$Header: /usr/local/src/nrniv/simctrl/hoc/RCS/default.hoc,v 1.4 1995/07/03 16:27:31 billl Exp $

This file contains various global defaults for hoc

** Users should not edit nrnoc.hoc or default.hoc.  Any local 
changes to these files should be made in local.hoc.

Object defaults

/*** Define a "nil" object ***/
objectvar nil

String defaults

/*** "Section" is used if errors are found in the initializiations ***/
strdef section

/*** Misc defines used by graphic routines ***/
temp_string_ = "t"
tempvar = 0

Simulation defaults

                        /* To be consistent w/the nmodl values */
FARADAY = 96520.        /* Hoc default = 96484.56 */
PI      = 3.14159       /* Hoc default = 3.1415927 */

                        /* 0=off, 1=on */
print_flag  = 0         /* Write to output file */
graph_flag  = 1         /* Plot output */
iv_flag     = 1         /* Using Interviews plotting */
batch_flag  = 0         /* Using batch_run() */
compress_flag = 0       /* Compress output file when saved */
stoprun     = 0         /* 0=running, 1=stopped */
iv_loaded   = 0         /* Load initial iv stuff on once */

init_seed   = 830529
run_seed    = 680612

t           = 0         /* msec */
dt          = .01       /* msec */
tstop       = 100       /* msec */
printStep   = 0.1       /* msec */
plotStep    = 0.1       /* msec */
flushStep   = 0.1       /* msec */
eventStep   = 50        /* Number of nstep's before a doEvent */
nstep_steprun = 1       /* Number of dt's before plotting */

secondorder = 0

celsius     = 6.3       /* degC */

v_init      = -70       /* (mV) */
global_ra   = 200       /* (ohm-cm) specific axial resisitivity */

/*** Ion parameters ***/
ca_init     = 50e-6     /* mM */
na_init     = 10        /* mM */
k_init      = 54.4      /* mM */