/* MyRandom generates random numbers in exactly the same way as the built-in 
* Random function, but with an added function to generate random seeds.
* Author: Fredrik Edin, 2003.
* Address: freedin@nada.kth.se

begintemplate MyRandom

    objref r
    strdef str, str2
    objref fi
    /* Public functions */
    public newSeed
    public uniform
    public normal
    public discunif
    public gamma
    public erlang
    public repick
    /* Creates an object with a random seed 
    *(Arg 1, seed:   : A seed. If no argument is given, then the seed is random,) 
    * Return, rseed  : A seed 
    proc init() {
	if( numarg() > 0 ) {
	    rseed = $1
	} else {
	state = 0 /* to remember the current distribution */
    /* Generates a random seed 
    *(Arg 1, rseed   : A seed. If no argument is given, then the seed is random,) 
    * Return, rseed  : A seed 
    func newSeed() { local rseed, ind
	if( numarg() > 0 ) {
	    rseed = $1
	} else {
	    rseed = 12345
	    str = "Seed is not random"
	    // The following lines removes the decimal point and 
	    // saves the seed to file in reversed order
	    system("python RandomSeed.py")
	    fi = new File()
	    rseed = fi.scanvar(str)
	    str = "Seed is random"
	//print "rseed ", rseed
	r = new Random( rseed )
	//print str
	return rseed
    /* picks a number from the uniform distribution 
    * return, p: a number drawn from the uniform distribution */ 
    func uniform() { local p
	p = r.uniform($1,$2)
	state = 0
	return p
    /* picks a number from the normal distribution
    * return, p: a number drawn from the normal distribution */ 
    func normal() { local p
	p = r.normal($1,$2)
	return p
    /* picks a random integer between high and low
    * return, p: a discrete number drawn from the uniform distribution */ 
    func discunif() { local p
	p = r.discunif($1,$2)
	state = 0
	return p
    /* picks a random number from the Erlang distribution
    * Arg 1, alpha
    * Arg 2, beta
    * return, p: a discrete number drawn from the Erlang distribution */ 
    func erlang() { local p
	alpha = $1
	beta = $2
	p = r.erlang(alpha,beta)
	return p
    /* private faculty function */
    func fac() { local m, n
	n = $1
	m = 1
	for i = 2, n {
	    m = m * i
	return m
    /* picks a random number from the Gamma distribution
    * f(x) = x^(alpha-1)*exp(-x/beta)/(Gamma(p)*beta^alpha)
    * Arg 1, alpha
    * Arg 2, beta
    * return, p: a discrete number drawn from the uniform distribution */ 
    func gamma() { local p
	alpha = $1
	beta = $2
	print "Gamma not implemented"
	//p = r.gamma( alpha, beta )
	p = r.repick()
	return p
    /* picks a number from the distribution last chosen 
    * return, p: a number drawn from the distribution chosen last */ 
    func repick() { local p
	p = r.repick()
	return p
endtemplate MyRandom