% Currents that modulate spike shape dynamics on multiple timescales induce
% ramping bursts in model respiratory neurons
% Code written by : Dr. Victor Matveev, NJIT
function Cost = BurstModel_dspk(Params, plotFlag )
Params = abs(Params); % Physical parameters can't be negative
gNaP = Params(1);
gsyn = Params(2);
gK = Params(3);
gNa = Params(4);
Vh = Params(5);
sh = Params(6);
Vht = Params(7);
sht = Params(8);
EK = Params(9);
ENa = Params(10);
VhNaP = Params(11);
khNaP = Params(12);
VhNaPt = Params(13);
khtNaP = Params(14);
fprintf('Pars = [%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g] ', Params);
% Conductances (nS)
gL =4;
%INa and INaP Time Constants (ms)
tmNamax = 0.25;
thNamax = 8.46;
tmNaPmax = 1;
C = 36;
%Sodium Current Constants (mV)
VmNa = -43.8; VhNa = -68; VmNat = -43.8; VhNat = -67.5;
kmNa = 6; khNa = -11.9;
kmtNa = 14; khtNa = -12.8;
%Persistent Sodium Current
VmNaP = -47.1;
VmNaPt = -47.1;
kmNaP = 3.1;
kmtNaP = 6.2;
%Constants for n
nA = 0.011; nAV = 44; nAk = 5;
nB = 0.17; nBV = 49; nBk = 40;
%Reversal Potentials (mV)
EL = -62.5; Esyn = -10;
INa = @(m,h,h2,V) gNa * m.^3 .* h .* h2 .* (V - ENa);
INaP = @(m,h,V) gNaP * m .* h .* (V - ENa);
IK = @(n,V) gK * n.^4 .* (V + EK);
IL = @(V) gL * (V - EL);
ISyn = @(V) gsyn * (V - Esyn);
%Intermediate Functions
k1 = @(V) nA *(nAV + V) ./ (1-exp((-nAV-V)/nAk));
k2 = @(V) nB * exp((-V-nBV)/nBk);
tau_n = @(V) 1 ./ (k1(V) + k2(V));
n_inf = @(V) k1(V) ./ (k1(V) + k2(V));
DF = @(t, x) [ (-INa(x(4), x(2), x(7), x(1)) - INaP(x(5), x(3), x(1)) - IK(x(6), x(1)) - IL(x(1)) - ISyn(x(1))) / C; ...
(1 ./ (1 + exp(-(x(1) - VhNa )/khNa )) - x(2)) .* (cosh((x(1)-VhNat) /khtNa )) / thNamax ; ...
(1 ./ (1 + exp(-(x(1) + VhNaP)/(-1*khNaP))) - x(3)) .* (cosh((x(1)+VhNaPt)/khtNaP)) / thNaPmax; ...
(1 ./ (1 + exp(-(x(1) - VmNa )/kmNa )) - x(4)) .* (cosh((x(1)-VmNat) /kmtNa )) / tmNamax ; ...
(1 ./ (1 + exp(-(x(1) - VmNaP)/kmNaP)) - x(5)) .* (cosh((x(1)-VmNaPt)/kmtNaP)) / tmNaPmax; ...
(n_inf(x(1)) - x(6)) / tau_n(x(1)); ...
((1./(1 + exp(-(x(1)+Vh)/(-1*sh)))) - x(7)) .* ((cosh((x(1)+Vht)/sht))/thNa2)];
IC = [-57; 0.3; 0.3; 0.1; 0; 0; 1];
T1 = 25000; % Inital equilibration time
T2 = 10000; % Duration of the main run
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-5);
[T, Y] = ode15s( DF, [0 T1], IC, options); % Pre-equilibrate duration = T1
Vlist = [Y(end,1)]; % Initialize voltage array / list
Tlist = [0]; % Initialize time array / list
Cost = 0; % Initialize Cost variable
cnt = 1; % Initialize integration counter
% Cost=0 returned if not enough
while Cost == 0 && cnt < 5 % bursts detected; integrate at most 4 times
cnt = cnt + 1; % Increment integraiton counter
[T, Y] = ode15s( DF, [0 T2], Y(end, :), options); % Integrate
Vlist = [Vlist; Y(:,1)]; % Append V(t) list
Tlist = [Tlist; T + Tlist(end)]; % Append time list
Cost = ComputeCost_dspk(Tlist, Vlist, plotFlag); % Compute Cost
if cnt > 4
Cost = 100;