
func issplit() {	// to avoid errors if multisplit is not loaded (if it is this function will be overwritten)
	return 0

load_file("params.hoc")		// Simulation header file that initializes settings and variables

load_file("stdutil.hoc")		// general utility procs and funcs (all model independent)

load_file("mview.hoc")		 	// load modelview library

load_file("MorphologyUtilities.hoc")	// Procs and funcs related to morphology

load_file("MembraneUtilities.hoc")	// Procs and funcs related to membrane conductances

load_file("SimulationUtilities.hoc")	// Procs and funcs related simulations (i.e SaveData())

load_file("CurrentInjections.hoc")	// current injection simulation procedures

if (verbosity > 2) printf("Utility functions loaded \n")

if (showGUI) {

// load_file("parinit.hoc")		// Setup multisplit. If called before model creation bad things happen

// if (msplit) {
// 	startPar()
// }