//Created by Paulo Aguiar [pauloaguiar@fc.up.pt]

// The iKCa current is not necessary but provide an idea on how activity control can be achieved.
// The early, but truncated increase in the evoked APs results from the interaction between NK1R and iKCa
// Remove the iKCa, but renormalize the inputs, if you want a slow and monotonic increase in the evoked APs


begintemplate Interneuron

public soma, dendrite, hillock, axon

create soma, dendrite, hillock, axon

proc init() {
    create soma
    soma {    
	nseg = 3  
	L = 20.0
	diam = 20.0
	//HH channels: iNat and iK
	insert HH2 {
	    gnabar_HH2 = 0.08
	    gkbar_HH2 = 0.02
	    vtraub_HH2 = -55.0
	//intracellular Ca dynamics
	insert CaIntraCellDyn {
	    depth_CaIntraCellDyn = 0.1
	    cai_tau_CaIntraCellDyn = 1.0
	    cai_inf_CaIntraCellDyn = 50.0e-6
	//potassium current dependent on intracellular calcium concentration 
	insert iKCa {
	    gbar_iKCa = 0.002 //0.002
	ek = -70.0
	Ra = 150.0
	insert pas
	g_pas = 4.2e-5
	e_pas = -65.0
    create dendrite
    dendrite {    
	nseg = 5    
	L = 500.0  
	diam = 4.0
	//intracellular Ca dynamics
	insert CaIntraCellDyn {
	    depth_CaIntraCellDyn = 0.1
	    cai_tau_CaIntraCellDyn = 2.0
	    cai_inf_CaIntraCellDyn = 50.0e-6
	//potassium current dependent on intracellular calcium concentration 
	insert iKCa {
	    gbar_iKCa = 0.002 //0.002
	ek = -70.0
	Ra = 150.0
	insert pas
	g_pas = 4.2e-5
	e_pas = -65.0
    create hillock
    hillock {   
	nseg = 3  
	L = 3.0
	diam(0:1) = 2.0:1.0
	//HH channels: iNa,t and iK
	insert HH2 {
	    gnabar_HH2 = 0.1
	    gkbar_HH2 = 0.04
	    vtraub_HH2 = -55.0
	Ra = 150.0
	insert pas
	g_pas = 4.2e-5
	e_pas = -65.0
    create axon
    axon {    
	nseg = 5
	L = 1000.0
	diam = 1.0
	//HH channels: iNa,t and iK
	insert HH2 {
	    gnabar_HH2 = 0.1
	    gkbar_HH2 = 0.04	//0.06
	    vtraub_HH2 = -55
	Ra = 150.0
	insert pas
	g_pas = 4.2e-5
	e_pas = -65.0
    soma connect hillock(0),1
    hillock connect axon(0),1
    soma connect dendrite(0),0 

endtemplate Interneuron

//Category									Variable			Units
//Time											t							[ms]
//Voltage										v							[mV]
//Current										i							[mA/cm2] (distributed)	[nA] (point process)
//Concentration							ko, ki, etc.	[mM]
//Specific capacitance			cm						[uf/cm2]
//Length										diam, L				[um]
//Conductance								g							[S/cm2] (distributed)	[uS] (point process)
//Cytoplasmic resistivity		Ra						[ohm cm]
//Resistance								Ri						[10E6 ohm]