objref compmap, allow, x

obfunc synaptic_compmap_construct () { local nrow, ncol  localobj f, s, tmpmap
Parameter, Description:
$1 thisno, maybe this double will be replaced in NEURON?
$2 num_postsynaptic_cells,  another double
// returned compmap(i,j), Matrix object=compartment #on postsyn cell j for ith presyn input
$3 num_presyninputs_perpostsyn_cell, a double 
$4 num_allowcomp, another double
$o5 allow, a Vector object of allowed postsyn compartments
$6 display, another double

c Construct a map of compartments at connections of one presynaptic
c cell to type to a postsynaptic cell type.
c compmap (i,j) = compartment number on postsynaptic cell j of its
c  i'th presynaptic input.
c display is an integer flag.  If display = 1, print compmap

        INTEGER thisno,
     &   num_postsynaptic_cells,
     &   num_presyninputs_perpostsyn_cell,
     &   compmap (num_presyninputs_perpostsyn_cell, 
     &                  num_postsynaptic_cells),
     &   num_allowcomp, allow(num_allowcomp)
c num_allowcomp = number of different allowed compartments
c allow = list of allowed compartments
        INTEGER i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p
        INTEGER display

        double precision seed, x(1)
//	print "arrived"
//	objref seed
	seed = new Vector()

        num_postsynaptic_cells = $2
        num_presyninputs_perpostsyn_cell = $3
	num_allowcomp = $4
	objref allow
	allow = $o5
	display = $6

	objref compmap
	compmap = new Matrix(num_presyninputs_perpostsyn_cell+1, num_postsynaptic_cells+1)
  if (!use_p2c_net_connections) {
//            map = 0
            k = 1
// print "num_postsynaptic_cells, num_presyninputs_perpostsyn_cell = ",num_postsynaptic_cells, num_presyninputs_perpostsyn_cell
// print "matrix size = ",compmap.nrow(),compmap.ncol()

        for ii = 1, num_postsynaptic_cells {
        for jj = 1, num_presyninputs_perpostsyn_cell {
            x = durand (seed, k, x)
// c This defines a compartment     
           LL = int ( x.x[0] * (num_allowcomp) ) + 1
//	 print "jj,ii: ",jj,ii, " LL=",LL
        if (LL > num_allowcomp) {
		print " unnexpected boundary issue in synaptic_compmap_construct()"
		LL = num_allowcomp
// print allow.x(L)
           compmap.x[jj][ii] = allow.x[LL]


	thisno = $1
// c Possibly print out map when done.
       if ((display == 1) && (thisno == 0)) {
        for i = 1, num_postsynaptic_cells {
         printf("%6d %6d %6d\n", compmap.x(1,i), compmap.x(2,i), \

	// read from file created by port2colossus
	s = new String()
	sprint(s.s, "../../p2c/compmap/%s.dat", $s7)
//printf("%s %d %d\n", s.s, nrow, ncol)
	f = new File()
	tmpmap = new Matrix(ncol, nrow) // need to transpose
	tmpmap.scanf(f, ncol, nrow)
	tmpmap = tmpmap.transpose
	tmpmap.bcopy(0,0,nrow, ncol, 1, 1, compmap)
       return compmap