diff --git a/models/CMakeLists.txt b/models/CMakeLists.txt
index 01012b56a..2a145ce54 100644
--- a/models/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/models/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ set( models_sources
     iaf_psc_exp_ps.cpp iaf_psc_exp_ps.h
     iaf_psc_exp_ps_lossless.cpp iaf_psc_exp_ps_lossless.h
     izhikevich.h izhikevich.cpp
+    migliore.h migliore.cpp
+    migliore_ode.h migliore_ode.cpp
     lin_rate.h lin_rate.cpp
     mat2_psc_exp.h mat2_psc_exp.cpp
diff --git a/models/migliore.cpp b/models/migliore.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1cdcd9b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/migliore.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1038 @@
+ *  migliore.cpp
+ *
+ *  This file is part of NEST.
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
+ *
+ *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+#include "migliore.h"
+// C++ includes:
+#include <limits>
+// Includes from libnestutil:
+#include "dict_util.h"
+#include "numerics.h"
+#include "propagator_stability.h"
+// Includes from nestkernel:
+//#include "event_delivery_manager_impl.h"
+#include "exceptions.h"
+#include "kernel_manager.h"
+#include "universal_data_logger_impl.h"
+// Includes from sli:
+#include "dict.h"
+#include "dictutils.h"
+#include "doubledatum.h"
+#include "integerdatum.h"
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Recordables map
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+//nest::RecordablesMap< nest::migliore > nest::migliore::recordablesMap_;
+namespace nest
+  // Override the create() method with one call to RecordablesMap::insert_()
+  // for each quantity to be recorded.
+  template <>
+  void
+  DynamicRecordablesMap< migliore >::create( migliore& host )
+  {
+    // use standard names wherever you can for consistency!
+    insert( names::V_m, host.get_data_access_functor( migliore::State_::V_M ) );
+    //    insert( names::I, host.get_data_access_functor( migliore::State_::I ) );
+    insert( names::I_syn, host.get_data_access_functor( migliore::State_::I_ve ) );
+    insert( names::Iadap_ini, host.get_data_access_functor( migliore::State_::Iadap ) );
+    insert( names::Idep_ini, host.get_data_access_functor( migliore::State_::Idep ) );
+    host.insert_current_recordables();
+  }
+  // void
+  // RecordablesMap< migliore >::create()
+  // {
+  //   // use standard names whereever you can for consistency!
+  //   insert_( names::V_m, &migliore::get_V_m_ );
+  //   insert_( names::I, &migliore::get_I_inj_ );
+  //   insert_( names::init_sign, &migliore::get_init_sign_ );
+  //   insert_( names::Iadap_ini, &migliore::get_Iadap_ini_ );
+  //   insert_( names::Idep_ini, &migliore::get_Idep_ini_ );
+  //   insert_( names::sis, &migliore::get_sis_ );
+  //   insert_( names::I_syn, &migliore::get_I_syn_ );
+  // }
+  Name
+  nest::migliore::get_i_syn_name( size_t elem )
+  {
+    std::stringstream i_syn_name;
+    i_syn_name << "I_syn_" << elem + 1;
+    return Name( i_syn_name.str() );
+  }
+  void
+  migliore::insert_current_recordables( size_t first )
+  {
+    // std::cout << "migliore taus syn size " << P_.tau_syn_.size() << "\n";
+    for ( size_t receptor = first; receptor < P_.tau_syn_.size(); ++receptor )
+      {
+	size_t elem = migliore::State_::I_SYN
+	  + receptor * migliore::State_::NUM_STATE_ELEMENTS_PER_RECEPTOR;
+	Name a = get_i_syn_name( receptor );
+	recordablesMap_.insert( a , this->get_data_access_functor( elem ) );
+      }
+  }
+  DataAccessFunctor< migliore >
+  migliore::get_data_access_functor( size_t elem )
+  {
+    return DataAccessFunctor< migliore >( *this, elem );
+  }
+  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   * Default constructors defining default parameters and state
+   * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  nest::migliore::Parameters_::Parameters_()
+    : E_L_( -72.5 )
+    , vres_( -65.0 )
+    , vtm_( -52.0 )
+    , Cm_( 2047.4164432004916 )
+    , ith_( 300.9987901902274 )
+    , tao_m_( 3310.462136574088 )
+    , sc_( 4526.328798037026 )
+    , bet_( 0.24522251335200956 )
+    , delta1_( 0.009906254244852036 )
+    , cost_idep_ini_( 0.017625482908326662 )
+    , Idep_ini_vr_( 1.0122905259090516 )
+    , psi1_( 0.1975362978159442 )
+    , a_( 14.2787 )
+    , b_( -2.10966 )
+    , c_( 0.0608809 )
+    , alp_( 225.491 )
+    , istim_min_spikinig_exp_( 400 )
+    , istim_max_spikinig_exp_( 1000 )
+    , corrcostatratti_( 1 )
+    , corrcost_( 0 )
+    , Delta_T( 2.0 )    // mV
+    , I_e_( 0.0 )                                     // pA
+    , V_th_( -52.0 )                                   // mV
+    , V_min_( -90.0 ) //-std::numeric_limits< double >::max() ) // mV
+    , t_ref_( 2.0 )            // in ms
+    , tau_syn_( 3, 2.0 )       // in ms
+    , firstSpikeFlag_( false)  
+    , has_connections_( false )
+  {
+  }
+  nest::migliore::State_::State_()
+    : V_m_( -72.5 )       // membrane potential  (E_L_+(1-exp(-S_.current_/1000))*(vtm-E_L_))/V_.Vconvfact  TOBEFIXED
+    , init_sign_( 0.0 ) // membrane adaptation variable
+    , Iadap_ini_( 0.0 ) // membrane adaptation variable
+    , Idep_ini_( 0.0 ) // membrane dependent variable
+    , sis_( 0.0 ) // counter variable
+    , counter_( 0.0 ) // counter variable
+    , I_inj_( 0.0 )         // input current
+    , r_ref_( 0 )
+  {
+    i_syn_.clear();
+  }
+  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   * Parameter and state extractions and manipulation functions
+   * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  void
+  nest::migliore::Parameters_::get( DictionaryDatum& d ) const
+  {
+    def< double >( d, names::I_e, I_e_ );
+    def< double >( d, names::V_th, V_th_ ); // threshold value
+    def< double >( d, names::V_min, V_min_ );
+    def< double >( d, names::E_L, E_L_ );
+    def< double >( d, names::vres, vres_ );
+    def< double >( d, names::vtm, vtm_);
+    def< double >( d, names::Cm, Cm_);
+    def< double >( d, names::ith, ith_);
+    def< double >( d, names::tao_m, tao_m_);
+    def< double >( d, names::sc, sc_);
+    def< double >( d, names::bet, bet_);
+    def< double >( d, names::delta1, delta1_);
+    def< double >( d, names::cost_idep_ini, cost_idep_ini_);
+    def< double >( d, names::Idep_ini_vr, Idep_ini_vr_);
+    def< double >( d, names::psi1, psi1_);
+    def< double >( d, names::a, a_);
+    def< double >( d, names::b, b_);
+    def< double >( d, names::c, c_);
+    def< double >( d, names::alp, alp_);
+    def< double >( d, names::istim_min_spikinig_exp, istim_min_spikinig_exp_);
+    def< double >( d, names::istim_max_spikinig_exp, istim_max_spikinig_exp_);
+    def< double >( d, names::corrcostatratti, corrcostatratti_);
+    def< double >( d, names::corrcost, corrcost_);
+    def< double >( d, names::Delta_T, Delta_T );
+    def< double >( d, names::t_ref, t_ref_ );
+    def< int >( d, names::n_synapses, n_receptors_() );
+    def< bool >( d, names::has_connections, has_connections_ );
+    ArrayDatum tau_syn_ad( tau_syn_ );
+    def< ArrayDatum >( d, names::tau_syn, tau_syn_ad );
+  }
+  void
+  nest::migliore::Parameters_::set( const DictionaryDatum& d, Node* node )
+  {
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::V_th, V_th_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::V_min, V_min_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::I_e, I_e_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::E_L, E_L_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::vres, vres_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::vtm, vtm_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Cm, Cm_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::ith, ith_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::tao_m, tao_m_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::sc, sc_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::bet, bet_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::delta1, delta1_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::cost_idep_ini, cost_idep_ini_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Idep_ini_vr, Idep_ini_vr_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::psi1, psi1_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::a, a_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::b, b_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::c, c_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::alp, alp_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::istim_min_spikinig_exp, istim_min_spikinig_exp_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::istim_max_spikinig_exp, istim_max_spikinig_exp_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::corrcostatratti, corrcostatratti_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::corrcost, corrcost_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Delta_T, Delta_T, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::t_ref, t_ref_, node );
+    // updateValueParam< double >( d, names::miglp1, miglp1_, node );
+    // updateValueParam< double >( d, names::miglp2, miglp2_, node );
+    // updateValueParam< double >( d, names::miglp3, miglp3_, node );
+    // updateValueParam< double >( d, names::miglp4, miglp4_, node );
+    if ( t_ref_ < 0 )
+      {
+	throw BadProperty( "Refractory time must not be negative." );
+      }
+    const size_t old_n_receptors = this->n_receptors_();
+    if ( updateValue< std::vector< double > >( d, "tau_syn", tau_syn_ ) )
+      {
+	if ( this->n_receptors_() != old_n_receptors && has_connections_ == true )
+	  {
+	    throw BadProperty( "The neuron has connections, therefore the number of ports cannot be reduced." );
+	  }
+	for ( size_t i = 0; i < tau_syn_.size(); ++i )
+	  {
+	    if ( tau_syn_[ i ] <= 0 )
+	      {
+		throw BadProperty( "All synaptic time constants must be strictly positive." );
+	      }
+	    if ( tau_syn_[ i ] == tao_m_ )
+	      {
+		throw BadProperty( "Membrane and synapse time constant(s) must differ. See note in documentation." );
+	      }
+	  }
+      }
+    // std::cout << "migliore set taus syn size " << tau_syn_.size() << "\n";
+    // std::cout << "migliore n_receptors " << this->n_receptors_() << "\n";
+  }
+  void
+  nest::migliore::State_::get( DictionaryDatum& d, const Parameters_& ) const
+  {
+    def< double >( d, names::init_sign, init_sign_ ); // Membrane potential adaptationariable
+    def< double >( d, names::Iadap_ini, Iadap_ini_ ); // Membrane potential adaptationariable
+    def< double >( d, names::Idep_ini , Idep_ini_ ); // Membrane potential adaptationariable
+    def< double >( d, names::sis , sis_ ); // Membrane potential adaptationariable
+    def< double >( d, names::I, I_inj_ ); // Membrane potential
+    def< double >( d, names::V_m, V_m_ ); // Membrane potential
+  }
+  void
+  nest::migliore::State_::set( const DictionaryDatum& d, const Parameters_&, Node* node )
+  {
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::init_sign, init_sign_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Iadap_ini, Iadap_ini_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Idep_ini, Idep_ini_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::sis, sis_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::V_m, V_m_, node );
+    updateValueParam< double >( d, names::I, I_inj_, node );
+  }
+  nest::migliore::Buffers_::Buffers_( migliore& n )
+    : logger_( n )
+  {
+  }
+  nest::migliore::Buffers_::Buffers_( const Buffers_&, migliore& n )
+    : logger_( n )
+  {
+  }
+  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   * Default and copy constructor for node
+   * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  nest::migliore::migliore()
+    : ArchivingNode()
+    , P_()
+    , S_()
+    , B_( *this )
+  {
+    recordablesMap_.create( *this );
+  }
+  nest::migliore::migliore( const migliore& n )
+    : ArchivingNode( n )
+    , P_( n.P_ )
+    , S_( n.S_ )
+    , B_( n.B_, *this )
+  {
+    recordablesMap_.create( *this );
+  }
+  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   * Node initialization functions
+   * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  void
+  nest::migliore::init_buffers_()
+  {
+    B_.spikes_.clear();   // includes resize
+    B_.currents_.clear(); // includes resize
+    B_.logger_.reset();   // includes resize
+    ArchivingNode::clear_history();
+  }
+  void
+  nest::migliore::calibrate()
+  {
+    B_.logger_.init();
+    // t_ref_ specifies the length of the absolute refractory period as
+    // a double in ms. The grid based iaf_psc_exp can only handle refractory
+    // periods that are integer multiples of the computation step size (h).
+    // To ensure consistency with the overall simulation scheme such conversion
+    // should be carried out via objects of class nest::Time. The conversion
+    // requires 2 steps:
+    //     1. A time object r is constructed, defining representation of
+    //        t_ref_ in tics. This representation is then converted to computation
+    //        time steps again by a strategy defined by class nest::Time.
+    //     2. The refractory time in units of steps is read out get_steps(), a
+    //        member function of class nest::Time.
+    //
+    // Choosing a t_ref_ that is not an integer multiple of the computation time
+    // step h will lead to accurate (up to the resolution h) and self-consistent
+    // results. However, a neuron model capable of operating with real valued
+    // spike time may exhibit a different effective refractory time.
+    const double h = Time::get_resolution().get_ms();
+    V_.P11_syn_.resize( P_.n_receptors_() );
+    V_.P21_syn_.resize( P_.n_receptors_() );
+    S_.i_syn_.resize( P_.n_receptors_() );
+    B_.spikes_.resize( P_.n_receptors_() );
+    V_.P22_ = std::exp( -h / P_.tao_m_ );
+    V_.P20_ = P_.tao_m_ / P_.Cm_ * ( 1.0 - V_.P22_ );
+    for ( size_t i = 0; i < P_.n_receptors_(); i++ )
+      {
+	V_.P11_syn_[ i ] = std::exp( -h / P_.tau_syn_[ i ] );
+	// std::cout << "tau syn " << P_.tau_syn_[ i] << "\n";
+	// these are determined according to a numeric stability criterion
+	V_.P21_syn_[ i ] = propagator_32( P_.tau_syn_[ i ], P_.tao_m_, P_.Cm_, h );
+	B_.spikes_[ i ].resize();
+      }
+    V_.RefractoryCounts_ = Time( Time::ms( P_.t_ref_ ) ).get_steps();
+    // since t_ref_ >= 0, this can only fail in error
+    assert( V_.RefractoryCounts_ >= 0 );
+    V_.time_scale_ = 1 / (-P_.sc_ / (P_.Cm_ * P_.E_L_));
+    V_.d_dt = h;
+    V_.dt = V_.d_dt/V_.time_scale_;
+    V_.beta2 = pow(P_.bet_,2);
+    V_.t_step = V_.dt;
+    V_.t_spk = -0.3;
+    V_.H = (90+P_.E_L_)*P_.sc_*(P_.bet_-P_.delta1_)/(P_.E_L_*(-200));
+    V_.Vconvfact = -P_.E_L_;
+    V_.vrm = P_.vres_/V_.Vconvfact;
+    V_.psi1 = pow((-4)*P_.bet_+pow(1+P_.delta1_,2.0),0.5);
+    // t_step = t - t0
+    V_.VV_1 = 0.5 / ((P_.bet_ -P_.delta1_) * (pow(P_.bet_,2.0) + (P_.bet_-1.0) * P_.delta1_) * (4.0 * P_.bet_ - pow((1.0 + P_.delta1_), 2.0))) * P_.psi1_;
+    V_.VV_2 = 2.0 * exp(-V_.t_step * P_.bet_) * (P_.bet_-1.0) * P_.bet_ * (P_.bet_ - P_.delta1_) * P_.psi1_;
+    V_.VV_3 = (pow(P_.bet_,2) + ((- 1.0) + P_.bet_) * P_.delta1_) * P_.psi1_;
+    V_.VV_4 = exp((1.0 / 2.0) * V_.t_step * (-1.0 + P_.delta1_ -P_.psi1_));
+    V_.VV_5 = P_.bet_ * (P_.bet_ -P_.delta1_) * (-1.0 -P_.delta1_ + P_.bet_ * (3.0 + P_.delta1_ -P_.psi1_) + P_.psi1_);
+    V_.VV_6 = (pow(P_.bet_,2) -P_.delta1_ + P_.bet_ * P_.delta1_);
+    V_.VV_7 = (1.0 + (-2.0) * P_.bet_ + P_.delta1_ -P_.psi1_);
+    V_.VV_8 = exp((1.0 / 2.0) * V_.t_step * (-1.0 + P_.delta1_ + P_.psi1_));
+    V_.VV_9 = P_.bet_ * (P_.bet_-P_.delta1_) * (-1.0 -P_.delta1_ -P_.psi1_ + P_.bet_ * (3.0 + P_.delta1_ + P_.psi1_));
+    V_.VV_10 = (pow(P_.bet_,2) - P_.delta1_ + P_.bet_ * P_.delta1_);
+    V_.VV_11 = (1.0 + (-2.0) * P_.bet_ + P_.delta1_ + P_.psi1_);
+    // V_.GG = P_.bet_ * (P_.bet_ - P_.delta1_) * (-1 - P_.delta1_ - P_.psi1_ + P_.bet_ * (3 + P_.delta1_ + P_.psi1_));
+    V_.C = P_.bet_ - P_.delta1_;
+    // V_.JJ = 2 * exp(-V_.t_step * P_.bet_)  * (P_.bet_ - 1) * P_.bet_ * V_.C * P_.psi1_;
+    // V_.JJ_1 = exp(0.5 * V_.t_step * (-1 + P_.delta1_ - P_.psi1_));
+    // V_.JJ_2 = (-1 - P_.delta1_ + P_.bet_ * (3 + P_.delta1_ - P_.psi1_) + P_.psi1_);
+    // V_.JJ_3 = (V_.beta2 + (P_.bet_ - 1) * P_.delta1_) * P_.psi1_;
+    // V_.JJ_4 = (V_.beta2 - P_.delta1_ + P_.bet_ * P_.delta1_);
+    // V_.JJ_5 = (1 + (-2) * P_.bet_ + P_.delta1_ - P_.psi1_);
+    // V_.JJ_6 = exp(0.5 * V_.t_step * (-1 + P_.delta1_ + P_.psi1_));
+    // V_.JJ_7 = 0.5 / V_.C / (V_.beta2 + (P_.bet_ - 1) * P_.delta1_) / (4 * P_.bet_ - pow((1 + P_.delta1_), 2)) * P_.psi1_;
+    V_.pdelta = pow((1 + P_.delta1_), 2);
+    // V_.AA_4 = P_.bet_ * V_.C * (-V_.pdelta + (-1.0 + P_.delta1_) * P_.psi1_ + 2.0 * P_.bet_ * (2.0 + P_.psi1_));
+    // V_.AA_5 = V_.beta2 + (-1.0 + P_.bet_) * P_.delta1_;
+    // V_.AA_6 = 1.0 -4.0 * P_.bet_ + P_.delta1_ * (2.0 + P_.delta1_ - P_.psi1_) + P_.psi1_;
+    // V_.AA_7 = (1.0 + P_.delta1_) * (-1.0 - P_.delta1_ + P_.psi1_);
+    // V_.AA_9 = P_.bet_ * V_.C * (V_.pdelta + 2.0 * P_.bet_ * (-2.0 + P_.psi1_) + (-1.0 + P_.delta1_) * P_.psi1_);
+    // V_.AA_10 = V_.beta2 + (-1.0 + P_.bet_) * P_.delta1_;
+    // V_.AA_11 = -4.0 * P_.bet_ + V_.pdelta + (-1.0 + P_.delta1_) * P_.psi1_;
+    // V_.AA_12 = (1.0 + P_.delta1_) * (1.0 + P_.delta1_ + P_.psi1_);
+    V_.AA_1 = -4.0 * pow(P_.bet_,3.0) + pow(P_.bet_,2.0) * pow((-1.0+P_.delta1_),2.0) - P_.delta1_ * pow((1.0 + P_.delta1_),2.0) + P_.bet_ * P_.delta1_ * (5 + 2.0 * P_.delta1_ + pow(P_.delta1_,2.0));
+    V_.AA_2 = 2.0 * exp(-V_.t_step * P_.bet_) * P_.bet_ * (4.0 * pow(P_.bet_,2.0) + P_.delta1_ * pow((1.0+P_.delta1_),2.0) - P_.bet_ * (1.0 + 6 * P_.delta1_ + pow(P_.delta1_,2.0)));
+    V_.AA_3 = exp((1.0 / 2.0)*V_.t_step*(-1.0+P_.delta1_+P_.psi1_));
+    V_.AA_4 = -1.0-2.0*P_.delta1_ - pow(P_.delta1_,2.0) - P_.psi1_ + P_.delta1_ * P_.psi1_+2.0*P_.bet_*(2.0+P_.psi1_);
+    V_.AA_5 = (pow(P_.bet_,2.0)-P_.delta1_+P_.bet_*P_.delta1_);
+    V_.AA_6 = (1.0-4.0*P_.bet_+2.0*P_.delta1_+pow(P_.delta1_,2.0)+P_.psi1_-P_.delta1_*P_.psi1_);
+    V_.AA_7 = (1.0+P_.delta1_)*(-1.0-P_.delta1_+P_.psi1_);
+    V_.AA_8 = exp((-1.0)*(1.0 / 2.0) * V_.t_step * (1.0-P_.delta1_+P_.psi1_));
+    V_.AA_9 = P_.bet_ * (P_.bet_-P_.delta1_)*(1.0+2.0*P_.delta1_+ pow(P_.delta1_,2.0)-P_.psi1_+P_.delta1_*P_.psi1_+2.0*P_.bet_*(-2.0+P_.psi1_));
+    V_.AA_10 = (pow(P_.bet_,2.0)-P_.delta1_+P_.bet_*P_.delta1_);
+    V_.AA_11 = (1.0-4.0*P_.bet_+2.0*P_.delta1_ + pow(P_.delta1_,2.0) - P_.psi1_+P_.delta1_*P_.psi1_);
+    V_.AA_12 = (2.0*(P_.bet_-P_.delta1_)*(pow(P_.bet_,2.0)+(-1.0+P_.bet_)*P_.delta1_)*(4.0*P_.bet_-pow((1.0+P_.delta1_),2.0)));
+    V_.DD_1 = exp(-V_.t_step * P_.bet_);
+  }
+  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   * Update and spike handling functions
+   */
+  double
+  nest::migliore::tagliorette(double corr)
+  {
+    double dur_sign = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+    //# I = sym.Symbol('I')
+    double vinc_inf = 700;
+    double lin_func_sup;
+    // # lin_func_inf=0.68*I - 190.0
+    // # if corr<vinc_inf and corr>0:
+    // # 	dur_sign=lin_func_inf.subs(I,corr)
+    if (corr < vinc_inf && corr > 0)
+      {
+	dur_sign = 0.68*corr - 190.0;
+	// lin_func_inf = 0.68*corr - 190.0;
+      }
+    double vinc_sup = 1300; 
+    if (corr > vinc_sup)
+      {
+	lin_func_sup = 76.86-0.028*corr;
+	dur_sign = lin_func_sup;
+	// dur_sign = corr + std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+	//double lin_func_sup = corr + std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+      }
+    return dur_sign;
+  }
+  double
+  nest::migliore::migliV(double t, double delta, double Psi, 
+			 double alpha, double beta, double IaA0, 
+			 double IdA0, double t0, double V0,
+			 int r_ref_, double vrm)
+  {
+    double to_return = V_.VV_1 * (V_.VV_2 * IdA0 + -2.0 * (alpha -beta + delta) * V_.VV_3 + V_.VV_4 * (IdA0 * V_.VV_5 - V_.VV_6 * (alpha * V_.VV_7 + (beta -delta) * (-1.0 + 2.0 * IaA0 * beta -delta + Psi + V0 * (-1.0 -delta + Psi)))) + V_.VV_8 * (-IdA0 * V_.VV_9 + V_.VV_10 * (alpha * V_.VV_11 + (beta -delta) * (-1.0 + 2.0 * IaA0 * beta-delta -Psi -V0 * (1.0 + delta + Psi)))));
+    // double G = (V_.beta2 - delta + beta * delta) * (alpha * (1 + (-2) * beta + delta + Psi) + V_.C * (-1 + 2 * IaA0 * beta - delta - Psi - V0 * (1 + delta + Psi)));
+    // double F = -IdA0 * V_.GG + G;
+    // double D = V_.JJ * IdA0 - 2 * (alpha - beta + delta) * V_.JJ_3 + V_.JJ_1 * (IdA0 * beta * V_.C * V_.JJ_2 - V_.JJ_4 * (alpha * V_.JJ_5 + V_.C * (-1 + 2 * IaA0 * beta - delta + Psi + V0 * (-1 - delta + Psi)))) + V_.JJ_6 * F;
+    //  double D = (2 * exp(((-1) * t + t0) * beta) * IdA0 * (beta - 1) * beta * C * Psi -2 * (alpha - beta + delta) * (beta2 + (beta - 1) * delta) * Psi + exp(0.5 * (t - t0) * ((-1) + delta - Psi)) * (IdA0 * beta * C * ((-1) - delta + beta * (3 + delta - Psi) + Psi) - (beta2 - delta + beta * delta) * (alpha * (1 + (-2) * beta + delta - Psi) + C * ((-1) + 2 * IaA0 * beta - delta + Psi + V0 * ((-1) - delta + Psi)))) + exp(0.5 * (t - t0) * ((-1) + delta + Psi)) * ((-1) * IdA0 * beta * (beta+(-1) * delta) * ((-1) - delta - Psi + beta * (3 + delta + Psi)) + (beta2 - delta+beta * delta) * (alpha * (1 + (-2) * beta + delta + Psi) + C * ((-1) + 2 * IaA0 * beta+(-1) * delta - Psi - V0 * (1 + delta + Psi)))));
+    if (r_ref_ == 0)
+      {
+	//return 0.5 / C / (beta2 + (beta - 1) * delta) / (4 * beta + (- 1) * pow((1 + delta),2)) * Psi * D;
+	// return V_.JJ_7 * D;
+	return to_return;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	return vrm;
+      }
+  }
+  double
+  nest::migliore::set_v_ini(double to_v_ini,
+			    int r_ref_, double vrm)
+  {
+    if (r_ref_ == 0)
+      {
+	return to_v_ini;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	return vrm;
+      }
+  }
+  double
+  nest::migliore::Iadap(double t, double delta, double Psi, double alpha,
+			double beta, double IaA0, double IdA0, double t0,
+			double V0, int r_ref_)
+  {
+    double to_return = (-2.0 * alpha * V_.AA_1 + IdA0 * V_.AA_2 + V_.AA_3 * (-IdA0 * beta * (beta - delta) * V_.AA_4 + V_.AA_5 * (alpha * V_.AA_6 + (beta - delta) * (4.0 * IaA0 * beta -2.0 * (1.0 + V0) * Psi + IaA0 * V_.AA_7))) + V_.AA_8 * (IdA0 * V_.AA_9 + V_.AA_10 * (alpha * V_.AA_11 - (beta-delta) * (-4.0 * IaA0 * beta - 2.0*(1.0+V0)*Psi+IaA0*(1.0+delta)*(1.0+delta+Psi)))))/ V_.AA_12;
+    if (r_ref_ == 0)
+      {
+	return to_return;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	// std::cout << "465 Refractrory\n";
+	return IaA0;
+      }
+  }
+  double
+  nest::migliore::Idep(double t, double beta, double IdA0, double t0, int r_ref_)
+  {
+    if (r_ref_ == 0)
+      {
+	return V_.DD_1  * IdA0;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	return IdA0;
+      }
+  }
+  double
+  nest::migliore::exp_cum(double x, double a, double b)
+  {
+    return a * (1 - exp(-b * x));
+  }
+  double
+  nest::migliore::monod(double x, double a, double b, double c, double alp)
+  {
+    double to_return = c + (a * exp(b) * x) / (alp + x);
+    return to_return;
+  }
+  void
+  nest::migliore::update( Time const& origin, const long from, const long to )
+  {
+    assert( to >= 0 && ( delay ) from < kernel().connection_manager.get_min_delay() );
+    assert( from < to );
+    // const double h = Time::get_resolution().get_ms();
+    // double v_old;
+    // double Iadap_ini_old, Idep_ini_old;
+    double t0_val = origin.get_ms() / V_.time_scale_;
+    double local_time_step = V_.dt;
+    double t_final = t0_val + local_time_step;
+    // For breakpoint conditions
+    double timess;
+    double current;
+    double vmss;
+    // double afirst = 0;
+    double meancorlastis = 0;
+    double stdcorlastis = 0;
+    double meancorlastprec = 0;
+    double stdcorlastprec = 0;
+    double v_ini = S_.V_m_ / V_.Vconvfact;
+    double vini_prec = v_ini;
+    double teta;
+    double c_aux;
+    double paramL_;
+    for ( long lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )
+      {
+	// neuron is never refractory
+	// use standard forward Euler numerics
+	// double I_syn = B_.spikes_.get_value( lag );
+	double corpre = S_.I_inj_; // + S_.I;
+	// set new input current
+	S_.I_inj_ = B_.currents_.get_value( lag );
+	S_.current_ = S_.I_inj_; // + S_.I;
+	// std::cout << "\n";
+	// std::cout << "552 Begin " << " cor " << S_.current_ << " Inj " << S_.I_inj_ << " syn " << S_.i_syn_[1] << "\n";
+	if ( S_.r_ref_ == 0 ) // neuron not refractory, so evolve add synaptic currents
+	  for ( size_t i = 0; i < P_.n_receptors_(); i++ )
+	    {
+	      // S_.V_m_ += V_.P21_syn_[ i ] * S_.i_syn_[ i ];
+	      // std::cout << "syn " << S_.i_syn_[ i ] << "\n";
+	      S_.current_ += S_.i_syn_[ i ]; // not sure about this
+	    }
+	for ( size_t i = 0; i < P_.n_receptors_(); i++ )
+	  {
+	    // exponential decaying PSCs
+	    S_.i_syn_[ i ] *= V_.P11_syn_[ i ];
+	    // collect spikes
+	    S_.i_syn_[ i ] += B_.spikes_[ i ].get_value( lag ); // not sure about this
+	  }
+	// For Breakpoint conditions
+	current = S_.current_;
+	vmss = S_.V_m_;
+	timess = t_final * V_.time_scale_;
+	// Update integration time window
+	t0_val = t_final;
+	t_final = t0_val + local_time_step;
+	// t0_val = origin.get_ms() / V_.time_scale_;
+	// t_final = t0_val + (lag + 1) * V_.dt ;//Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 );
+	// timess = t_final * V_.time_scale_;
+	// std::cout << "t_final =" << t_final*V_.time_scale_ << " ms. " << "Vm " << S_.V_m_ << " V_ini " << v_ini << "\n";
+	// std::cout << "\n439 Time from (" << from << ") =" << t0_val*V_.time_scale_ << " ms to (" << to<< ") =" << t_final*V_.time_scale_ << " ms.\n";
+	// v_old = v_ini;
+	// Iadap_ini_old = S_.Iadap_ini_;
+	// Idep_ini_old = S_.Idep_ini_;
+	// std::cout << "Vm " << v_ini * V_.Vconvfact << "\n";
+	// v_ini +=
+	//   h * ( 0.04 * v_old * v_old + 5.0 * v_old + 140.0 - miglv1_old + S_.I_inj_ + P_.I_e_ ) + I_syn;
+	// S_.miglv1_ += h * P_.miglp1_ * ( P_.miglp2_ * v_old - miglv1_old );
+	// if (S_.current_ > 0)
+	//   {
+	//     // std::cout << "591 corr > 0 \n";
+	//     S_.sis_ = S_.sis_+1;
+	//     if (S_.sis_ >= 2)
+	//       {
+	// 	meancorlastprec = meancorlastis;
+	// 	stdcorlastprec = stdcorlastis;
+	// 	stdcorlastis = ((S_.sis_-2)*stdcorlastis+(S_.sis_-1)*pow(meancorlastis,2) + pow(S_.current_,2)-S_.sis_*pow(((S_.sis_-1)*meancorlastis+S_.current_)/S_.sis_,2))/(S_.sis_-1);
+	// 	meancorlastis = ((S_.sis_-1)*meancorlastis+S_.current_)/S_.sis_;
+	//       }
+	//     else
+	//       {
+	// 	stdcorlastis = 0;
+	// 	meancorlastis = S_.current_;
+	//       }
+	//   }
+	if ((t_final-S_.init_sign_)*V_.time_scale_ >= nest::migliore::tagliorette(S_.current_))
+	  {
+	    // std::cout << "604 tagliorette " << nest::migliore::tagliorette(S_.current_) << " cor " << S_.current_ << "\n";
+	    if (P_.corrcostatratti_)
+	      {
+		// std::cout << "611 corrcostatratti " << " cor " << S_.current_ << "\n";
+		if (S_.current_ > P_.ith_)
+		  {
+		    // std::cout << "614 cor > ith " << S_.current_ << "\n";
+		    if (corpre < P_.ith_ ) //|| i == 0)
+		      {
+			S_.init_sign_ = t_final;
+			S_.Idep_ini_ = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(S_.current_-P_.ith_);
+			S_.Iadap_ini_ = 0;
+		      }
+		    if (corpre > P_.ith_ && corpre < S_.current_)
+		      {
+			S_.init_sign_ = S_.init_sign_*(1+(corpre-P_.ith_)/corpre);
+			S_.Idep_ini_ = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(S_.current_-P_.ith_);
+		      }
+		  }
+	      }
+	    if (P_.corrcost_)
+	      {
+		if (S_.current_ > P_.ith_)
+		  {
+		    if (corpre < P_.ith_ )
+		      {
+			S_.init_sign_ = t_final;
+			S_.Idep_ini_ = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(S_.current_-P_.ith_);
+			S_.Iadap_ini_ = 0;
+		      }
+		  }
+	      }
+	    if (corpre == 0)
+	      {
+		v_ini = vini_prec;
+	      }
+	    else
+	      {
+		// Set the v_ini depending on the refractory period
+		v_ini = set_v_ini((P_.E_L_+(1-exp(-S_.current_/1000))*(P_.vtm_-P_.E_L_))/V_.Vconvfact, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+	      }
+	    vini_prec = v_ini;
+	    V_.out.push_back(v_ini);
+	    // t_out.append(t_final);
+	    // Iada.append(S_.Iadap_ini_);
+	    // Ide.append(S_.Idep_ini_);
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+	    // std::cout << "688 NO tagliorette " << S_.current_ << "\n";
+	    vini_prec = v_ini;
+	    if ((S_.current_ < P_.ith_ && S_.current_ >= 0) ) //|| i == 0)
+	      {
+		// std::cout << "691 cor < ith " << S_.current_ << "\n";
+		if (corpre < 0)
+		  {
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = 90/P_.E_L_ + 1;
+		    S_.Idep_ini_ = 0;
+		    v_ini = set_v_ini(vini_prec, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+		  }
+		if (((S_.current_ / P_.sc_) / (P_.bet_ - P_.delta1_) - 1) <= v_ini)
+		  {
+		    S_.Idep_ini_ = 0;
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = (S_.current_ / P_.sc_) / (P_.bet_ - P_.delta1_);
+		    v_ini = set_v_ini(((S_.current_ / P_.sc_) / (P_.bet_ - P_.delta1_) - 1), S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+		  }
+		else
+		  {
+		    v_ini = migliV(t_final, P_.delta1_, V_.psi1, S_.current_/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.Iadap_ini_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = Iadap(t_final, P_.delta1_, V_.psi1, S_.current_ / P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.Iadap_ini_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_);
+		    S_.Idep_ini_ = Idep(t_final, P_.bet_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, S_.r_ref_);
+		  }
+		if (v_ini * V_.Vconvfact < -90)
+		  {
+		    v_ini = set_v_ini(-90 / V_.Vconvfact, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = 0;
+		  }
+		V_.out.push_back(v_ini);
+	      }
+	    else
+	      {
+		if (S_.current_ < corpre && S_.current_ > 0 && (V_.t_spk+2*V_.d_dt) < t_final*V_.time_scale_ && V_.out.size() > 2)
+		  {
+		    // std::cout << "726 v_ini " << v_ini << "\n";
+		    teta = (V_.out[V_.out.size()-1]/(corpre / P_.sc_))*(1/V_.dt-P_.delta1_) - (V_.out[V_.out.size()-2]/((corpre / P_.sc_)*V_.dt))-P_.delta1_/(corpre / P_.sc_)-1;
+		    if (teta < 0)
+		      {
+			teta = 0;
+		      }
+		    S_.Idep_ini_ = S_.Iadap_ini_ + teta * (S_.current_ / P_.sc_) / P_.bet_;
+		    // tetalist.append(teta);
+		    v_ini = migliV(t_final, P_.delta1_, V_.psi1,
+				   S_.current_/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.Iadap_ini_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = Iadap(t_final, P_.delta1_, V_.psi1,
+					  S_.current_/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.Iadap_ini_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_);
+		    S_.Idep_ini_ = Idep(t_final, P_.bet_,
+					S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, S_.r_ref_);
+		  }
+		else
+		  {
+		    if (S_.current_ > 0)
+		      {
+			v_ini = migliV(t_final, P_.delta1_, V_.psi1,
+				       S_.current_/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.Iadap_ini_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+			S_.Iadap_ini_ = Iadap(t_final, P_.delta1_, V_.psi1,
+					      S_.current_/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.Iadap_ini_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_);
+			S_.Idep_ini_ = Idep(t_final, P_.bet_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, S_.r_ref_);
+		      }
+		  }
+		if (corpre != S_.current_ and (S_.current_ < 0 and S_.current_ > -200))
+		  {
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = (90+P_.E_L_)*S_.current_/(P_.E_L_*(-200));
+		    S_.Idep_ini_ = 0;
+		    v_ini = set_v_ini(vini_prec, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+		  }
+		if (S_.current_ < 0 and S_.current_ > -200)
+		  {
+		    // std::cout << "785 v_ini " << v_ini << "\n";
+		    v_ini = migliV(t_final, P_.delta1_, V_.psi1, V_.H * S_.current_/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.Iadap_ini_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = Iadap(t_final, P_.delta1_, V_.psi1, V_.H * S_.current_/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.Iadap_ini_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_);
+		    S_.Idep_ini_ = Idep(t_final, P_.bet_,
+					S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, S_.r_ref_);
+		  }
+		if (corpre != S_.current_ and S_.current_ <= -200)
+		  {
+		    // std::cout << "793 v_ini " << v_ini << "\n";
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = 90/P_.E_L_ + 1;
+		    S_.Idep_ini_ = 0;
+		    v_ini = set_v_ini(vini_prec, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+		  }
+		if (S_.current_ <= -200)
+		  {
+		    v_ini = migliV(t_final, P_.delta1_, V_.psi1, V_.H * S_.current_/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.Iadap_ini_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = Iadap(t_final, P_.delta1_, V_.psi1, V_.H * S_.current_/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.Iadap_ini_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_);
+		    S_.Idep_ini_ = Idep(t_final, P_.bet_, S_.Idep_ini_, t0_val, S_.r_ref_);
+		  }
+		if (v_ini*V_.Vconvfact < -90)
+		  {
+		    v_ini = set_v_ini(-90/V_.Vconvfact, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm);
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = 0;
+		  }
+		V_.out.push_back(v_ini);
+	      }
+	    // t_out.append(t_final);
+	    // Iada.append(S_.Iadap_ini_);
+	    // Ide.append(S_.Idep_ini_);
+	    if (P_.corrcostatratti_)
+	      {
+		// std::cout << "817 corrcostatratti_\n";
+		if (S_.current_ > P_.ith_)
+		  {
+		    if (corpre < P_.ith_) // || i == 0)
+		      {
+			// std::cout << "822 cor > P_.ith_ " << S_.current_ << "," << P_.ith_ << "\n";
+			S_.init_sign_ = t_final;
+			S_.Idep_ini_ = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(S_.current_-P_.ith_);
+			S_.Iadap_ini_ = 0;
+		      }
+		    if (corpre > P_.ith_ && corpre < S_.current_)
+		      {
+			S_.init_sign_ = S_.init_sign_*(1+(corpre-P_.ith_)/corpre);
+			S_.Idep_ini_ = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(S_.current_-P_.ith_);
+			S_.Iadap_ini_ = 0;
+		      }
+		  }
+	      }
+	    if (P_.corrcost_)
+	      {
+		if (S_.current_ > P_.ith_)
+		  {
+		    if (corpre < P_.ith_) // || i == 0)
+		      {
+			S_.init_sign_ = t_final;
+			S_.Idep_ini_ = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(S_.current_-P_.ith_);
+			S_.Iadap_ini_ = 0;
+		      }
+		  }
+	      }
+	    //	    vini_prec = v_ini;
+	  }
+	// i = i + 1;
+	// t0_val = t_final;
+	// t_final = t0_val+V_.dt;
+	S_.V_m_ = v_ini * V_.Vconvfact;
+	if (S_.V_m_ < -85.0) {
+	  std::cout << "Low VM  " << origin.get_ms() << "\n";
+	}
+	  std::cout << "Low VM  " << origin.get_ms() << "\n";
+	// std::cout << "655 S_.v_ v_ini final " <<   S_.v_ << " Iadap_ini_ " << S_.Iadap_ini_ << "\n";
+	while (V_.out.size() > 3)
+	  {
+	    V_.out.erase(V_.out.begin());
+	  }
+	// lower bound of membrane potential
+	S_.V_m_ = ( S_.V_m_ < P_.V_min_ ? P_.V_min_ : S_.V_m_ );
+	// std::cout << "665 S_.v_ v_ini lower bound " <<   S_.V_m_ << "\n";
+	// Count down for refractory period
+	if (S_.r_ref_ > 0) {--S_.r_ref_;}
+	// threshold crossing
+	if ( S_.V_m_ > P_.V_th_ )  // V_th_ = -52
+	  {
+	    S_.r_ref_ = V_.RefractoryCounts_; // Inizialize refractory
+	    V_.t_spk = t_final*V_.time_scale_;
+	    // f.write(str(round(V_.t_spk, 3)) + ' \n')
+	    S_.V_m_ = V_.vrm * V_.Vconvfact; // -65
+	    // print('^*spike^*')
+	    // print('t ', t_final, 'val_ist V', V_m_ * V_.Vconvfact, 'adap',
+	    //       S_.Iadap_ini_, 'adap', S_.Iadap_ini_, 't_ini', S_.init_sign_)
+	    // print('^^^^^^')
+	    c_aux = P_.c_;
+	    if (S_.current_ < P_.istim_min_spikinig_exp_ || S_.current_ > P_.istim_max_spikinig_exp_)
+	      {
+		if (P_.corrcost_ or P_.corrcostatratti_)
+		  {
+		  // check solo al primo spike
+		  if (P_.firstSpikeFlag_ == false or corpre != S_.current_)
+		    {
+		      P_.firstSpikeFlag_ = true;
+		      paramL_ = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_)*V_.time_scale_,P_.a_,P_.b_*S_.current_/1000,P_.c_,P_.alp_);
+		      if (paramL_ < 0)
+			{
+			  // print('monod negativa, paramL: '+str(paramL));
+			  if (P_.a_ > 0)
+			    {
+			      //c*
+			      c_aux = P_.c_ - paramL_;
+			      // print(c_aux)
+			    }
+			  else
+			    {
+			      // a<0
+			      // c**
+			      c_aux = -P_.a_* exp(P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000);
+			      // print(c_aux)
+			    }
+			}
+		      else
+			{
+			  c_aux = P_.c_;
+			}
+		    }
+		  S_.Iadap_ini_ = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_) * V_.time_scale_, P_.a_, P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000, c_aux, P_.alp_);
+		  }
+		else
+		  {
+		    // sinapt
+		    c_aux = P_.c_;
+		    S_.Iadap_ini_ = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_) *
+					  V_.time_scale_, P_.a_, P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000, c_aux, P_.alp_);
+		  }
+	      }
+	    else
+	      {
+		// std::cout << "899 Monod\n";
+		S_.Iadap_ini_ = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_) * V_.time_scale_, P_.a_, P_.b_*S_.current_/1000, P_.c_, P_.alp_);
+		if (S_.Iadap_ini_<0)
+		  {
+		    // print('monod negativa');
+		    if (P_.firstSpikeFlag_ == false or corpre!=S_.current_)
+		      {
+			P_.firstSpikeFlag_ = true;
+			paramL_ = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_)*V_.time_scale_, P_.a_,P_.b_*S_.current_/1000,P_.c_,P_.alp_);
+			//print('paramL: ',paramL)
+		      }
+		    if (S_.counter_<2)
+		      {
+			//print('monod a zero - ',S_.counter_)
+			S_.Iadap_ini_ = 0;
+			S_.counter_ = S_.counter_ + 1;
+		      }
+		    else if (S_.counter_ == 2)
+		      {
+			c_aux = P_.c_;
+			if (P_.a_ > 0)
+			  {
+			    c_aux = P_.c_ - paramL_;
+			    // print(c_aux)
+			  }
+			else
+			  {
+			    c_aux = -P_.a_* exp(P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000);
+			    // print(c_aux)
+			  }
+			S_.Iadap_ini_ = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_) * V_.time_scale_, P_.a_, P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000, c_aux, P_.alp_);
+			S_.counter_ = S_.counter_ + 1;
+		      }
+		    else
+		      {
+			// print('S_.counter_ > 3 - c_aux: ',c_aux)
+			S_.Iadap_ini_ = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_) * V_.time_scale_, P_.a_, P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000, c_aux, P_.alp_);
+			    // print('monod traslata: ',Iadap_ini)
+		      }
+		  }
+	      }
+	    if (S_.current_ < P_.ith_)
+	      {
+		S_.Idep_ini_ = 0;
+		S_.Iadap_ini_ = 0;
+	      }
+	    else
+	      {
+		S_.Idep_ini_ = P_.Idep_ini_vr_;
+	      }
+	    // // Refractory time management
+	    // for (k in range(int(ref_t / V_.d_dt)))
+	    // 	{
+	    // 	  // out.append(V_m_);
+	    // 	  t_final = t_final + V_.dt;
+	    // 	  // t_out.append(t_final);
+	    // 	  // Iada.append(S_.Iadap_ini_);
+	    // 	  // Ide.append(S_.Idep_ini_);
+	    // 	  i = i + 1;
+	    // 	  S_.sis_ = S_.sis_+1;
+	    // 	  if (S_.sis_ >= 2)
+	    // 	    {
+	    // 	      stdcorlastis = ((S_.sis_-2)*stdcorlastis+(S_.sis_-1)*meancorlastis^2 +
+	    // 			      S_.current_^2-S_.sis_*(((S_.sis_-1)*meancorlastis+S_.current_)/S_.sis_)^2)/(S_.sis_-1);
+	    // 	      meancorlastis = ((S_.sis_-1)*meancorlastis+S_.current_)/S_.sis_;
+	    // 	    }
+	    // 	  else
+	    // 	    {
+	    // 	      stdcorlastis = 0;
+	    // 	      meancorlastis = S_.current_;
+	    // 	    }
+	    // 	}
+	    // compute spike time
+	    set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) );
+	    SpikeEvent se;
+	    kernel().event_delivery_manager.send( *this, se, lag );
+	  }
+	vini_prec = v_ini;
+	// std::cout << "782 S_.V_m_ v_ini " <<   S_.V_m_ << " Iadap_ini_ " << S_.Iadap_ini_ << "\n";
+	// voltage logging
+	B_.logger_.record_data( origin.get_steps() + lag );
+      }
+  }
+  port
+  nest::migliore::handles_test_event( SpikeEvent&, rport receptor_type )
+  {
+    // std::cout << "Test event.\n";
+    if ( receptor_type <= 0 || receptor_type > static_cast< port >( P_.n_receptors_() ) )
+      {
+	throw IncompatibleReceptorType( receptor_type, get_name(), "SpikeEvent" );
+      }
+    P_.has_connections_ = true;
+    return receptor_type;
+  }
+  void
+  nest::migliore::handle( SpikeEvent& e )
+  {
+    assert( e.get_delay_steps() > 0 );
+    // std::cout << "spikes " << B_.spikes_.size() << "\n";
+    // std::cout << "port " << e.get_rport() << "\n";
+    B_.spikes_[ e.get_rport() - 1 ].add_value(
+					      e.get_rel_delivery_steps( kernel().simulation_manager.get_slice_origin() ), e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity() );
+    // std::cout << "spikes after" << B_.spikes_.size() << "\n";
+  //    B_.spikes_.add_value(
+    //			 e.get_rel_delivery_steps( kernel().simulation_manager.get_slice_origin() ), e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity() );
+  }
+  void
+  nest::migliore::handle( CurrentEvent& e )
+  {
+    assert( e.get_delay_steps() > 0 );
+    const double c = e.get_current();
+    const double w = e.get_weight();
+    B_.currents_.add_value( e.get_rel_delivery_steps( kernel().simulation_manager.get_slice_origin() ), w * c );
+  }
+  void
+  nest::migliore::handle( DataLoggingRequest& e )
+  {
+    B_.logger_.handle( e );
+  }
+} // namespace
diff --git a/models/migliore.h b/models/migliore.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..66cf86f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/migliore.h
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+ *  migliore.h
+ *
+ *  This file is part of NEST.
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
+ *
+ *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef MIGLIORE_H
+#define MIGLIORE_H
+// Includes from nestkernel:
+#include "archiving_node.h"
+#include "connection.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "nest_types.h"
+#include "recordables_map.h"
+#include "ring_buffer.h"
+#include "universal_data_logger.h"
+namespace nest
+/* BeginUserDocs: neuron, integrate-and-fire
+Short description
+Migliore neuron model
+Implementation of the spiking neuron model introduced by Migliore
+[1]_. The dynamics are given by:
+.. math::
+   dV_m/dt &= 0.04 V_m^2 + 5 V_m + 140 - u + I
+   du/dt &= a (b V_m - u)
+.. math::
+   &\text{if}\;\;\; V_m \geq V_{th}:\\
+   &\;\;\;\; V_m \text{ is set to } c\\
+   &\;\;\;\; u \text{ is incremented by } d\\
+   & \, \\
+   &v \text{ jumps on each spike arrival by the weight of the spike}
+As published in [1]_, the numerics differs from the standard forward Euler
+technique in two ways:
+1) the new value of :math:`u` is calculated based on the new value of
+   :math:`V_m`, rather than the previous value
+2) the variable :math:`V_m` is updated using a time step half the size of that
+   used to update variable :math:`u`.
+This model offers both forms of integration, they can be selected using the
+boolean parameter ``consistent_integration``. To reproduce some results
+published on the basis of this model, it is necessary to use the published form
+of the dynamics. In this case, ``consistent_integration`` must be set to false.
+For all other purposes, it is recommended to use the standard technique for
+forward Euler integration. In this case, ``consistent_integration`` must be set
+to true (default).
+For a detailed analysis and discussion of the numerical issues in the original publication, see [2]_.
+The following parameters can be set in the status dictionary.
+======================= =======  ==============================================
+ V_m                    mV       Membrane potential
+ U_m                    mV       Membrane potential recovery variable
+ V_th                   mV       Spike threshold
+ I_e                    pA       Constant input current (R=1)
+ V_min                  mV       Absolute lower value for the membrane potential
+ a                      real     Describes time scale of recovery variable
+ b                      real     Sensitivity of recovery variable
+ c                      mV       After-spike reset value of V_m
+ d                      mV       After-spike reset value of U_m
+ consistent_integration boolean  Use standard integration technique
+======================= =======  ==============================================
+.. [1] Izhikevich EM. (2003). Simple model of spiking neurons. IEEE Transactions
+       on Neural Networks, 14:1569-1572. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TNN.2003.820440
+.. [2] Pauli R, Weidel P, Kunkel S, Morrison A (2018). Reproducing polychronization: A guide to maximizing
+       the reproducibility of spiking network models. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 12.
+       DOI: https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fninf.2018.00046
+SpikeEvent, CurrentEvent, DataLoggingRequest
+See also
+iaf_psc_delta, mat2_psc_exp
+EndUserDocs */
+class migliore : public ArchivingNode
+  migliore();
+  migliore( const migliore& );
+  /**
+   * Import sets of overloaded virtual functions.
+   * @see Technical Issues / Virtual Functions: Overriding, Overloading, and
+   * Hiding
+   */
+  using Node::handle;
+  using Node::handles_test_event;
+  void handle( DataLoggingRequest& );
+  void handle( SpikeEvent& );
+  void handle( CurrentEvent& );
+  port handles_test_event( DataLoggingRequest&, rport );
+  port handles_test_event( SpikeEvent&, rport );
+  port handles_test_event( CurrentEvent&, rport );
+  port send_test_event( Node&, rport, synindex, bool );
+  void get_status( DictionaryDatum& ) const;
+  void set_status( const DictionaryDatum& );
+  // friend class RecordablesMap< migliore >;
+  // friend class UniversalDataLogger< migliore >;
+  void init_buffers_();
+  void calibrate();
+  double tagliorette(double);
+  double migliV(double, double, double, 
+		double, double, double, 
+		double, double, double,
+		int, double);  
+  double set_v_ini(double, int, double);
+  double Iadap(double, double, double, double,
+		 double, double, double, double,
+	       double, int);
+  double Idep(double, double, double, double, int);
+  double exp_cum(double, double, double);
+  double monod(double, double, double, double, double);
+  void update( Time const&, const long, const long );
+  // The next two classes need to be friends to access the State_ class/member
+  friend class DynamicRecordablesMap< migliore >;
+  friend class DynamicUniversalDataLogger< migliore >;
+  friend class DataAccessFunctor< migliore >;
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Independent parameters of the model.
+   */
+  struct Parameters_
+  {
+    double E_L_;
+    double vres_;
+    double vtm_;
+    double Cm_;
+    double ith_;
+    double tao_m_;
+    double sc_;
+    double bet_;
+    double delta1_;
+    double cost_idep_ini_;
+    double Idep_ini_vr_;
+    double psi1_;
+    double a_;
+    double b_;
+    double c_;
+    double alp_;
+    double istim_min_spikinig_exp_;
+    double istim_max_spikinig_exp_;
+    double corrcostatratti_;
+    double corrcost_;
+    double Delta_T; //!< Slope factor in ms
+    bool firstSpikeFlag_;
+    /** External DC current */
+    double I_e_;
+    /** Threshold */
+    double V_th_;
+    /** Lower bound */
+    double V_min_;
+    /** Refractory period in ms. */
+    double t_ref_;
+    /** Time constants of synaptic currents in ms. */
+    std::vector< double > tau_syn_;
+    // boolean flag which indicates whether the neuron has connections
+    bool has_connections_;
+    size_t n_receptors_() const; //!< Returns the size of tau_syn_
+    Parameters_(); //!< Sets default parameter values
+    void get( DictionaryDatum& ) const;             //!< Store current values in dictionary
+    void set( const DictionaryDatum&, Node* node ); //!< Set values from dicitonary
+  };
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * State variables of the model.
+   */
+  struct State_
+  {
+    double V_m_; // membrane potential
+    double init_sign_; // Adaptation state variable
+    double Iadap_ini_; // Adaptation state variable
+    double Idep_ini_; // Adaptation state variable
+    int sis_; // Counter variable
+    int counter_; // Couter variable
+    double I_inj_; // input current
+    double current_; //!< This is the current in a time step.
+    int r_ref_;       //!< Absolute refractory counter (no membrane potential propagation)
+    enum StateVecElems
+    {
+      V_M = 0,
+      I_ve,    // 1
+      I_SYN, // 2
+      Iadap,
+      Idep
+    };
+    static const size_t NUMBER_OF_FIXED_STATES_ELEMENTS = I_SYN; // V_M, I
+    static const size_t NUM_STATE_ELEMENTS_PER_RECEPTOR = 1;     // I_SYN
+    std::vector< double > i_syn_;
+    /** Accumulate spikes arriving during refractory period, discounted for
+        decay until end of refractory period.
+    */
+    State_(); //!< Default initialization
+    void get( DictionaryDatum&, const Parameters_& ) const;
+    void set( const DictionaryDatum&, const Parameters_&, Node* );
+  };
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Buffers of the model.
+   */
+  struct Buffers_
+  {
+    /**
+     * Buffer for recording
+     */
+    Buffers_( migliore& );
+    Buffers_( const Buffers_&, migliore& );
+    //UniversalDataLogger< migliore > logger_;
+    /** buffers and sums up incoming spikes/currents */
+    std::vector< RingBuffer > spikes_;
+    RingBuffer currents_;
+    //! Logger for all analog data
+    DynamicUniversalDataLogger< migliore > logger_;
+  };
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Internal variables of the model.
+   */
+  struct Variables_
+  {
+    // time evolution operator
+    std::vector< double > P11_syn_;
+    std::vector< double > P21_syn_;
+    double P20_;
+    double P22_;
+    int RefractoryCounts_;
+    unsigned int receptor_types_size_;
+    std::vector<double> out;
+    double t_spk;
+    double time_scale_, d_dt, dt, beta2, t_step;
+    double H, Vconvfact, vrm, psi1;
+    // double GG;
+    double C;
+    // double JJ, JJ_1, JJ_2, JJ_3, JJ_4, JJ_5, JJ_6, JJ_7;
+    double VV_1, VV_2, VV_3, VV_4, VV_5, VV_6, VV_7, VV_8, VV_9, VV_10, VV_11, VV_12; 
+    double pdelta;
+    double AA_1, AA_2, AA_3, AA_4, AA_5, AA_6, AA_7, AA_8, AA_9, AA_10, AA_11, AA_12;
+    double DD_1;
+  };
+  // Access functions for UniversalDataLogger -----------------------
+  //! Read out the membrane potential
+  double
+  get_V_m_() const
+  {
+    return S_.V_m_;
+  }
+  //! Read out the injected current
+  double
+  get_I_inj_() const
+  {
+    return S_.I_inj_;
+  }
+  //! Read out the adaptation variable
+  double
+  get_Iadap_ini_() const
+  {
+    return S_.Iadap_ini_;
+  }
+  //! Read out the adaptation variable
+  double
+  get_Idep_ini_() const
+  {
+    return S_.Idep_ini_;
+  }
+  //! Read out the init_sign_ variable
+  double
+  get_init_sign_() const
+  {
+    return S_.init_sign_;
+  }
+  //! Read out the sis_ variable
+  double
+  get_sis_() const
+  {
+    return S_.sis_;
+  }
+  //! Read out the I_syn variable
+  double
+  get_I_syn_() const
+  {
+    return S_.I_SYN;
+  }
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  Parameters_ P_;
+  State_ S_;
+  Variables_ V_;
+  Buffers_ B_;
+  //! Mapping of recordables names to access functions
+  DynamicRecordablesMap< migliore > recordablesMap_;
+  // Data Access Functor getter
+  DataAccessFunctor< migliore > get_data_access_functor( size_t elem );
+  inline double
+  get_state_element( size_t elem )
+  {
+    if ( elem == State_::V_M )
+    {
+      return S_.V_m_;
+    }
+    else if ( elem == State_::I_ve )
+    {
+      return S_.current_;
+    }
+    else if ( elem == State_::Iadap )
+    {
+      return S_.Iadap_ini_;
+    }
+    else if ( elem == State_::Idep )
+    {
+      return S_.Idep_ini_;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return S_.i_syn_[ elem - S_.NUMBER_OF_FIXED_STATES_ELEMENTS ];
+    }
+  };
+  // Utility function that inserts the synaptic conductances to the
+  // recordables map
+  Name get_i_syn_name( size_t elem );
+  void insert_current_recordables( size_t first = 0 );
+  // //! Mapping of recordables names to access functions
+  // static RecordablesMap< migliore > recordablesMap_;
+  /** @} */
+inline size_t
+migliore::Parameters_::n_receptors_() const
+  return tau_syn_.size();
+inline port
+migliore::send_test_event( Node& target, rport receptor_type, synindex, bool )
+  SpikeEvent e;
+  e.set_sender( *this );
+  return target.handles_test_event( e, receptor_type );
+// inline port
+// migliore::handles_test_event( SpikeEvent&, rport receptor_type )
+// {
+//   if ( receptor_type != 0 )
+//   {
+//     throw UnknownReceptorType( receptor_type, get_name() );
+//   }
+//   return 0;
+// }
+inline port
+migliore::handles_test_event( CurrentEvent&, rport receptor_type )
+  if ( receptor_type != 0 )
+  {
+    throw UnknownReceptorType( receptor_type, get_name() );
+  }
+  return 0;
+inline port
+migliore::handles_test_event( DataLoggingRequest& dlr, rport receptor_type )
+  if ( receptor_type != 0 )
+  {
+    throw UnknownReceptorType( receptor_type, get_name() );
+  }
+  return B_.logger_.connect_logging_device( dlr, recordablesMap_ );
+inline void
+migliore::get_status( DictionaryDatum& d ) const
+  P_.get( d );
+  S_.get( d, P_ );
+  ArchivingNode::get_status( d );
+  ( *d )[ names::recordables ] = recordablesMap_.get_list();
+inline void
+migliore::set_status( const DictionaryDatum& d )
+  Parameters_ ptmp = P_;     // temporary copy in case of errors
+  ptmp.set( d, this );       // throws if BadProperty
+  State_ stmp = S_;          // temporary copy in case of errors
+  stmp.set( d, ptmp, this ); // throws if BadProperty
+  // We now know that (ptmp, stmp) are consistent. We do not
+  // write them back to (P_, S_) before we are also sure that
+  // the properties to be set in the parent class are internally
+  // consistent.
+  ArchivingNode::set_status( d );
+  // if we get here, temporaries contain consistent set of properties
+  P_ = ptmp;
+  S_ = stmp;
+} // namesopace nest
+#endif /* #ifndef MIGLIORE_H */
diff --git a/models/migliore_ode.cpp b/models/migliore_ode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a15221d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/migliore_ode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1038 @@
+ /*
+ *  migliore_ode.cpp
+ *
+ *  This file is part of NEST.
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
+ *
+ *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+#include "migliore_ode.h"
+// C++ includes:
+#include <limits>
+// Includes from libnestutil:
+#include "dict_util.h"
+#include "numerics.h"
+// Includes from nestkernel:
+#include "event_delivery_manager_impl.h"
+#include "exceptions.h"
+#include "kernel_manager.h"
+#include "universal_data_logger_impl.h"
+// Includes from sli:
+#include "dict.h"
+#include "dictutils.h"
+#include "doubledatum.h"
+#include "integerdatum.h"
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Recordables map
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+nest::RecordablesMap< nest::migliore_ode > nest::migliore_ode::recordablesMap_;
+namespace nest
+// Override the create() method with one call to RecordablesMap::insert_()
+// for each quantity to be recorded.
+template <>
+RecordablesMap< migliore_ode >::create()
+  // use standard names whereever you can for consistency!
+  insert_( names::V_m, &migliore_ode::get_V_m_ );
+  insert_( names::I, &migliore_ode::get_I_ );
+  insert_( names::init_sign, &migliore_ode::get_init_sign_ );
+  insert_( names::Iadap_ini, &migliore_ode::get_Iadap_ini_ );
+  insert_( names::Idep_ini, &migliore_ode::get_Idep_ini_ );
+  insert_( names::sis, &migliore_ode::get_sis_ );
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Default constructors defining default parameters and state
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    : E_L_( -72.5 )
+    , vres_( -65.0 )
+    , vtm_( -52.0 )
+    , Cm_( 2047.4164432004916 )
+    , ith_( 300.9987901902274 )
+    , tao_m_( 3310.462136574088 )
+    , sc_( 4526.328798037026 )
+    , bet_( 0.24522251335200956 )
+    , delta1_( 0.009906254244852036 )
+    , cost_idep_ini_( 0.017625482908326662 )
+    , Idep_ini_vr_( 1.0122905259090516 )
+    , psi1_( 0.1975362978159442 )
+    , a_( 14.2787 )
+    , b_( -2.10966 )
+    , c_( 0.0608809 )
+    , alp_( 225.491 )
+    , istim_min_spikinig_exp_( 400 )
+    , istim_max_spikinig_exp_( 1000 )
+    , corrcostatratti_( 1 )
+    , corrcost_( 0 )
+    , Delta_T( 2.0 )    // mV
+    , I_e_( 0.0 )                                     // pA
+    , V_th_( -52.0 )                                   // mV
+    , V_min_( -90.0 ) //-std::numeric_limits< double >::max() ) // mV
+    , t_ref_( 2.0 )            // in ms
+    , firstSpikeFlag_( false)  
+    , has_connections_( false )
+nest::migliore_ode::State_::State_( const Parameters_& p )
+  : init_sign_( 0.0 ) // membrane adaptation variable
+  // v_( -65.0 )       // membrane potential  (E_L_+(1-exp(-cor[i]/1000))*(vtm-E_L_))/Vconvfact  TOBEFIXED
+  // , Iadap_ini_( 0.0 ) // membrane adaptation variable
+  // , Idep_ini_( 0.0 ) // membrane dependent variable
+  , sis_( 0.0 ) // membrane dependent variable
+  , counter_( 0.0 ) // counter variable
+  , I_( 0.0 )         // input current
+  , r_ref_( 0.0 )
+  , current_(0.0)  
+  y_[ V_m ] = p.E_L_; // initialize to reversal potential
+  for ( size_t i = 1; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE; ++i )
+  {
+    y_[ i ] = 0;
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Default and copy constructor for node
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  : ArchivingNode()
+  , P_()
+  , S_( P_ )
+  , B_( *this )
+  recordablesMap_.create();
+nest::migliore_ode::migliore_ode( const migliore_ode& n )
+  : ArchivingNode( n )
+  , P_( n.P_ )
+  , S_( n.S_ )
+  , B_( n.B_, *this )
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+* Destructors
+* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+nest::migliore_ode::~migliore_ode() {
+  // GSL structs may not have been allocated, so we need to protect destruction
+  if (B_.s_)
+    gsl_odeiv_step_free(B_.s_);
+  if (B_.c_)
+    gsl_odeiv_control_free(B_.c_);
+  if (B_.e_)
+    gsl_odeiv_evolve_free(B_.e_);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Parameter and state extractions and manipulation functions
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+nest::migliore_ode::Parameters_::get( DictionaryDatum& d ) const
+  def< double >( d, names::I_e, I_e_ );
+  def< double >( d, names::V_th, V_th_ ); // threshold value
+  def< double >( d, names::V_min, V_min_ );
+  def< double >( d, names::E_L, E_L_ );
+  def< double >( d, names::vres, vres_ );
+  def< double >( d, names::vtm, vtm_);
+  def< double >( d, names::Cm, Cm_);
+  def< double >( d, names::ith, ith_);
+  def< double >( d, names::tao_m, tao_m_);
+  def< double >( d, names::sc, sc_);
+  def< double >( d, names::bet, bet_);
+  def< double >( d, names::delta1, delta1_);
+  def< double >( d, names::cost_idep_ini, cost_idep_ini_);
+  def< double >( d, names::Idep_ini_vr, Idep_ini_vr_);
+  def< double >( d, names::psi1, psi1_);
+  def< double >( d, names::a, a_);
+  def< double >( d, names::b, b_);
+  def< double >( d, names::c, c_);
+  def< double >( d, names::alp, alp_);
+  def< double >( d, names::istim_min_spikinig_exp, istim_min_spikinig_exp_);
+  def< double >( d, names::istim_max_spikinig_exp, istim_max_spikinig_exp_);
+  def< double >( d, names::corrcostatratti, corrcostatratti_);
+  def< double >( d, names::corrcost, corrcost_);
+  def< double >( d, names::Delta_T, Delta_T );
+  def< double >( d, names::t_ref, t_ref_ );
+nest::migliore_ode::Parameters_::set( const DictionaryDatum& d, Node* node )
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::V_th, V_th_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::V_min, V_min_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::I_e, I_e_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::E_L, E_L_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::vres, vres_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::vtm, vtm_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Cm, Cm_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::ith, ith_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::tao_m, tao_m_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::sc, sc_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::bet, bet_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::delta1, delta1_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::cost_idep_ini, cost_idep_ini_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Idep_ini_vr, Idep_ini_vr_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::psi1, psi1_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::a, a_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::b, b_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::c, c_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::alp, alp_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::istim_min_spikinig_exp, istim_min_spikinig_exp_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::istim_max_spikinig_exp, istim_max_spikinig_exp_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::corrcostatratti, corrcostatratti_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::corrcost, corrcost_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Delta_T, Delta_T, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::t_ref, t_ref_, node );
+  if ( t_ref_ < 0 )
+  {
+    throw BadProperty( "Refractory time must not be negative." );
+  }
+nest::migliore_ode::State_::get( DictionaryDatum& d, const Parameters_& ) const
+  def< double >( d, names::init_sign, init_sign_ ); // Membrane potential adaptationariable
+  // def< double >( d, names::Iadap_ini, Iadap_ini_ ); // Membrane potential adaptationariable
+  // def< double >( d, names::Idep_ini , Idep_ini_ ); // Membrane potential adaptationariable
+  def< double >( d, names::sis , sis_ ); // Membrane potential adaptationariable
+  def< double >( d, names::I, I_ ); // Membrane potential
+  // def< double >( d, names::V_m, v_ ); // Membrane potential
+nest::migliore_ode::State_::set( const DictionaryDatum& d, const Parameters_&, Node* node )
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::init_sign, init_sign_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Iadap_ini, y_[ I_adap ], node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Idep_ini, y_[ I_dep ], node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::sis, sis_, node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::V_m, y_[ V_m ], node );
+  updateValueParam< double >( d, names::I, I_, node );
+nest::migliore_ode::Buffers_::Buffers_( migliore_ode& n )
+  : logger_( n )
+  , s_( 0 )
+  , c_( 0 )
+  , e_( 0 )
+nest::migliore_ode::Buffers_::Buffers_( const Buffers_&, migliore_ode& n )
+  : logger_( n )
+  , s_( 0 )
+  , c_( 0 )
+  , e_( 0 )
+extern "C" inline int
+migliore_ode_dynamics(double, const double y[], double f[],
+                                          void *pnode) {
+  //const double tIe = nest::kernel().simulation_manager.get_time().get_ms();
+  typedef nest::migliore_ode::State_ State_;
+  // get access to node so we can almost work as in a member function
+  assert(pnode);
+  const nest::migliore_ode& node =
+    *(reinterpret_cast<nest::migliore_ode *>(pnode));
+  // y[] here is---and must be---the state vector supplied by the integrator,
+  // not the state vector in the node, node.S_.y_[].
+  // // Synaptic current: I_syn = - sum_k g_k (V - E_rev_k).
+  // double I_syn = 0.0;
+  // I_syn += y[ State_::G1] * ( node.get_E_rev1() - y[State_::V_m] );
+  // I_syn += y[ State_::G2] * ( node.get_E_rev2() - y[State_::V_m] );
+  // I_syn += y[ State_::G3] * ( node.get_E_rev3() - y[State_::V_m] );
+  // Total current
+  // double I_tot = y[State_::I_dep] - y[State_::I_adap] + node.get_I_() + node.B_.currents_last_value_; // + I_syn;
+  // std::cout << "PArams alpha " << node.P_.alp_ << " beta " << node.P_.bet_ << " delta " << node.P_.delta1_ << "\n";
+  // Model currents
+  f[State_::I_dep] = (-node.P_.bet_) * y[State_::I_dep];
+  // f[State_::I_adap] = ((-node.get_k2())) * y[State_::I_adap] + node.get_kadap()*(y[State_::V_m] - node.get_E_L());
+  f[State_::I_adap] = 1.0 - y[State_::I_adap] + y[State_::V_m];
+  // f[State_::V_m] =
+  //     ((1)) / node.get_tau_m() * (y[State_::V_m] - node.get_E_L()) +
+  //     1 / node.get_C_m() * I_tot ;
+  f[State_::V_m] = node.B_.model_alpha + node.P_.bet_ * ( y[State_::I_dep] - y[State_::I_adap] ) + node.P_.delta1_ * (1 + y[State_::V_m]);
+  // std::cout << node.P_.alp_ << " " << node.P_.bet_ * ( y[State_::I_dep] - y[State_::I_adap] )  << " " <<  node.P_.delta1_ * (1 + y[State_::V_m]);
+  // std::cout << " f[State_::V_m]  " << f[State_::V_m] << " f[State_::I_adap]  " << f[State_::I_adap] << " f[State_::I_dep]  " << f[State_::I_dep] << "\n";
+ // // Conductance dynamics
+ //  // Synaptic conductance derivative dG/dt
+ //  f[State_::DG1] = -y[State_::DG1] / node.get_tau_syn1();
+ //  f[State_::G1] = y[ State_::DG1] - y[ State_::G1] / node.get_tau_syn1();
+ //  f[State_::DG2] = -y[State_::DG2] / node.get_tau_syn2();
+ //  f[State_::G2] = y[ State_::DG2] - y[ State_::G2] / node.get_tau_syn2();
+ //  f[State_::DG3] = -y[State_::DG3] / node.get_tau_syn3();
+ //  f[State_::G3] = y[ State_::DG3] - y[ State_::G3] / node.get_tau_syn3();
+  return GSL_SUCCESS;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Node initialization functions
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  B_.spikes_.clear();   // includes resize
+  B_.currents_.clear(); // includes resize
+  B_.logger_.reset();   // includes resize
+  ArchivingNode::clear_history();
+  int state_size = State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE;
+  B_.step_ = Time::get_resolution().get_ms();
+  B_.IntegrationStep_ = B_.step_;
+  if (B_.s_ == 0)
+    B_.s_ = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc(gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45, State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE);
+  else
+    gsl_odeiv_step_reset(B_.s_);
+  if (B_.c_ == 0) {
+    B_.c_ = gsl_odeiv_control_y_new(1e-6, 0.0);
+  } else {
+    gsl_odeiv_control_init(B_.c_, 1e-6, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+  }
+  if (B_.e_ == 0) {
+    B_.e_ = gsl_odeiv_evolve_alloc(State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE);
+  } else {
+    gsl_odeiv_evolve_reset(B_.e_);
+  }
+  B_.sys_.function = migliore_ode_dynamics;
+  B_.sys_.jacobian = NULL;
+  B_.sys_.dimension = state_size;
+  B_.sys_.params = reinterpret_cast<void *>(this);
+  B_.logger_.init();
+  // t_ref_ specifies the length of the absolute refractory period as
+  // a double in ms. The grid based iaf_psc_exp can only handle refractory
+  // periods that are integer multiples of the computation step size (h).
+  // To ensure consistency with the overall simulation scheme such conversion
+  // should be carried out via objects of class nest::Time. The conversion
+  // requires 2 steps:
+  //     1. A time object r is constructed, defining representation of
+  //        t_ref_ in tics. This representation is then converted to computation
+  //        time steps again by a strategy defined by class nest::Time.
+  //     2. The refractory time in units of steps is read out get_steps(), a
+  //        member function of class nest::Time.
+  //
+  // Choosing a t_ref_ that is not an integer multiple of the computation time
+  // step h will lead to accurate (up to the resolution h) and self-consistent
+  // results. However, a neuron model capable of operating with real valued
+  // spike time may exhibit a different effective refractory time.
+  const double h = Time::get_resolution().get_ms();
+  V_.RefractoryCounts_ = Time( Time::ms( P_.t_ref_ ) ).get_steps();
+  // since t_ref_ >= 0, this can only fail in error
+  assert( V_.RefractoryCounts_ >= 0 );
+  V_.t_spk = -0.3;
+  V_.time_scale_ = 1 / (-P_.sc_ / (P_.Cm_ * P_.E_L_));
+  V_.d_dt = h;
+  V_.dt = V_.d_dt/V_.time_scale_;
+  V_.t_step = V_.dt;
+  V_.H = (90+P_.E_L_)*P_.sc_*(P_.bet_-P_.delta1_)/(P_.E_L_*(-200));
+  V_.Vconvfact_ = -P_.E_L_;
+  V_.vrm_ = P_.vres_/V_.Vconvfact_;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Update and spike handling functions
+ */
+nest::migliore_ode::tagliorette(double corr)
+  double dur_sign = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+  //# I = sym.Symbol('I')
+  double vinc_inf = 700;
+    double lin_func_sup;
+    // # lin_func_inf=0.68*I - 190.0
+    // # if corr<vinc_inf and corr>0:
+    // # 	dur_sign=lin_func_inf.subs(I,corr)
+    if (corr < vinc_inf && corr > 0)
+      {
+	dur_sign = 0.68*corr - 190.0;
+	// lin_func_inf = 0.68*corr - 190.0;
+      }
+    // double vinc_sup = 1300; 
+    // if (corr > vinc_sup)
+    //   {
+    // 	lin_func_sup = 76.86-0.028*corr;
+    // 	dur_sign = lin_func_sup;
+    // 	// dur_sign = corr + std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+    // 	//double lin_func_sup = corr + std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+    //   }
+    return dur_sign;
+// double
+// nest::migliore_ode::migliV(double t, double delta, double Psi, 
+// 		       double alpha, double beta, double IaA0, 
+// 		       double IdA0, double t0, double V0,
+// 		       int r_ref_, double vrm)
+// {
+//   double C = beta - delta;
+//   double beta2 = pow(beta,2);
+//   double D = (2 * exp(( -t + t0) * beta) * IdA0 * (beta - 1) * beta * C * Psi - 2 * (alpha - beta + delta) * (beta2 + (beta - 1) * delta) * Psi + exp(0.5 * (t - t0) * (-1 + delta - Psi)) * (IdA0 * beta * C * (-1 - delta + beta * (3 + delta - Psi) + Psi) - (beta2 - delta + beta * delta) * (alpha * (1 + (-2) * beta + delta - Psi) + C * (-1 + 2 * IaA0 * beta - delta + Psi + V0 * (-1 - delta + Psi)))) + exp(0.5 * (t - t0) * (-1 + delta + Psi)) * (-1 * IdA0 * beta * (beta - delta) * (-1 - delta - Psi + beta * (3 + delta + Psi)) + (beta2 - delta+beta * delta) * (alpha * (1 + (-2) * beta + delta + Psi) + C * (-1 + 2 * IaA0 * beta - delta - Psi - V0 * (1 + delta + Psi)))));
+//   //  double D = (2 * exp(((-1) * t + t0) * beta) * IdA0 * (beta - 1) * beta * C * Psi -2 * (alpha - beta + delta) * (beta2 + (beta - 1) * delta) * Psi + exp(0.5 * (t - t0) * ((-1) + delta - Psi)) * (IdA0 * beta * C * ((-1) - delta + beta * (3 + delta - Psi) + Psi) - (beta2 - delta + beta * delta) * (alpha * (1 + (-2) * beta + delta - Psi) + C * ((-1) + 2 * IaA0 * beta - delta + Psi + V0 * ((-1) - delta + Psi)))) + exp(0.5 * (t - t0) * ((-1) + delta + Psi)) * ((-1) * IdA0 * beta * (beta+(-1) * delta) * ((-1) - delta - Psi + beta * (3 + delta + Psi)) + (beta2 - delta+beta * delta) * (alpha * (1 + (-2) * beta + delta + Psi) + C * ((-1) + 2 * IaA0 * beta+(-1) * delta - Psi - V0 * (1 + delta + Psi)))));
+//   if (r_ref_ == 0)
+//     {
+//       //return 0.5 / C / (beta2 + (beta - 1) * delta) / (4 * beta + (- 1) * pow((1 + delta),2)) * Psi * D;
+//       return 0.5 / C / (beta2 + (beta - 1) * delta) / (4 * beta - pow((1 + delta), 2)) * Psi * D;
+//     }
+//   else
+//     {
+//       return vrm;
+//     }
+// }
+nest::migliore_ode::set_v_ini(double to_v_ini,
+		       int r_ref_, double vrm)
+  if (r_ref_ == 0)
+    {
+      return to_v_ini;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      return vrm;
+    }
+// double
+// nest::migliore_ode::Iadap(double t, double delta, double Psi, double alpha,
+// 		      double beta, double IaA0, double IdA0, double t0,
+// 		      double V0, int r_ref_)
+// {
+//   double C = beta - delta;
+//   double beta2 = pow(beta, 2);
+//   double pdelta = pow((1 + delta), 2);
+//   // // std::cout << "EXP " << exp(t0 * ((-1) + beta + delta)) << "\n";
+//   double D = (2 * exp(t0 * (-1 + beta + delta) + 0.5 * t * (-1 + delta + Psi)) * IdA0 * beta * C * (4 * beta - pdelta) + (-2) * exp(t0 * (-1 + delta) + 0.5 * t * (-1 + 2 * beta + delta + Psi)) * alpha * (beta2 + (-1 + beta) * delta) * (-4 * beta + pdelta) + exp(0.5 * t0 * (-1 + delta - Psi) + t * (-1 + beta + delta + Psi)) * (-1 * IdA0 * beta * C * (-1 * pdelta + (-1 + delta) * Psi + 2 * beta * (2 + Psi)) + (beta2 + (-1 + beta) * delta) *(alpha * (1 -4 * beta + delta * (2 + delta - Psi) + Psi) + C * (4 * IaA0 * beta -2 * (1 + V0) * Psi + IaA0 * (1 + delta) * (-1 - delta + Psi))))+exp(t * (-1 + beta + delta)+0.5 * t0 * (-1 + delta + Psi))*(IdA0 * beta * C * (pdelta + 2 * beta * (-2 + Psi) + (-1 + delta) * Psi) + (beta2 + (-1 + beta) * delta) * (alpha * (-4 * beta + pdelta + (-1 + delta) * Psi) + C * (4 * IaA0 * beta+2 * (1+V0) * Psi - IaA0 * (1 + delta) * (1 + delta + Psi)))));
+//   double to_return = 0.5 * exp(t0 - t0 * delta -0.5 * t * (-1 + 2 * beta + delta + Psi)) / (beta - delta) / (beta2 + (-1 + beta) * delta) / (4 * beta - pdelta) * D;
+//   // std::cout << printf("111 Iadap(%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f) = %f     \n",t, delta, Psi, alpha, beta, IaA0, IdA0, t0, V0,to_return);
+//   if (r_ref_ == 0)
+//     {
+//       return to_return;
+//     }
+//   else
+//     {
+//       return IaA0;
+//     }
+// }
+// double
+// nest::migliore_ode::Idep(double t, double beta, double IdA0, double t0, int r_ref_)
+// {
+//   if (r_ref_ == 0)
+//     {
+//       return exp((t0 - t) * beta) * IdA0;
+//     }
+//   else
+//     {
+//       return IdA0;
+//     }
+// }
+nest::migliore_ode::exp_cum(double x, double a, double b)
+  return a * (1 - exp(-b * x));
+nest::migliore_ode::monod(double x, double a, double b, double c, double alp)
+  return c + (a * exp(b) * x) / (alp + x);
+  double t = 0;
+  // std::cout << "Evolve ode " << S_.y_[State_::V_m] << "\n";
+  while (t < B_.step_) {
+    const int status =
+      gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply(B_.e_, B_.c_, B_.s_,
+			     &B_.sys_,          // system of ODE
+			     &t,                // from t
+			     B_.step_,             // to t <= step
+			     &B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration step size
+			     S_.y_);
+    // std::cout << "Evolving ode " << S_.y_[State_::V_m] << "\n";
+    if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) {
+      throw nest::GSLSolverFailure(get_name(), status);
+    }
+  }
+  // std::cout << "Evolved ode " << S_.y_[State_::V_m] << "\n";
+nest::migliore_ode::update( Time const& origin, const long from, const long to )
+  assert( to >= 0 && ( delay ) from < kernel().connection_manager.get_min_delay() );
+  assert( from < to );
+  // const double h = Time::get_resolution().get_ms();
+  // double v_old;
+  // double Iadap_ini_old, Idep_ini_old;
+  // double campionamento = 10;
+  B_.step_ = V_.dt;
+  B_.IntegrationStep_ = V_.dt;
+  // double t0_val = 0;
+  // double t_final = t0_val+dt;
+  // double init_sign = 0;
+  double t0_val;
+  double t_final;
+  // double vini_neg = P_.E_L_;
+  // double ref_t = 2;
+  // double psi1 = pow((-4)*P_.bet_+pow(1+P_.delta1_,2.0),0.5);
+  S_.y_[State_::V_m] = S_.y_[ State_::V_m ] / V_.Vconvfact_;
+  // double mul = 15;
+  // int i = 0;
+  // double soglia_sign = 10;
+  // double Ide = [];
+  // double Iada = [];
+  // double Ide2 = [];
+  // double Iada2 = [];
+  // double tetalist = [];
+  // double t_spk = -3*d_dt;
+  // double afirst = 0;
+  double meancorlastis = 0;
+  double stdcorlastis = 0;
+  double meancorlastprec = 0;
+  double stdcorlastprec = 0;
+  double vini_prec = S_.y_[State_::V_m];
+  double teta;
+  double c_aux = P_.c_;
+  double paramL_;
+  for ( long lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )
+  {
+    // neuron is never refractory
+    // use standard forward Euler numerics
+    // double I_syn = B_.spikes_.get_value( lag );
+    double corpre = S_.I_;
+    // set new input current
+    S_.I_ = B_.currents_.get_value( lag );
+    double cor = S_.I_;
+    S_.current_ = S_.I_;
+    double t0_val = origin.get_ms() / V_.time_scale_;
+    double local_time_step = V_.dt;
+    double t_final = t0_val + local_time_step;
+    // For Breakpoint conditions
+    double current = S_.current_;
+    double vmss = S_.y_[State_::V_m];
+    double timess = t_final * V_.time_scale_;
+    // Update integration time window
+    t0_val = t_final;
+    t_final = t0_val + local_time_step;
+    // if (cor > 0)
+    //     {
+    // 	// std::cout << "615 corr > 0 \n";
+    //       S_.sis_ = S_.sis_+1;
+    //       if (S_.sis_ >= 2)
+    // 	  {
+    //           meancorlastprec = meancorlastis;
+    //           stdcorlastprec = stdcorlastis;
+    //           stdcorlastis = ((S_.sis_-2)*stdcorlastis+(S_.sis_-1)*pow(meancorlastis,2) + pow(cor,2)-S_.sis_*pow(((S_.sis_-1)*meancorlastis+cor)/S_.sis_,2))/(S_.sis_-1);
+    //           meancorlastis = ((S_.sis_-1)*meancorlastis+cor)/S_.sis_;
+    // 	  }
+    //       else
+    // 	  {
+    //           stdcorlastis = 0;
+    //           meancorlastis = cor;
+    // 	  }
+    //     }
+    if ((t_final-S_.init_sign_)*V_.time_scale_ >= nest::migliore_ode::tagliorette(cor))
+      {
+	// std::cout << "632 tagliorette " << nest::migliore_ode::tagliorette(cor) << " cor " << cor << "\n";
+        if (P_.corrcostatratti_)
+	  {
+            if (cor > P_.ith_)
+	      {
+		// std::cout << "636 cor > ith " << cor << "\n";
+                if (corpre < P_.ith_ ) //|| i == 0)
+		  {
+		    // std::cout << "640 corpre < P_.ith_";
+                    S_.init_sign_ = t_final;
+                    S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(cor-P_.ith_);
+                    S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 0;
+		  }
+                if (corpre > P_.ith_ && corpre < cor)
+		  {
+		    // std::cout << "647 corpre > P_.ith_ && corpre < cor";
+                    S_.init_sign_ = S_.init_sign_*(1+(corpre-P_.ith_)/corpre);
+                    S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(cor-P_.ith_);
+		  }
+	      }
+	  }
+        if (P_.corrcost_)
+	  {
+            // if (cor > P_.ith_)
+	    //   {
+		B_.model_alpha = cor / P_.sc_;
+		if (S_.r_ref_ == 0){
+		  evolve_ode();
+		}
+		// // std::cout << "657 cor > ith " << cor << "\n";
+                // if (corpre < P_.ith_ ) //|| i == 0)
+		//   {
+                //     S_.init_sign_ = t_final;
+                //     S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(cor-P_.ith_);
+                //     S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 0;
+		//   }
+		  // }
+	  }
+        // if (corpre == 0)
+	//   {
+        //     S_.y_[State_::V_m] = set_v_ini(vini_prec, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm_);
+	//   }
+        // else
+	//   {
+        //     S_.y_[State_::V_m] = set_v_ini((P_.E_L_+(1-exp(-cor/1000))*(P_.vtm_-P_.E_L_))/V_.Vconvfact_, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm_);
+	//   }
+        vini_prec = S_.y_[State_::V_m];
+        V_.out.push_back(S_.y_[State_::V_m]);
+        // t_out.append(t_final);
+        // Iada.append(S_.y_[State_::I_adap]);
+        // Ide.append(S_.y_[State_::I_dep]);
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	// std::cout << "711 NO tagliorette " << cor << "\n";
+        vini_prec = S_.y_[State_::V_m];
+        if ( false ) //(cor < P_.ith_ && cor >= 0) ) //|| i == 0)
+	  {
+	    // std::cout << "715 cor < ith " << cor << "\n";
+            if (corpre < 0)
+	      {
+                S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 90/P_.E_L_ + 1;
+                S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = 0;
+		S_.y_[State_::V_m] = set_v_ini(vini_prec, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm_);
+	      }
+            if (((cor / P_.sc_) / (P_.bet_ - P_.delta1_) - 1) <= S_.y_[State_::V_m])
+	      {
+                S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = 0;
+                S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = (cor / P_.sc_) / (P_.bet_ - P_.delta1_);
+		S_.y_[State_::V_m] = set_v_ini(((cor / P_.sc_) / (P_.bet_ - P_.delta1_) - 1), S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm_);
+		// std::cout << "727 cor " << cor << " S_.y_[State_::V_m] " << S_.y_[State_::V_m] << "Iadap_ini_ " << S_.y_[State_::I_adap] << "\n";
+	      }
+            else
+	      {
+		// std::cout << "731 cor/ " << cor << "> S_.y_[State_::V_m] " << S_.y_[State_::V_m] << "\n";
+                // v_ini = migliV(t_final, P_.delta1_, psi1, cor/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.y_[State_::I_adap], S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_, vrm);
+                // S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = Iadap(t0_val, P_.delta1_, psi1, cor / P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.y_[State_::I_adap], S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_);
+                // S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = Idep(t_final, P_.bet_, S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, S_.r_ref_);
+		B_.model_alpha = cor / P_.sc_;
+		if (S_.r_ref_ == 0){
+		  evolve_ode();
+		}
+	      }
+            // if (S_.y_[State_::V_m] * V_.Vconvfact_ < -90)
+	    //   {
+	    // 	// std::cout << "741 v_ini * V_.Vconvfact_ < -90 " << S_.y_[State_::V_m] * V_.Vconvfact_ << "\n";
+            //     S_.y_[State_::V_m] = -90 / V_.Vconvfact_;
+            //     S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 0;
+	    //   }
+            V_.out.push_back(S_.y_[State_::V_m]);
+	  }
+        else
+	  {
+	    B_.model_alpha = cor / P_.sc_;
+	    if (S_.r_ref_ == 0){
+	      evolve_ode();
+	    }
+	    // std::cout << "749 cor > ith " << cor << "\n";
+            // if (cor < corpre && cor > 0 && (V_.t_spk+2*V_.d_dt) < t_final*V_.time_scale_ && V_.out.size() > 2)
+	    //   {
+            //     teta = (V_.out[V_.out.size()-1]/(corpre / P_.sc_))*(1/V_.dt-P_.delta1_) - (V_.out[V_.out.size()-2]/((corpre / P_.sc_)*V_.dt))-P_.delta1_/(corpre / P_.sc_)-1;
+            //     if (teta < 0)
+	    // 	  {
+            //         teta = 0;
+	    // 	  }
+            //     S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = S_.y_[State_::I_adap] + teta * (cor / P_.sc_) / P_.bet_;
+            //     // tetalist.append(teta);
+            //     // v_ini = migliV(t_final, P_.delta1_, psi1,
+            //     //           cor/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.y_[State_::I_adap], S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_, vrm);
+            //     // S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = Iadap(t_final, P_.delta1_, psi1,
+            //     //                   cor/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.y_[State_::I_adap], S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_);
+            //     // S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = Idep(t_final, P_.bet_,
+            //     //                 S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, S_.r_ref_);
+	    // 	// std::cout << "765 v_ini " << S_.y_[State_::V_m] << "\n";
+	    // 	B_.model_alpha = cor / P_.sc_;
+	    // 	if (S_.r_ref_ == 0){
+	    // 	  evolve_ode();
+	    // 	}
+	    //   }
+            // else
+	    //   {
+	    // std::cout << "772 else cor " << cor << "\n";
+	    // if (cor > 0)
+	    //   {
+	    // 	B_.model_alpha = cor / P_.sc_;
+	    // 	if (S_.r_ref_ == 0){
+	    // 	  evolve_ode();
+	    // 	}
+	    //   }
+	    //}
+            // if (corpre != cor and (cor < 0 and cor > -200))
+	    //   {
+            //     S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = (90+P_.E_L_)*cor/(P_.E_L_*(-200));
+            //     S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = 0;
+	    // 	S_.y_[State_::V_m] = set_v_ini(vini_prec, S_.r_ref_, V_.vrm_);
+	    // 	// std::cout << "814 v_ini " << S_.y_[State_::V_m] << "\n";
+	    //   }
+            // if (cor < 0 and cor > -200)
+	    //   {
+            //     // v_ini = migliV(t_final, P_.delta1_, psi1, H * cor/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.y_[State_::I_adap], S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_, vrm);
+            //     // S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = Iadap(t_final, P_.delta1_, psi1, H * cor/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.y_[State_::I_adap], S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_);
+            //     // S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = Idep(t_final, P_.bet_,
+            //     //                 S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, S_.r_ref_);
+	    // 	// // std::cout << "567 v_ini " << v_ini << "\n";
+	    // 	B_.model_alpha = V_.H * cor / P_.sc_;
+	    // 	if (S_.r_ref_ == 0){
+	    // 	  evolve_ode();
+	    // 	}
+	    //   }
+            // if (corpre != cor and cor <= -200)
+	    //   {
+            //     S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 90/P_.E_L_ + 1;
+            //     S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = 0;
+	    // 	S_.y_[State_::V_m] = ((cor / P_.sc_) / (P_.bet_ - P_.delta1_) - 1);
+	    // 	// std::cout << "832 v_ini " << S_.y_[State_::V_m] << "\n";
+	    //   }
+            // if (cor <= -200)
+	    //   {
+            //     // v_ini = migliV(t_final, P_.delta1_, psi1, H * cor/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.y_[State_::I_adap], S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_, vrm);
+            //     // S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = Iadap(t_final, P_.delta1_, psi1, H * cor/P_.sc_, P_.bet_, S_.y_[State_::I_adap], S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, v_ini, S_.r_ref_);
+            //     // S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = Idep(t_final, P_.bet_, S_.y_[State_::I_dep], t0_val, S_.r_ref_);
+	    // 	// // std::cout << "581 v_ini " << v_ini << "\n";
+	    // 	B_.model_alpha = V_.H * cor / P_.sc_;
+	    // 	if (S_.r_ref_ == 0){
+	    // 	  evolve_ode();
+	    // 	}
+	    //   }
+            if (S_.y_[State_::V_m]*V_.Vconvfact_ < -90)
+	      {
+                S_.y_[State_::V_m] = -90/V_.Vconvfact_;
+                S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 0;
+		// std::cout << "848 v_ini " << S_.y_[State_::V_m] << "\n";
+	      }
+            V_.out.push_back(S_.y_[State_::V_m]);
+	  }
+        // t_out.append(t_final);
+        // Iada.append(S_.y_[State_::I_adap]);
+        // Ide.append(S_.y_[State_::I_dep]);
+        if (P_.corrcostatratti_)
+	  {
+	    // std::cout << "857 corrcostatratti_\n";
+            if (cor > P_.ith_)
+	      {
+		// std::cout << "708 cor > P_.ith_ " << cor << "," << P_.ith_ << "\n";
+                if (corpre < P_.ith_) // || i == 0)
+		  {
+                    S_.init_sign_ = t_final;
+                    S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(cor-P_.ith_);
+                    S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 0;
+		  }
+		// std::cout << "868 corpre " << corpre << " P_.ith_ " << P_.ith_ << " cor " << cor << "\n";; 
+                if (corpre > P_.ith_ && corpre < cor)
+		  {
+                    S_.init_sign_ = S_.init_sign_*(1+(corpre-P_.ith_)/corpre);
+                    S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(cor-P_.ith_);
+                    S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 0;
+		    // std::cout << "874 Idep_ini " << S_.y_[State_::I_dep] << "  S_.init_sign " <<  S_.init_sign_ << "\n";; 
+		  }
+	      }
+	  }
+        if (P_.corrcost_)
+	  {
+            // if (cor > P_.ith_)
+	    //   {
+		B_.model_alpha = cor / P_.sc_;
+		if (S_.r_ref_ == 0){
+		  evolve_ode();
+		}
+                if (corpre < P_.ith_) // || i == 0)
+		  {
+                    S_.init_sign_ = t_final;
+                    S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = P_.cost_idep_ini_*(cor-P_.ith_);
+                    S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 0;
+		  }
+	      // }
+	  }
+        // vini_prec = S_.y_[State_::V_m];
+      }
+    // i = i + 1;
+    // t0_val = t_final;
+    // t_final = t0_val+dt;
+    S_.y_[State_::V_m] = S_.y_[State_::V_m] * V_.Vconvfact_;
+    // std::cout << "897 S_.v_ v_ini final " <<   S_.y_[State_::V_m] << " Iadap_ini_ " << S_.y_[State_::I_adap] << "\n";
+    while (V_.out.size() > 3)
+      {
+	V_.out.erase(V_.out.begin());
+      }
+    // lower bound of membrane potential
+    S_.y_[State_::V_m] = ( S_.y_[State_::V_m] < P_.V_min_ ? P_.V_min_ : S_.y_[State_::V_m] );
+    // std::cout << "905 S_.y_[State_::V_m] v_ini lower bound " <<   S_.y_[State_::V_m] << "\n";
+    // Count down for refractory period
+    if (S_.r_ref_ > 0) {--S_.r_ref_;}
+    // threshold crossing
+    if ( S_.y_[State_::V_m] >= P_.V_th_ )  // V_th_ = -52
+    {
+      S_.r_ref_ = V_.RefractoryCounts_; // Inizialize refractory
+      // S_.y_[State_::V_m] = P_.miglp3_;
+      // S_.miglv1_ = S_.miglv1_ + P_.miglp4_;
+      // Detect spike
+      //if (v_ > vth)
+      //{
+      V_.t_spk = t_final*V_.time_scale_;
+      // f.write(str(round(V_.t_spk, 3)) + ' \n')
+      S_.y_[State_::V_m] = V_.vrm_ * V_.Vconvfact_; // -65
+      // std::cout << "923 SPIKE!!!!! S_.y_[State_::V_m] v_ini after spike " << S_.y_[State_::V_m]   << "\n";
+      // print('^*spike^*')
+      // print('t ', t_final, 'val_ist V', v_ * V_.Vconvfact_, 'adap',
+      //       S_.y_[State_::I_adap], 'adap', S_.y_[State_::I_adap], 't_ini', S_.init_sign_)
+      // print('^^^^^^')
+      c_aux = P_.c_;
+      if (cor < P_.istim_min_spikinig_exp_ || cor > P_.istim_max_spikinig_exp_)
+	      {
+		if (P_.corrcost_ or P_.corrcostatratti_)
+		  {
+		  // check solo al primo spike
+		  if (P_.firstSpikeFlag_ == false or corpre != S_.current_)
+		    {
+		      P_.firstSpikeFlag_ = true;
+		      paramL_ = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_)*V_.time_scale_,P_.a_,P_.b_*S_.current_/1000,P_.c_,P_.alp_);
+		      if (paramL_ < 0)
+			{
+			  // print('monod negativa, paramL: '+str(paramL));
+			  if (P_.a_ > 0)
+			    {
+			      //c*
+			      c_aux = P_.c_ - paramL_;
+			      // print(c_aux)
+			    }
+			  else
+			    {
+			      // a<0
+			      // c**
+			      c_aux = -P_.a_* exp(P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000);
+			      // print(c_aux)
+			    }
+			}
+		      else
+			{
+			  c_aux = P_.c_;
+			}
+		    }
+		  S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_) * V_.time_scale_, P_.a_, P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000, c_aux, P_.alp_);
+		  }
+		else
+		  {
+		    // sinapt
+		    c_aux = P_.c_;
+		    S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_) *
+					  V_.time_scale_, P_.a_, P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000, c_aux, P_.alp_);
+		  }
+	      }
+	    else
+	      {
+		// std::cout << "899 Monod\n";
+		S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_) * V_.time_scale_, P_.a_, P_.b_*S_.current_/1000, P_.c_, P_.alp_);
+		if (S_.y_[State_::I_adap]<0)
+		  {
+		    // print('monod negativa');
+		    if (P_.firstSpikeFlag_ == false or corpre!=S_.current_)
+		      {
+			P_.firstSpikeFlag_ = true;
+			paramL_ = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_)*V_.time_scale_, P_.a_,P_.b_*S_.current_/1000,P_.c_,P_.alp_);
+			//print('paramL: ',paramL)
+		      }
+		    if (S_.counter_<2)
+		      {
+			//print('monod a zero - ',S_.counter_)
+			S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 0;
+			S_.counter_ = S_.counter_ + 1;
+		      }
+		    else if (S_.counter_ == 2)
+		      {
+			c_aux = P_.c_;
+			if (P_.a_ > 0)
+			  {
+			    c_aux = P_.c_ - paramL_;
+			    // print(c_aux)
+			  }
+			else
+			  {
+			    c_aux = -P_.a_* exp(P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000);
+			    // print(c_aux)
+			  }
+			S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_) * V_.time_scale_, P_.a_, P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000, c_aux, P_.alp_);
+			S_.counter_ = S_.counter_ + 1;
+		      }
+		    else
+		      {
+			// print('S_.counter_ > 3 - c_aux: ',c_aux)
+			S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = monod((t_final-S_.init_sign_) * V_.time_scale_, P_.a_, P_.b_ * S_.current_/1000, c_aux, P_.alp_);
+			    // print('monod traslata: ',Iadap_ini)
+		      }
+		  }
+	      }
+      if (cor < P_.ith_)
+	{
+	  S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = 0;
+	  S_.y_[State_::I_adap] = 0;
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  S_.y_[State_::I_dep] = P_.Idep_ini_vr_;
+	}
+      // print('adap')
+      // print(S_.y_[State_::I_adap])
+      // // Refractory time management
+      // for (k in range(int(ref_t / d_dt)))
+      // 	{
+      // 	  // out.append(v_);
+      // 	  t_final = t_final + dt;
+      // 	  // t_out.append(t_final);
+      // 	  // Iada.append(S_.y_[State_::I_adap]);
+      // 	  // Ide.append(S_.y_[State_::I_dep]);
+      // 	  i = i + 1;
+      // 	  S_.sis_ = S_.sis_+1;
+      // 	  if (S_.sis_ >= 2)
+      // 	    {
+      // 	      stdcorlastis = ((S_.sis_-2)*stdcorlastis+(S_.sis_-1)*meancorlastis^2 +
+      // 			      cor^2-S_.sis_*(((S_.sis_-1)*meancorlastis+cor)/S_.sis_)^2)/(S_.sis_-1);
+      // 	      meancorlastis = ((S_.sis_-1)*meancorlastis+cor)/S_.sis_;
+      // 	    }
+      // 	  else
+      // 	    {
+      // 	      stdcorlastis = 0;
+      // 	      meancorlastis = cor;
+      // 	    }
+      // 	}
+      // compute spike time
+      set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) );
+      SpikeEvent se;
+      kernel().event_delivery_manager.send( *this, se, lag );
+    }
+    vini_prec = S_.y_[State_::V_m];
+    // std::cout << "979 S_.y_[State_::V_m] v_ini " <<   S_.y_[State_::V_m] << " Iadap_ini_ " << S_.y_[State_::I_adap] << "\n";
+    // voltage logging
+    B_.logger_.record_data( origin.get_steps() + lag );
+  }
+nest::migliore_ode::handle( SpikeEvent& e )
+  assert( e.get_delay_steps() > 0 );
+  B_.spikes_.add_value(
+    e.get_rel_delivery_steps( kernel().simulation_manager.get_slice_origin() ), e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity() );
+nest::migliore_ode::handle( CurrentEvent& e )
+  assert( e.get_delay_steps() > 0 );
+  const double c = e.get_current();
+  const double w = e.get_weight();
+  B_.currents_.add_value( e.get_rel_delivery_steps( kernel().simulation_manager.get_slice_origin() ), w * c );
+nest::migliore_ode::handle( DataLoggingRequest& e )
+  B_.logger_.handle( e );
diff --git a/models/migliore_ode.h b/models/migliore_ode.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34d7fd12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/migliore_ode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+ *  migliore_ode.h
+ *
+ *  This file is part of NEST.
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
+ *
+ *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_GSL
+#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_odeiv.h>
+// forwards the declaration of the function
+extern "C" inline int
+migliore_dynamics(double, const double y[], double f[],
+                                          void *pnode);
+// Includes from nestkernel:
+#include "archiving_node.h"
+#include "connection.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "nest_types.h"
+#include "ring_buffer.h"
+#include "universal_data_logger.h"
+namespace nest
+/* BeginUserDocs: neuron, integrate-and-fire
+Short description
+Migliore_Ode neuron model
+Implementation of the spiking neuron model introduced by Migliore_Ode
+[1]_. The dynamics are given by:
+.. math::
+   dV_m/dt &= 0.04 V_m^2 + 5 V_m + 140 - u + I
+   du/dt &= a (b V_m - u)
+.. math::
+   &\text{if}\;\;\; V_m \geq V_{th}:\\
+   &\;\;\;\; V_m \text{ is set to } c\\
+   &\;\;\;\; u \text{ is incremented by } d\\
+   & \, \\
+   &v \text{ jumps on each spike arrival by the weight of the spike}
+As published in [1]_, the numerics differs from the standard forward Euler
+technique in two ways:
+1) the new value of :math:`u` is calculated based on the new value of
+   :math:`V_m`, rather than the previous value
+2) the variable :math:`V_m` is updated using a time step half the size of that
+   used to update variable :math:`u`.
+This model offers both forms of integration, they can be selected using the
+boolean parameter ``consistent_integration``. To reproduce some results
+published on the basis of this model, it is necessary to use the published form
+of the dynamics. In this case, ``consistent_integration`` must be set to false.
+For all other purposes, it is recommended to use the standard technique for
+forward Euler integration. In this case, ``consistent_integration`` must be set
+to true (default).
+For a detailed analysis and discussion of the numerical issues in the original publication, see [2]_.
+The following parameters can be set in the status dictionary.
+======================= =======  ==============================================
+ V_m                    mV       Membrane potential
+ U_m                    mV       Membrane potential recovery variable
+ V_th                   mV       Spike threshold
+ I_e                    pA       Constant input current (R=1)
+ V_min                  mV       Absolute lower value for the membrane potential
+ a                      real     Describes time scale of recovery variable
+ b                      real     Sensitivity of recovery variable
+ c                      mV       After-spike reset value of V_m
+ d                      mV       After-spike reset value of U_m
+ consistent_integration boolean  Use standard integration technique
+======================= =======  ==============================================
+.. [1] Izhikevich EM. (2003). Simple model of spiking neurons. IEEE Transactions
+       on Neural Networks, 14:1569-1572. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TNN.2003.820440
+.. [2] Pauli R, Weidel P, Kunkel S, Morrison A (2018). Reproducing polychronization: A guide to maximizing
+       the reproducibility of spiking network models. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 12.
+       DOI: https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fninf.2018.00046
+SpikeEvent, CurrentEvent, DataLoggingRequest
+See also
+iaf_psc_delta, mat2_psc_exp
+EndUserDocs */
+class migliore_ode : public ArchivingNode
+  migliore_ode();
+  migliore_ode( const migliore_ode& );
+  ~migliore_ode();
+  /**
+   * Import sets of overloaded virtual functions.
+   * @see Technical Issues / Virtual Functions: Overriding, Overloading, and
+   * Hiding
+   */
+  using Node::handle;
+  using Node::handles_test_event;
+  void handle( DataLoggingRequest& );
+  void handle( SpikeEvent& );
+  void handle( CurrentEvent& );
+  port handles_test_event( DataLoggingRequest&, rport );
+  port handles_test_event( SpikeEvent&, rport );
+  port handles_test_event( CurrentEvent&, rport );
+  port send_test_event( Node&, rport, synindex, bool );
+  void get_status( DictionaryDatum& ) const;
+  void set_status( const DictionaryDatum& );
+  friend class RecordablesMap< migliore_ode >;
+  friend class UniversalDataLogger< migliore_ode >;
+  void init_buffers_();
+  void calibrate();
+  double tagliorette(double);
+  // double migliV(double, double, double, 
+  // 		double, double, double, 
+  // 		double, double, double,
+  // 		int, double);  
+  double set_v_ini(double, int, double);
+  // double Iadap(double, double, double, double,
+  // 		 double, double, double, double,
+  // 	       double, int);
+  // double Idep(double, double, double, double, int);
+  double exp_cum(double, double, double);
+  double monod(double, double, double, double, double);
+  void evolve_ode();
+  void update( Time const&, const long, const long );
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Independent parameters of the model.
+   */
+  struct Parameters_
+  {
+    double E_L_;
+    double vres_;
+    double vtm_;
+    double Cm_;
+    double ith_;
+    double tao_m_;
+    double sc_;
+    double bet_;
+    double delta1_;
+    double cost_idep_ini_;
+    double Idep_ini_vr_;
+    double psi1_;
+    double a_;
+    double b_;
+    double c_;
+    double alp_;
+    double istim_min_spikinig_exp_;
+    double istim_max_spikinig_exp_;
+    double corrcostatratti_;
+    double corrcost_;
+    double Delta_T; //!< Slope factor in ms
+    bool firstSpikeFlag_;
+    bool has_connections_;
+    /** External DC current */
+    double I_e_;
+    /** Threshold */
+    double V_th_;
+    /** Lower bound */
+    double V_min_;
+    /** Refractory period in ms. */
+    double t_ref_;
+    Parameters_(); //!< Sets default parameter values
+    void get( DictionaryDatum& ) const;             //!< Store current values in dictionary
+    void set( const DictionaryDatum&, Node* node ); //!< Set values from dicitonary
+  };
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * State variables of the model.
+   */
+  struct State_
+  {
+    // double v_; // membrane potential
+    double init_sign_; // Adaptation state variable
+    // double Iadap_ini_; // Adaptation state variable
+    // double Idep_ini_; // Adaptation state variable
+    double sis_; // Adaptation state variable
+    double I_; // input current
+    int r_ref_;       //!< Absolute refractory counter (no membrane potential propagation)
+    int counter_;
+    double current_;
+    /** Accumulate spikes arriving during refractory period, discounted for
+        decay until end of refractory period.
+    */
+    //! Symbolic indices to the elements of the state vector y_
+    enum StateVecElems {
+      V_m,
+      I_dep,
+      I_adap,
+      STATE_VEC_SIZE			// This is the minimum state vector size
+    };
+    //! state vector, must be C-array for GSL solver
+    double y_[STATE_VEC_SIZE];//  - an array of all the state variables undergoing
+    State_( const Parameters_& ); //!< Default initialization
+    // State_( const State_& );
+    // State_& operator=( const State_& );
+    void get( DictionaryDatum&, const Parameters_& ) const;
+    void set( const DictionaryDatum&, const Parameters_&, Node* );
+  };
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Buffers of the model.
+   */
+  struct Buffers_
+  {
+    /**
+     * Buffer for recording
+     */
+    Buffers_( migliore_ode& );
+    Buffers_( const Buffers_&, migliore_ode& );
+    UniversalDataLogger< migliore_ode > logger_;
+    /** buffers and sums up incoming spikes/currents */
+    RingBuffer spikes_;
+    RingBuffer currents_;
+    /* GSL ODE stuff */
+    gsl_odeiv_step* s_;    //!< stepping function
+    gsl_odeiv_control* c_; //!< adaptive stepsize control function
+    gsl_odeiv_evolve* e_;  //!< evolution function
+    gsl_odeiv_system sys_; //!< struct describing system
+    // Since IntergrationStep_ is initialized with step_, and the resolution
+    // cannot change after nodes have been created, it is safe to place both
+    // here.
+    double step_;            //!< step size in ms
+    double IntegrationStep_; //!< current integration time step, updated by GSL
+    double model_alpha;
+    inline nest::RingBuffer &get_currents() { return currents; }
+    nest::RingBuffer currents;
+    //!< Buffer incoming Buffers through delay, as sum
+    ;
+    double currents_last_value_;
+  };
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Internal variables of the model.
+   */
+  struct Variables_
+  {
+    int RefractoryCounts_;
+    std::vector<double> out;
+    double t_spk;
+    double time_scale_, d_dt, dt, t_step;
+    double H, Vconvfact_, vrm_;
+  };
+  // Access functions for UniversalDataLogger -----------------------
+  //! Read out the membrane potential
+  double
+  get_V_m_() const
+  {
+    return S_.y_[ State_::V_m ];
+  }
+  //! Read out the injected current
+  double
+  get_I_() const
+  {
+    return S_.I_;
+  }
+  //! Read out the adaptation variable
+  double
+  get_Iadap_ini_() const
+  {
+    return S_.y_[ State_::I_adap ];
+  }
+  //! Read out the adaptation variable
+  double
+  get_Idep_ini_() const
+  {
+    return S_.y_[ State_::I_dep ];
+  }
+  //! Read out the init_sign_ variable
+  double
+  get_init_sign_() const
+  {
+    return S_.init_sign_;
+  }
+  //! Read out the sis_ variable
+  double
+  get_sis_() const
+  {
+    return S_.sis_;
+  }
+  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  Parameters_ P_;
+  State_ S_;
+  Variables_ V_;
+  Buffers_ B_;
+  //! Mapping of recordables names to access functions
+  static RecordablesMap< migliore_ode > recordablesMap_;
+  /** @} */
+inline port
+migliore_ode::send_test_event( Node& target, rport receptor_type, synindex, bool )
+  SpikeEvent e;
+  e.set_sender( *this );
+  return target.handles_test_event( e, receptor_type );
+inline port
+migliore_ode::handles_test_event( SpikeEvent&, rport receptor_type )
+  if ( receptor_type != 0 )
+  {
+    throw UnknownReceptorType( receptor_type, get_name() );
+  }
+  return 0;
+inline port
+migliore_ode::handles_test_event( CurrentEvent&, rport receptor_type )
+  if ( receptor_type != 0 )
+  {
+    throw UnknownReceptorType( receptor_type, get_name() );
+  }
+  return 0;
+inline port
+migliore_ode::handles_test_event( DataLoggingRequest& dlr, rport receptor_type )
+  if ( receptor_type != 0 )
+  {
+    throw UnknownReceptorType( receptor_type, get_name() );
+  }
+  return B_.logger_.connect_logging_device( dlr, recordablesMap_ );
+inline void
+migliore_ode::get_status( DictionaryDatum& d ) const
+  P_.get( d );
+  S_.get( d, P_ );
+  ArchivingNode::get_status( d );
+  ( *d )[ names::recordables ] = recordablesMap_.get_list();
+inline void
+migliore_ode::set_status( const DictionaryDatum& d )
+  Parameters_ ptmp = P_;     // temporary copy in case of errors
+  ptmp.set( d, this );       // throws if BadProperty
+  State_ stmp = S_;          // temporary copy in case of errors
+  stmp.set( d, ptmp, this ); // throws if BadProperty
+  // We now know that (ptmp, stmp) are consistent. We do not
+  // write them back to (P_, S_) before we are also sure that
+  // the properties to be set in the parent class are internally
+  // consistent.
+  ArchivingNode::set_status( d );
+  // if we get here, temporaries contain consistent set of properties
+  P_ = ptmp;
+  S_ = stmp;
+} // namesopace nest
+#endif /* #ifndef MIGLIORE_ODE_H */
+#endif /* HAVE GSL */
diff --git a/models/modelsmodule.cpp b/models/modelsmodule.cpp
index 6302f97cd..5a4965668 100644
--- a/models/modelsmodule.cpp
+++ b/models/modelsmodule.cpp
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
 #include "iaf_psc_exp_ps.h"
 #include "iaf_psc_exp_ps_lossless.h"
 #include "izhikevich.h"
+#include "migliore.h"
+#include "migliore_ode.h"
 #include "lin_rate.h"
 #include "mat2_psc_exp.h"
 #include "mcculloch_pitts_neuron.h"
@@ -258,6 +260,8 @@ ModelsModule::init( SLIInterpreter* )
   kernel().model_manager.register_node_model< ginzburg_neuron >( "ginzburg_neuron" );
   kernel().model_manager.register_node_model< mcculloch_pitts_neuron >( "mcculloch_pitts_neuron" );
   kernel().model_manager.register_node_model< izhikevich >( "izhikevich" );
+  kernel().model_manager.register_node_model< migliore >( "migliore" );
+  kernel().model_manager.register_node_model< migliore_ode >( "migliore_ode" );
   kernel().model_manager.register_node_model< spike_dilutor >( "spike_dilutor" );
   kernel().model_manager.register_node_model< spike_recorder >( "spike_recorder" );
diff --git a/nestkernel/nest_names.cpp b/nestkernel/nest_names.cpp
index c0e5f6010..9a9ee1039 100644
--- a/nestkernel/nest_names.cpp
+++ b/nestkernel/nest_names.cpp
@@ -283,6 +283,30 @@ const Name mean( "mean" );
 const Name memory( "memory" );
 const Name message_times( "messages_times" );
 const Name messages( "messages" );
+const Name vres( "vres" );
+const Name vtm( "vtm" );
+const Name Cm( "Cm" );
+const Name ith( "ith" );
+const Name tao_m( "tao_m" );
+const Name sc( "sc" );
+const Name bet( "bet" );
+const Name delta1( "delta1" );
+const Name cost_idep_ini( "cost_idep_ini" );
+const Name Idep_ini_vr( "Idep_ini_vr" );
+const Name psi1( "psi1" );
+const Name alp( "alp" );
+const Name istim_min_spikinig_exp( "istim_min_spikinig_exp" );
+const Name istim_max_spikinig_exp( "istim_max_spikinig_exp" );
+const Name corrcostatratti( "corrcostatratti" );
+const Name corrcost( "corrcost" );
+const Name corrsin1( "corrsin1" );
+const Name corrsin2( "corrsin2" );
+const Name init_sign( "init_sign" );
+const Name Iadap_ini( "Iadap_ini" );
+const Name Idep_ini( "Idep_ini" );
+const Name sis( "sis" );
+// const Name sis( "cor" );
+// const Name sis( "cor_old" );
 const Name min( "min" );
 const Name min_delay( "min_delay" );
 const Name min_update_time( "min_update_time" );
diff --git a/nestkernel/nest_names.h b/nestkernel/nest_names.h
index 8c14061cf..ae22ac7ca 100644
--- a/nestkernel/nest_names.h
+++ b/nestkernel/nest_names.h
@@ -307,6 +307,33 @@ extern const Name mean;
 extern const Name memory;
 extern const Name message_times;
 extern const Name messages;
+extern const Name vres;
+extern const Name vtm;
+extern const Name Cm;
+extern const Name ith;
+extern const Name tao_m;
+extern const Name sc;
+extern const Name bet;
+extern const Name delta1;
+extern const Name cost_idep_ini;
+extern const Name Idep_ini_vr;
+extern const Name psi1;
+extern const Name alp;
+extern const Name istim_min_spikinig_exp;
+extern const Name istim_max_spikinig_exp;
+extern const Name corrcostatratti;
+extern const Name corrcost;
+extern const Name corrsin1;
+extern const Name corrsin2;
+extern const Name corrsin2;
+extern const Name init_sign;
+extern const Name Iadap_ini;
+extern const Name Idep_ini;
+extern const Name sis;
+/* extern const Name cor; */
+/* extern const Name cor_old; */
+extern const Name cor_old;
 extern const Name min;
 extern const Name min_delay;
 extern const Name min_update_time;