func fieldrec() { local I, Phi, PhiAll, r, x, y, z, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, dS, h, l, r2
	sigma = 25*0.3 // uS/um
	PhiAll = 0
	forall {
	if (ismembrane("extracellular")) {
		I = 0
		for (x,0) { I += i_membrane(x)*area(x) }
		if( n3d() != 2 ) print "n3d() not 2, line approximation is invalid, section: ", secname()
		// coordinates of the line ends:
		x1 = x3d(0)
		x2 = x3d(1)
		y1 = y3d(0)
		y2 = y3d(1)
		z1 = z3d(0)
		z2 = z3d(1)
		dS = arc3d(1)
		// distances:
		h = (1/dS) * ( (Ex - x2)*(x2 - x1) + (Ey - y2)*(y2 - y1) + (Ez - z2)*(z2 - z1)  ) 
		r2 = (Ex - x2)^2 + (Ey - y2)^2 + (Ez - z2)^2 - h^2
		l = h + dS
		if (h<0 && l<0) { Phi = (I/(4*PI*sigma*dS)) * log( (sqrt(h^2 + r2) - h) / (sqrt(l^2 + r2) - l) ) }
		if (h<0 && l>0) { Phi = (I/(4*PI*sigma*dS)) * log( (sqrt(h^2 + r2) - h) * ( l + sqrt(l^2 + r2) ) / r2) }
		if (h>0 && l>0) { Phi = (I/(4*PI*sigma*dS)) * log( (l + sqrt(l^2 + r2) ) / ( sqrt(h^2 + r2) + h )) }
		ifsec "soma" { //treat it as a sphere
			x = (x2 + x1)/2
			y = (y2 + y1)/2
			z = (z2 + z1)/2
			r = sqrt( (Ex-x)^2 + (Ey-y)^2 + (Ez-z)^2 )
			Phi =  I/(4*PI*sigma*r)
		PhiAll += Phi
	return PhiAll

func totalI() { local I
	I = 0
	forall { 
			if (ismembrane("extracellular")) {
				for (x,0) { I += i_membrane(x)*area(x) } 
	return I

vrec = 0
//irec = 0
proc init() {
	vrec = fieldrec()
//	irec = totalI()

proc advance() {
	vrec = fieldrec()
//	irec = totalI()
objref Vrec
Vrec = new Vector()
Vrec.record(&vrec,0.2)  // Dt=0.2 ms, so sampling f=5 KHz

proc writeLFP() { localobj fout
// arg $1 must be file name, e.g. "myfile.ext"
  fout=new File()
  Vrec.printf(fout, "%4.2f\t")