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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Comparison with the original figures of Traub et al. 1991 (J. Neurophysiol. 66(2): 635-650).\
Comparison notes:\
Fig. 3 nearly perfect match\
Fig. 4 first burst missing (top); mismatch in timing (middle, bottom)\
Fig. 5 nearly perfect match\
Fig. 6 slight mismatch in timing for panel B, middle, bottom. Some fine tuning of v_init and the initial Ca concentration was needed to optimize the fit. See fig6.hoc\
Fig. 7 first spike missing at soma (left). First membrane potential depolarization missing at apical dendrite\
Fig. 8 timing differences in all panels\
Fig. 9 timing mismatch for 0.5 nA to soma. Some fine tuning of the initial Ca concentration was needed to optimize the fit. See fig9.hoc\
Fig. 10 lower burst rate and firing rate, particularly at high current levels.\