celsius = 35
// C fiber model - Figure 8c - Effect of pumps on spike failure at T-juntion
// Sundt et. al JNP 2015
// SK is off with profiles and nadifl is everywhere
//////////////////// VARIABLES /////////////////////
tstop = 400
FREQ = 100 // Stimulation frequency in Hz
NPULSES = 21 // Number of pulses for stimulation
NAV = .04 // Na channel density
KV = .04 // K channel density
GCAL = 0.00025 // CaL conductance
GSK = .001 // SK conductance 0.0002
SKTAU = 500 // SK calcium time constant
PUMP = 1
///////////////// MORPHOLOGY ///////////////////////
create peri, tjcentral, tjperi, stem, soma, central
peri {nseg=100 L=5000 diam = .8} // peripherial axon
tjperi {nseg=100 L=100 diam = .8} // tjunction axon
tjcentral {nseg=100 L=100 diam = CENTRAL_DIAM} // tjunction axon
central {nseg=100 L=5000 diam = CENTRAL_DIAM} // central axon
stem {nseg=100 L=150 diam = 1.4} // stem axon
soma {nseg=1 L=25 diam = 25} // soma
//////// Connectivity //////////
peri connect tjperi(0),1
tjperi connect stem(0),1
stem connect soma(0),1
tjperi connect tjcentral(0),1
tjcentral connect central(0),1
objref DRG // create new object called DRG
DRG = new SectionList() // Define DRG as a list of sections
tjperi DRG.append() // DRG sections: tjunction, stem, and soma
tjcentral DRG.append()
stem DRG.append()
//soma DRG.append()
/////////////////// INITIALIZATION /////////////////
forall { // for all compartments
insert nahh
gnabar_nahh = NAV
mshift_nahh = -6 // NaV1.7/1.8 channelshift
hshift_nahh = 6 // NaV1.7/1.8 channelshift
insert borgkdr // insert delayed rectifier K channels
gkdrbar_borgkdr = KV // density of K channels
ek = -80 // K equilibrium potential
insert pas // insert leak channels
g_pas = 1/10000 // set Rm = 10000 ohms-cm2
v = -60 // set Vrest
Ra = 100 // intracellular resistance
access soma // work only with the soma
gnabar_nahh = .02 // 50% lower Na channel density
insert cal
gcalbar_cal = GCAL
insert SK
gskbar_SK = GSK
sstau_SK = SKTAU
forall {
finitialize(v) // reset all state variables
fcurrent() // calculate all currents
e_pas = v + (ina + ik)/g_pas // calculate leak equilibrium potential
access soma
e_pas = v + (ina+ik)/g_pas // remember to add ica if needed
} /// end of initialization
forsec DRG{
if (PUMP == 1) {
insert kextern
wid_kextern = 700
insert nadifl
insert pump
pumpbar_pump = PUMPDENSITY
init() // initialize
forsec DRG {
if (PUMP == 1){
ko = 3.72
ki = 110
nao = 119
kinitial_kextern = ko
nainitial_kextern = nao
nai = 15
nai_nadifl = nai
e_pas = v + (ina+ik)/g_pas // remember to add ica if needed
wopen("Fig8coutput.dat") // Open file to write results
access soma
objectvar somastim
access soma
somastim = new IClamp(.5)
somastim.del = 5
somastim.dur = 1000
somastim.amp = 0
///////////////////////// STIMULATE PERIPHERAL AXON /////////////////////
access peri // Work with peripheral axon
objectvar stim // create object called stim
stim = new IClamp(.2) // Define stim as a current clamp (IClamp) at position 0.2
stim.del = 5 // Stimulus delay
stim.dur = tstop // Duration of the stimulus
stim.amp = 0 // Amplitude of the stimulus starts as zero.
PERIOD = 1000/FREQ // Define period between stimuli
countdown = 0 // Spike interval variable
pulsecount = NPULSES // Spike number variable
t=0 // Set time variable (t) to zero
dt = 0.025 // Time step in msec
access soma
double maxx[22]
for i=0,21 maxx[i] = 1e6
access tjcentral
while (t<tstop){ // Simulation Loop starts here
if (t>300){
for i=0,10 {
if (tjperi.ina(i/10) < maxx[i]){
maxx[i] = tjperi.ina(i/10)
if (tjcentral.ina(i/10) < maxx[i+11]) {
maxx[i+11] = tjcentral.ina(i/10)
stim.amp = 0 // Stimulation amplitude is set to zero
if ((t>=100) && (pulsecount > 0)){ // After 50 msec, start stimulating
if ((countdown <= 0) && (countdown > -1)) stim.amp = .2 // Stimulate 1 ms pulse
if (countdown <= -1){ // done with this pulse // End of 1 ms pulse
countdown = PERIOD // Reset interval variable
pulsecount -= 1 // Decrement count of pulses
countdown -= dt // Decrement interval variable
fprint("%g %g %g %g %g %g\n",t,tjcentral.v(.1), tjcentral.ina(.1), tjcentral.ena(.1), tjcentral.ik(.1), tjcentral.ek(.1))
fadvance() // Advance simulation one time step