# XPP scripts for supplementary Figure S5B of
# Maex R, Grinevich VP, Grinevich V, Budygin E, Bencherif M, Gutkin B (2014)
# Understanding the role a7 nicotinic receptors play in dopamine efflux
# in nucleus accumbens. ACS Chemical Neuroscience 5, 1032-1040.
# Here I want to implement the facilitation of the receptor
# at very low (partial) agonist concentration, as described 
# by Smulders et al. (2005) and Prickaerts et al. (2012).

# The co-agonism of ACh and EVP occurs, however, at the
# desensitization gate: hence co-binding of ACh and EVP 
# prevents desensitization of the a7 receptor.

# Naming conventions 
# V_      = membrane voltage of (neuron or neuron population)
# R_      = release of (transmitter)
# C_      = concentration of (transmitter)
# I_      = membrane current of (channel or receptor)
# P_      = presynatic membrane current of (receptor)
# tau_    = time-constant of
# tmin_ = minimum value of time-constant of
# tmax_ = maximum value of time-constant of
# inf_    = steady-state value of
# act_    = level of activation of (receptor)
# des_    = level of desensitisation of (receptor)
# w_      = weight of
# EC50_   = halfmax concentration of steady-state response
# Ktau_   = halfmax concentration of time-constant
# stim_   = stimulation by

# glu  = glutamate or glu-ergic neuron (population)
# dop  = dopamine or dopamine-ergic neuron (population)
# gab  = gaba or gaba-ergic neuron (population)
# ach  = acetylcholine
# nic  = nicotine
# a7   = alpha7-type nicACh receptor
# a4b2 = alpha4-beta2-type nicACh receptor
# bas  = basal

# Units 
# time seconds
# concentration micromolar

# Transfer functions (input-output) 
# sigmoid
f(x) = 1/(1 + exp(-x)) 
# halfwave rectification
hwr(x) = heav(x) * x    
# clipped at 0 and 1
clip(x) = (1 + (x-1) * (heav (1-x))) * heav(x) 
# Hill equation
# Hill(x,K,n) = 1 / (1 + (K/x)^n)
Hill(x,K,n) = x^n / (x^n + K^n) 
# competitive Hill
compHill(x,y,z,wx,wy,wz,Kx,Ky,Kz,n) = \
  (wx * x^n/(x^n + Kx^n * (1 + (y/Ky)^n + (z/Kz)^n))) + \
  (wy * y^n/(y^n + Ky^n * (1 + (x/Kx)^n + (z/Kz)^n))) + \
  (wz * z^n/(z^n + Kz^n * (1 + (x/Kx)^n + (y/Ky)^n)))
# steady-state Hill function with cross-terms representing the effect of
# the simultaneous binding of two different compounds, for instance ACh and EVP
Hillcross(x,y,z,wx,wy,wz,Kx,Ky,Kz,n,fxy,fyz,fxz) = \
  ((wx * (x/Kx)^n) + \
   (wy * (y/Ky)^n) + \
   (wz * (z/Kz)^n) + \
   (fxy * (x/Kx) * (y/Ky)) + \
   (fxz * (x/Kx) * (z/Kz)) + \
   (fyz * (y/Kz) * (z/Kz))) / (1 + (z/Kz)^n + (x/Kx)^n + (y/Ky)^n + \
                                   2 * (z/Kz) + 2 * (x/Kx) + 2 * (y/Ky) + \
                                   2 * (x/Kx) * (y/Ky) + \
                                   2 * (x/Kx) * (z/Kz) + \
                                   2 * (y/Ky) * (z/Kz) )
# rectangular pulse
rect_pulse(t,from,to,amp) = amp * (heav (t-from) - heav (t-to))


# We now have two neuron populations sharing inputs from
# glu neurons (mostly a7-driven) and through a4b2 receptors.
# The parameter coefficients r and s specify the balance 
# between these inputs.

   par s=0.8,r=0.8

# the dynamics of the dopaminergic neuron population V_dop

   V_dop' = (-V_dop - I_gab + hwr (I_basDop + s*I_glu + r*I_b2)) / tau_Vdop

   par tau_Vdop=0.02,I_basDop=0.1
   aux aux_hwr=hwr (I_basDop + s*I_glu + r*I_b2)

# the dynamics of the gaba-ergic neuron population V_gab

   V_gab' = (-V_gab + hwr ((1-s)*I_glu + (1-r)*I_b2)) / tau_Vgab

   par tau_Vgab=0.02

# the (stationary) glutamatergic input I_glu to dopamine (and GABA)neurons

   I_glu = w_glu * clip (V_glu + P_glu)

   par w_glu=1,V_glu=0.1

# the (varying) gaba-ergic input I_gab to dopamine neurons

  I_gab = w_gab * clip (V_gab + I_basGab)
  aux auxI_gab=I_gab
   par w_gab=1.5
   par I_basGab=-0.05
   aux auxI_gab=I_gab

# the presynaptic facilitation of glu input to dopamine (and GABA) neurons

   P_glu = P_a7

# the dynamics of presynaptic a7 receptors (same single variable for 
# glu inputs to dopamine cells in VTA and medium spiny neurons in striatum)

   P_a7 = act_a7 * (1 - des_a7)

   aux auxP_a7=P_a7
   aux auxact_a7=act_a7
   aux auxsen_a7=1-des_a7

#   /* activation of alpha7 */

   act_a7' = (- act_a7 + inf_actA7) / tau_actA7

   inf_actA7 = Hillcross(C_ach + C_chol,        C_nic,        C_agA7, \
                                      1.0,   w_actNicA7,     w_actAgA7, \
                             EC50_A7ach,   EC50_A7nic,     EC50_A7ag, Hill_actA7, \
                                      0,            0,    crossactA7) 
   par crossactA7=0

   aux   ainf_actA7=inf_actA7

   par EC50_A7=80
   par EC50_A7ach=68
   par EC50_A7nic=13
   par Hill_actA7=1.73
   par EC50_A7ag=0.3
   par w_actNicA7=0.8 
   par w_actAgA7=0.3
   par tau_actA7=0.005

#   /* desensitisation of alpha7 */

   des_a7' = (- des_a7 + inf_desA7) / tau_desA7

   inf_desA7 = Hillcross(C_ach + C_chol,        C_nic,        C_agA7, \
                                      1,            1,             1, \
                             IC50_A7ach,   IC50_A7nic,     IC50_A7ag, Hill_desA7, \
                                      0,            0,    -crosssenA7) 

# this parameter causes the response amplification by co-agonism
   par  crosssenA7=0

   aux ainf_desA7=inf_desA7

   par IC50_A7ach=1.3
   par IC50_A7nic=1.3
   par IC50_A7ag=0.002
   par Hill_desA7=2

   tau_desA7 = tmin_desA7 + \ 
               tmax_desA7 * (1 - inf_desA7)

   aux aux_tdA7=tau_desA7

   par tmin_desA7=0.05
   par tmax_desA7=120

# the dynamics of somatic a4b2 receptors on the soma/dendrite of dopamine neurons

 I_b2 = act_b2 * (1 - des_b2)

   aux auxI_b2=I_b2
   aux auxact_b2=act_b2
   aux auxsen_b2=1-des_b2

#   /* activation of alpha4beta2 */

   act_b2' = (- act_b2 + inf_actB2) / tau_actB2

   inf_actB2 = compHill(C_ach,      C_nic,        C_agB2, \
                            1, w_actNicB2,   w_actAgB2, \
                   EC50_B2ach, EC50_B2nic,   EC50_B2ag, Hill_actB2)

   par EC50_actB2=30
   par EC50_B2ach=30
   par EC50_B2ag=30
   par EC50_B2nic=0.23
   par Hill_actB2=1.05
   par w_actNicB2=2
   par w_actAgB2=1
   par tau_actB2=0.005

#   /* desensitisation */

   des_b2' = (- des_b2 + inf_desB2) / tau_desB2

   inf_desB2 = Hill (C_nic + C_agB2, EC50_desB2, Hill_desB2)

   tau_desB2 = tmin_desB2 + \ 
               tmax_desB2 * Hill (Ktau_desB2, C_nic + C_agB2, Htau_desB2)
   aux aux_tdB2=tau_desB2

   par EC50_desB2=0.061
   par Hill_desB2=0.5
   par tmin_desB2=0.5
   par tmax_desB2=600
   par Ktau_desB2=0.11
   par Htau_desB2=3

# the dynamics of dopamine release AND RE-UPTAKE

   R_dop' = (C_basDop * (1 + (V_dop-ss_Vdop) / ss_Vdop) - R_dop) / tau_Rdop - R_dop * Vmax_Rdop / (R_dop + EC50_Rdop)

   par tau_Rdop=0.2,P_a7bas=0.01
# the assumed basal DA production, denotated C_basDop, in the absence of re-uptake 
   par C_basDop=0.1
# the following values are from Chen and Budygin 2007
   par Vmax_Rdop=1.3
   par EC50_Rdop=0.2

# the physiological (ach) and pharmacological (nic) stimuli


    stim_chol = bas_chol + rect_pulse (t, 1, 10, dose_chol)  + rect_pulse (t, 31, 35, dose_chol)  \
                    + rect_pulse (t, 61, 65, dose_chol)  \
         	    + rect_pulse (t, 91, 95, dose_chol)  \
		    + rect_pulse (t, 121, 125, dose_chol) \
		    + rect_pulse (t, 151, 155, dose_chol) \
		    + rect_pulse (t, 181, 185, dose_chol) \
		    + rect_pulse (t, 211, 215, dose_chol) \
		    + rect_pulse (t, 241, 245, dose_chol) \
		    + rect_pulse (t, 271, 275, dose_chol) \
		    + rect_pulse (t, 301, 305, dose_chol) \
                    + rect_pulse (t, 331, 335, dose_chol) \
		    + rect_pulse (t, 361, 365, dose_chol) \
                    + rect_pulse (t, 391, 395, dose_chol) \
		    + rect_pulse (t, 421, 425, dose_chol) \
                    + rect_pulse (t, 481, 485, dose_chol) \
                    + rect_pulse (t, 541, 545, dose_chol) \
                    + rect_pulse (t, 571, 575, dose_chol) \
                    + rect_pulse (t, 601, 605, dose_chol) \
                    + rect_pulse (t, 631, 635, dose_chol) 
    C_chol' = (-C_chol + stim_chol) / 1

    par bas_chol=0
    par dose_chol=60
    par C_ach = 0
    par bas_ACh=0

#   /* nicotine */
    stim_nic = bas_nic + rect_pulse (t, 66, 67, dose_Nic)

    par dose_Nic=0

# we now simulate an alpha function as a second-order ode
# the alpha-function is area normalized
# to calculate its peak, take amplitude and divide by 10*e

    C_nic_nic' = (-C_nic_nic + stim_nic)/tau1_nic
    C_nic' = (-C_nic + C_nic_nic)/tau2_nic

    par tau1_nic=10,tau2_nic=10,bas_nic=0 

#   /* alpha7 agonist */
    stim_a7 = rect_pulse (t, 170, 510, dose_Aga7)

# THIS IS FOR THE UPPER PANEL OF FIG. S5B, low EVP concentration
    par dose_Aga7=0.003
#    par dose_Aga7=0.03

    C_agA7A7' = (-C_agA7A7 + stim_a7) / tau1_agA7
    C_agA7' = (-C_agA7 + C_agA7A7) / tau2_agA7

    par tau1_agA7=10,tau2_agA7=10 

#   /* alpha4 beta2 agonist */
    stim_b2 = rect_pulse (t, 60, 61, 0)
    C_agB2' = (-C_agB2 + stim_b2) / tau_agB2

    par tau_agB2=10

# /* calculating the steady-states (in reverse order) */
    ss_Ib2 = compHill(   bas_ach,          0,           0, \
                            1, w_actNicB2,   w_actAgB2, \
                   EC50_B2ach, EC50_B2nic,   EC50_B2ag, Hill_actB2)
    ss_Pa7 = compHill(   bas_ach + bas_chol,          0,           0, \
                            1, w_actNicA7,   w_actAgA7, \
                   EC50_A7ach, EC50_A7nic,   EC50_A7ag, Hill_actA7)
    ss_Pglu = ss_Pa7
    ss_Iglu = w_glu * clip (V_glu + ss_Pglu)
    ss_Vgab = hwr ((1-s)*ss_Iglu + (1-r)*ss_Ib2)
    ss_Igab = w_gab * clip (ss_Vgab + I_basGab)
    ss_Vdop = - ss_Igab + hwr (I_basDop + s*ss_Iglu + r*ss_Ib2)
# aux auxss_Vdop=ss_Vdop

# the initial conditions

# the numerical parameters
@ MAXSTOR=500000
@ BOUNDS=1e+8
@ DT=0.005
@ TOTAL=700
@ xlo=0
@ xhi=700
@ ylo=0
@ yhi=0.1
@ NJMP=200
@ YP=auxP_a7
