# encoding: utf-8
nrnpython implementation of the PyNN API.
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2016 by the PyNN team, see AUTHORS.
:license: CeCILL, see LICENSE for details.
import warnings
from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
warnings.warn("mpi4py not available")
from pyNN.random import NumpyRNG, GSLRNG
from pyNN import common, core, space, __doc__
from pyNN.standardmodels import StandardCellType
from pyNN.recording import get_io
from pyNN.space import Space
from pyNN.neuron import simulator
from pyNN.neuron.random import NativeRNG
from pyNN.neuron.standardmodels.cells import *
from pyNN.neuron.connectors import *
from pyNN.neuron.standardmodels.synapses import *
from pyNN.neuron.standardmodels.electrodes import *
from pyNN.neuron.populations import Population, PopulationView, Assembly
from pyNN.neuron.projections import Projection
from pyNN.neuron.cells import NativeCellType, IntFire1, IntFire2, IntFire4
from . import nineml
except ImportError:
pass # nineml is an optional dependency
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("PyNN")
# ==============================================================================
# Utility functions
# ==============================================================================
def list_standard_models():
"""Return a list of all the StandardCellType classes available for this simulator."""
return [obj.__name__ for obj in globals().values() if (isinstance(obj, type) and
issubclass(obj, StandardCellType) and
obj is not StandardCellType)]
# ==============================================================================
# Functions for simulation set-up and control
# ==============================================================================
def setup(timestep=DEFAULT_TIMESTEP, min_delay=DEFAULT_MIN_DELAY, **extra_params):
Should be called at the very beginning of a script.
`extra_params` contains any keyword arguments that are required by a given
simulator but not by others.
NEURON specific extra_params:
use_cvode - use the NEURON cvode solver. Defaults to False.
Optional cvode Parameters:
-> rtol - specify relative error tolerance
-> atol - specify absolute error tolerance
native_rng_baseseed - added to MPI.rank to form seed for SpikeSourcePoisson, etc.
default_maxstep - TODO
returns: MPI rank
common.setup(timestep, min_delay, **extra_params)
simulator.state.dt = timestep
simulator.state.min_delay = min_delay
simulator.state.max_delay = extra_params.get('max_delay', DEFAULT_MAX_DELAY)
if 'use_cvode' in extra_params:
if 'rtol' in extra_params:
if 'atol' in extra_params:
if 'native_rng_baseseed' in extra_params:
simulator.state.native_rng_baseseed = int(extra_params['native_rng_baseseed'])
if 'default_maxstep' in extra_params:
simulator.state.default_maxstep = float(extra_params['default_maxstep'])
return rank()
def end(compatible_output=True):
"""Do any necessary cleaning up before exiting."""
for (population, variables, filename) in simulator.state.write_on_end:
io = get_io(filename)
population.write_data(io, variables)
simulator.state.write_on_end = []
run, run_until, run_to_steady_state, run_from_steady_state = common.build_run(simulator)
run_for = run
reset = common.build_reset(simulator)
initialize = common.initialize
# ==============================================================================
# Functions returning information about the simulation state
# ==============================================================================
get_current_time, get_time_step, get_min_delay, get_max_delay, \
num_processes, rank = common.build_state_queries(simulator)
# ==============================================================================
# Low-level API for creating, connecting and recording from individual neurons
# ==============================================================================
create = common.build_create(Population)
connect = common.build_connect(Projection, FixedProbabilityConnector, StaticSynapse)
set = common.set
record = common.build_record(simulator)
record_v = lambda source, filename: record(['v'], source, filename)
record_gsyn = lambda source, filename: record(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'], source, filename)
# ==============================================================================