	to connect axon, based on Mainen et al. 1995.  Copied from parse.hoc in Vetter
	et al (2001)'s "Dendritica" (dendritica-1.0/batch_back/back/parse.hoc)
	Christina Weaver, August 2011

n_axon_seg  	= 5		/* # nodes in synthetic axon */
create iseg, hill, myelin[n_axon_seg], node[n_axon_seg]


objref axExcit, axSame
proc connect_axon() { 	local a,i		// cmw Aug '11:  deleted local var 'n'  

	/* Create axon  (similar to Mainen et al (Neuron, 1995) */
	create iseg
	create node[n_axon_seg] 
	create hill
	create myelin[n_axon_seg]

	a = 0
	soma {
	    for(x) 		  a += area(x) 
		equiv_diam = sqrt(a/(4*PI))
	  	//	if (swc)  equiv_diam = equivdiam /*DukeSouth*/

	for i=0,n_axon_seg-1 {		
  	  	iseg          { L=15  nseg=5  diam=equiv_diam/10 } /*Sloper&Powell 1982,Fig.71*/
  	  	myelin[i]     { L=100 nseg=5  diam=iseg.diam  }
    	node[i]       { L=1.0 nseg=1  diam=iseg.diam*.75 }
	hill          { L=10  nseg=5  diam(0:1)=4*iseg.diam:iseg.diam }

	soma      	connect hill(0), 0.5
	hill          	connect iseg(0), 1
	iseg       	connect myelin[0](0), 1
	myelin[0]  	connect node[0](0), 1
	for i=0,n_axon_seg-2  { 
		node[i]	connect myelin[i+1](0),1
		myelin[i+1] 	connect node[i+1](0),1 
	axExcit = new SectionList()
	axSame  = new SectionList()
	hill axExcit.append()
	iseg axExcit.append()
	forsec "myelin" axSame.append()
	Axon = 1


proc add_axon() { 
		//origin.sec  distance(0,originx)	// cmw Aug '11:  not needed
		Axon = 1


proc remove_axon() {

		forsec "iseg" delete_section()  // take out axon 9.2.99
		forsec "hill" delete_section()
		forsec "myelin" delete_section()
		//forsec "node" delete_section() not the node - used for calcs

		//origin.sec distance(0,originx)	// cmw Aug '11:  not needed
		Axon = 0	


proc insert_channels() {	/* insert channels and set reversal potentials */

		forall {				
			insert pas  /* generic conductance with reverse potential */
 			//insert pk   /* backpropagaton tools */
			insert na  
			insert kv

		// Vetter et al allowed the option to include Q, Ca, KCa, KM currents here.  
		// cmw:  DELETED Aug '11

		forsec "myelin" uninsert kv /* no delayed rectifiers in myelin */

		/* set reversal potentials */
		forall 				e_pas     = -70
		forall if(ismembrane("k_ion"))  ek  	  = Ek
		forall if(ismembrane("na_ion")) ena	  = Ena 
		forall if(ismembrane("na_ion"))	vshift_na = -5  
		forall if(ismembrane("ca_ion")) { eca     = 140   
  			     			  vshift_ca = 0		          

proc insert_passive() {	/* insert channels and set reversal potentials */

		forall {				
			insert pas  /* generic conductance with reverse potential */

		/* set reversal potentials */
		forall 				e_pas     = -70


proc add_passive_axon() { 
		//origin.sec  distance(0,originx)	// cmw Aug '11:  not needed
		Axon = 1