NEURON and MATLAB code for simulations and data analysis are divided
among four folders, each of which contains its own README file. Each
folder contains files for reproducing graphs from one of the Figures
in Welday et. al.:

1) The 'Welday_et_al_Fig1' folder contains MATLAB data analysis code
that was used to generate DBFT curves from spike trains of recorded
theta cells. The raw spike and position data for the real data example
cell (shown in Fig. 1) are also provided.

2) The 'Welday_et_al_Fig7AC' folder contains MATLAB code that
simulates spatially tuned neurons by solving the analytic envelope
equation for VCOs. The code for Fig. 7C simulates VCOs as output from
a matrix of ring oscillators.

3) The 'Welday_et_al_Fig9AB' folder contains NEURON code that was used
to simulate a place cell on a linear track in Figs. 9A and 9B.

4) The 'Welday_et_al_Fig9C' folder contains NEURON code that was used
to simulate a grid, place, and border cell in a circular environment,
shown in Fig. 9C. Input to the model comes from simulated theta cell
spike trains, which must generated by running the provided MATLAB
scripts prior to running the NEURON simulation.