This is the README for the striatal network model model associated
with the paper:

Damodaran S, Evans RC, Blackwell KT (2014) Synchronized firing of
fast-spiking interneurons is critical to maintain balanced firing
between direct and indirect pathway neurons of the striatum. J
Neurophysiol 111:836-48

GENESIS is required which is freely available here:

1. Top level file: SimNet.g
This file calls MScell.g and the appropriate graphics functions

2. SPnet.g
This file calls the functions that connect both the SP-SP network and
the extrinsic network of cortical and FS inputs

3. net_conn.g
This file contains the function that connects the SP-SP network

4. InputFromFile.g
This file has the functions that reads and connects the MATLAB
generated input trains (cortical and FS) to the SP network NOTE: The
files are generated in MATLAB with the ASSUMPTION that we are hooking
up every single input in the network. So at a minimum we must have
enough inputs for the synapses described in the nsynapses file.

Run at -f Cntl.bat Now or SimNet in GENESIS.

The default condition is the control condition. In order to change
between the different conditions:
1. NoFS: Replace the net_func.g file with the net_func.g file in the
No_FS folder.
2. NoMSN-MSN: Replace the net_func.g file with the net_func.g file in
the No_FB folder.
3. No Gap junctions: Replace the FScell folder with the FScell folder
in the No_Gaps folder.

To change the input correlation go to Net_parameters.g and change
float percDup_SP and percDup_FS to the appropriate value.

Sample INPUT TRAINS are available here:
These tar gz files can be uncompressed with unix/linux commands like
$ tar zxf INPUTDATA_FS.tar.gz 
$ tar zxf INPUTDATA_SP.tar.gz
or by using your favorite extractor.  Note the input files extract to
~207 MB.

The sample input trains are for 0.3 cortical
input correlation. Place in the top level folder.

Generating INPUT trains

1. Go to Matlab_files and run InputwithCorrelation2.m for both MSNs
and FSIs.  Sample runs of the file in the MATLAB window:
x/y gives the percentage of unique inputs.

In order to generate the trains an empty folder called INPUTDATA has
to be in the same level as the .m files used to generate the
trains. The file then has to be named INPUTDATA_SP or INPUTDATA_FS and
placed in the top level folder of the genesis files.