# Records
spine_records = [
    ,{'variable':'RMr','point_process':'RMECB','location':0.5,'unit':'mM'}#    ,{'variable':'RMBLKe','point_process':'RMECB','location':0.5,'unit':'??'}

Vrest = -70 # mV
Rm = 26000
RmDend = Rm
RaAll= 150
CmDend = 1.4
gna = 0.07
nash = 0
gkdr = 0.055
kdrsh = 0
gc = 1.e-5
gcalbar = 0.5
gcatbar = 0.2
gcanbar = 0.5
temperature = 35 # deg
erev_na = 55 # mV
erev_k = -90 # mV
check = False #True

IC_delay_to_spike = 1.3 # ms
gc = 52e-5; # gives a BPAP [Ca]i amp = 1.71 uM, from 0.1 to 1.81 uM
nspines = 12
nspines_2 = 5
sp_delay_env = 8

    'parameters':{'tau_RM': 7e3, #1800e3, # next 10e3 #ms
                  'theta_cai_RM': 0.046, # mM this is tuned to distinguish between LTP1:4 deltat=5ms and LTP1:1 deltat=-5ms
                  'sigma_cai_RM' : 0.01e-3, # mM
                  'alpha_cai_RMBLK': 1.5e-2, # mM/ms
                  'theta_cai_RMBLK' : 0.12, # mM
                  'sigma_cai_RMBLK' : 0.0001, # mM
                  'tau_RMBLK' : 1e5, # mM
                  'tau_RMLTP11':1800e3*1.2, # ms
                  'theta_RM_RMr': 0.02,
                  'sigma_RM_RMr': 0.001
                  }}, # to get 150% LTP as in Edlmann et al. 2015
                  'glut_factor': 40}},
    'parameters':{'theta_cai_BDNF': 0.1038,
                  'max_cai_BDNF': 0.16,
                  'max_BDNF_rel_delay' : 300e3,
                  'alpha_gAMPA': 1.5, #4.8, 
                  'theta_gAMPA': 0.01,#0.038,
                  'sigma_gAMPA': 0.00001,#0.0015,
                  'shift_gAMPA': 0,
                  'Area': 1.0}}]
# Spike-EPSP envelop
spike_delay_rnd = 8

Block_RMBLK = 0

PPR = True
time_on_initialization = 100e3 # ms 600e3 = 10 min
time_to_begin_induction = 20e3 # ms
nstim = 70
induction_freq = 0.5 # Hz
BPAP_stimulus_amplitude = 5 # nA
BPAP_stimulus_amplitude_branch = 0.08 # nA
BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration = 2.5 # ms
BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration = 0 # ms
time_after_induction = 0 # ms
test_freq = 0.05 # Hz = 1/(20sec)
time_start_induction = time_on_initialization + time_to_begin_induction
test_post_point_to_plot_interval = 2*60*1e3 # ms = 2 min see Fig1B of Edelmann2015
time_of_expression = 1800e3 # ms = 30 min
activate_LTP_protocol = True
# time_delta =  [-30,-20, -10, -5]
time_delta =  [ -5, -5, -5, -5]
# time_delta =  [-10, -10, -10, -10]
override_tstop = None

ca_tuning = False
if ca_tuning:
    time_on_initialization = 1e3 # ms
    time_to_begin_induction = 100 # ms
    nstim = 35
    induction_freq = 0.5 # Hz
    BPAP_stimulus_amplitude = 0.35 # nA
    BPAP_stimulus_amplitude_branch = 0.08 # nA
    BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration = 3 # ms
    BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration = 0 # ms
    time_after_induction = 0 # ms
    test_freq = 0.05 # Hz = 1/(20sec)
    time_start_induction = time_on_initialization + time_to_begin_induction
    test_post_point_to_plot_interval = 2*60*1e3 # ms = 2 min see Fig1B of Edelmann2015
    time_of_expression = 1800e3 # ms = 30 min
    activate_LTP_protocol = True
    time_delta =  list(range(-15,16,5))#[-10, -5]#[-20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20] # ms [-10, -5, 10]#
    override_tstop = 5e3
data_file = 'store_multi'

# Settings for Figures
# Figure list
figure_size = (6,6)
panels = {'vm spine':(0.05,0,0.3,0.3),
          # 'Spine EPSP':(0.7,0,0.3,0.3),
          # 'Soma EPSP':(0.4,0.7,0.3,0.3),
          # 'fused vesicles':(0.7,0.4,0.3,0.3)
panels_seq = ['vm spine','cai',
              #'Spine EPSP','Soma EPSP',
              # 'fused vesicles',None,
              # 'rm','bdnf',

single_figures = {
    'vm spine':(0.05,0,0.3,0.3),
    'Cont EPSP':(0.7,0,0.3,0.3),
    'Pot EPSP':(0.4,0.7,0.3,0.3),
    'U_SE':(0.7,0.4,0.3,0.3),#'fused vesicles':(0.7,0.4,0.3,0.3),
summary_panels = {'EPSP_sl':[['#DC143C','d',2,14],['#00008B','s',1,14],['g','+',1,14]],
# panels = {'vm_spine':(4,3,1),
#           'cai':(4,3,4),
#           'Cont_EPSP':(4,3,7),
#           'Pot_EPSP':(4,3,8),
#           'fused_vesicles':(4,3,10)
#           }
paper_fig_panels = [

one_spine = [
    # ['Spine_9/head_9','r'],
    # ['Spine_8/head_8','k'],
    # ['Spine_7/head_7','g'],
    # ['Spine_6/head_6','c'],
    # ['Spine_5/head_5','y'],
    # ['Spine_4/head_4','b'],
    # ['Spine_3/head_3','m'],
    # ['Spine_2/head_2','k'],
    # ['Spine_1/head_1','g'],
one_spine_soma = [
    # ['Spine_9/head_9','r'],
    # ['Spine_8/head_8','k'],
    # ['Spine_7/head_7','g'],
    # ['Spine_6/head_6','c'],
    # ['Spine_5/head_5','y'],
    # ['Spine_4/head_4','b'],
    # ['Spine_3/head_3','m'],
    # ['Spine_2/head_2','k'],
    # ['Spine_1/head_1','g'],
all_spines = [
all_spines_soma = [

figure_list = {
    'cai':{'title':'Spine $\mathrm{[Ca^{2+}]}$',
           # 'ylim':[0,0.17],
    ,'vm spine':{'title':'EPSP + BPAP',
           'ylabel':'Memb. pot.',
    ,'Cont EPSP':{'title':'EPSP before LTP',
           'ylabel':'Memb. pot.',
    ,'Pot EPSP':{'title':'EPSP after LTP',
           'ylabel':'Memb. pot.',
    ,'Spine EPSP':{'title':'EPSP at spine',
           'ylabel':'Memb. pot.',
    ,'Soma EPSP':{'title':'EPSP at soma',
           'ylabel':'Memb. pot.',
    ,'fused vesicles':{'title':'Fused BDNF vesicles',
           # 'ylim':[0,70],
    ,'vm_branch_pre':{'title':'Memb. pot. in branch',
               'pre_induction', # period
               2, # index
               -20, # pre time window
               +100]], # post time window
    # ,'vm_branch_post':{'title':'Memb. pot. in branch',
    #        'varnames':[['branch_base_v','Blues']],
    #        'hdf5_section':['pyr2005'],
    #        'location':0.5,
    #        'time_window':[[
    #            'post_expression', # period
    #            -10, # index
    #            -20, # pre time window
    #            +100]], # post time window
    #        'xunit':'ms',
           # 'legend':False,
    #        'xlabel':'Time',
    #        'ylabel':'Voltage'}
    ,'rm':{'title':'Presynaptic plasticity chain',
    ,'fullrm':{'title':'Presynaptic plasticity chain',
           # 'varnames':[['RM','r'],['RMr','k'],['RMBLK','g'],['U_SE','b'],['post_intra','m']],
    ,'rmd':{'title':'Presynaptic plasticity chain',
    ,'use':{'title':'Glutammate release',
           'ylabel':'Norm. rel.',
    ,'bdnf':{'title':'Released BDNF',
    ,'fullbdnf':{'title':'Post synaptic signaling',
           # 'varnames':[['intracell_signaling','y'],['g_factor','c']],
           # 'varnames':[['g_factor','c']],
           # 'varnames':[['mBDNF','r'],['TrkB','g'],['g_factor','c']],
           # 'ylim':(0,40e-3),
    ,'trkb':{'title':'Postsynaptic TrkB',
    ,'gfactor':{'title':'Effective AMPA cond.',
           'ylabel':'Norm. cond.'}
    # ,'Peak_EPSP':{'title':'EPSP Peak',
    #        'varnames':[['v','Blues']],
    #        'hdf5_section':['pyr2005/branch_base'],
    #        'location':0.5,
    #        'time_window':['first_test_post',#'first_induction',
    #                       -60e3*10,
    #                       'end'],
    #        'xunit':'min',
    #        'xlabel':'Time',
    #        'ylabel':'%',
    #        'panel':(4,3,2)}
    ,'syn_eff':{'title':'Synaptic efficacy',
  ,'control':{'title':'NMDA current in control',
  ,'post_expression':{'title':'Syn current potentiated',

protocols = {
        'BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration':2.5, # ms        
        'BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration':0, # ms
    # ,'LTP14_2':{
    #     'BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration':2.5, # ms        
    #     'BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration':0, # ms
    #     'n_BPAP':4,
    #     'activate_LTP_protocol':True,
    #     'nstim':25,
    #     'repeat_protocol':1,
    #     'color':'r'}
    # ,'1EPSP':{
    #     'BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration':0, # ms        
    #     'BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration':0, # ms        
    #     'activate_LTP_protocol':True,
    #     'n_BPAP':0,
    #     'nstim':70,
    #     'repeat_protocol':1,
    #     'color':'#FF4500'}
        'BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration':2.5, # ms        
        'BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration':0, # ms        
     # ,'LTP14_RMBLK':{
     #     'BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration':2.5, # ms        
     #     'BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration':0, # ms
     #     'n_BPAP':4,
     #     'activate_LTP_protocol':True,
     #     'nstim':25,
     #     'Block_RMBLK':True,
     #     'repeat_protocol':1,
     #     'color':'r'}
    # ,'LTP12':{
    #     'BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration':2.5, # ms        
    #     'BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration':0, # ms        
    #     'n_BPAP':2,
    #     'activate_LTP_protocol':True,
    #     'nstim':50,
    #     'repeat_protocol':1,
    #     'color':'g'}
    # ,'4BPAPs':{
    #     'BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration':2.5, # ms        
    #     'BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration':0, # ms        
    #     'n_BPAP':4,
    #     'nstim':25,
    #     'activate_LTP_protocol':False,
    #     'color':'r'}
    # ,'2BPAPs':{
    #     'BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration':3, # ms        
    #     'BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration':0, # ms        
    #     'n_BPAP':2,
    #     'nstim':0,
    #     'activate_LTP_protocol':False,
    #     'color':'r'}
    # ,'1BPAP':{
    #     'BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration':4, # ms        
    #     'BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration':0, # ms        
    #     'activate_LTP_protocol':False,
    #     'n_BPAP':1,
    #     'nstim':0,
    #     'repeat_protocol':1,
    #     'color':'k'}

# protocols = {'1EPSP':{
#     'BPAP_dep_stimulus_duration':0, # ms        
#     'BPAP_hyp_stimulus_duration':0, # ms        
#     'activate_LTP_protocol':True,
#     'color':'#FF4500'}
#     }
# deltaT = 10 ms  = post - pre 
# blue = LTP14
# verde = LTP11
# rossa = solo 4 BPAPs, calcio da VGCC
# nera = solo 1 BPAP, calcio da VGCC
# arancio = solo 1 EPSP, calcio da NMDA