The zip file contains a Matlab and an Excel implementation of the opponent-channel model described in: Briley PM, Kitterick PT, Summerfield AQ (2012) Evidence for opponent-process analysis of sound-source location in humans. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. Epub Oct 23rd, 2012. PMID: 23090057. doi: 10.1007/s10162-012-0356-x Both implementations reproduce the key elements of Figures 8B-C, 9 and 11 of the associated paper. Specific details of model parameters and outputs are given at the start of the Matlab file and on the "Description" sheet of the Excel workbook. In an "opponent-channel" model, sound-source location is coded by the balance of activity in two, broadly-tuned channels, one maximally responsive to the left, and one to the right, auditory hemispace. Our model can be used to describe the tuning of these two channels, and consequently to predict psychophysical spatial acuity ("minimum audible angles") for different azimuthal positions, as well as electroencephalographic (EEG) responses to abrupt shifts in sound-source location. The default parameters were obtained by fitting the model to EEG data from a group of young, normally-hearing adults. In the Excel implementation of the model, parameters can be set, and output can be viewed, in the "Figures" sheet. The detailed computations are performed in the "Model" sheet. The Matlab implementation is run using the following syntax: [chan maa ac] = brileyetal2012_oppchanmodel(figs,params) Inputs (optional): figs - set to 0 to suppress the production of figures (default is 1) params - a structure that can be used to set the model parameters (e.g. the inclusion of params.scale would set the scale parameter to the specified value), otherwise default parameters are used Outputs: chan - contains the channel parameters and tuning functions maa - contains the predicted minimum audible angles ac - contains the predicted EEG response sizes These model files were contributed by Paul Briley.