This is the readme for the model associated with figure 3 from the paper:

Appukuttan, S., Sathe, R., & Manchanda, R. (2016, January). Influence of gap junction subtypes on passive and active electrical properties of syncytial tissues. In Systems in Medicine and Biology (ICSMB), 2016 International Conference on (pp. 128-131). IEEE.

This model was contributed by Shailesh Appukuttan. It is written in the NEURON simulator which is freely available from

If you need more help than given below in running the simulation please consult this page:

Auto-launch from modeldb (if NEURON installed and the browser is configured) or download and extract the archive and start with a command like

nrngui mosinit.hoc

on unix/linux, or start the init.hoc file on mswin or mac os x.

The simulation launches automatically. After a minute the simulation completes and a figure with data associated with figure 3 in the paper is displayed:

nrn screenshot