// $Id: labels.hoc,v 1.96 2011/07/20 18:37:24 billl Exp $

// keep track of version number for future changes
// eg if (label_hoc_vers>88) rcsopen("labels.hoc",88) // go back to 88
labels_hoc_vers=find_num("$Id: labels.hoc,v 1.96 2011/07/20 18:37:24 billl Exp $","1\\."," ")
objref NCv,CODEv,DELv
objref PRIDv,POIDv,PRv,POv,DISTv,WT0v,WT1v // mo(1) will assign these
declare("ce",nil,"CTYP",new List(),"CPLA",new List(),"TPA",new List(),"nm",new List())
declare("STYP",new List(),"ncells",0,"ZTYP",new List(),"INCOL",new List())
declare("DEND",0,"SOMA",1,"AXON",2) // compartment codes - only 3 for now

//* utility functions
// plmin(val,var)
func plmin() { return $1 + $2*(2*u_rand() - 1) } 

//* cell types: 
// iex(), returns numeric index associated with a string or string object
func iex () { 
  if (argtype(1)==2) sprint(tstr,"x=%s",$s1) else sprint(tstr,"x=%s",$o1.s)
  execute(tstr) return x 
// ice(), returns whether cell is an inhib cell based on its name starting with I
func ice () { local x
  if (argtype(1)==2) return strm($s1,"^I")
  if (argtype(1)==0) x=$1 else if (argtype(1)==1) x=$o1.type 
  return strm(CTYP.o(x).s,"^I")
//* GetLyr - return layer of type
func GetLyr () { local x localobj st
  st=new String()
  if (argtype(1)==2) st.s=$s1 else if (argtype(1)==0) st.s=CTYP.o($1).s else {
    st.s=CTYP.o($o1.type).s }
  return x

proc printtype () { local i
  for (i=1;argtype(i)==0;i+=1) if ($i!=-1) printf("%s(%d) ",CTYP.o($i).s,$i)
  if (argtype(i)==2) printf("%s",$si) else print ""
proc celltype () { localobj st
  st=new String("\n")
  if (argtype(2)==2) st.s=$s2
  if (argtype(1)==0) printtype(ce.o($1).type,st.s) else printtype($o1.type,st.s) 

obfunc names2indices () { local x localobj lo,xo,st
  lo=new List() st=new String()
  for ltr(xo,lo,&x) { sprint(st.s,"%s=%d",xo.s,x) execute(st.s) }
  return lo

// at some point may want to divide up this list into cell type -- eg RS,IB and location
CTYPi=CTYP.count  // number of cell types
EXCIT=-1  // don't know how to fit these in best

// 1 cmp nrn, 2 cmp nrn, multi cmp nrn, intfire1, INTF, invlfire, nstim
for scase2(XO,"1-CMP","CMP1","2-CMP","CMP2","MULTI-CMP","MC","IntFire1","IF1","INTF","IF",\
          "INVLF","IFV","NStim","STM") { CPLA.append(XO)
  sprint(tstr,"%s=%d",XO.t,i1) execute(tstr) }
CPLAi=CPLA.count // count of cell templates

for scase2(XO,"REAL","RL","ARTC","AC","SOMA","SO","DEND","DN") {TPA.append(XO)}

proc ae () { localobj xo
  for scase2(xo,"AMPA","AM","NMDA","NM","GABAA","GA","GABAB","GB",\
    STYP.append(new String2(xo.t,xo.s)) // switch them around here
  STYPi=STYP.count  // number of cell types

for scase(XO,"DG","CA3","CA1","SUB","PSUB","MEC","LEC") {
  sprint(tstr,"%s=%d",XO.s,i1) execute(tstr) ZTYP.append(new String(XO.s))

for scase2(XO,"RIGHT","RIT","INCOL","INC","LEFT","LFT") { INCOL.append(new String(XO.s))
  sprint(tstr,"%s=%d",XO.t,i1) execute(tstr) }

//* IsLTS - return if type is LTS
func IsLTS () {
  return $1 == I2L || $1 == I4L || $1 == I5L || $1 == I6L 
//* IsBurst - return if type is intrinsically bursting
func IsBurst () {
  return $1 == E2B || $1 == E5B
//* IsFRB - return true if type is fast regular bursting
func IsFRB () {
  return $1 == E2B
//* IsRS - return true if type is regular spiking E cell
func IsRS () {
  return $1 == E2 || $1 == E4 || $1 == E5R || $1 == E6
//* IsFS - return true if type is fast spiking interneuron
func IsFS () {
  return $1 == I2 || $1 == I4 || $1 == I5 || $1 == I6 || $1 == ICA3 || $1 == IDG || $1 == ICA1

func isartcell () { return sfunc.is_point_process($o1) }