// fig2A_c91662.hoc
// modified from fig2A.hoc from Migliore et al 2005 oblique model
// http://senselab.med.yale.edu/modeldb/showmodel.asp?model=55035
// to replace original model's default cell with c91662

// {cvode_active(1)} // uncomment for cvode however cvode incompat. for calcium analysis


// xopen("geo5038804.hoc")             // geometry file for default cell
{xopen("c91662.ses")}  // a cell thats shape is similar to the one in Chen C et al. 2005
{load_file("obliques_primary_tuft.hoc")} // defines SectionLists

// Omori et al. 2009 define a step function for Rm that is a high resistance, RmDend near
// the soma and then 350 +- 100 microns from the soma drops to 1/10 that value, RmDistalDend
Rm = 10^4.5 // 31622  lower limit from Omori et al. 2009, Michele's original value: 28000  // ohm cm2
RmDend = Rm
RmDistalDend = 10^3.5 // 3162.2 upper limit from Omori et al. 2009.
// Rm for Omori et al. 2006 value ~900 ohm cm2 (some value less than 1000)
// note also that pressing the leaky dendrites button now makes the model like Omori et
// al. 2009's paper range limits for Rm in a step distribution.
RmSoma = Rm
RmAx = Rm
{load_file("leaky_distal.hoc")} // procedures make_leaky_distal_Rm(), make_const_dend_Rm()
Cm    = 1
CmSoma= Cm
CmAx  = Cm
CmDend = Cm

RaAll= 150
RaAx = 50

Vrest = -65
// now handled in paper....hoc: dt = 0.025 // dt =0.1 is OK for demo
gna =  .025
gkdr = 0.01
celsius = 35.0  
KMULT =  0.03 // Michele suggests that changing these to 0.04 from 0.03
KMULTP = 0.03 // is within the physiological range

// the below 2 get reset later but must be defined to show up in gui text editors
gc=0  // used for setting the T, L, and N Ca2+ currents max conductance
gKc=0 // used for setting the Ca2+ sensitive K current max conductance
gt=0  // used for setting the T-type Ca current max cond. to a particular value

alzheimers_flag=0 // flag turns true when simulating alzheimers
current_marker_color=3 // starts out blue (3), red is 2
apic_resize_factor=1 // default value doesn't change anything, 10, 1/10 typical choices
apic_comp_index=0 // selects in text box which compartment is specifically changed, 0-128 valid choices
marker_graph=1 // 1 for marker graphs
line_graph=1 // 1 for line graphs
strdef current_marker_style
current_cai_marker=3 // peak internal Ca2+ concentration graphs:  3=triangle 2=square
current_cai_marker_color=1 // 1=black, 2=red
aBeta_concentration_factor=1 // this is used to model smaller concentrations of aBeta
			     // than were measured experimentally.  The assumption is
// that the blocking due to a smaller value of aBeta would be linearly proportional to
// the full blocking as a factor of the ratio of the model concentration divided by the
// experimentally measured concentration (1 uM aBeta).
scale_ka=1 // used to scale the A-type current gmax's in the Migliore distribution
scale_obliques=1 // used to scale the A-type current gmax's on the relative distrib. in the obliq.s
objref g, b1, b2, c, d, stim, distrx, distry, distrt, cdistry
objref peak_ca_graph, peak_optical_graph

objref distrca, distr_cai_t // store the maximum cai values and times those max's occurred
objref tmp_vecx, tmp_vecy
objref b3
objref obliquex, obliquey, primaryx, primaryy, tuftx, tufty
objref obliqueca, primaryca, tuftca
objref obliqueoptical, primaryoptical, tuftoptical
objref p, chen_c_bpAP_peaks
objref soma_v_vec, dend_v_vec
objref obdend_v_vec, healthy_obdend_v_vec, abeta_obdend_v_vec

forsec "axon" {insert pas e_pas=Vrest g_pas = 1/RmAx Ra=RaAx cm=CmAx}
forsec "soma" {insert pas e_pas=Vrest g_pas = 1/RmSoma Ra=RaSoma cm=CmSoma}

// the union of dendrites in dendrite and user5 in the original model are
// analagous to the union of the dendrites in basal and apic in c91662

// forsec "dendrite" {insert pas e_pas=Vrest g_pas = 1/RmDend Ra=RaAll cm=CmDend}
forsec "basal" {insert pas e_pas=Vrest g_pas = 1/RmDend Ra=RaAll cm=CmDend}
// forsec "user5" {insert pas e_pas=Vrest g_pas = 1/RmDend Ra=RaAll cm=CmDend}
forsec "apic" {insert pas e_pas=Vrest g_pas = 1/RmDend Ra=RaAll cm=CmDend}

access soma

// chance here to change the nseg for compartments if want to study effect of that
// high resolution for middle oblique of interest:

// for apicindex=73,79 {
//  apic[apicindex] nseg*=27

//forall { nseg*=27 }

forall {tot=tot+nseg}
distance()  // establishes soma (still accessed) as origin for distance(x) function



p = new PlotShape()
p.exec_menu("Shape Plot")

soma {
  stim= new IClamp(rel)
  stim.amp=0 // was 2.5 in original Migliore et al. 2005 model
axon {
  stim= new IClamp(1)
  stim.amp=.1  // just a short small pulse is all that is neces. in axon to start bAP
  stim.del=0  // start stimulus right away since takes a little while to prop. to soma
axon { pt3dchange(0,1) } // change the diameter to 1 um prox to soma to match impedance for bAP

{load_file("aBeta.hoc")} // aBeta.hoc must be loaded after the cell is created
{load_file("shrink_obliques.hoc")} // electrically remove obliques
store_healthy_g_A() // store A current conductances for healthy cell.

// compare between healthy and aBeta applied cells backpropagating action potentials
objref healthy_bpAPs, aBeta_bpAPs
// note that the above stored peak voltages are aligned with the distrx vectors which
// contain the distance from the soma to the apical dendrite
objref percent_increase, experiment_indicies, per_inc_between_240_300, x_between_240_300
// experiment_indicies hold the indicies of distr(x or y) that correspond to the range
// that Chen C measured increases in bpAPs
objref g1

{load_file("figs.hoc")}  // contains procedures to create figures for Dend. Hypoth. paper

scale_ka=1  // throughout the whole cell
scale_obliques=3 // use 3 times ka slope in the obliques in standard model for this study

store_healthy_g_A()  // reassign this distribution as the healthy (control) one.

load_file("generate_conc_graph.hoc") // contains procs for concentration dependence study
load_file("oblique_application.hoc") // graphs comparison between oblique aBeta and control