// CA1 Netwrok with grid-like inputs from EC LIII and Place-like Inputs from CA3

// Based on Turi et al, 2019
// Neuron, 2019, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2019.01.009

{load_file("nrngui.hoc")}  // load the GUI and standard run libraries

seed1 = n_trials
seed2 = n_runs*n_trials

{load_file("cells/ranstream.hoc")}  // to give each cell its own sequence generator

// From: Athanasia Papoutsi, Ph.D.
func round () {
  if ($1-int($1) >= 0.5) {
    return int($1)+1
  } else {
    return int($1)

func ceiling () {
  if ($1-int($1) != 0) {
    return int($1)+1
  } else {
    return int($1)

func flooring () {
  if ($1-int($1) != 0) {
    return int($1)-1
  } else {
    return int($1)

strdef my_string,temp_save1,temp_save2,temp_dir, temp_mkdir

if (n_neuron==0) {
  SOMr  = 1.0
  SOMrC = 1.0
  PVr   = 1.0
  PVrC  = 1.0
  ECrC  = 1.0
  CA3rC = 1.0
  my_string = "Control"
} else if (n_neuron==1) {
  SOMr  = factor
  SOMrC = factor
  PVr   = 1.0
  PVrC  = 1.0
  ECrC  = 1.0
  CA3rC = 1.0
} else if (n_neuron==2) {
  SOMr  = 1.0
  SOMrC = 1.0
  PVr   = factor
  PVrC  = factor
  ECrC  = 1.0
  CA3rC = 1.0
} else if (n_neuron==3) {
  SOMr  = 1.0
  SOMrC = 1.0
  PVr   = 1.0
  PVrC  = 1.0
  ECrC  = 1.0
  CA3rC = 1.0
  sprint(my_string,"Desynch%d", desynch)
} else if (n_neuron==4) {
  SOMr  = factor
  SOMrC = factor
  PVr   = factor
  PVrC  = factor
  ECrC  = 1.0
  CA3rC = 1.0
} else if (n_neuron==5) {
  SOMr  = 1.0
  SOMrC = 1.0
  PVr   = 1.0
  PVrC  = 1.0
  ECrC  = 1.0
  CA3rC = 1.0
} else if (n_neuron==6) {
  SOMr  = 1.0
  SOMrC = 1.0
  PVr   = 1.0
  PVrC  = 1.0
  ECrC  = 1.0
  CA3rC = 1.0

print "\nRunning ",my_string," case"

sprint(temp_dir, "Simulation_Results/%s/Trial_%d/Run_%d",my_string,n_trials,n_runs)
sprint(temp_mkdir, "mkdir -p %s", temp_dir)

TINIT    = 400
STARTDEL = 500  // msecs
THETA    = 125  // msecs (8 Hz)
GAMMA    = 25   // msecs (40 Hz)

duration = 115

SIMDUR = TINIT + (THETA*duration) + STARTDEL/10 // simulation duration (msecs)

// Step 1: Define the cell classes

nplf  = 41 // number of theoretical place fields
ndend = 8
ndendca3 = 6
nplf_mod  = nplf // number of theoretical place fields used for testing!

probability = 0.50 // probability of place cell formation

scale     = 1
npcell    = 130*scale
naacell   = ceiling(2*scale * PVr) 
nbcell    = ceiling(8*scale * PVr)   
nbscell   = ceiling(2*scale * PVr) 
nolm      = ceiling(2*scale * SOMr)
nvipcck   = 1*scale
nvipcr    = 4*scale
nvipcrnvm = 1*scale
nCA3      = nplf*ndendca3
nEC       = nplf*ndend
nSEP      = 10
nNOISE    = 1000

print "Number of AACs: ", naacell, " Factor: ", PVrC
print "Number of BCs: ", nbcell, " Factor: ", PVrC
print "Number of BSCs: ", nbscell, " Factor: ", PVrC
print "Number of OLMs: ", nolm, " Factor: ", SOMrC

ncell = npcell+naacell+nbcell+nbscell+nolm+nvipcck+nvipcr // total number of cells
nstim = nCA3+nEC+nSEP+nNOISE                              // total number of inputs
ntot  = ncell+nstim

// Define folder of inputs
strdef tmpdir
sprint(tmpdir, "make_inputs_linear_track/Inputs_linear_rand_stops_noisy_jitterEC_%d", desynch_factor)
if (4<=n_neuron<=7) {
  print "Desynchronized CA3 and EC inputs by ",desynch_factor, " ms" 
} else {
  print "Synchronized CA3 and EC inputs by ",desynch_factor, " ms" 
  //sprint(tmpdir, "make_inputs_linear_peyman_ca3like/Inputs_linear_0/")

// Entorhinal Cortex Input
objref index_vecEC

index_vecEC = new Vector(nEC)

//Monotonically increasing index vector initialization:
for k = 0, nEC-1 {
  index_vecEC.x[k] = k

objref flEC[nEC], vspkEC[nEC], vecstimEC[nEC]
strdef tmpstring

for (i=0; i < nEC; i = i+1) { 
  flEC[i] = new File()

  sprint(tmpstring, "%s/run_%d/g%d_EC.txt", tmpdir, n_runs, index_vecEC.x[i])
  //print tmpstring

  vspkEC[i] = new Vector()

// CA3 Input
objref index_vecCA3

index_vecCA3 = new Vector(nCA3)

//Monotonically increasing index vector initialization:
for k = 0, nCA3-1 {
  index_vecCA3.x[k] = k

objref flCA3[nCA3], vspkCA3[nCA3], vecstimCA3[nCA3]
strdef tmpstring2

for (i=0; i < nCA3; i = i+1) { 
  flCA3[i] = new File()

  sprint(tmpstring2, "%s/run_%d/g%d_CA3.txt", tmpdir, n_runs, index_vecCA3.x[i])
  vspkCA3[i] = new Vector()

// Background Input
// Construction of Background input
objref index_vecNOISE

index_vecNOISE = new Vector(nNOISE)

//Monotonically increasing index vector initialization:
for k = 0, nNOISE-1 {
  index_vecNOISE.x[k] = k

objref flNOISE[nNOISE], vspkNOISE[nNOISE], vecstimNOISE[nNOISE]
strdef tmpstring3

for (i=0; i < nNOISE; i = i+1) { 
  flNOISE[i] = new File()

  sprint(tmpstring3, "background_noise/rate5/run_%d/noise_%d.txt", n_runs, index_vecNOISE.x[i])

  //print tmpstring

  vspkNOISE[i] = new Vector()

// gid ordering: 
// PCs:0..npcell-1
// BCs:npcell..npcell+nbcell-1
// etc
// indices of first cell of each type in list "cells"
iPC     = 0
iAAC    = npcell
iBC     = npcell+naacell
iBSC    = npcell+naacell+nbcell
iOLM    = npcell+naacell+nbcell+nbscell
iVCCK   = npcell+naacell+nbcell+nbscell+nolm
iVCR    = npcell+naacell+nbcell+nbscell+nolm+nvipcck
iCA3    = npcell+naacell+nbcell+nbscell+nolm+nvipcck+nvipcr
iEC     = npcell+naacell+nbcell+nbscell+nolm+nvipcck+nvipcr+nCA3
iSEP    = npcell+naacell+nbcell+nbscell+nolm+nvipcck+nvipcr+nCA3+nEC
iNOISE  = npcell+naacell+nbcell+nbscell+nolm+nvipcck+nvipcr+nCA3+nEC+nSEP

// Steps 2 and 3 are to create the cells and connect the cells


// Simple connectivity
f1 = 36

EC_PC    = ndend                         // # of connections received by each PC from EC cells (excit)
EC_AAC   = round(970  / f1 * ECrC)       // # of connections received by each AAC from EC cells (excit)
EC_BC    = round(150  / f1 * ECrC)       // # of connections received by each BC from EC cells (excit)
EC_BSC   = round(864  / f1 * ECrC)       // # of connections received by each BSC from EC cells (excit)
EC_VCCK  = round(300  / f1 * ECrC)       // # of connections received by each BSC from EC cells (excit)
EC_VCR   = round(1118 / f1 * ECrC)       // # of connections received by each VIP/CR from EC cells (excit)

CA3_PC   = ndendca3                       // # of connections received by each PC from CA3 cells (excit)
CA3_AAC  = round(8340  / f1  * CA3rC)     // # of connections received by each AAC from CA3 cells (excit)
CA3_BC   = round(12094 / f1  * CA3rC)     // # of connections received by each BC from CA3 cells (excit)
CA3_BSC  = round(11564 / f1  * CA3rC)     // # of connections received by each BSC from CA3 cells (excit)
CA3_OLM  = round(2000  / f1  * CA3rC)     // # of connections received by each ILM from CA3 cells (excit)
CA3_VCCK = round(4000  / f1  * CA3rC)     // # of connections received by each VIP/CCK from CA3 cells (excit)
CA3_VCR  = round(5000  / f1  * CA3rC)     // # of connections received by each VIP/CR from CA3 cells (excit)

SEP_BC   = nSEP                // # of connections received by each basket cell from septum (inhib)
SEP_AAC  = nSEP                // # of connections received by each AAC cell from septum (inhib)
SEP_BSC  = nSEP                // # of connections received by each BSC cell from septum (inhib)
SEP_OLM  = nSEP                // # of connections received by each OLM cell from septum (inhib)
SEP_VCCK = nSEP                // # of connections received by each VIP/CCK cell from septum (inhib)
SEP_VCR  = nSEP                // # of connections received by each VIP/CR cell from septum (inhib)

PC_PC    = round(197/f1)       // # of connections received by each PC from other PCs (excit)
PC_AAC   = round(486/f1)       // # of connections received by each bistratified cell from PCs (excit)
PC_BC    = round(1272/f1)      // # of connections received by each basket cell from PCs (excit)
PC_BSC   = round(1098/f1)      // # of connections received by each bistratified cell from PCs (excit)
PC_OLM   = round(7137/f1)      // # of connections received by each OLM cell from PCs (excit)
PC_VCCK  = round(4137/f1)      // # of connections received by each VIP/CCK cell from PCs (excit)
PC_VCR   = round(4137/f1)      // # of connections received by each VIP/CR cell from PCs (excit)

//------ FROM INs to cells--------------------
//onto PCs

// VIP interneurons
VCCK_PC  = round( 104 / f1 )
VCCK_AAC = round( 96  / f1 )
// onto BCs
VCR_BC  = round( 96 / f1 )

// onto OLMs
VCR_OLM  = round( 390 / f1 )

// Change connections according to simulation protocol
// When SOM+ INs are reduced, their connections as pre-synaptic neurons reduced as well
OLM_PC    = round( 80 / f1 * SOMrC )
OLM_AAC   = round( 80 / f1 * SOMrC )

// When PV+ INs are reduced, their connections as pre-synaptic neurons reduced as well
AAC_PC   = round( 36  / f1 * PVrC )
BC_PC    = round( 187 / f1 * PVrC )
BSC_PC   = round( 100 / f1 * PVrC )
BC_AAC   = round( 39  / f1 * PVrC )
BC_BC    = round( 39  / f1 * PVrC )
BC_BSC   = round( 39  / f1 * PVrC )
BC_VCCK  = round( 38  / f1 * PVrC )
BSC_AAC  = round( 160 / f1 * PVrC )
BSC_BC   = round( 160 / f1 * PVrC )
BSC_BSC  = round( 160 / f1 * PVrC )
BSC_OLM  = round( 390 / f1 * PVrC )
BSC_VCCK = round( 160 / f1 * PVrC )

//------ FROM EC AND CA3 SC--------------------
// FROM EC to PCs
Ecell2Pcell_weight       = 3.0e-4
Ecell2Pcell_delay        = 1.0
// FROM CA3 to PCs
CA3cell2Pcell_weight     = 3.0e-4
CA3cell2Pcell_delay      = 1.0

// FROM EC to INs
// EC --> Axoaxonic cell
Ecell2AAcell_weight      = 1.56e-4
Ecell2AAcell_delay       = 1.0
// EC --> Basket cell
Ecell2Bcell_weight       = 0.169e-4
Ecell2Bcell_delay        = 1.0
// EC --> Bistratified cell
Ecell2BScell_weight      = 2.34e-4
Ecell2BScell_delay       = 1.0
// EC --> VIP/CCK cell
Ecell2VCCKcell_weight    = 4.68e-4
Ecell2VCCKcell_delay     = 1.0
// EC --> VIP/CR cell
Ecell2VCRcell_weight     = 3.9e-4
Ecell2VCRcell_delay      = 1.0

// FROM CA3 to INs
// CA3 --> Axoaxonic cell
CA3cell2AAcell_weight   = 1.872e-4
CA3cell2AAcell_delay    = 1.0
// CA3 --> Basket cell
CA3cell2Bcell_weight    = 4.862e-4
CA3cell2Bcell_delay     = 1.0
// CA3 --> Bistratified cell
CA3cell2BScell_weight   = 2.925e-4
CA3cell2BScell_delay    = 1.0
// CA3 --> OLM cell
CA3cell2OLMcell_weight  = 1.638e-4
CA3cell2OLMcell_delay   = 1.0
// CA3 --> VIP/CCK cell
CA3cell2VCCKcell_weight = 1.5015e-4
CA3cell2VCCKcell_delay  = 1.0
// CA3 --> VIP/CR cell
CA3cell2VCRcell_weight  = 1.365e-4
CA3cell2VCRcell_delay   = 1.0

//------ TO PCs--------------------
factor1 = 1.8
// FROM PCs to PCs
Pcell2Pcell_weight           = 4.2e-3
Pcell2Pcell_delay            = 1.0

AAcell2Pcell_weight          = 2.07e-3
AAcell2Pcell_delay           = 1.0

// FROM BCs to PCS
Bcell2Pcell_weight           = 3.6e-4
Bcell2Pcell_delay            = 1.0

BScell2Pcell_weight          = 9.18e-4
BScell2Pcell_GABAB_weight    = 9.18e-4
BScell2Pcell_delay           = 1.0

OLMcell2Pcell_weight         = 5.4e-4
OLMcell2Pcell_GABAB_weight   = 5.4e-4
OLMcell2Pcell_delay          = 1.0

VCCKcell2Pcell_weight       = 1.8e-4
VCCKcell2Pcell_delay        = 1.0

//------PCs TO INs--------------------
// FROM PCs to AACs
Pcell2AAcell_weight       = 4.0e-5
Pcell2AAcell_delay        = 1.0
// FROM PCs to BCs
Pcell2Bcell_weight        = 7.7e-4
Pcell2Bcell_delay         = 1.0
// FROM PCs to BSCs
Pcell2BScell_weight       = 1.9e-3
Pcell2BScell_delay        = 1.0
// FROM PCs to OLMs
Pcell2OLMcell_weight      = 2.0e-4
Pcell2OLMcell_delay       = 1.0
Pcell2VCCKcell_weight     = 5.0e-4
Pcell2VCCKcell_delay      = 1.0
// FROM PCs to VIP/CRs
Pcell2VCRcell_weight      = 5.0e-4
Pcell2VCRcell_delay       = 1.0

//------INs TO INs--------------------
factor2 = 1.1
// FROM BCs to AACs
Bcell2AAcell_weight       = 1.32e-4
Bcell2AAcell_delay        = 1.0
// FROM BSCs to AACs
BScell2AAcell_weight      = 6.6e-4
BScell2AAcell_delay       = 1.0
// FROM OLMs to AACs
OLMcell2AAcell_weight     = 1.32e-4
OLMcell2AAcell_delay      = 1.0
VCCKcell2AAcell_weight    = 7.7e-4
VCCKcell2AAcell_delay     = 1.0

// FROM BCs to BCs
Bcell2Bcell_weight       = 1.76e-3
Bcell2Bcell_delay        = 1.0
// FROM BSCs to BCs
BScell2Bcell_weight      = 9.9e-3
BScell2Bcell_delay       = 1.0
// FROM OLMs to BCs
OLMcell2Bcell_weight     = 1.21e-3
OLMcell2Bcell_delay      = 1.0
VCRcell2Bcell_weight     = 4.95e-2
VCRcell2Bcell_delay      = 1.0

// FROM BCs to BSCs
Bcell2BScell_weight      = 3.19e-3
Bcell2BScell_delay       = 1.0
// FROM BSCs to BSCs
BScell2BScell_weight     = 5.61e-4
BScell2BScell_delay      = 1.0
// FROM OLMs to BSCs
OLMcell2BScell_weight    = 1.21e-4
OLMcell2BScell_delay     = 1.0
// FROM BCs to BSCs
VCCKcell2BScell_weight   = 7.7e-4
VCCKcell2BScell_delay    = 1.0

// FROM BSCs to OLMs
BScell2OLMcell_weight    = 1.76e-5
BScell2OLMcell_delay     = 1.0
// FROM OLMs to OLMs
OLMcell2OLMcell_weight   = 1.056e-3
OLMcell2OLMcell_delay    = 1.0
VCRcell2OLMcell_weight   = 1.386e-3
VCRcell2OLMcell_delay    = 1.0

VCCKcell2VCCKcell_weight = 4.95e-4
VCCKcell2VCCKcell_delay  = 1.0
BScell2VCCKcell_weight   = 8.8e-4
BScell2VCCKcell_delay    = 1.0
OLMcell2VCCKcell_weight  = 1.32e-3
OLMcell2VCCKcell_delay   = 1.0
Bcell2VCCKcell_weight    = 1.32e-3
Bcell2VCCKcell_delay     = 1.0


// Synapse indices
// onto CA1 PCs
iEC_PC     = 0   // EC  AMPA excit to SLM (6 of)
iECN_PC    = 6   // CA3 NMDA excit to SLM (6 of)
iCA3_PC    = 12  // CA3 AMPA excit to medium SR (6 of)
iCA3N_PC   = 18  // CA3 NMDA excit to medium SR (6 of)
iCA3_PCB   = 24  // CA3 AMPA excit to Oriens (6 of)
iCA3N_PCB  = 30  // CA3 NMDA excit to Oriens (6 of)

iBC_PC     = 36  // ff&fb inhib via BCs to soma
iVCCK_PC   = 37  // ff&fb inhib via VIP/CCKs to soma
iAAC_PC    = 38  // ff&fb inhib via AACs to axon initial segment

iOLM_PC    = 39  // fb inhib via OLMs to SLM (16 of: 8 GABAA, 8 GABAB)
iBSC_PC    = 55  // ff&fb inhib via BSCs to SR med (16 of: 8 GABAA, 8 GABAB)
iBSCb_PC   = 71  // ff&fb inhib via BSCs to ori (12 of: 6 GABAA, 6 GABAB)
iPC_PC     = 83  // CA1 recurrent AMPA excit to proximal SR
//iSTDP_PC   = 72  // CA3 modifiable (STDP) AMPA excit to medium SR

// onto AACs
iEC_AAC    = 0   // excit from EC to AAC (2 of: AMPA)
iCA3_AAC   = 2   // excit from CA3 to AAC (4 of: AMPA)
iPC_AAC    = 6   // excit from PC to AAC (2 of: AMPA)
iBC_AAC    = 8   // inhib from BC to AAC (1 of: GABAA)
iBSC_AAC   = 9   // inhib from BSC to AAC (2 of: GABAA)
iOLM_AAC   = 11  // inhib from OLM to AAC (2 of: GABAA)
iVCCK_AAC  = 13  // inhib from VIP/CCK to AAC (1 of: GABAA)
iSEP_AAC   = 14  // inhib from septum to AAC(4 of: 2 GABAA, 2 GABAB)

// onto BCs
iEC_BC     = 0   // excit from EC to BC (2 of: AMPA)
iCA3_BC    = 2   // excit from CA3 to BC (4 of: AMPA)
iPC_BC     = 6   // excit from PC to BC (2 of: AMPA)
iBC_BC     = 8   // inhib from BC to BC (1 of: GABAA)
iBSC_BC    = 9   // inhib from BSC to BC (2 of: GABAA)
iOLM_BC    = 11  // inhib from OLM to BC (2 of: GABAA)
iVCR_BC    = 13  // inhib from VIP/CR to BC (1 of: GABAA)
iSEP_BC    = 14  // inhib from septum to BC (4 of: 2 GABAA, 2 GABAB)

// onto BSCs
iEC_BSC    = 0   // excit from EC to BSC (2 of: AMPA)
iCA3_BSC   = 2   // excit from CA3 to BSC (4 of: AMPA)
iPC_BSC    = 6   // excit from PC to BSC (2 of: AMPA)
iBC_BSC    = 8   // inhib from BC to BSC (1 of: GABAA)
iBSC_BSC   = 9   // inhib from BSC to BSC (2 of: GABAA)
iOLM_BSC   = 11  // inhib from OLM to BSC (2 of: GABAA)
iVCCK_BSC  = 13  // inhib from VIP/CCK to BSC (1 of: GABAA)
iSEP_BSC   = 14  // inhib from septum to BSC (4 of: 2 GABAA, 2 GABAB)

// onto OLMs
iPC_OLM    = 0   // excit from PC to OLM (2 of: AMPA)
iCA3_OLM   = 2   // excit from CA3 to OLM (2 of: AMPA)
iBSC_OLM   = 4   // inhib from BSC to OLM (2 of: GABAA)
iOLM_OLM   = 6   // inhib from OLM to OLM (2 of: GABAA)
iVCR_OLM   = 8   // inhib from VIP/CR to OLM (1 of: GABAA)
iSEP_OLM   = 9   // inhib septum to OLM (2 of: 1 GABAA, 1 GABAB)

// onto VIP/CCKs
iEC_VCCK   = 0   // excit from EC to VIP/CCK (2 of: AMPA)
iCA3_VCCK  = 2   // excit from CA3 to VIP/CCK (4 of: AMPA)
iPC_VCCK   = 6   // excit from EC to VIP/CCK (2 of: AMPA)
iBC_VCCK   = 8   // inhib from BC to VIP/CCK (1 of: GABAA)
iBSC_VCCK  = 9   // inhib from BSC to VIP/CCK (1 of: GABAA)
iOLM_VCCK  = 11   // inhib from OLM to VIP/CCK (1 of: GABAA)
iVCCK_VCCK = 13   // inhib from VIP/CCK to VIP/CCK (1 of: GABAA)
iSEP_VCCK  = 14  // inhib from septum to VIP/CCK (4 of: 2 GABAA, 2 GABAB)

// onto VIP/CRs
iEC_VCR    = 0   // excit from EC to VIP/CCK (2 of: AMPA)
iCA3_VCR   = 2   // excit from CA3 to VIP/CCK (2 of: AMPA)
iPC_VCR    = 6   // excit from PC to VIP/CCK (2 of: AMPA)
iSEP_VCR   = 8   // inhib from septum to VIP/CR (4 of: 2 GABAA, 2 GABAB)

// Septal inhibition
SEPNUM    = 10000      // number of SEP spikes
SEPSTART  = STARTDEL   // time of first SEP spike
SEPINT    = 20.0       // SEP spike ISI (during burst)
SEPNOISE  = 0.4        // SEP ISI noise
SEPBINT   = 2*THETA/3  // SEP interburst interval
SEPBLEN   = THETA/3    // SEP burst length
SEPWGTA   = 2.0e-4     // SEP weight to AACs
SEPWGTB   = 8.0e-5     // SEP weight to BCs
SEPWGTBS  = 8.0e-4     // SEP weight to BSCs
SEPWGTO   = 0.1e-6     // SEP weight to OLMs
SEPWGTV   = 6.0e-4     // SEP weight to VIP/CCKs
SEPWGTVR  = 2.0e-4     // SEP weight to VIP/CRs
SEPDEL    = 1.0        // SEP delay

// Background excitation

EWGT      = 6.18e-4      // excitatory weights (AMPA)
ENWGT     = 6.18e-4      // excitatory weights (NMDA)
EDEL      = 400          // delay (msecs)
IDEL      = 350          // delay (msecs)
EC_NOISE  = 20           // number of connections
CA3_NOISE = 20           // number of connections
IN_NOISE  = 10           // number of connections

connect_random_low_start_ = 1  // low seed for mcell_ran4_init()

objref cells, nclist, ncslist, ncelist  // cells will be a List that holds 
  // all instances of network cells that exist on this host
  // nclist will hold all NetCon instances that exist on this host
  // and connect network spike sources to targets on this host (nclist)
  // ncslist holds NetConns from input spike sources (NetStims)
objref ranlist, ranlist2  // for RandomStreams on this host
objref stims, stimlist // phasic and tonic cell stimulation

objref gidvec  // to associate gid and position in cells List
// useful for setting up connections and reporting connectivity

proc mknet_init() {

  print "Make cells..."
  mkcells()  // create the cells
  print "Make SEP inputs..."
  mkinputs()  // create the septal inputs

  nclist = new List()

proc mknet() {
  print "Connect cells..."
  if (n_neuron != 8) {
    print "Connect EC inputs... to PCs"
    // EC input to PCs - AMPA
    connectcellsEC(npcell, iPC, nEC, iEC, EC_PC, iEC_PC, iEC_PC+5, Ecell2Pcell_delay, Ecell2Pcell_weight)
    // EC input to PCs - NMDA
    connectcellsEC(npcell, iPC, nEC, iEC, EC_PC, iECN_PC, iECN_PC+5, Ecell2Pcell_delay, Ecell2Pcell_weight)  

  if (n_neuron!=9) {
    print "Connect CA3 inputs... to PCs"
    // CA3 input to PCs - AMPA
    connectcellsCA3(npcell, iPC, nCA3, iCA3, CA3_PC, iCA3_PC, iCA3_PC+5, CA3cell2Pcell_delay, CA3cell2Pcell_weight)
    // CA3 input to PCs - NMDA
    connectcellsCA3(npcell, iPC, nCA3, iCA3, CA3_PC, iCA3N_PC, iCA3N_PC+5, CA3cell2Pcell_delay, CA3cell2Pcell_weight)
    // CA3 input to PCs - basal - AMPA
    connectcellsCA3(npcell, iPC, nCA3, iCA3, CA3_PC, iCA3_PCB, iCA3_PCB+5, CA3cell2Pcell_delay, CA3cell2Pcell_weight)
    // CA3 input to PCs -basal - NMDA
    connectcellsCA3(npcell, iPC, nCA3, iCA3, CA3_PC, iCA3N_PCB, iCA3N_PCB+5, CA3cell2Pcell_delay, CA3cell2Pcell_weight)
  print "Connect PCs... to PCs"
  // PC to PC
  connectcells(npcell, iPC, npcell, iPC, PC_PC, iPC_PC, iPC_PC, Pcell2Pcell_delay, Pcell2Pcell_weight)
  print "Connect Background activity... to PCs"
  // Background activity
  // DISTAL input to PCs - AMPA
  connectcells_noise(npcell, iPC, nNOISE, iNOISE, EC_NOISE, iEC_PC, iEC_PC+5, EDEL, EWGT)
  // DISTAL input to PCs - NMDA
  connectcells_noise(npcell, iPC, nNOISE, iNOISE, EC_NOISE, iECN_PC, iECN_PC+5, EDEL, ENWGT)
  // PROXIMAL input to PCs - AMPA
  connectcells_noise(npcell, iPC, nNOISE, iNOISE, CA3_NOISE, iCA3_PC, iCA3_PC+5, EDEL, EWGT )
  // PROXIMAL input to PCs - NMDA
  connectcells_noise(npcell, iPC, nNOISE, iNOISE, CA3_NOISE, iCA3N_PC, iCA3N_PC+5, EDEL, ENWGT )
  // BASAL input to PCs - basal - AMPA
  connectcells_noise(npcell, iPC, nNOISE, iNOISE, CA3_NOISE, iCA3_PCB, iCA3_PCB+5, EDEL, EWGT )
  // BASAL input to PCs - basal - NMDA
  connectcells_noise(npcell, iPC, nNOISE, iNOISE, CA3_NOISE, iCA3N_PCB, iCA3N_PCB+5, EDEL, ENWGT )
  // Inhibitory activity to PCs
  connectcells_noise(npcell, iPC, nNOISE, iNOISE, IN_NOISE, iBC_PC, iBC_PC, EDEL, ENWGT )

proc mknet_AAC() {
  print "Connect Inputs... to AACs"
  // EC to AAC
  connectcells(naacell, iAAC, nEC, iEC, EC_AAC, iEC_AAC, iEC_AAC+1, Ecell2AAcell_delay, Ecell2AAcell_weight)
  // CA3 to AAC
  connectcells(naacell, iAAC, nCA3, iCA3, CA3_AAC, iCA3_AAC, iCA3_AAC+3, CA3cell2AAcell_delay, CA3cell2AAcell_weight)
  // PC to AAC
  connectcells(naacell, iAAC, npcell, iPC, PC_AAC, iPC_AAC, iPC_AAC+1, Pcell2AAcell_delay, Pcell2AAcell_weight)
  // SEP to AAC
  connectcells(naacell, iAAC, nSEP, iSEP, SEP_AAC, iSEP_AAC, iSEP_AAC+3, SEPDEL, SEPWGTA)
  print "Connect AACs... to cells"
  // AAC to PC
  connectcells(npcell, iPC, naacell, iAAC, AAC_PC, iAAC_PC, iAAC_PC, AAcell2Pcell_delay, AAcell2Pcell_weight)

proc mknet_BC() {
  print "Connect Inputs... to BCs"
  // EC to BC
  connectcells(nbcell, iBC, nEC, iEC, EC_BC, iEC_BC, iEC_BC+1, Ecell2Bcell_delay, Ecell2Bcell_weight)
  // CA3 to BC
  connectcells(nbcell, iBC, nCA3, iCA3, CA3_BC, iCA3_BC, iCA3_BC+3, CA3cell2Bcell_delay, CA3cell2Bcell_weight)  
  // PC to BC
  connectcells(nbcell, iBC, npcell, iPC, PC_BC, iPC_BC, iPC_BC+1, Pcell2Bcell_delay, Pcell2Bcell_weight)  
  // SEP to BC
  connectcells(nbcell, iBC, nSEP, iSEP, SEP_BC, iSEP_BC, iSEP_BC+3, SEPDEL, SEPWGTB)
  print "Connect BCs... to cells"
  // BC to PC
  connectcells(npcell, iPC, nbcell, iBC, BC_PC, iBC_PC, iBC_PC, Bcell2Pcell_delay, Bcell2Pcell_weight)
  // BC to AAC
  connectcells(naacell, iAAC, nbcell, iBC, BC_AAC, iBC_AAC, iBC_AAC, Bcell2AAcell_delay, Bcell2AAcell_weight) 
  // BC to BC
  connectcells(nbcell, iBC, nbcell, iBC, BC_BC, iBC_BC, iBC_BC, Bcell2Bcell_delay, Bcell2Bcell_weight)
  // BC to BSC
  connectcells(nbscell, iBSC, nbcell, iBC, BC_BSC, iBC_BSC, iBC_BSC, Bcell2BScell_delay, Bcell2BScell_weight)
  // BC to VIP/CCK
  connectcells(nvipcck, iVCCK, nbcell, iBC, BC_VCCK, iBC_VCCK, iBC_VCCK, Bcell2VCCKcell_delay, Bcell2VCCKcell_weight)

proc mknet_BSC() {
  print "Connect Inputs... to BSCs"
  // EC to BSC
  connectcells(nbscell, iBSC, nEC, iEC, EC_BSC, iEC_BSC, iEC_BSC+1, Ecell2BScell_delay, Ecell2BScell_weight)
  // CA3 to BSC
  connectcells(nbscell, iBSC, nCA3, iCA3, CA3_BSC, iCA3_BSC, iCA3_BSC+3, CA3cell2BScell_delay, CA3cell2BScell_weight)
  // PC to BSC
  connectcells(nbscell, iBSC, npcell, iPC, PC_BSC, iPC_BSC, iPC_BSC+1, Pcell2BScell_delay, Pcell2BScell_weight)
  // SEP to BSC
  connectcells(nbscell, iBSC, nSEP, iSEP, SEP_BSC, iSEP_BSC, iSEP_BSC+3, SEPDEL, SEPWGTBS)
  print "Connect BSCs... to cells"
  // BSC to PC
  connectcells(npcell, iPC, nbscell, iBSC, BSC_PC/4, iBSC_PC, iBSC_PC+7, BScell2Pcell_delay, BScell2Pcell_weight)
  connectcells(npcell, iPC, nbscell, iBSC, BSC_PC/4, iBSC_PC+8, iBSC_PC+15, BScell2Pcell_delay, BScell2Pcell_GABAB_weight)
  // BSC to PC - basal
  connectcells(npcell, iPC, nbscell, iBSC, BSC_PC/4, iBSCb_PC, iBSCb_PC+5, BScell2Pcell_delay, BScell2Pcell_weight)
  connectcells(npcell, iPC, nbscell, iBSC, BSC_PC/4, iBSCb_PC+6, iBSCb_PC+11, BScell2Pcell_delay, BScell2Pcell_GABAB_weight)
  // BSC to AAC
  connectcells(naacell, iAAC, nbscell, iBSC, BSC_AAC, iBSC_AAC, iBSC_AAC+1, BScell2AAcell_delay, BScell2AAcell_weight)
  // BSC to BC
  connectcells(nbcell, iBC, nbscell, iBSC, BSC_BC, iBSC_BC, iBSC_BC+1, BScell2Bcell_delay, BScell2Bcell_weight)
  // BSC to BSC
  connectcells(nbscell, iBSC, nbscell, iBSC, BSC_BSC, iBSC_BSC, iBSC_BSC+1, BScell2BScell_delay, BScell2BScell_weight)  
  // BSC to OLM
  connectcells(nolm, iOLM, nbscell, iBSC, BSC_OLM, iBSC_OLM, iBSC_OLM+1, BScell2OLMcell_delay, BScell2OLMcell_weight)
  // BSC to VIP/CCK
  connectcells(nvipcck, iVCCK, nbscell, iBSC, BSC_VCCK, iBSC_VCCK, iBSC_VCCK+1, BScell2VCCKcell_delay, BScell2VCCKcell_weight)

proc mknet_OLM() {
  print "Connect Inputs... to OLMs"
  // PC to OLM
  connectcells(nolm, iOLM, npcell, iPC, PC_OLM, iPC_OLM, iPC_OLM+1, Pcell2OLMcell_delay, Pcell2OLMcell_weight)
  // CA3 to OLM
  connectcells(nolm, iOLM, nCA3, iCA3, CA3_OLM, iCA3_OLM, iCA3_OLM+1, CA3cell2OLMcell_delay, CA3cell2OLMcell_weight)
  // SEP to OLM
  connectcells(nolm, iOLM, nSEP, iSEP, SEP_OLM, iSEP_OLM, iSEP_OLM+1, SEPDEL, SEPWGTO)
  print "Connect OLMs... to cells"
  // OLM to PC
  connectcells(npcell, iPC, nolm, iOLM, OLM_PC/2, iOLM_PC, iOLM_PC+7, OLMcell2Pcell_delay, OLMcell2Pcell_weight)
  connectcells(npcell, iPC, nolm, iOLM, OLM_PC/2, iOLM_PC+8, iOLM_PC+15, OLMcell2Pcell_delay, OLMcell2Pcell_GABAB_weight)
  // OLM to AAC
  //connectcells(naacell, iAAC, nolm, iOLM, OLM_AAC, iOLM_AAC, iOLM_AAC+1, OLMcell2AAcell_delay, OLMcell2AAcell_weight)
  // OLM to BC
  //connectcells(nbcell, iBC, nolm, iOLM, OLM_BC, iOLM_BC, iOLM_BC+1, OLMcell2Bcell_delay, OLMcell2Bcell_weight)
  // OLM to BSC
  //connectcells(nbscell, iBSC, nolm, iOLM, OLM_BSC, iOLM_BSC, iOLM_BSC+1, OLMcell2BScell_delay, OLMcell2BScell_weight)
  // OLM to OLM
  //connectcells(nolm, iOLM, nolm, iOLM, OLM_OLM, iOLM_OLM, iOLM_OLM+1, OLMcell2OLMcell_delay, OLMcell2OLMcell_weight)
  // OLM to VIP/CCK
  //connectcells(nvipcck, iVCCK, nolm, iOLM, OLM_VCCK, iOLM_VCCK, iOLM_VCCK+1, OLMcell2VCCKcell_delay, OLMcell2VCCKcell_weight)

proc mknet_VIPCCK() {
  print "Connect Inputs... to VIPCCKs"
  // EC to VIP/CCK
  connectcells(nvipcck, iVCCK, nEC, iEC, EC_VCCK, iEC_VCCK, iEC_VCCK+1, Ecell2VCCKcell_delay, Ecell2VCCKcell_weight)
  // CA3 to VIP/CCK
  connectcells(nvipcck, iVCCK, nCA3, iCA3, CA3_VCCK, iCA3_VCCK, iCA3_VCCK+3, CA3cell2VCCKcell_delay, CA3cell2VCCKcell_weight)
  // PC to VIP/CCK
  connectcells(nvipcck, iVCCK, npcell, iPC, PC_VCCK, iPC_VCCK, iPC_VCCK+1, Pcell2VCCKcell_delay, Pcell2VCCKcell_weight)
  // SEP to VIP/CCK
  connectcells(nvipcck, iVCCK, nSEP, iSEP, SEP_VCCK, iSEP_VCCK, iSEP_VCCK+3, SEPDEL, SEPWGTV)
  print "Connect VIPCCKs... to cells"
  // VIP/CCK to PC
  connectcells(npcell, iPC, nvipcck, iVCCK, VCCK_PC, iVCCK_PC, iVCCK_PC, VCCKcell2Pcell_delay, VCCKcell2Pcell_weight)
  // VIP/CCK to AAC
  //connectcells(naacell, iAAC, nvipcck, iVCCK, VCCK_AAC, iVCCK_AAC, iVCCK_AAC, VCCKcell2AAcell_delay, VCCKcell2AAcell_weight)
  // VIP/CCK to BSC
  //connectcells(nbscell, iBSC, nvipcck, iVCCK, VCCK_BSC, iVCCK_BSC, iVCCK_BSC, VCCKcell2BScell_delay, VCCKcell2BScell_weight)
  //connectcells(nvipcck, iVCCK, nvipcck, iVCCK, VCCK_VCCK, iVCCK_VCCK, iVCCK_VCCK, VCCKcell2VCCKcell_delay, VCCKcell2VCCKcell_weight)

proc mknet_VIPCR() {
  print "Connect Inputs... to VIPCRs"
  // EC to VIP/CR
  connectcells(nvipcr, iVCR, nEC, iEC, EC_VCR, iEC_VCR, iEC_VCR+1, Ecell2VCRcell_delay, Ecell2VCRcell_weight)
  // CA3 to VIP/CR
  connectcells(nvipcr, iVCR, nCA3, iCA3, CA3_VCR, iCA3_VCR, iCA3_VCR+3, CA3cell2VCRcell_delay, CA3cell2VCRcell_weight)
  // PC to VIP/CR
  connectcells(nvipcr, iVCR, npcell, iPC, PC_VCR, iPC_VCR, iPC_VCR+1, Pcell2VCRcell_delay, Pcell2VCRcell_weight)
  // SEP to VIP/CR
  connectcells(nvipcr, iVCR, nSEP, iSEP, SEP_VCR, iSEP_VCR, iSEP_VCR+3, SEPDEL, SEPWGTVR)
  // VIP/CR to BC
  connectcells(nbcell, iBC, nvipcr, iVCR, VCR_BC, iVCR_BC, iVCR_BC, VCRcell2Bcell_delay, VCRcell2Bcell_weight)
  // VIP/CR to OLM
  connectcells(nolm, iOLM, nvipcr, iVCR, VCR_OLM, iVCR_OLM, iVCR_OLM, VCRcell2OLMcell_delay, VCRcell2OLMcell_weight)

// creates the cells and appends them to a List called cells
// argument is the number of cells to be created
proc mkcells() {local i,j localobj cell, nc, nil
  cells = new List()
  ranlist = new List()
  ranlist2 = new List()
  gidvec = new Vector()
  for i=0, ntot-1 {
    if (i < iAAC) {
      cell = new PyramidalCell()
    } else if (i < iBC) {
      cell = new AACell() // AAC
    } else if (i < iBSC) {
      cell = new BasketCell() // BC
    } else if (i < iOLM) {
      cell = new BistratifiedCell() // BSC
    } else if (i < iVCCK) {
      cell = new OLMCell()  // OLM
    } else if (i < iVCR) {
      cell = new VIPCCKCell()  // VIP/CCK+
    } else if (i < iCA3) {
      cell = new VIPCRCell()  // VIP disinhibitory CR+
    } else if (i < iEC) {
      cell = new StimCellCA3(vspkCA3[i-iCA3]) // CA3 input
    } else if (i < iSEP) {
      cell = new StimCellEC(vspkEC[i-iEC])  // EC input
    } else if (i < iNOISE) {
      cell = new BurstCell()  // Septal input
    } else {
      cell = new StimCellNOISE(vspkNOISE[i-iNOISE])  // Background Excitation
    ranlist.append(new RandomStream(i+seed1))  // ranlist.o(i) corresponds to
    ranlist2.append(new RandomStream(i+seed2))

// Target cells receive "convergence" number of inputs from
// the pool of source cells (only one input per source cell at most)
// ("convergence" not reached if no. of sources < convergence)
// connectcells(number of targets, first target cell, 
//    number of source cells, first source cell, 
//    convergence, first synapse,
//    last synapse, connection delay, weight)
// appends the NetCons to a List called nclist
proc connectcells() {local i, j, gid, nsyn, r localobj syn, nc, rs
  for i=0, cells.count-1 {  // loop over possible target cells
    gid = gidvec.x[i] // id of cell
    if (gid >= $2 && gid < $1+$2) { // appropriate target cells
      // initialize the pseudorandom number generator 
      rs = ranlist.object(i)  // RandomStream for cells.object(i)
      for nsyn=0, $5-1 {
        // for source cell
        r = rs.r.discunif($4, $4+$3-1)
        if (r != gid) {
          // target synapses
          j = rs.r.discunif($6, $7)
          // set up connection from source to target
          syn = cells.object(i).pre_list.object(j)
          nc = cells.object(r).connect2target(syn)
          nc.delay = $8
          nc.weight = $9

proc connectcells_noise() {local i, j, gid, nsyn, r, rnd localobj syn, nc, rs, rand
  rand = new Random(seed2)
  for i=0, cells.count-1 {  // loop over possible target cells
    gid = gidvec.x[i] // id of cell
    if (gid >= $2 && gid < $1+$2) { // appropriate target cells
      // initialize the pseudorandom number generator 
      rs = ranlist2.object(i)  // RandomStream for cells.object(i)
      for nsyn=0, $5-1 {
        // for source cell
        r = rs.r.discunif($4, $4+$3-1)
        // target synapses
        j = rs.r.discunif($6, $7)
        // set up connection from source to target
        syn = cells.object(i).pre_list.object(j)
        nc = cells.object(r).connect2target(syn)
        rnd = rand.uniform(0,2)
        nc.delay = $8*rnd
        nc.weight = $9

proc connectcellsEC() {local i, j, gid, nsyn, r, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, jj, rconv1 localobj syn, nc, rs, rconvobj1, save_conv_input1, save_conv_input2
  save_conv_input1 = new File()
  save_conv_input2 = new File()   
  sprint(temp_save1,"%s/input_plcs.txt", temp_dir)
  sprint(temp_save2,"%s/input_nonplcs.txt", temp_dir)
  // initialize the pseudorandom number generator
  rconvobj1 = new Random(seed1)
  // Secondary variables initialization
  r1 = 0
  r2 = 0
  r3 = 0

  // loop over possible target cells
  for i=0, cells.count-1 {
    gid = gidvec.x[i] // id of cell
    if (gid >= $2 && gid < $1+$2) { // appropriate target cells
      rconv1 = rconvobj1.uniform(0,1)
      if (rconv1 <= probability) {
        rs = ranlist.object(i)  // RandomStream for cells.object(i)
        // Same place-field per 2 neurons!
        if (r1 == 1) {
          r1  = 0
          r2 += 1
        cnt = $5*r2
        r1 += 1
        // if the number of available place fields is completed, choose randomly
        if (r2>=nplf_mod) {
           // Random place fields
          r3 = rs.r.discunif(0, nplf_mod)
          cnt = $5*r3

        //print "Convergent input at pyramidals ",gid
        if (r2<nplf_mod) {
          save_conv_input1.printf("%d, %d\n",gid,r2)  
        } else {
          save_conv_input1.printf("%d, %d\n",gid,r3) 
        for j = $6, $7 {
          // set up connection from source to target
          syn       = cells.object(i).pre_list.object(j)
          nc        = cells.object(cnt+$4).connect2target(syn)
          nc.delay  = $8
          nc.weight = $9
          cnt += 1

        for jj = 0,1 {
          // choose random location
          r4        = rs.r.discunif($6, $7)
          syn       = cells.object(i).pre_list.object(r4)
          nc        = cells.object(cnt+$4).connect2target(syn)
          nc.delay  = $8
          nc.weight = $9
          cnt += 1

        for jj = 0,1 {
          // choose random location
          r4 = rs.r.discunif($6, $7)
          syn = cells.object(i).pre_list.object(r4)
          r5 = rs.r.discunif($4, $4+$3-1)
          nc = cells.object(r5).connect2target(syn)
          nc.delay = $8
          nc.weight = $9*0.5
      } else {
        rs = ranlist.object(i)  // RandomStream for cells.object(i)
        // save in a txt file input parameters
        save_conv_input2.printf("%d, %d\n",gid, r)
        // Loop all over possible dendritic synapses - 6 synapses
        for j = $6, $7 {
          // Choose a random input cell
          r = rs.r.discunif($4, $4+$3-1)
          // set up connection from source to target
          syn = cells.object(i).pre_list.object(j)
          nc = cells.object(r).connect2target(syn)
          nc.delay  = $8
          nc.weight = $9*0.1

proc connectcellsCA3() {local i, j, gid, nsyn, r, r1, r2, r3, cnt, jj, rconv1 localobj syn, nc, rs, rconvobj1
  // initialize the pseudorandom number generator
  rconvobj1 = new Random(seed1)

  // Secondary variables initialization
  r1 = 0
  r2 = 0
  r3 = 0

  // loop over possible target cells
  for i=0, cells.count-1 {
    gid = gidvec.x[i] // id of cell
    if (gid >= $2 && gid < $1+$2) { // appropriate target cells
      rconv1 = rconvobj1.uniform(0,1)
      if (rconv1 <= probability) {
        rs = ranlist.object(i)  // RandomStream for cells.object(i)
        if (r1 == 1) {
          r1  = 0
          r2 += 1
        cnt = $5*r2
        r1 += 1
        // if the number of available place fields is completed, choose randomly
        if (r2>=nplf_mod) {
          // Random place fields
          r3 = rs.r.discunif(0, nplf_mod)
          cnt = $5*r3
        // Loop all over possible dendritic synapses - 6 synapses
        nrnd_syn = 5
        for j = $6, $7-nrnd_syn {
          // set up connection from source to target
          syn = cells.object(i).pre_list.object(j)
          nc  = cells.object(cnt+$4).connect2target(syn)
          nc.delay = $8
          nc.weight = $9
          cnt += 1

        for j = $6+nrnd_syn, $7 {
          r = rs.r.discunif(0, nplf_mod) 
          // Define the start of the input indexing
          cnt = $5*r
          // set up connection from source to target
          syn = cells.object(i).pre_list.object(j)
          nc  = cells.object(cnt+$4).connect2target(syn)
          nc.delay = $8
          nc.weight = $9
      } else {
        rs = ranlist.object(i)  // RandomStream for cells.object(i)

        // Loop all over possible dendritic synapses - 6 synapses
        for j = $6, $7 {
          // Choose a random input cell
          r = rs.r.discunif($4, $4+$3-1)
          // set up connection from source to target
          syn = cells.object(i).pre_list.object(j)
          nc = cells.object(r).connect2target(syn)
          nc.delay  = $8
          nc.weight = $9*0.1

// sets the Septal background inputs
proc mkinputs() {local i, r1 localobj stim, rs, robj
  for i=0, cells.count-1 {
    gid = gidvec.x[i] // id of cell
    if (gid >= iSEP && gid < ntot-nNOISE) { // appropriate target cell
      robj = ranlist2.object(i)
      robj.r.discunif(0, SEPNUM)

      // no self-connection and only one connection from any source
      // target synapses
      r1            = robj.repick()
      stim          = cells.object(i).stim
      rs            = ranlist2.object(i)
      stim.number   = r1
      stim.start    = SEPSTART
      stim.interval = SEPINT
      stim.noise    = SEPNOISE
      stim.burstint = SEPBINT
      stim.burstlen = SEPBLEN
      // Use the gid-specific random generator so random streams are
      // independent of where and how many stims there are.

// Set up the connections-Network build
if (n_neuron!=11) {
if (n_neuron!=10) {

// Instrumentation, i.e. stimulation and recording

// Record cell voltage traces
objref pvsoma[npcell]  // Vectors that record voltages from PCs
objref vBC[nbcell], vAAC[naacell], vBSC[nbscell], vOLM[nolm], vVCCK[nvipcck], vVCR[nvipcr]  // Vectors that record voltages from INs

proc vrecord() {local i, gid
  print "Record example voltage traces..."
  for i=0, cells.count-1 {  // loop over possible target cells
    gid = gidvec.x[i] // id of cell
    if (gid>=iPC && gid < iPC+npcell) {
      pvsoma[gid-iPC] = new Vector()
    if (gid>=iAAC && gid < iAAC+naacell) {
      vAAC[gid-iAAC] = new Vector()
    if (gid>=iBC && gid < iBC+nbcell) {
      vBC[gid-iBC] = new Vector()
    if (gid>=iBSC && gid < iBSC+nbscell) {
      vBSC[gid-iBSC] = new Vector()
    if (gid>=iOLM && gid < iOLM+nolm) {
      vOLM[gid-iOLM] = new Vector()
    if (gid>=iVCCK && gid < iVCCK+nvipcck) {
      vVCCK[gid-iVCCK] = new Vector()
    if (gid>=iVCR && gid < iVCR+nvipcr) {
      vVCR[gid-iVCR] = new Vector()


// Simulation control

strdef fstem, path

//sprint(path,"mkdir %s",folder )

// Time parameters
tstop = SIMDUR
dt = 0.1
steps_per_ms = 10
celsius = 34

// Report simulation results
objref fo
strdef fno
proc vout() { local i, j, gid, cnt
  for j=0, cells.count-1 {  // loop over possible target cells
    gid = gidvec.x[j] // id of cell
    cnt = 0
    if (gid >= iPC && gid < iPC+npcell) {
      sprint(fno,"%s_pvsoma_%d.dat", fstem, gid-iPC)
      fo = new File(fno)
      for i=0, pvsoma[gid-iPC].size-1 {
        fo.printf("%g\n", pvsoma[gid-iPC].x[i])
    if (gid >= iAAC && gid < iAAC+naacell) {
      sprint(fno,"%s_aacell_%d.dat", fstem, gid-iAAC)
      fo = new File(fno)
      for i=0, vAAC[gid-iAAC].size-1 {
        fo.printf("%g\n", vAAC[gid-iAAC].x[i])
    if (gid >= iBC && gid < iBC+nbcell) {
      sprint(fno,"%s_bcell_%d.dat", fstem, gid-iBC)
      fo = new File(fno)
      for i=0, vBC[gid-iBC].size-1 {
        fo.printf("%g\n", vBC[gid-iBC].x[i])
    if (gid >= iBSC && gid < iBSC+nbscell) {
      sprint(fno,"%s_bscell_%d.dat", fstem, gid-iBSC)
      fo = new File(fno)
      for i=0, vBSC[gid-iBSC].size-1 {
        fo.printf("%g\n", vBSC[gid-iBSC].x[i])
    if (gid >= iOLM && gid < iOLM+nolm) {
      sprint(fno,"%s_olm_%d.dat", fstem, gid-iOLM)
      fo = new File(fno)
      for i=0, vOLM[gid-iOLM].size-1 {
        fo.printf("%g\n", vOLM[gid-iOLM].x[i])
    if (gid >= iVCCK && gid < iVCCK+nvipcck) {
      sprint(fno,"%s_vipcck_%d.dat", fstem, gid-iVCCK)
      fo = new File(fno)
      for i=0, vVCCK[gid-iVCCK].size-1 {
        fo.printf("%g\n", vVCCK[gid-iVCCK].x[i])
    if (gid >= iVCR && gid < iVCR+nvipcr) {
      sprint(fno,"%s_vipcr_%d.dat", fstem, gid-iVCR)
      fo = new File(fno)
      for i=0, vVCR[gid-iVCR].size-1 {
        fo.printf("%g\n", vVCR[gid-iVCR].x[i])

print "Job is done without Errors."