# code by sam neymotin & ernie forzano
from neuron import h
from pylab import *
import sys
import pickle
import numpy
h.install_vecst() # for samp and other NQS/vecst functions
from conf import *
import os

# check if data exists - if not, run simulations, saving output data
dataDict = {'SPI6': 'SPI6','morph':'PTcell'}
for k, v in list(dataDict.items()) :
    if not os.path.exists('data/'+ k +'.pkl'):
        os.system('python sim.py ' + v +'.cfg')


rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 15
rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 4
rcParams['font.size'] = 45
tl = tight_layout

def drtxt (ax,lett,tx=-0.075,ty=1.03,fsz=45): text(tx,ty,lett,fontweight='bold',transform=ax.transAxes,fontsize=fsz)

def naxbin (ax,nb): ax.locator_params(nbins=nb);

lmodel = ['Detailed', 'Simple']
lmodelpath = ['data/morph.pkl','data/SPI6.pkl']
lclr = ['r', 'b']

dmod = {}
for m,p in zip(lmodel,lmodelpath): dmod[m] = pickle.load(open(p))

# determine config file name
def setfcfg ():
    fcfg = "PTcell.cfg" # default config file name
    for i in range(len(sys.argv)):
        if sys.argv[i].endswith(".cfg") and os.path.exists(sys.argv[i]):
            fcfg = sys.argv[i]
    #print "config file is " , fcfg
    return fcfg

fcfg=setfcfg() # config file name
dconf = readconf(fcfg)
dprm = dconf['params']
dfixed = dconf['fixed']
sampr = dconf['sampr'] # sampling rate
I = numpy.load(dconf['lstimamp'])
evolts = numpy.load(dconf['evolts']) # experimental voltage traces
tt = numpy.array(dmod[lmodel[0]]['vt'])
tte = linspace(0, 1e3*evolts.shape[0]/sampr, evolts.shape[0])

def indexof (a,f):
    for i,val in enumerate(a):
        if abs(val-f) < 0.01: return i
    return -1

mytstop = dconf['tstop']
mybase = dconf['baset']
stimdel = dconf['stimdel']
stimdur = dconf['stimdur']
evolts = numpy.load(dconf['evolts']) # experimental voltage traces

ISubth = I[0:6]
ISup = I[6:] # subthresh right before threshold & superthreshold traces

def drawsuptraces ():
    tx,ty=-.05,1.02; offy = amin(tt[0]) - 30
    cdx = 1
    ncol = len(lmodel) + 1
    ax=subplot(1,ncol,cdx); ax.set_xticks([]); ax.set_yticks([]);
    ypos = offy
    ltxt = ['','a','b','c','d']
    for j,i in enumerate(ISup):
        idx = indexof(I,i)
        plot(tte,evolts[:,idx] + ypos,'k')
        if j > 0: ypos += 95
        else: ypos += 15
    cdx += 1
    for mdx,m in enumerate(lmodel):
        ax=subplot(1,ncol,cdx); title(m,fontweight='bold')
        ypos = offy
        for j,i in enumerate(ISup):
            plot(tt, dmod[m][i] + ypos,lclr[mdx])
            if j > 0: ypos += 95
            else: ypos += 15
        cdx += 1
        ax.set_xticks([]); ax.set_yticks([]);
    for i in range(1,ncol+1,1):
