This is a single-compartment model of a zebra finch thalamic relay
neuron from nucleus DLM.  It is used to explore the interaction
between cortex-like glutamatergic input and pallidum-like GABAergic
input as they control the spiking output of these neurons, described

Goldberg JH, Farries MA, Fee MS (2012) "Integration of cortical and
pallidal inputs in the basal ganglia-recipient thalalmus of singing
birds," J. Neurophysiol. doi:10.1152/jn.00056.2012

It is implemented in Mathematica version 8.  The first section,
"Useful Information," lists the physical units used and provides an
overview of the functions and state variables used to define the
model; it has no executable code.  The next 4 sections, "Define Basic
Procedures," "Define Basic Gating Functions," "Define
Voltage-Dependent Conductances," and "Set Other Model Parameters and
Define IPSC," build the model and should be executed sequentially.
The last three sections demonstrate the behavior of the model at three
different temperatures.