This is the readme for a model in construction for the paper:

Rall W, Shepherd GM (1968) Theoretical reconstruction of field
potentials and dendrodendritic synaptic interactions in olfactory
bulb. J Neurophysiol 31:884-915

Examples of results shown below:

fig 7
FIG. 7. Computed voltage transients for axon-soma-dendritic
compartmental model of mitral cell during antidromic
invasion. Left-hand column: intracellular transients in soma, 4;
dendritic shafts, 6; and dendritic terminals, 9. Soma is active,
dendrites are passive; dendritic electrotonic length equals
lambda/2. Extracellular transients at these compartments are shown in
the middle column computed relative to the dendritic terminals, and in
right-hand column computed relative to distant reference
electrode. Time scales divided into periods I and II.  Amplitude of
intracellular soma peak about 86% of axonal spike amplitude potential;
amplitude of negative extracellular soma peak, relative to distant
electrode, about 1.5 mv.

fig 12
FIG. 12. Computational results for granule cell model. Chain of 12
equal compartments corresponds to an electrotonic length of 1.7
lambda. Filled circles indicate loci of membrane depolarization,
stepwise time course of synaptic excitatory conductance, E, shown
below. Time in t/tau; each of the four depolarizing (E) steps had a
time duration of 0.1 tau. Computed potential transients, intracellular
and extracellular, as shown, refer to compartment number at left, and
corresponding olfactory bulb layer at right.