosthesis spikes\n")
    prosspks = new Vector(infosiglength * prosfreq + 1) // Create Vector with one element per spike
    prosspks.fill(1) // Fill with 1s so every timestep, there is an equal chance of causing a spike
    membranestim = 1 // Direct current injection into the cell
    poisadd(prosspks,time_1,time_2,prosfreq,cellpop,100,proswtvec,stimsy,stimseed+t,membranestim) // Add prosthesis spikes. Vary the random seed, and cause poisadd to remove effects of scaling when modelling the prosthesis weight (so the prosthesis can directly stimulate the 'cell membrane')

  for i=0,numcols-1 {

proc write_scaling_data() { local k, id, act, trg, scl, type, dead

  if (!header_written) {
    // Write vars file header
    varsFile.printf("# ************* Runtime params *************\n")
    varsFile.printf("buffertime=%d\n", buffertime)
    varsFile.printf("basetime=%d\n", basetime)


    varsFile.printf("scalingstart=%d\n", scalingstart)
    varsFile.printf("deletionstart=%d\n", deletionstart)
    varsFile.printf("prosthesisstart=%d\n", prosthesisstart)
    varsFile.printf("infotriallength=%d\n", infotriallength)
    varsFile.printf("numinfotrials=%d\n", numinfotrials)

    varsFile.printf("scaling=%d\n", scaling)
    varsFile.printf("activitytau=%e\n", activitytau)
    varsFile.printf("activitybeta=%e\n", activitybeta)
    varsFile.printf("activitygamma=%e\n", activitygamma)
    varsFile.printf("scaleexternal=%d\n", scaleexternal)
    varsFile.printf("scaleexternalrate=%f\n", scaleexternalrate)
    varsFile.printf("externalwtgain=%f\n", externalwtgain)
    varsFile.printf("internalwtgain=%f\n", internalwtgain)

    varsFile.printf("deleting=%d\n", deleting)
    varsFile.printf("dynamicdelete=%d\n", dynamicdelete)
    varsFile.printf("delspeed=%f\n", delspeed)
    varsFile.printf("dynamicdelstep=%f\n", dynamicdelstep)
    varsFile.printf("randomdelete=%d\n", randomdelete)
    varsFile.printf("roulettewheelselection=%d\n", roulettewheelselection)
    varsFile.printf("deletionstep=%d\n", deletionstep)
    varsFile.printf("numcells=%d\n", numcells)
    varsFile.printf("recording_interval=%d\n", recording_interval)
    varsFile.printf("t_start=%d\n", recording_start)

    varsFile.printf("stimseed=%f\n", stimseed) // Info trial / prosthesis stim seed (alz.hoc)
    varsFile.printf("inputseed=%f\n", inputseed) // External input seed (params.hoc)
    varsFile.printf("pseed=%f\n", pseed) // Positioning seed (network.hoc)
    varsFile.printf("dvseed=%f\n", dvseed) // Wiring seed (network.hoc)
    varsFile.printf("stimpercent=%f\n", stimpercent)
    varsFile.printf("stimsy=%d\n", stimsy)
    varsFile.printf("stimfreq=%f\n", stimfreq)
    varsFile.printf("stimwt=%f\n", stimwt)
    varsFile.printf("infostimwt=%f\n", infostimwt)
    varsFile.printf("prosfreq=%f\n", prosfreq)
    varsFile.printf("proswt=%f\n", proswt)
    varsFile.printf("useprosthesis=%d\n", useprosthesis)
    varsFile.printf("useinfosignal=%d\n", useinfosignal)
    header_written = 1
  // Open aux file for append

  // Record current time
  auxFile.printf("t = %f", t)
  if (growthfactorscaling) {
    auxFile.printf(",globalscale = %f", col.ce.o(0).update_global_scale_factor())
  auxFile.printf("\n") // Newline

  // Write data to given file
  // Cell ID, cell type, activity sensor, target activity, scaling factor, is-dead
  for k=0,numcells-1 {
    id = col.ce.o(k).get_id()
    act = col.ce.o(k).get_activity()
    trg = col.ce.o(k).get_target_act()
    fr = col.ce.o(k).get_firing_rate()
    scl = col.ce.o(k).get_scale_factor()
    type = col.ce.o(k).get_type()
    dead = col.ce.o(k).get_dead()
    auxFile.printf("%d,%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%d\n", id,type,fr,act,trg,scl,dead)
    //printf("%d,%d,%f,%f,%f,%d\n", id,type,act,trg,scl,dead)

  // Close file
  // Queue next event
  cvode.event(t+recording_interval, "write_scaling_data()")

// Callback procedure to start the event queue
// Only called once, after hoc file initialised and run() has been called
proc alzeventqueue() {
  // Set up various events for Alzheimer's experiments

  cvode.event(recording_start, "write_scaling_data()") // Start recording of scalefactors etc

  if (GetInfoDur > 0) {
    // Turn off E cells' external inputs, so only the information calculation signal is present
    cvode.event(0, "scaleexternalwt(infotrialextwtgain)") // Set external input weights
    cvode.event(0, "repeatinfotrial()") // Begin presentation of associative patterns
    cvode.event(GetInfoDur, "restoreexternalwt(infotrialextwtgain)") // Restore external inputs gradually

  if (scaling) {
    cvode.event(scalingstart, "turn_on_scaling()") // Start scaling after initial delay to find activity

  if (deleting) {
    if (dynamicdelete) {
      cvode.event(deletionstart, "turn_on_dynamic_deletion()") // Allow cells to delete themselves
    } else {
      cvode.event(deletionstart, "deletionround()") // Start fixed-size batches of cell deletion
  if (useprosthesis) {
    if (useinfosignal) {
      setupinfosignal() // Set up rat LFP info signal as well as prosthesis
      cvode.event(infosignalstart, "startinfosignalandprosthesis()")
    } else {
      cvode.event(prosthesisstart, "setprosthesis()") // Start prosthesis only

declare("alzfih", new FInitializeHandler("alzeventqueue()")) // Called as soon as INIT finishes