Each folder corresponds to the respectively numbered figure in the main text. Instructions for reproducing key data from those figures are in files named "readme.txt" within each folder and subfolder.

All simulations were run on MATLAB 2013a (Natick, MA)

The ModelDB website contains simulation and analysis code without data files for all analyses. A complete set of code with data (about 600 MB) for the analyses can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h79yjo1c5ezk4gq/AAAgF9e1oj0xMceylHn8TNzYa?dl=0

Example run
Start matlab and cd to figure_1. Type "runsim" at the matlab prompt. Shortly you should see images similar to figure 1b in the paper:
screenshot 1B
and supplementary figure 1A:
screenshot S1A

Contact information:

20180105 Updated dropbox link as supplied by W Anderson. Added a couple of screenshots.