Welcome to use the mNing (Motor uNit INnvervation process Generator) package. 
The details of the model is described in:

	Jiang N, Englehart KB, Parker PA (2006) A simulation method for the
	firing sequences of motor units. J Electromyogr Kinesiol

This Matlab package can be use to simulate the innervation processes
(firing sequences) of a single motor unit or a pool of motor
units. Various physiological phenomena regarding motor units,
including motor unit synchrony and motor unit common drive, can be

To install the package, extract the .zip file to folder
"matlabroot\work". There is a script file called "sample_sim_script.m"
with detailed instruction alone with an example of the application of
the package to creat and simulate the innervation processes of a
motoneuron network, which has motor unit synchrony, as well as motor
unit common drive.

This package is written and test on Matlab 2006.

For questions and comments, please contact me at: ning.jiang@unb.ca

Have fun!