Defines network connectivity

import config
import pickle
from neuron import h
import numpy as np
h('load_file("stdgui.hoc")') #need this instead of import gui to get the simulation to be reproducible and not give an LFP flatline
from cell_classes import Cell, PyrCell, InhCell, RECell, TCCell   

class Net:
    """Creates network with prescribed number of each species of neurons (using parallelContext).
    Also ncludes methods to gather and plot spikes
    def __init__(self, Npyr,Ninh,Nre,Ntc):

        self.Npyr=Npyr                  #number of pyramidal cells
        self.Ninh=Ninh                  #number of inhibitory cortical cells
        self.N = Npyr+Ninh+Nre+Ntc     # total number of cells in network
        self.cells = []                 # List of Cell objects in the net
        self.nclist = []                # List of NetCon in the net
        self.tVec = h.Vector()         # spike time of all cells on this processor
        self.idVec = h.Vector()        # cell ids of spike times
        self.createNet()  # Actually build the net
    def __del__(self):
    def createNet(self):
        """Create, layout, and connect N cells."""
        self.setGids() #### set global ids (gids), used to connect cells
        if config.doextra: self.setCellLocations() #only need to do this if recording the LFP
    def setGids(self):
        self.gidList = []
        self.pyr_gidList = []
        self.inh_gidList = []
        self.re_gidList = []
        self.tc_gidList = []
        #### Round-robin counting. Each host as an id from 0 to nhost - 1.
        for i in range(config.idhost, self.N, config.nhost): #start with idhost, count by nhost until you get to total number of neurons (so if idhost=2 and nhost=4, the list contains [2,6,10...])
            if i<self.Npyr:
            elif(self.Npyr <= i < self.Npyr+self.Ninh):
            elif(self.Npyr+self.Ninh <= i < self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre):
    def createCells(self):
        """Create and layout cells (in this host) in the network."""
        self.cells = []
        for gid in self.gidList: #### Loop over cells in this node/host
            if gid<self.Npyr:
                cell = PyrCell(gid) # create pyramidal cell if gid is less than Npyr
                r = h.Random()
                r.Random123(gid,2,0) #set stream of random numbers; first argument is gid, make second argument 2 because 0 and 1 are already taken by AMPA_D2 and GABA_D2 synapses (see cell_classes.py)
                cell.dend.g_pas = 0.000011 + (r.uniform(0,1)+1) * 0.000003 #add cell-to-cell variability in this parameter, as prescribed in CellSyn.h line 365
            elif(self.Npyr <= gid < self.Npyr+self.Ninh):
                cell = InhCell(gid)  # create pyramidal cell if gid is Npyr or greater
                r = h.Random()
                r.Random123(gid,1,0) #set stream of random numbers; first argument is gid, make second argument 1 because 0 is already taken by AMPA_D2 synapse (see cell_classes.py)
                cell.dend.g_pas = 0.000009 + (r.uniform(0,1)+1) * 0.000003 #add cell-to-cell variability in this parameter, as prescribed in CellSyn.h line 526
            elif(self.Npyr+self.Ninh <= gid < self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre):
                cell = RECell(gid)
                cell = TCCell(gid)
            self.cells.append(cell)  # add cell object to net cell list
            cell.associateGid() # associate gid to each cell; if this line generates the error "gid=0 already exists on this process as an output port," then you just need to restart the kernel if using an interactive Python environment
            config.pc.spike_record(cell.gid, self.tVec, self.idVec) # Record spikes of this cell
            print('Created cell %d on host %d out of %d'%(gid, config.idhost, config.nhost) )
            print('config.pc.gid2cell(%d): %s'%(gid,config.pc.gid2cell(gid)))
    def connectCells(self):
        """Connect cells. Note that a "radius of 8" (as specified in Krishnan 2016) implies
        fan-out. Note that this method assumes that there Npyr=500, Ninh=100, Nre=100, and Ntc=100.
        It may not work correctly for other values."""
        ##### specify RE->TC GABA_A connections (NOTE: It is assumed Nre=Ntc) 
        rad=config.re2tc_gaba_a_rad #number of outgoing connections from each RE cell
        if (2*rad+1) > self.Ntc : print("******WARNING: RE->TC GABA_A connectivity radius is too large.")
        for tc_gid in self.tc_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic TC cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_tc = tc_gid-(self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre) #easier to work by indexing the TC cells from 0 to Ntc-1, rather than from Npyr+Ninh+Nre to Npyr+Ninh+Nre+Ntc-1
            tmp = list(range(i_tc-rad,i_tc+rad+1)) #generate list of RE sources (but this will in general include negative values); note that this assumes Nre=Ntc
            re_set=[val % self.Nre for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes RE cells from 0 to Nre-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).k_RE_TC_GABA_A = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            #connect each RE cell to each target TC cell
            for i_re in re_set:
                #must add Npyr+Ninh to i_re in order to get RE cells gid
                nc = config.pc.gid_connect(self.Npyr+self.Ninh+i_re, config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).synlist[0]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[0] is GABA_A synapse for TC cells
                nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                nc.delay = config.re2tc_gaba_a_del
                nc.threshold = config.thresh
                config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).k_RE_TC_GABA_A += 1 #update in-degree for this cell
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the *total* synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).synlist[0].gmax = config.init_GABA_thal * config.re2tc_gaba_a_str / config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).k_RE_TC_GABA_A
        ##### specify RE->TC GABA_B connections (NOTE: It is assumed Nre=Ntc) 
        rad=config.re2tc_gaba_b_rad #number of outgoing connections from each RE cell
        if (2*rad+1) > self.Ntc : print("******WARNING: RE->TC GABA_B connectivity radius is too large.")
        for tc_gid in self.tc_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic TC cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_tc = tc_gid-(self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre) #easier to work by indexing the TC cells from 0 to Ntc-1, rather than from Npyr+Ninh+Nre to Npyr+Ninh+Nre+Ntc-1
            tmp = list(range(i_tc-rad,i_tc+rad+1)) #generate list of RE sources (but this will in general include negative values); note that this assumes Nre=Ntc
            re_set=[val % self.Nre for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes RE cells from 0 to Nre-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).k_RE_TC_GABA_B = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            for i_re in re_set:  #must add Npyr+Ninh to i_re in order to get RE cell's gid
                nc = config.pc.gid_connect(self.Npyr+self.Ninh+i_re, config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).synlist[1]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[1] is GABA_B synapse for TC cells
                nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                nc.delay = config.re2tc_gaba_b_del
                config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).k_RE_TC_GABA_B += 1 #update in-degree for this cell
            #see note above for GABA_synapse
            config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).synlist[1].gmax = config.init_GABA_thal * config.re2tc_gaba_b_str / config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).k_RE_TC_GABA_B
        ##### specify RE->RE GABA_A connections
        rad=config.re2re_gaba_a_rad #number of outgoing connections from each RE cell
        if (2*rad+1) > self.Nre : print("******WARNING: RE->RE GABA_A connectivity radius is too large.")
        for re_gid in self.re_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic RE cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_post_re = re_gid - (self.Npyr+self.Ninh) #easier to work by indexing the RE cells from 0 to Nre-1, rather than from Npyr+Ninh to Npyr+Ninh+Nre-1
            tmp = list(range(i_post_re-rad,i_post_re+rad+1)) #generate list of RE sources (but this will in general include negative values)
            re_pre_set=[val % self.Nre for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes RE cells from 0 to Nre-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).k_RE_RE = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            for i_pre_re in re_pre_set:
                if i_pre_re != i_post_re: #prevent self-connection
                    nc = config.pc.gid_connect(self.Npyr+self.Ninh+i_pre_re, config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).synlist[2]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[2] is GABA_A synapse for RE cells
                    nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                    nc.delay = config.re2re_gaba_a_del
                    nc.threshold = config.thresh
                    config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).k_RE_RE += 1 #update in-degree for this cell
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).synlist[2].gmax = config.init_GABA_thal * config.re2re_gaba_a_str / config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).k_RE_RE
        ##### specify TC->RE AMPA connections (NOTE: It is assumed Nre=Ntc)  
        rad = config.tc2re_ampa_rad    #number of outgoing connections from each TC cell
        if (2*rad+1) > self.Nre : print("******WARNING: TC->RE AMPA connectivity radius is too large.")
        for re_gid in self.re_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic RE cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_re = re_gid - (self.Npyr+self.Ninh) #easier to work by indexing the RE cells from 0 to Nre-1, rather than from Npyr+Ninh to Npyr+Ninh+Nre-1    
            tmp = list(range(i_re-rad,i_re+rad+1)) #generate list of TC sources (but this will in general include negative values)
            tc_set=[val % self.Ntc for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes TC cells from 0 to Ntc-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).k_TC_RE = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            for i_tc in tc_set: 
                nc = config.pc.gid_connect(self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre+i_tc, config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).synlist[0]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[0] is AMPA synapse for RE cells
                nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                nc.delay = config.tc2re_ampa_del
                nc.threshold = config.thresh
                self.nclist.append((self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre+i_tc, re_gid, nc))
                config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).nclist.append((self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre+i_tc, nc))
                config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).k_TC_RE += 1
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).synlist[0].gmax = config.init_AMPA_thal * config.tc2re_ampa_str / config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).k_TC_RE
        ##### specify TC->PYR AMPA connections
        rad=config.tc2pyr_ampa_rad #number of outgoing connections from each TC cell
        p2t_ratio = self.Npyr/self.Ntc #we will assume that Npyr > Ntc; this ratio will be important for determining the center of the set of source TC cells for each post-synaptic PYR cell
        if p2t_ratio <= 1: print("******WARNING: This code assumes that Npyr > Ntc")
        if (2*rad+1) > self.Npyr : print("******WARNING: TC->PYR AMPA connectivity radius is too large.")
        for pyr_gid in self.pyr_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic PYR cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_pyr = pyr_gid #no subtraction needed, because PYR cells are the first set of gid's
            tmp = list(range(  int(np.floor((i_pyr-rad)/p2t_ratio)), int(np.floor((i_pyr+rad)/p2t_ratio))+1))  #center_tc should be roughly round(i_pyr/p2t_ratio); then you need to consider the radius of connectivity surrounding that, and consider that larger p2t_ratio decreases the number of TC cells sending to a given PYR cell (for a particular radius of connectivity); "+1" is due to definition of Python's "range" function 
            tc_set = [val % self.Ntc for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes TC cells from 0 to Ntc-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_TC_PY = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            for i_tc in tc_set:
                nc = config.pc.gid_connect(self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre+i_tc, config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).synlist[0]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[0] is AMPA synapse for PYR cells
                nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                nc.delay = config.tc2pyr_ampa_del
                nc.threshold = config.thresh
                config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_TC_PY += 1
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).synlist[0].gmax = config.init_AMPA_cort * config.tc2pyr_ampa_str / config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_TC_PY
        ##### specify TC->INH AMPA connections (NOTE: this assumes that Ntc=Ninh)
        rad=config.tc2inh_ampa_rad #number of outgoing connections from each TC cell
        if self.Ntc != self.Ninh: print("******WARNING: This routine assumes that Ntc=Ninh")
        if (2*rad+1) > self.Nre : print("******WARNING: TC->RE AMPA connectivity radius is too large.")
        for inh_gid in self.inh_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic INH cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_inh = inh_gid-self.Npyr #easier to work by indexing the INH cells from 0 to Ninh-1, rather than from Npyr to Npyr+Ninh-1    
            tmp = list(range(i_inh-rad,i_inh+rad+1)) #generate list of TC sources (but this will in general include negative values)
            tc_set=[val % self.Ntc for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes TC cells from 0 to Ntc-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).k_TC_IN = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            for i_tc in tc_set:
                nc = config.pc.gid_connect(self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre+i_tc, config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).synlist[0]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[0] is AMPA synapse for INH cells
                nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                nc.delay = config.tc2inh_ampa_del
                nc.threshold = config.thresh
                config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).nclist.append((self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre+i_tc, nc))
                config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).k_TC_IN += 1
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).synlist[0].gmax = config.init_AMPA_cort * config.tc2inh_ampa_str / config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).k_TC_IN

        ##### specify PYR->PYR AMPA_D2 connections
        rad=config.pyr2pyr_ampa_d2_rad #number of outgoing connections from each PY cell
        if (2*rad+1) > self.Npyr : print("******WARNING: PYR->PYR AMPA_D2 connectivity radius is too large.")
        for pyr_gid in self.pyr_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic PYR cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_post_pyr = pyr_gid #no subtraction needed, because pyramidal cells are the first set of gid's
            tmp = list(range(i_post_pyr-rad,i_post_pyr+rad+1)) #generate list of PYR sources (but this will in general include negative values)
            pyr_pre_set = [val % self.Npyr for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes PYR cells from 0 to Nre-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_PY_PY_AMPA = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            for i_pre_pyr in pyr_pre_set:
                if i_pre_pyr != i_post_pyr: #prevent self connections
                    nc = config.pc.gid_connect(i_pre_pyr, config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).synlist[1]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[1] is AMPA_D2 synapse for PYR cells
                    nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                    nc.delay = config.pyr2pyr_ampa_d2_del
                    nc.threshold = config.thresh
                    config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_PY_PY_AMPA += 1
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).synlist[1].gmax = config.init_AMPA_pyrpyr * config.pyr2pyr_ampa_d2_str / config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_PY_PY_AMPA
        ##### specify PYR->PYR NMDA_D1 connections   
        rad=config.pyr2pyr_nmda_d1_rad #number of outgoing connections from each PY cell
        if (2*rad+1) > self.Npyr : print("******WARNING: PYR->PYR NMDA_D1 connectivity radius is too large.")
        for pyr_gid in self.pyr_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic PYR cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_post_pyr = pyr_gid #no subtraction needed, because pyramidal cells are the first set of gid's
            tmp = list(range(i_post_pyr-rad,i_post_pyr+rad+1)) #generate list of PYR sources (but this will in general include negative values)
            pyr_pre_set = [val % self.Npyr for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes PYR cells from 0 to Nre-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_PY_PY_NMDA = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero 
            for i_pre_pyr in pyr_pre_set:
                if i_pre_pyr != i_post_pyr: #prevent self connections
                    nc = config.pc.gid_connect(i_pre_pyr, config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).synlist[2]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[2] is NMDA_D1 synapse for PYR cells
                    nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                    nc.delay = config.pyr2pyr_nmda_d1_del
                    nc.threshold = config.thresh
                    config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_PY_PY_NMDA += 1
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).synlist[2].gmax = config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).synlist[2].gmax / config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_PY_PY_NMDA
        ##### specify PYR->INH AMPA_D2 connections 
        rad=config.pyr2inh_ampa_d2_rad #number of outgoing connnections from each PY cell
        p2i_ratio = self.Npyr/self.Ninh #we will assume that Npyr > Ninh; this ratio will be important for determining the center of the set of source PYR cells for each post-synaptic INH cell
        if p2i_ratio <= 1: print("******WARNING: This code assumes that Npyr > Ninh")
        if(2*rad+1) > self.Ninh : print("******WARNING: PYR->INH AMPA_D2 connectivity radius is too large.")
        for inh_gid in self.inh_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic INH cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_inh = inh_gid - self.Npyr #easier to work by indexing the INH cells from 0 to Ninh-1, rather than from Npyr to Npyr+Ninh-1
            tmp = list(range( int(np.floor((i_inh-rad)*p2i_ratio)), int(np.floor((i_inh+rad)*p2i_ratio)) +1) ) #center_pyr should be roughly round(i_inh*p2i_ratio); then you need to consider the radius of connectivity surrounding that, and consider that larger p2i_ratio increases the number of PYR cells sending to a given INH cell (for a particular radius of connectivity); "+1" is due to definition of Python's "range" function 
            pyr_set = [val % self.Npyr for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes PYR cells from 0 to Npyr-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).k_PY_IN_AMPA = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            for i_pyr in pyr_set:
                nc = config.pc.gid_connect(i_pyr, config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).synlist[1]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[1] is AMPA_D2 synapse for INH cells
                nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                nc.delay = config.pyr2inh_ampa_d2_del
                nc.threshold = config.thresh
                config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).k_PY_IN_AMPA += 1
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            #note that this will also normalize the mini's, since their strength is set in the mod file by psp_weight, which is set in cell_classes.py
            config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).synlist[1].gmax = config.init_AMPA_cort * config.pyr2inh_ampa_d2_str / config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).k_PY_IN_AMPA
        ##### specify PYR->INH NMDA_D1 connections
        rad=config.pyr2inh_nmda_d1_rad #number of outgoing connnections from each PY cell
        p2i_ratio = self.Npyr/self.Ninh #we will assume that Npyr > Ninh; this ratio will be important for determining the center of the set of source PYR cells for each post-synaptic INH cell
        if p2i_ratio <= 1: print("******WARNING: This code assumes that Npyr > Ninh")
        if(2*rad+1) > self.Ninh : print("******WARNING: PYR->INH AMPA_D2 connectivity radius is too large.")
        for inh_gid in self.inh_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic INH cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_inh = inh_gid - self.Npyr #easier to work by indexing the INH cells from 0 to Ninh-1, rather than from Npyr to Npyr+Ninh-1
            tmp = list(range( int(np.floor((i_inh-rad)*p2i_ratio)), int(np.floor((i_inh+rad)*p2i_ratio)) +1) ) #center_pyr should be roughly round(i_inh*p2i_ratio); then you need to consider the radius of connectivity surrounding that, and consider that larger p2i_ratio increases the number of PYR cells sending to a given INH cell (for a particular radius of connectivity); "+1" is due to definition of Python's "range" function 
            pyr_set = [val % self.Npyr for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes PYR cells from 0 to Npyr-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).k_PY_IN_NMDA = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            for i_pyr in pyr_set:
                nc = config.pc.gid_connect(i_pyr, config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).synlist[2]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[2] is NMDA_D1 synapse for INH cells
                nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                nc.delay = config.pyr2inh_nmda_d1_del
                nc.threshold = config.thresh
                config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).k_PY_IN_NMDA += 1
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).synlist[2].gmax = config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).synlist[2].gmax / config.pc.gid2cell(inh_gid).k_PY_IN_NMDA
        ##### specify PYR->TC AMPA connections
        rad=config.pyr2tc_ampa_rad #number of outgoing connections from each PYR cell
        p2t_ratio = self.Npyr/self.Ntc #we will assume that Npyr>Ntc; this ratio will be important for determining the center of the set of source PYR cells for each post-synaptic TC cell
        if p2t_ratio <= 1: print("*******WARNING: This code assumes that Npyr > Ntc")
        if(2*rad+1) > self.Ntc: print("*******WARNING: PYR->TC AMPA connectivity radius is too large.")
        for tc_gid in self.tc_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic TC cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_tc = tc_gid - (self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre) #easier to work by indexing the TC cells from 0 to Ntc-1, rather than from Npyr+Ninh+Nre to from Npyr+Ninh+Nre+Ntc-1
            tmp = list(range( int(np.floor((i_tc-rad)*p2t_ratio)), int(np.floor((i_tc+rad)*p2t_ratio)) +1) ) #center_pyr should be roughly round(i_tc*p2i_ratio); then you need to consider the radius of connectivity surrounding that, and consider that larger p2t_ratio increases the number of PYR cells sending to a given TC cell (for a particular radius of connectivity); "+1" is due to definition of Python's "range" function 
            pyr_set = [val % self.Npyr for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes PYR cells from 0 to Npyr-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).k_PY_TC = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            for i_pyr in pyr_set:
                nc = config.pc.gid_connect(i_pyr,config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).synlist[2]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[2] is AMPA synapse for TC cells
                nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                nc.delay = config.pyr2tc_ampa_del
                nc.threshold = config.thresh
                config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).k_PY_TC += 1
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).synlist[2].gmax = config.init_AMPA_thal * config.pyr2tc_ampa_str / config.pc.gid2cell(tc_gid).k_PY_TC
        ##### specify PYR->RE AMPA connections
        rad=config.pyr2re_ampa_rad #number of outgoing connections from each PYR cell
        p2r_ratio = self.Npyr/self.Nre #we will assume that Npyr>Nre; this ratio will be important for determining the center of the set of source PYR cells for each post-synaptic RE cell
        if p2r_ratio <= 1: print("*******WARNING: This code assumes that Npyr > Nre")
        if(2*rad+1) > self.Nre: print("*******WARNING: PYR->RE AMPA connectivity radius is too large.")
        for re_gid in self.re_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic RE cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_re = re_gid - (self.Npyr+self.Ninh) #easier to work by indexing the TC cells from 0 to Nre-1, rather than from Npyr+Ninh to from Npyr+Ninh+Nre-1
            tmp = list(range( int(np.floor((i_re-rad)*p2r_ratio)), int(np.floor((i_re+rad)*p2r_ratio)) +1) ) #center_pyr should be roughly round(i_re*p2i_ratio); then you need to consider the radius of connectivity surrounding that, and consider that larger p2r_ratio increases the number of PYR cells sending to a given RE cell (for a particular radius of connectivity); "+1" is due to definition of Python's "range" function 
            pyr_set = [val % self.Npyr for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes PYR cells from 0 to Npyr-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).k_PY_RE = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero
            for i_pyr in pyr_set:
                nc = config.pc.gid_connect(i_pyr,config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).synlist[1]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[1] is AMPA synapse for RE cells
                nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                nc.delay = config.pyr2re_ampa_del
                nc.threshold = config.thresh
                config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).k_PY_RE += 1
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).synlist[1].gmax = config.init_AMPA_thal * config.pyr2re_ampa_str / config.pc.gid2cell(re_gid).k_PY_RE
        ##### specify INH->PYR GABA_A_D2 connections 
        rad=config.inh2pyr_gaba_a_d2_rad #number of outgoing connections from each INH cell
        p2i_ratio = self.Npyr/self.Ninh #we will assume that Npyr > Ninh; this ratio will be important for determining the center of the set of source INH cells for each post-synaptic PYR cell
        if p2i_ratio <= 1: print("******WARNING: This code assumes that Npyr > Ninh")
        if (2*rad+1) > self.Npyr : print("******WARNING: INH->PYR GABA_A_D2 connectivity radius is too large.")
        for pyr_gid in self.pyr_gidList: #loop over all post-synaptic PYR cells on this machine (have to loop over post-syn cells bc. pc.gid_connect only works with post-synaptic gid on machine)
            i_pyr = pyr_gid #no subtraction needed, because pyramidal cells are the first set of gid's
            tmp = list(range( int(np.floor((i_pyr-rad)/p2i_ratio)) , int(np.floor((i_pyr+rad)/p2i_ratio))+1 ) )  #center_inh should be roughly round(i_pyr/p2i_ratio); then you need to consider the radius of connectivity surrounding that, and consider that larger p2i_ratio decreases the number of INH cells sending to a given PYR cell (for a particular radius of connectivity); "+1" is due to definition of Python's "range" function 
            inh_set = [val % self.Ninh for val in tmp] #apply modulus operation to eliminate negative numbers; this implements periodic boundary conditions; indexes INH cells from 0 to Ninh-1
            config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_IN_PY = 0 #make sure in-degree is initialized to zero 
            for i_inh in inh_set:
                nc = config.pc.gid_connect(self.Npyr+i_inh, config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).synlist[3]) # create NetCon by associating pre gid to post synapse; synlist[3] is GABA_A_D2 synapse for PYR cells
                nc.weight[0] = 1 #weight should always be 1; adjust strength by modifying synapse's gmax
                nc.delay = config.inh2pyr_gaba_a_d2_del
                nc.threshold = config.thresh
                config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_IN_PY += 1
            #reduce gmax for this cell's synapse, so that the total synaptic strength is equal to that specified in the config file
            config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).synlist[3].gmax = config.init_GABA_D2 * config.inh2pyr_gaba_a_d2_str / config.pc.gid2cell(pyr_gid).k_IN_PY
    def createStims(self):
    def createIClamps(self):
    def setCellLocations(self):
        '''set cortical cell locations for calculating distance from recording 
        electrode. Also set pointers necessary for xtra and extracellular 
        mechanisms to work. Note we are only interested in placing PYR and INH
        cells because RE and TC cells do not contribute to LFP.'''
        h.define_shape() #this assigns default position and orientation of all cell. These default positions must be changed below...
        dist_cell=np.sqrt(config.area_cell) #closest linear distance between cells, if laid out on a square grid
        #place soma where you want them (understanding that default orientation of each cell is unchanged)                     
        #for ease of coding, we are going to require that Npyr be a multiple of Ninh
        assert Npyr%Ninh==0, "Error: Number of pyramidal cells must be a multiple of the number of inhibitory cells."
        #fist column is x-coordinates, second column y-coordinates, third column z-coordinates
        #lay out cells in rings around origin. Each ring will be a distance dist_cell further from the origin than the previous one, and within
        #each ring, cells will be spaced 'dist_cell' from one another. Inhibitory cells are interspersed amongst pyramidal cells
        ring_ind=1 #current ring index. Radius of ring will be ring_ind*dist_cell
        intraring_loc=0 #lattice location within present ring
        cells_laid=0 #number of cells laid out
        cells_in_ring=int(np.floor(2.0*np.pi*ring_ind)) #cells to place in next ring; take circumference divided by cell spacing: 2*np.pi*(ring_ind*dist_cell)/dist_cell
        phi=np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,cells_in_ring+1) #calculate angular coordinate for each cell; "+1" results in a "dummy cell" being placed at angle of 2*pi, so that we don't place an actual cell there. 
        phi=phi+(phi[1]-phi[0])/2.0 #rotate everything so that first cell isn't always placed along the y-axis
        while (cells_laid<Ntot):
            #set x- and y- coordinates
            if(cells_laid % (pyr2inh_ratio+1) == 0):
                inhcells_laid += 1
                pyrcells_laid += 1
            intraring_loc += 1
            cells_laid += 1
            if(intraring_loc == cells_in_ring and cells_laid != Ntot): #condition for having completed a ring
                ring_ind += 1 #move out to the next ring
                intraring_loc=0 #reset lattice location within present ring
                cells_in_ring=int(np.floor(2.0*np.pi*ring_ind)) #cells to place in next ring; take circumference divided by cell spacing: 2*np.pi*(ring_ind*dist_cell)/dist_cell
                if(cells_laid+cells_in_ring > Ntot): #if the next ring can accommodate more neurons than is necessary, then have it only house the remaining neurons (this will make them symmetrically distributed around the ring)
                    cells_in_ring = Ntot - cells_laid
        #place soma where you want them (understanding that default orientation of each cell is unchanged) 
        #loop over cells and determine which kind they are, then find appropriate row in appropriate matrix to grab coordinates
        #need to do loop over self.cells, rather than just looping over all gid values, because if this is run in parallel
        #each processor only has a subset of all possible cells                    
        for cell in self.cells:
            if cell.gid<Npyr:
                row = cell.gid
            elif Npyr <= cell.gid < Npyr + Ninh:
                row = cell.gid-Npyr
        h.define_shape() #call this again, so that all the other sections attached to each soma will move with it
        #print out locations of each section
        for sec in h.allsec():
            print("section=",sec.name()) #or use print h.secname()
            for i in range(int(h.n3d())): print(i, h.x3d(i), h.y3d(i), h.z3d(i), h.diam3d(i))
        #call grindaway() in order to calculate centers of all segements, and--most importantly--copy these values to the xtra mechanism of each cell, so they can be used to calculate the LFP
        h.load_file('interpxyz.hoc') #from Ted's extracellular_stim_and_rec code; see https://www.neuron.yale.edu/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3649
        #this is basically replicating setpointers.hoc from Ted's extracellular_stim_and_rec code
        for sec in h.allsec():
            if h.ismembrane('xtra',sec=sec):
                for seg in sec:
                    h.setpointer(seg._ref_i_membrane_, 'im', seg.xtra)

        #h('xopen("calcrxc_a.hoc")') #h.load_file is like Python import, h('xopen...') is like Python execfile
        h.setelec(config.XE, config.YE, config.ZE) # put stim electrode at (x, y, z)); fyi, x-coordinates of neurons by default range from (CF: the following applies to HFO recode, not Bazhenov model)-200 um (tip of basilar dendrite) to +470 um (tip of apical dendrite) 
    def place_cell(self,cell,newx,newy,newz):
        '''places zeroth 3D coordinate of soma of 'cell' at a specified x,y,z coordinate, maintaining default orientation of cell 
        (cells appear to be parallel to the x-axis) (This code is copied from HFO recode version 12)'''
        n = int(h.n3d(sec=cell.soma))
        #create lists of x, y, and z coordinates for all segments in the soma (see p. 256, 2017 Neuron Course manual)
        xs = [h.x3d(i, sec=cell.soma) for i in range(n)]
        ys = [h.y3d(i, sec=cell.soma) for i in range(n)]
        zs = [h.z3d(i, sec=cell.soma) for i in range(n)]
        ds = [h.diam3d(i, sec=cell.soma) for i in range(n)]
        #iterate through each 3D coordinate and re-assign it
        for a,b,c,d in zip(xs, ys, zs, ds):
            h.pt3dchange(i,(a-xs[0])+newx,(b-ys[0])+newy,(c-zs[0])+newz,d,sec=cell.soma ) # part in parentheses gives location of non-zeroth coordinates relative to zeroth coordinate
    def gatherSpikes(self):
        """Gather spikes from all nodes/hosts"""
        if config.idhost==0: print('Gathering spikes ...')
        data = [None]*config.nhost
        data[0] = {'tVec': self.tVec, 'idVec': self.idVec}
        self.tVecAll = [] 
        self.idVecAll = [] 
        if config.idhost==0:
            for d in gather:
    def gatherLFP(self):
        '''Gather LFP waveforms from all nodes/hosts'''
        if config.idhost==0: print('Gathering LFP waveforms ...')
        data = [None]*config.nhost #EACH NODE has this list, the i^th element of which will be sent to node i
        data[0] = {'lfp': config.lfp_rec, 'v_rec': config.v_rec} #by making only the zeroth element something other than 'None,' this means each node will be sending data only to node 0
        gather=config.pc.py_alltoall(data) #according to Lytton et. al. 2016, 'gather' is a list
        if config.idhost==0:
            self.v_sum=np.zeros(len(gather[0]['v_rec'])) #start sum at zeros, and make np array same length as v_rec lists
            self.lfp_sum=np.zeros(len(gather[0]['lfp'])) #start sum at zeros, and make np array same length as lfp_rec lists
            for d in gather:
                self.v_sum += d['v_rec'] #compute summed cortical voltage, summed over contributions from nodes on all hosts
                self.lfp_sum += d['lfp'] #compute cortical LFP, summed over contributions from nodes on all hosts
    def plotRaster(self):

        print('Plotting raster ...')
        pyr_indices=[i for (i, val) in enumerate(self.idVecAll) if val<self.Npyr] # get the indices of pyramidal cell spikes
        inh_indices=[i for (i, val) in enumerate(self.idVecAll) if (self.Npyr<=val<(self.Npyr+self.Ninh))] #find indices (within self.idVecAll) of inhibitory cell spikes
        re_indices=[i for (i, val) in enumerate(self.idVecAll) if ((self.Npyr+self.Ninh)<=val<(self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre))]
        tc_indices=[i for (i, val) in enumerate(self.idVecAll) if ((self.Npyr+self.Ninh+self.Nre)<=val)]
        pyr_tVec=[net.tVecAll[val] for val in pyr_indices] #create spike time vector of just pyramidal cells
        pyr_id=[net.idVecAll[val] for val in pyr_indices] #create corresponding spike id vector for just pyramidal cells
        inh_tVec=[net.tVecAll[val] for val in inh_indices]
        inh_id=[net.idVecAll[val] for val in inh_indices]
        re_tVec=[net.tVecAll[val] for val in re_indices]
        re_id=[net.idVecAll[val] for val in re_indices]
        tc_tVec=[net.tVecAll[val] for val in tc_indices]
        tc_id=[net.idVecAll[val] for val in tc_indices]
        pyplot.xlabel('Time (ms)')
        pyplot.ylabel('Cell ID')
        pyplot.title('Raster Plot')
        if len(self.tVecAll)>0:
            print("tVecAll is empty.")
    def saveData(self):
        print('Saving data ...')
        dataSave = {'Npyr': self.Npyr, 'Nbask': self.Ninh, 'Nre':self.Nre, 'Ntc':self.Ntc, 'tVec': self.tVecAll, 'idVec': self.idVec} #may want to add in all the connectivity and stimulation parameters at some point
        with open('output.pkl', 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(dataSave, f)