//  Procedures to localize synapses in dendritic compartments
//  =========================================================
//	Postsynaptic:
//	  - all kinetics from:
//	    Destexhe, A., Mainen, Z.F. and Sejnowski, T.J.  Kinetic models of 
//	    synaptic transmission.  In: Methods in Neuronal Modeling (2nd ed) 
//	    edited by Koch, C. and Segev, I.), MIT press, Cambridge, 1997.
//	  - GABAa synapses everywhere (including init segment)
//	  - AMPA synapses only in dendrites
//	  - added NMDA colocalized with AMPA
//	Presynaptic:
//	  - Stimulation using random generators
//	  - Multigenerator mechanism
//	Procedures for assigning synaptic conductances:
//	  - relative values from morphological data (density)
//	  - localization mechanisms using SectionLists and path distance
//	Synaptic Coverage with constant density of synapses in the model
//	  - defines a unit area for 1 synapse and add several synapses per 
//	    compartment, according to the number of unit areas it contains.
//	  - idem for GABA, leading to several synapses on soma.
//	Parameters that must be passed:
//	  - cutoff : set the distance (um) that limit proximal region of 
//		dendrites with no excitatory synapses (usually 40 um)
//	  - ex_dend_unit: unit membrane area for excitatory synapses
//	  - in_dend_unit: unit membrane area for inh synapses in dendrites
//	  - in_soma_unit: unit membrane area for inh synapses in soma
//	  - in_iseg_unit: unit membrane area for inh synapses in init seg
//	All surfaces calculated using area() procedure
//	Treat AMPA and NMDA independently
//	Correlated Random Generators
//	  - new variables: correlation of exc (corr_E) and inh (corr_I)
//	  - adjustable seed
//	  - corrGen8 generator (distributed generator)
//	Mechanisms to allow synaptic stimulation in addition to bombardment:
//	  - store the distance of each compartment
//	multisynapse mechanisms (Lytton's algorithm)
//  Alain Destexhe, Laval University 1997


//  Initializations

create PRE			// create presynaptic compartment
  L = 0.1
  diam = 0.1
  insert pas			// (insert passive for compatibility)

forall for(x) a=a+area(x)
S_tot = a			// get total surface of cell

forsec "dend" for(x) a=a+area(x)
S_dend = a			// get dendritic surface
S_prox = S_tot - S_dend		// proximal surface

printf("\nArea of cell:   prox=%g \t dend=%g \t tot=%g\n\n",S_prox,S_dend,S_tot)

objectvar Prox, DendE, DendI		// section lists for proximal and dendrites
Prox = new SectionList()
DendE = new SectionList()
DendI = new SectionList()

max_dend_syn_E = 3 * int(0.5+S_dend/ex_dend_unit)
max_dend_syn_I = 3 * int(0.5+S_dend/in_dend_unit)
max_prox_syn_I = 3 * int(0.5+S_prox/in_soma_unit)

double Prox_x[max_prox_syn_I]	// vectors to store index x
double DendE_x[max_dend_syn_E]
double DendI_x[max_dend_syn_I]

double Prox_d[max_prox_syn_I]	// vectors to store distances
double DendE_d[max_dend_syn_E]
double DendI_d[max_dend_syn_I]

double Prox_N[max_prox_syn_I]	// vectors to store the nb of synapses
double DendE_N[max_dend_syn_E]
double DendI_N[max_dend_syn_I]

soma distance(0,0.5)		// init origin of path distance in mid-soma

objectvar RND
RND = new Random()

//  Build section lists, create synapses and generators

Soma_syn = 0
Pdend_syn = 0
Hill_syn = 0
Iseg_syn = 0
Prox_syn = 0
Dend_syn_E = 0
Dend_syn_I = 0

print "\nCalculating synapse locations:"

forsec "soma" {			// fill Prox sectionlist: begin by soma
   x = 0.5
   a=area(x)				// get area
   nsyn = int(0.5+a/in_soma_unit) 		// get nb synapses
   if(nsyn>0) {
	Prox.append()			// add to list
	Prox_x[i] = x			// store index
	Prox_d[i] = 0			// store distance
	Prox_N[i] = nsyn		// store nb of synapses
Soma_syn = j
print Soma_syn," synapses in soma"

forsec "dend" { 		// then proximal dendrites
   for(x) if(x>0 && x<1) {		// scan each segment
	a = area(x)
	nsyn = int(0.5+a/in_dend_unit)
	if(nsyn>0) {
	   if(distance(x) < cutoff) {
		Prox.append()		// add to list
		Prox_x[i] = x		// store index
		Prox_d[i] = distance(x) // store distance
		Prox_N[i] = nsyn	// store nb of synapses
Pdend_syn = j
print Pdend_syn," synapses in proximal dendrites"

forsec "hill" {			// axon hillock
   for(x) if(x>0 && x<1) {		// scan each segment
	a = area(x)
	nsyn = int(0.5+a/in_soma_unit)
	if(nsyn>0) {
		Prox.append()		// add to list
		Prox_x[i] = x		// store index
		Prox_d[i] = distance(x) // store distance
		Prox_N[i] = nsyn	// store nb of synapses
Hill_syn = j
print Hill_syn," synapses in axon hillock"

forsec "iseg" {			// initial segment
   for(x) if(x>0 && x<1) {		// scan each segment
	a = area(x)
	nsyn = int(0.5+a/in_iseg_unit)
	if(nsyn>0) {
		Prox.append()		// add to list
		Prox_x[i] = x		// store index
		Prox_d[i] = distance(x) // store distance
		Prox_N[i] = nsyn	// store nb of synapses
Iseg_syn = j
print Iseg_syn," synapses in axon initial segment"

Prox_syn = Soma_syn + Pdend_syn + Hill_syn + Iseg_syn
print "\nNumber of proximal synapses: ",Prox_syn

forsec "dend" {			// Fill dendritic section lists (INH)
   for(x) if(x>0 && x<1) {		// scan each segment
	a = area(x)
	nsyn = int(0.5+a/in_dend_unit)
	if(nsyn>0) {
	   if(distance(x) >= cutoff) {
		DendI.append()		// add to list
		DendI_x[i] = x		// store index
		DendI_d[i] = distance(x) // store distance
		DendI_N[i] = nsyn	// store nb of synapses
Dend_syn_I = j
print "\nNumber of inhibitory dendritic synapses: ",Dend_syn_I

forsec "dend" {			// Fill dendritic section list (EXC)
   for(x) if(x>0 && x<1) {		// scan each segment
	a = area(x)
	nsyn = int(0.5+a/ex_dend_unit)
	if(nsyn>0) {
	   if(distance(x) >= cutoff) {
		DendE.append()		// add to list
		DendE_x[i] = x		// store index
		DendE_d[i] = distance(x) // store distance
		DendE_N[i] = nsyn	// store nb of synapses
Dend_syn_E = j
print "\nNumber of excitatory dendritic synapses: ",Dend_syn_E

//  Create presynaptic generators

corr_E = 0			// correlation of excitatory synapses
corr_I = 0			// correlation of inhibitory synapses

objectvar proxGABAgen		// create inhibitory generator for prox
PRE proxGABAgen = new corrGen8(0.5)
proxGABAgen.N = Prox_syn
proxGABAgen.correl = corr_I

objectvar dendAMPAgen		// create excitatory generators for dendrites
PRE dendAMPAgen = new corrGen8(0.5)
dendAMPAgen.N = Dend_syn_E
dendAMPAgen.correl = corr_E

objectvar dendGABAgen		// create inhibitory generators for dendrites
PRE dendGABAgen = new corrGen8(0.5)
dendGABAgen.N = Dend_syn_I
dendGABAgen.correl = corr_I

pre_freq_E = 0.6		// mean presynaptic frequency - excitatory
pre_freq_I = 0.1		// mean presynaptic frequency - inhibitory
pre_dur = 10000			// duration of presynaptic firing

dendAMPAgen.latency = 0		// initial latencies
dendGABAgen.latency = 0
proxGABAgen.latency = 0

//  Procedure to redefine parameters of presynaptic generators
proc set_generators() {
   dendAMPAgen.freq = pre_freq_E	// set presyn spike frequency
   dendGABAgen.freq = pre_freq_I
   proxGABAgen.freq = pre_freq_I

   dendAMPAgen.correl = corr_E		// set correlations
   dendGABAgen.correl = corr_I
   proxGABAgen.correl = corr_I

   dendAMPAgen.shutoff = dendAMPAgen.latency + pre_dur // set burst duration
   dendGABAgen.shutoff = dendGABAgen.latency + pre_dur
   proxGABAgen.shutoff = proxGABAgen.latency + pre_dur


//  Create objects for synapses

objectvar proxGABA[Prox_syn]	// create GABA synapses in proximal region

objectvar dendAMPA[Dend_syn_E]	// create AMPA synapses in dendritic region
objectvar dendNMDA[Dend_syn_E]	// create NMDA synapses in dendritic region
objectvar dendGABA[Dend_syn_I]	// create GABA synapses in dendritic region

forall { v = 100 } 		// to display

//  Procedures to insert inhibitory synapses
proc insert_GABA_prox() { local i
   i = 0
   j = 0
   forsec Prox {		// scan proximal sections
	proxGABA[i] = new multiGABAa()	// create GABAa synapse
	proxGABA[i].loc(Prox_x[i])	// postsynaptic is present compartment
	proxGABA[i].allocate(Prox_N[i])	// allocate for synapses
	for k=0, Prox_N[i]-1 {		// scan each synapse
	   proxGABA[i].addlink(&proxGABAgen.x[j])	// presyn is generator
	   j = j + 1
	Alpha_multiGABAa = 5		// kinetics (Destexhe et al., 1997)
	Beta_multiGABAa = 0.18
	Cmax_multiGABAa = 1
	Cdur_multiGABAa = 1
	Erev_multiGABAa = -80
	i = i + 1
	v = -80			// to display
   print j," GABAa synapses inserted in proximal region"

proc insert_GABA_dend() { local i
   i = 0
   j = 0
   forsec DendI {		// scan dendritic region
	dendGABA[i] = new multiGABAa()	// create GABAa synapse
	dendGABA[i].loc(DendI_x[i])	// postsynaptic is present compartment
	dendGABA[i].allocate(DendI_N[i]) // allocate for synapses
	for k=0, DendI_N[i]-1 {		// scan each synapse
	   dendGABA[i].addlink(&dendGABAgen.x[j])	// presyn is generator
	   j = j + 1
	Alpha_multiGABAa = 5		// kinetics (Destexhe et al., 1997)
	Beta_multiGABAa = 0.18
	Cmax_multiGABAa = 1
	Cdur_multiGABAa = 1
	Erev_multiGABAa = -80
	i = i + 1
	v = -80			// to display
   print j," GABAa synapses inserted in dendritic region"

//  Procedure to insert excitatory synapses in dendrites
proc insert_AMPA_dend() { local i
   i = 0
   j = 0
   forsec DendE {		// scan dendritic region
	dendAMPA[i] = new multiAMPA()	// create AMPA synapse
	dendAMPA[i].loc(DendE_x[i])	// postsynaptic is present compartment
	dendAMPA[i].allocate(DendE_N[i]) // allocate for synapses
	for k=0, DendE_N[i]-1 {		// scan each synapse
	   dendAMPA[i].addlink(&dendAMPAgen.x[j])	// presyn is generator
	   j = j + 1
	Alpha_multiAMPA = 1.1		// kinetics (Destexhe et al., 1997)
	Beta_multiAMPA = 0.19
	Cmax_multiAMPA = 1
	Cdur_multiAMPA = 1
	Erev_multiAMPA = 0
	i = i + 1
	v = -20			// to display
   print j," AMPA synapses inserted in dendritic region"

proc insert_NMDA_dend() { local i
   i = 0
   j = 0
   forsec DendE {		// scan dendritic region
	dendNMDA[i] = new multiNMDA()	// create NMDA synapse
	dendNMDA[i].loc(DendE_x[i])	// postsynaptic is present compartment
	dendNMDA[i].allocate(DendE_N[i]) // allocate for synapses
	for k=0, DendE_N[i]-1 {		// scan each synapse
	   dendNMDA[i].addlink(&dendAMPAgen.x[j])	// presyn is generator
	   j = j + 1
	Alpha_multiNMDA = 0.072		// kinetics (Destexhe et al., 1997)
	Beta_multiNMDA = 0.0066
	Cmax_multiNMDA = 1
	Cdur_multiNMDA = 1
	Erev_multiNMDA = 0
	mg_multiNMDA = 2			// ext Mg++
	i = i + 1
	v = -20			// to display
   print j," NMDA synapses inserted in dendritic region"

strdef sn

//  Procedure to set synaptic conductances of AMPA synapses in dendrites
//  arguments: 1=gAMPA (in S/cm2)
proc set_AMPA_dend() { local i,j,a

   print "\nAMPA synapses in dendrites:\n"
   print " Quantal conductance: ",$1," uS"

   i = 0
   j = 0
   forsec DendE {
	dendAMPA[i].gmax = $1		// AMPA conductance in dendrites
	if(DEBUG>0) {
	   printf("%s \t %g\n",sn,dendAMPA[i].gmax)
	j = j + dendAMPA[i].nsyn
	i = i + 1
   printf("  %d synapses modified (%d multisynapses)\n",j,i)

//  Procedure to set synaptic conductances of NMDA synapses in dendrites
//  arguments: 1=gNMDA (in S/cm2)
proc set_NMDA_dend() { local i,j,a

   print "\nNMDA synapses in dendrites:\n"
   print " Quantal conductance: ",$1," uS"

   i = 0
   j = 0
   forsec DendE {
	dendNMDA[i].gmax = $1		// NMDA conductance in dendrites
	if(DEBUG>0) {
	   printf("%s \t %g\n",sn,dendNMDA[i].gmax)
	j = j + dendNMDA[i].nsyn
	i = i + 1
   printf("  %d synapses modified (%d multisynapses)\n",j,i)

//  Procedure to set synaptic conductances of inh synapses proximal
//  arguments: 1=gGABA (in S/cm2) 
proc set_GABA_prox() { local i,j,a

   print "\nGABAa synapses in proximal region:\n"
   print " Quantal conductance: ",$1," uS"

   i = 0
   j = 0
   forsec Prox {
	proxGABA[i].gmax = $1		// GABA conductance in soma
	if(DEBUG>0) {
	   printf("%s \t %g\n",sn,proxGABA[i].gmax)
	j = j + proxGABA[i].nsyn
	i = i + 1
   printf("  %d synapses modified (%d multisynapses)\n",j,i)

//  Procedure to set synaptic conductances of inh synapses in dendrites
//  arguments: 1=gGABA (in S/cm2) 
proc set_GABA_dend() { local i,j,a

   print "\nGABAa synapses in dendrites:\n"
   print " Quantal conductance: ",$1," uS"

   i = 0
   j = 0
   forsec DendI {
	dendGABA[i].gmax = $1		// GABA conductance in dendrites
	if(DEBUG>0) {
	   printf("%s \t %g\n",sn,dendGABA[i].gmax)
	j = j + dendGABA[i].nsyn
	i = i + 1
   printf("  %d synapses modified (%d multisynapses)\n",j,i)

//  Procedure to fire all excitatory synapses in dendrites
//  located within a given distance
//  arguments: 1=minimal distance, 2=maximal distance
proc fire_AMPA_dend() { local i,j,k,ns,sync

   printf("\nAMPA synapses in dendrites between %g and %g um:\n", \
	$1, $2)

   i = 0		// counter for multisynapses
   j = 0		// counter for synapses
   ns = 0
   forsec DendE {
	sync = 0
	if(DendE_d[i] >= $1 && DendE_d[i] <= $2) { 	// determine sync flag
		sync = 1
		ns = ns + DendE_N[i]			// add to counter
	for k=0, DendE_N[i]-1 {				// set sync flag
		dendAMPAgen.sync[j] = sync
		j = j + 1
	i = i + 1
   dendAMPAgen.on = 3
   printf(" %d synapses out of a total of %d armed for synch firing\n",ns,j)

//  Procedure to fire some excitatory synapses in dendrites
//  located within a given distance
//  arguments: 1=minimal distance, 2=maximal distance, 
//	3=fraction of synapses stimulated [0-1] 
proc fire_some_AMPA() { local i,j,k,ns,sync,ii,nf

   printf("\nAMPA synapses in dendrites between %g and %g um:\n", \
	$1, $2)

   nf = 1/$3
   ii = 0		// counter for fraction

   i = 0		// counter for multisynapses
   j = 0		// counter for synapses
   ns = 0
   forsec DendE {
	sync = 0
	if(DendE_d[i] >= $1 && DendE_d[i] <= $2) { 	// determine sync flag
	   ii = ii + 1
	   if(ii >= nf) {
		ii = 0
		sync = 1
		ns = ns + DendE_N[i]			// add to counter
	for k=0, DendE_N[i]-1 {				// set sync flag
		dendAMPAgen.sync[j] = sync
		j = j + 1
	i = i + 1
   dendAMPAgen.on = 3
   printf(" %d synapses out of a total of %d armed for synch firing\n",ns,j)

//  Procedure to visualize the regions of synapses where firing is evoked
//  arguments: 1=minimal distance, 2=maximal distance
proc show_AMPA_dend() { local i,a

   printf("\nChanging the Vm of dendrites between %g and %g um\n\n", \
	$1, $2)

   i = 0
   forsec DendE {
	v = v_init
	if(DendE_d[i] >= $1 && DendE_d[i] <= $2) {
		v = 20
        i = i + 1

//  Procedure to set the seed of all random generators
//  arguments:	1=seed for oc random, 2=seed for dendAMPA, 
//		3=seed for dendGABA, 4=seed for dendGABA
proc set_seed() {