Find excitation threshold to 4 significant figures.

Case A (bipolar electrode)
Threshold in mA


  waveform type
    monophasic pulse
    biphasic square wave
      number of cycles
  phase (half cycle) duration TP (ms)

electrode coordinates
  anode coords    XA, YA (cm)
  cathode coords  XC, YC

Case B (uniform gradient field)
Threshold in V/m


  waveform type
    monophasic pulse
    biphasic square wave
  TP (ms)

axon diameter D (um)

TRUE = 1

// stimulus waveform
waveform = 0
PULSE = 1  // single pulse
SQUARE = 2 // biphasic square wave
SINE = 3   // sine with NC cycles

TP = 0 // phase duration (ms)
NC = 0 // number of cycles, a nonnegative integer

// note:  xc is reserved in NEURON
// therefore all protocol params use upper case
XA = 0 // electrode coordinates (cm) relative to middle of axon
YA = 0
XC = 0
YC = 0

strdef wstr

func protocol() {
  waveform = TP = NC = XA = YA = XC = YC = 0
  if ($1==1) {
    waveform = PULSE
    wstr = "pls"
    TP = 5e-3
    NC = 1
    XA = 50  YA = 0.25  XC = 0   YC = 0.25
  if ($1==2) {
    waveform = PULSE
    wstr = "pls"
    TP = 2.0
    NC = 1
    XA = 50  YA = 0.25  XC = 0   YC = 0.25
  if ($1==3) {
    waveform = PULSE
    wstr = "pls"
    TP = 5e-3
    NC = 1
    XA = 50  YA = 0.25  XC = 0   YC = 1
  if ($1==4) {
    waveform = PULSE
    wstr = "pls"
    TP = 2.0
    NC = 1
    XA = 50  YA = 0.25  XC = 0   YC = 1
  if ($1==5) {
    waveform = PULSE
    wstr = "pls"
    TP = 2.0
    NC = 1
    XA = 0   YA = 0.25  XC = 50  YC = 0.25
  if ($1==6) {
    waveform = PULSE
    wstr = "pls"
    TP = 2.0
    NC = 1
    XA = 0   YA = 1     XC = 1   YC = 1
  if ($1==7) {
    waveform = SQUARE
    wstr = "sqr"
    TP = 5e-3
    NC = 1
    XA = 50  YA = 0.25  XC = 0   YC = 0.25
  if ($1==8) {
    waveform = SQUARE
    wstr = "sqr"
    TP = 2.0
    NC = 1
    XA = 50  YA = 0.25  XC = 0   YC = 0.25
  if ($1==9) {
    waveform = SINE
    wstr = "sin"
    TP = 5e-3
    NC = 1
    XA = 50  YA = 0.25  XC = 0   YC = 0.25
  if ($1==10) {
    waveform = SINE
    wstr = "sin"
    TP = 0.1
    NC = 1
    XA = 50  YA = 0.25  XC = 0   YC = 0.25
  if ($1==11) {
    waveform = SINE
    wstr = "sin"
    TP = 5e-3
    NC = 2e4
    XA = 50  YA = 0.25  XC = 0   YC = 0.25
  if ($1==12) {
    waveform = SINE
    wstr = "sin"
    TP = 0.1
    NC = 10
    XA = 50  YA = 0.25  XC = 0   YC = 0.25
  pstr = "" // start anew
  if (waveform>0) {
    sprint(pstr, "%s   tp %5.3f   ", wstr, TP) // common to all
    wstr = pstr
    if (waveform==SINE) sprint(pstr, "%snc %7.1f \t", wstr, NC) // peculiar to sine
    wstr = pstr
    sprint(pstr, "%sxa,ya %5.2f,%5.2f   xc,yc %5.2f,%5.2f   thresh ", wstr, XA, YA, XC, YC) // common to all
 print pstr, $1
  return waveform>0

strdef pstr

proc testprotocols() { local ii
  for ii=0,15 {
    pstr = "" // start anew
    if (waveform>0) {
      sprint(pstr, "%s   tp %5.3f   ", wstr, TP) // common to all
      wstr = pstr
      if (waveform==SINE) sprint(pstr, "%snc %7.1f \t", wstr, NC) // peculiar to sine
      wstr = pstr
      sprint(pstr, "%sxa,ya %5.2f,%5.2f   xc,yc %5.2f,%5.2f   thresh ", wstr, XA, YA, XC, YC) // common to all
    print ii, pstr