% Currents that modulate spike shape dynamics on multiple timescales induce
% ramping bursts in model respiratory neurons
% Code written by : Dr. Victor Matveev, NJIT
function Cost = ComputeCost_dspk( Tlist, Vlist, plotFlag )
% Inputs: "Tlist": time array; "Vlist": V(t) array
% * Process spike times, detect bursts, and
% * Return "Cost" that favors ramp-up bursts
% * Make plots unless "plotFlag" is zero
minV = min(Vlist); % Maximal voltage
maxV = max(Vlist); % Minimal voltage
rng = 2 : numel(Vlist)-1; % Indices of V(t) array, except endpoints
% Note a trick: "TestMinMax" positive only at local min or max of V(t):
TestMinMax = (Vlist(rng) - Vlist(rng-1)) .* (Vlist(rng) - Vlist(rng+1));
iMaxMin = find(TestMinMax > 0);
TestSpike = Vlist(iMaxMin) - Vlist(iMaxMin-1);
spikeIndex = iMaxMin(find(TestSpike > 0))+1;
spikeTimes = Tlist(spikeIndex);
spikeLevels= Vlist(spikeIndex);
TestTrough = Vlist(iMaxMin-1)-Vlist(iMaxMin);
minIndex = iMaxMin(find(TestTrough > 0));
minTimes = Tlist(minIndex);
minLevels = Vlist(minIndex);
if plotFlag % Put circles at spike and trough times:
hold off; plot(Tlist, Vlist); hold on;
plot(spikeTimes, spikeLevels,'mo');
plot(minTimes, minLevels,'bo');
ISIs = diff( spikeTimes ); % Compute inter-spike intervals
maxISI = max(ISIs); % Compute maximal ISI
minISI = min(ISIs); % Compute minimal ISI
spikeISI = 0.5*(minISI + maxISI); % Cut-off btwn burst and inter-burst ISI
if maxISI / minISI < 3 % Require that maxISI > 3 * minISI
Cost = 100; % Otherwise set cost to max and return
title('No bursts detected');
fprintf('No burst detected\n');
burstStart = []; % Initialize burst starting ISI array
burstEnd = []; % Initialize burst ending ISI array
inBurst = false; % True if ISI belongs to a burst
for k = 1 : numel( ISIs ) % Test the lengths of all ISIs
if ISIs(k) < spikeISI % ISI small enough to belong to a burst
if ~inBurst % If we are not in a burst yet, then:
burstStart = [burstStart, k]; % Store first ISI index
inBurst = true; % Set in-burst flag to "true"
else % Else ISI is a larger inter-burst ISI
if inBurst % If we were in a burst until now, then:
burstEnd = [burstEnd, k]; % Store last ISI index
inBurst = false; % Reset in-burst flag
else % Otherwise, this is a second long ISI, so:
Cost = 100; % Set cost to maximal value, and return
title(' Not a clean burst ');
fprintf(' Not a clean burst \n');
drawnow; return;
if numel(burstEnd) < 3 % Need there to be at least three bursts
Cost = 0; % Zero cost will trigger extra computation
title(' Not enough bursts: extend time interval');
fprintf(' Not enough bursts: extend time interval\n');
drawnow; return;
Cost = 100; % Set cost to maximal value, and return
title(' Not a clean burst ');
fprintf(' Not a clean burst \n');
drawnow; return;
spikeFirst = burstStart(2); % Index of first spike in the 2nd burst
spikeLast = burstEnd(2); % Index of last spike in the 2nd burst
rng = spikeFirst : (spikeLast-1); % Range of ISIs within 2nd burst
title(' Not enough spikes in burst');
fprintf(' Not enough spikes in burst \n');
drawnow; return;
title('Depolarization block in burst');
fprintf('Depolarization block in burst \n');
drawnow; return;
if plotFlag % Put black lines around burst #2
plot(spikeTimes( spikeFirst ) * [1 1], [minV maxV], 'k-');
plot(spikeTimes( spikeLast ) * [1 1], [minV maxV], 'k-');
Ratio1 = ISIs(rng) ./ ISIs(rng-1); % Ratio of successive ISIs
Ratio2 = minLevels(rng)./ minLevels(rng-1); % Ratio of successive plateaus
cost1 = mean(Ratio1) + 4*sum(Ratio1(end-6:end)); % Mean ratio of successive ISIs
cost2 = mean(Ratio2) + 4*sum(Ratio2(end-6:end)) ; % Mean ratio if successive V-troughs
cost3 = 0.1 * max(ISIs(rng)) / maxISI; % Penalize (max-ISI/max-burst-ISI) ratio
cost4 = 2*min(spikeLevels(rng))./ spikeLevels(spikeFirst); % Penalize spike peak reduction
Cost = sqrt(cost1^2 + cost2^2 + cost3^2 + cost4^2); % Combine above into a single Cost
str = sprintf(' Cost: [%g %g %g %g] => %g \n', cost1, cost2, cost3, cost4, Cost);
fprintf('%s', str);
if plotFlag
end % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF FUNCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%