# A script that runs the simulations with the dendritic stimulations (active dendrites) using
# various values for active conductances, fits the maximal membrane potential along the dendrites
# to an exponential decay and analyzes the results. Only ventral dendrite is set active, but the
# values of active conductances along the dendrite are controlled by two parameters: mean and
# gradient, such that the difference between two successive compartments along the main branch
# of the ventral dendrite is the gradient (unless either would be less than zero) and the average
# value of the active conductances along the dendrite is the given mean.
# The script plots two figures:
# decays_robustness.eps:
#   Plots the obtained exponential decay constants for each mean and gradient conductance value.
#   These data were not plotted in the paper but may help to understand the results.
# decay_orders_robustness.eps
#   Plots the order of decay constants between the two cases (orthodromic vs antidromic).
#   Corresponds to Figure 9A.
# Tuomo Maki-Marttunen, 2013-2017 (CC-BY 4.0)

import mcell_activedend_varycoeffs as mcell
from pylab import *
from neuron import h
import numpy.matlib
import pickle
import time
from os.path import exists

params = [ 0.008692502978958,  9.033350623275275,  4.380690156620405, -83.399741825852217,  0.000204081169084, -55.832300314690642, -67.436819173866425,  8.100021281440229,  9.559735981936562,  0.020391367006446,  1.412486203424452, -63.999689527874885,  6.046642114148621,  0.170597469041809 ] #(THE BEST ONE FOR ACTIVE VENTRAL DENDRITE)

stimbranches = ['lateral','ventral']
f,axarr = subplots(1,2)
cols = ['#800000','#000080'][::-1]
linecols = ['#FF0000','#0000FF'][::-1]

# The variables 'cond_gradients' and 'cond_means' define the parameter space where the effect of the values of active conductances along the ventral dendrite is analyzed.
# The variable 'coeffs' will determine the active conductances at the ventral dendrite. The first compartment ("dend[20]", i.e. previously passive AIS between soma and active AIS) is set
# the conductances such that Na+ channel conductance is coeffs[0]*(Na+ conductance at active AIS) and K+ channel conductance is coeffs[0]*(K+ conductance at active AIS). In a similar
# manner, the following compartments along the main branch until the end of the ventral dendrite ("soma", "dend[21]", "dend[25]", "dend[27]", "dend[29]") receive values that are scaled
# by coeffs[1-5] from the values at active AIS. The values of 'coeffs' is gradually increasing or decreasing depending on the value of cond_gradients, but the last compartment is passive.
cond_gradients = [-0.01+0.0005*i for i in range(0,41)] 
cond_means = [0.0+0.0025*i for i in range(0,51)]
amps = [0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,4,5]

if exists('activedend_decays_varyconds.sav'): # If the result file already exists, use it.
 unpicklefile = open('activedend_decays_varyconds.sav', 'r')
 unpickledlist = pickle.load(unpicklefile)
 cond_gradients = unpickledlist[0]
 cond_means = unpickledlist[1]
 cMs_all = unpickledlist[2]
 maxVs_all = unpickledlist[3]
 cMsA_all = unpickledlist[4]
 maxVsA_all = unpickledlist[5]
else: # Simulate the model for all combinations of the cond_means and cond_gradients and save the data in the result file
 cMs_all = []
 maxVs_all = []
 for icond_grad in range(0,len(cond_gradients)):
  cMs_thiscond_grad = []
  maxVs_thiscond_grad = []
  print "ORTHO: icond_grad = "+str(icond_grad)+"/"+str(len(cond_gradients))
  for icond_mean in range(0,len(cond_means)):
   cMs_thiscond_mean = []
   maxVs_thiscond_mean = []
   for ibranch in range(0,len(stimbranches)):
     branch = stimbranches[ibranch]

     coeffs = [max(0,cond_means[icond_mean]+i*cond_gradients[icond_grad]) for i in range(-2,3)]+[0.0]
     data = mcell.run_model_dendritic_stims(params, branch, 5, 50.0, amps, [16, 29], [1.0, 1.0], 15, ["dend[20]", "soma", "dend[21]", "dend[25]", "dend[27]", "dend[29]"], coeffs) 

     times = data[0]
     Vrecs = data[1]
     dists = data[2]
     branches = data[3]

     cMs = []
     print "coeffs = "+str(coeffs)
     for iamp in range(0,len(amps)):
       XL = array([dists[iloc] for iloc in range(0,len(dists)) if dists[iloc] < 400 and branches[iloc]==ibranch or branches[iloc]==-1])
       XM = matrix(c_[np.matlib.repmat(XL,1,1).T, kron([1],ones([len(XL),])).T])
       YL = [array([max(Vrecs[iamp][iloc]) for iloc in range(0,len(dists)) if dists[iloc] < 400 and branches[iloc]==ibranch or branches[iloc]==-1])]
       YM = matrix(concatenate(YL)).T
       thiserr = inf
       Vappr = params[3]
       cM = inv(XM.T*XM)*XM.T*(log(YM-Vappr))
       thiserr = sum(sum(abs(YM-Vappr-exp(XM*cM))))
     maxVs_thiscond_mean.append([max(Vrecs[i][30]) for i in range(0,len(amps))])

 cMsA_all = []
 maxVsA_all = []
 for icond_grad in range(0,len(cond_gradients)):
  cMsA_thiscond_grad = []
  maxVsA_thiscond_grad = []
  print "ANTI: icond_grad = "+str(icond_grad)+"/"+str(len(cond_gradients))
  for icond_mean in range(0,len(cond_means)):
   cMsA_thiscond_mean = []
   maxVsA_thiscond_mean = []

   stim = []
   for i in range(0,len(amps)):
   coeffs = [max(0,cond_means[icond_mean]+i*cond_gradients[icond_grad]) for i in range(-2,3)]+[0.0]
   data = mcell.run_model_somatic_stims(params, stim,[5.0, 10.0, 0], True,  ["dend[20]", "soma", "dend[21]", "dend[25]", "dend[27]", "dend[29]"], coeffs)

   times = data[0]
   Vrecs = data[1]
   VrecsDend = data[2]
   dists = data[3]
   branches = data[4]

   print "coeffs = "+str(coeffs)
   for ibranch in range(0,2):
     cMs = []
     for iamp in range(0,len(amps)):
       XL = array([dists[iloc] for iloc in range(0,len(dists)) if dists[iloc] < 400 and branches[iloc]==ibranch or branches[iloc]==-1])
       XM = matrix(c_[np.matlib.repmat(XL,1,1).T, kron([1],ones([len(XL),])).T])
       YL = [array([max(VrecsDend[iamp][iloc]) for iloc in range(0,len(dists)) if dists[iloc] < 400 and branches[iloc]==ibranch or branches[iloc]==-1])]
       YM = matrix(concatenate(YL)).T
       thiserr = inf
       Vappr = params[3] 
       cM = inv(XM.T*XM)*XM.T*(log(YM-Vappr))
       thiserr = sum(sum(abs(YM-Vappr-exp(XM*cM))))
       cM = cM
       if icond_grad == 4 and icond_mean == 3:
         print str(cM)
   maxVsA_thiscond_grad.append([max(VrecsDend[i][30]) for i in range(0,len(amps))])

 picklelist = [cond_gradients, cond_means, cMs_all, maxVs_all, cMsA_all, maxVsA_all]
 file = open('activedend_decays_varyconds.sav', 'w')

cMsL = [[[log(3.0)/cMs_all[i][j][0][k][0][0,0] for j in range(0,len(cMs_all[i]))] for i in range(0,len(cMs_all))] for k in range(0,len(amps))]
cMsV = [[[log(3.0)/cMs_all[i][j][1][k][0][0,0] for j in range(0,len(cMs_all[i]))] for i in range(0,len(cMs_all))] for k in range(0,len(amps))]
mcMsL = mean(array(cMsL),axis=0)
mcMsV = mean(array(cMsV),axis=0)

cMsAL = [[[-log(3.0)/cMsA_all[i][j][0][k][0][0,0] for j in range(0,len(cMsA_all[i]))] for i in range(0,len(cMsA_all))] for k in range(0,len(amps))]
cMsAV = [[[-log(3.0)/cMsA_all[i][j][1][k][0][0,0] for j in range(0,len(cMsA_all[i]))] for i in range(0,len(cMsA_all))] for k in range(0,len(amps))]
mcMsAL = mean(array(cMsAL),axis=0)
mcMsAV = mean(array(cMsAV),axis=0)

f,axarr = subplots(2,2)
a1 = axarr[0,0].imshow(mcMsL,extent=[min(cond_means),max(cond_means),min(cond_gradients),max(cond_gradients)],interpolation='nearest')
colorbar(a1,ax = axarr[0,0], orientation='horizontal')
axarr[0,0].set_title('Ortho, L')

a2 = axarr[0,1].imshow(mcMsV,extent=[min(cond_means),max(cond_means),min(cond_gradients),max(cond_gradients)],interpolation='nearest')
colorbar(a2,ax = axarr[0,1], orientation='horizontal')
axarr[0,1].set_title('Ortho, C')

a3 = axarr[1,0].imshow(mcMsAL,extent=[min(cond_means),max(cond_means),min(cond_gradients),max(cond_gradients)],interpolation='nearest')
colorbar(a3,ax = axarr[1,0], orientation='horizontal')
axarr[1,0].set_title('Anti, L')

a4 = axarr[1,1].imshow(mcMsAV,extent=[min(cond_means),max(cond_means),min(cond_gradients),max(cond_gradients)],interpolation='nearest')
colorbar(a4,ax = axarr[1,1], orientation='horizontal')
axarr[1,1].set_title('Anti, V')


mask_chosen = zeros(array(cMsL[0]).shape)
mask_chosen[find(array(cond_gradients)==0.0)[0],find(array(cond_means)==0.035)[0]] = True
f,axarr = subplots(1,1)

data = (12*logical_and(greater(numpy.min(array(cMsL[1:]),axis=0),numpy.max(array(cMsV[1:]),axis=0)),greater(numpy.min(array(cMsAV[1:-2]),axis=0),numpy.max(array(cMsAL[1:-2]),axis=0))) + \
        7.5*logical_and(greater(numpy.min(array(cMsL[1:]),axis=0),numpy.max(array(cMsV[1:]),axis=0)),logical_not(greater(numpy.min(array(cMsAV[1:-2]),axis=0),numpy.max(array(cMsAL[1:-2]),axis=0)))) + \
        8*logical_and(logical_not(greater(numpy.min(array(cMsL[1:]),axis=0),numpy.max(array(cMsV[1:]),axis=0))),greater(numpy.min(array(cMsAV[1:-2]),axis=0),numpy.max(array(cMsAL[1:-2]),axis=0))) + \
        -0.5*logical_and(greater(numpy.min(array(cMsL[1:]),axis=0),numpy.max(array(cMsV[1:]),axis=0)),less(numpy.max(array(cMsAV[1:-2]),axis=0),numpy.min(array(cMsAL[1:-2]),axis=0))) + \
        0.5*logical_and(less(numpy.max(array(cMsL[1:]),axis=0),numpy.min(array(cMsV[1:]),axis=0)),greater(numpy.min(array(cMsAV[1:-2]),axis=0),numpy.max(array(cMsAL[1:-2]),axis=0))) \
data2 = zeros([2*x for x in data.shape])
for i in range(0,data.shape[0]):
  for j in range(0,data.shape[1]):
    if abs(data[i,j]-12) < 1e-7 or abs(data[i,j]-7.0) < 1e-7 or abs(data[i,j]-0) < 1e-7 or abs(data[i,j]-8.5) < 1e-7:
      data2[2*i:2*i+2,2*j:2*j+2] = data[i,j]
    elif abs(data[i,j]-7.5) < 1e-7:
      data2[2*i:2*i+2,2*j:2*j+2] = array([[7,12],[12,7]])
    elif abs(data[i,j]-8.0) < 1e-7:
      data2[2*i:2*i+2,2*j:2*j+2] = array([[12,8],[8,12]])
a3 = axarr.imshow(data2, extent=[min(cond_means),max(cond_means),max(cond_gradients),min(cond_gradients)],interpolation='nearest', cmap="hot")
myyl = axarr.set_ylabel('$c_{\delta}$')