# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Mar 3 15:21:05 2020
@author: ocalvin
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
# Ignore the warning, this is necessary for 3D plotting
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from plotting import raster
from .dpx import analyze_actbmp_timings, analyze_dpx
# Set the default font for figures
matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "Arial"
matplotlib.rcParams['font.family'] = "sans-serif"
matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
--------------------- Experiment 1: E/I Balance ----------------------
def cp_raster_plot(spike_dat_coll, *args, **kwargs):
Creates a raster plot figure for a cue-probe trial.
spike_dat_coll : SpikeDataCollector
A recording object that records spikes during experiments
and can load spiking information from csv's.
Try help(raster_plot) for more information on other parameters
that can be set.
NOTE: Used to create Figure 2's E-G panels.
fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
Returns the raster plot figure, so that it may be saved or
# Uses set defaults in case user wants to overwrite them.
kwargs.setdefault('ylabel', 'Associated Direction (in radians)')
('0', '$\\pi$/2', '$\\pi$', '3$\\pi$/2', '2$\\pi$'))
(0, 4000))
# Set the default parameters for the CP trials.
_cues = {'C' : 0.5, 'P' : 1.5} # in radians
_cue_colors = {'C' : 'b', 'P' : 'r'}
_cue_w = 0.2
_starts = (500, 3000)
_ends = (1000, 3500)
_map_alpha = 0.15
_highlight_alpha = 0.30
# Create the dictionaries.
cue_disp_map = dict()
cue_highlight = dict()
_i = 0
for cue, val in _cues.items():
{'ybottom' : int(spike_dat_coll.raster_IDs[-1] * ((val - _cue_w)/2)),
'ytop' : int(spike_dat_coll.raster_IDs[-1] * ((val + _cue_w)/2)),
'color' : _cue_colors.get(cue),
'alpha' : _map_alpha}}
cue_highlight.update({cue: {'start' : _starts[_i],
'end' : _ends[_i],
'alpha' : _highlight_alpha}}
_i += 1
return raster(spike_dat_coll, cue_disp_map, cue_highlight,
*args, **kwargs)
------------ Experiment 2: Interneuron AMPA/NMDA Balance -------------
def smrz_EI_survey(fldrs, pyr_gs, int_gs, aff_gs):
Creates a multipanel summary of network functioning over
a wide range of parameter values.
NOTE: Used to create Figure 3.
fldrs : list(string)
List of the data folders that need to be described.
pyr_gs : list(float)
List of the pyramidal cell NMDA conductances for each file.
int_gs : list(float)
List of the interneuron NMDA conductances for each file.
aff_gs : list(float)
List of the afferent AMPA conductances for each file.
cueS, probeS, cueL, probeL, jump = [], [], [], [], []
initMed, jumpMed, cueDurMed, probeDurMed = [], [], [], []
spiralled = []
# gets all of the data timing information for the various files
for f in fldrs:
temp = analyze_actbmp_timings(f+'TC_comp.npz', f+'TC.npz')
# Set aside the unique afferent g values
u_affg = np.unique(aff_gs)
# Turns the collected data into numpy arrays and some of the variables
# into percentiles
cueS, probeS = np.array(cueS) * 100, np.array(probeS) * 100
cueL, probeL = np.array(cueL) * 100, np.array(probeL) * 100
jump = np.array(jump) * 100
initMed, jumpMed = np.array(initMed), np.array(jumpMed)
cueDurMed, probeDurMed = np.array(cueDurMed), np.array(probeDurMed)
spiralled = np.array(spiralled)
# Loop through all of the afferent conditions
for a in u_affg:
# create the subsets for this pass
msk = np.where(aff_gs == a)
# Create functional use map
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
norm = plt.Normalize(0, 1)
_red = np.where(spiralled[msk] != 1, jump[msk]/100, 1)
_green = np.where(spiralled[msk] != 1, 0, 1)
_blue = np.where(spiralled[msk] != 1, ((cueL[msk] - jump[msk])/100), 1)
_colorMap = np.vstack((_red, _green, _blue)).T
_colorMap = _colorMap.reshape(np.unique(int_gs[msk]).size,
np.unique(pyr_gs[msk]).size, -3)
_colorMap = np.flipud(_colorMap)
plt.imshow(_colorMap, alpha=0.9)
plt.ylabel('Pyramidal NMDA g')
plt.xlabel('Interneuron NMDA g')
tick_labels = np.round(np.linspace(np.min(pyr_gs[msk]),
np.max(pyr_gs[msk]), num = 3),3)
tick_labels = ['{:0.2f}'.format(x) for x in tick_labels[::-1]]
plt.yticks(np.linspace(0,np.unique(pyr_gs[msk]).size-1, num = 3),
tick_labels = np.round(np.linspace(np.min(int_gs[msk]),
np.max(int_gs[msk]), num = 3),3)
tick_labels = ['{:0.2f}'.format(x) for x in tick_labels]
plt.xticks(np.linspace(0,np.unique(int_gs[msk]).size-1, num = 3),
plt.title('Afferent AMPA g ' + str(round(a,4)))
# Creates the legend
_rpatch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='Jumps')
_bpatch = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='Stays')
_npatch = mpatches.Patch(color='black', label='Fails Prior To')
plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.10),
handles=[_bpatch, _rpatch, _npatch], ncol=3)
-------------- Experiment 3: DPX Model NMDA Antagonism ---------------
def dpx_raster_plot(spike_dat_coll, trial_type, *args, **kwargs):
Creates a raster plot figure for a dpx trial.
NOTE: Used to create Figures 5A-C and Supplemental 1A-C.
spike_dat_coll : SpikeDataCollector
A recording object that records spikes during experiments
and can load spiking information from csv's.
trial_type : string
The type of trial that is being plotted. For example, a
BX trial would be 'BX'.
Try help(raster_plot) for more information on other parameters
that can be set.
fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
Returns the raster plot figure, so that it may be saved or
# Uses set defaults in case user wants to overwrite them.
kwargs.setdefault('ylabel', 'Associated Direction (in radians)')
('0', '$\\pi$/2', '$\\pi$', '3$\\pi$/2', '2$\\pi$'))
(0, 6600))
# Set the default parameters for the CP trials.
_cues = {'A' : 0.3, 'B' : 0.7, 'X' : 1.3, 'Y' : 1.7} # in radians
_cue_colors = {'A' : 'b', 'B' : 'r', 'X' : 'b', 'Y' : 'r'}
_cue_w = 0.2
_starts = (500, 5500)
_ends = (1500, 6000)
_map_alpha = 0.15
_highlight_alpha = 0.30
# Create the dictionaries.
cue_disp_map = dict()
cue_highlight = dict()
for cue, val in _cues.items():
{'ybottom' : int(spike_dat_coll.raster_IDs[-1] * ((val - _cue_w)/2)),
'ytop' : int(spike_dat_coll.raster_IDs[-1] * ((val + _cue_w)/2)),
'color' : _cue_colors.get(cue),
'alpha' : _map_alpha}}
_i = 0
for letters in trial_type:
cue_highlight.update({letters: {'start' : _starts[_i],
'end' : _ends[_i],
'alpha' : _highlight_alpha}}
_i += 1
return raster(spike_dat_coll, cue_disp_map, cue_highlight,
*args, **kwargs)
def DPX_smry(files, values, title='DPX Performance',
xlabel='Percent Change',
ylabel='Percent Errors', ymax= None):
Creates summary images for the DPX performance over a set of conditions.
NOTE: Used to create Figures 5D-F, 8, 10A, and Supplemental 1D-F
files : list(string)
List of the files that need to be loaded and analyzed. These should
be DPX files.
values : list(float)
Parameter values that are paired with the file and will be used to
plot along the x-axis.
title : string, optional
The string label for the plot's title. The default is
'DPX Performance'.
xlabel : string, optional
The string label for the x-axis. The default is 'Percent Reduction'.
ylabel : string, optional
the string label for the y-axis. The default is 'Percent Errors'.
ymax : float, optional
If specified, then the plot's area will be from -2 to ymax. Otherwise
it will plot based on the observed values. The default is None.
The figure.
AXvalues = []
AYvalues = []
BXvalues = []
BYvalues = []
for f in files:
# Analyze the data and add values to the relevant lines
vals = analyze_dpx(f, plot=False)
AXvalues.append(vals['AX'] * 100)
AYvalues.append(vals['AY'] * 100)
BXvalues.append(vals['BX'] * 100)
BYvalues.append(vals['BY'] * 100)
# Plot the values
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(values, AXvalues, label='AX', color='black', marker='o')
ax.plot(values, AYvalues, label='AY', color='blue', linestyle='-.', marker='v')
ax.plot(values, BXvalues, label='BX', color='red', linestyle='--', marker='s')
ax.plot(values, BYvalues, label='BY', color='purple', linestyle=':', marker='*')
# Add labels
if not ymax is None: plt.ylim(bottom=-2, top=ymax)
return fig
def DPX_rt_smry(files, values,
func='median', title='DPX Performance',
xlabel='Percent Change', ylabel='Reaction Time (ms)',
Creates summary images for the agent's reaction times
over the various trial types.
NOTE: Used to create Figures 6B-D and 9.
files : list(string)
List of the files that need to be loaded and analyzed. These should
be DPX files.
values : list(float)
Parameter values that are paired with the file and will be used to
plot along the x-axis.
func : string
Which function should be used to plot the reaction times. The two
options are 'mean' and 'median'. The default is 'median'.
title : string, optional
The string label for the plot's title. The default is
'DPX Performance'.
xlabel : string, optional
The string label for the x-axis. The default is 'Percent Reduction'.
ylabel : string, optional
the string label for the y-axis. The default is 'Percent Errors'.
cue_start: float, optional
The offset for when the agent's response begins.
The figure.
AXvalues = []
AYvalues = []
BXvalues = []
BYvalues = []
if func == 'median':
fun = np.median
elif func == 'mean':
fun = np.mean
for f in files:
# Analyze the data and add values to the relevant lines
df = pd.read_csv(f)
ss = df[np.all(np.stack([(df.cue == 'A'),(df.probe == 'X')]),axis=0)]
AXvalues.append(fun(ss.rt) - cue_start)
ss = df[np.all(np.stack([(df.cue == 'A'),(df.probe == 'Y')]),axis=0)]
AYvalues.append(fun(ss.rt) - cue_start)
ss = df[np.all(np.stack([(df.cue == 'B'),(df.probe == 'X')]),axis=0)]
BXvalues.append(fun(ss.rt) - cue_start)
ss = df[np.all(np.stack([(df.cue == 'B'),(df.probe == 'Y')]),axis=0)]
BYvalues.append(fun(ss.rt) - cue_start)
# Plot the values
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(values, AXvalues, label='AX', color='black', marker='o')
ax.plot(values, AYvalues, label='AY', color='blue', linestyle='-.', marker='v')
ax.plot(values, BXvalues, label='BX', color='red', linestyle='--', marker='s')
ax.plot(values, BYvalues, label='BY', color='purple', linestyle=':', marker='*')
# Add labels
return fig
----------------------------- SUPPLEMENT -----------------------------
def cross_study_err_rates(file):
Creates a matrix of a set of cross correlations
NOTE: Used to make Supplemental 2.
file : string
The data file that is used for the analysis.
data = pd.read_csv(file)
err_types = ['AX', 'BX', 'AY', 'BY']
xlims = [-0.2, 0.4]
ylims = [-0.11, 0.2]
reg_range = np.linspace(xlims[0], xlims[1], 100)
# Create error differences
data['incomplete'] = np.zeros(len(data), dtype=bool)
for err in err_types:
data['diff'+err] = data['Scz'+err] - data['Con'+err]
data['incomplete'] = np.logical_or(data['incomplete'],
fig, s_plots = plt.subplots(4,4)
for ind, err in enumerate(err_types):
y_notnan = data['diff'+err].notna()
o_y_dat = np.array(data['diff'+err])
for ind2, err2 in enumerate(err_types):
x_notnan = data['diff'+err2].notna()
subset = np.logical_and(x_notnan, y_notnan)
x_dat = np.array(data['diff'+err2][~data['incomplete']])
y_dat = o_y_dat[~data['incomplete']]
# plot data points and setup axes
sp = s_plots[ind, ind2]
sp.scatter(x_dat, y_dat, color='black')
x_dat = np.array(data['diff'+err2][subset])
y_dat = o_y_dat[subset]
sp.scatter(x_dat, y_dat, color='black', facecolors='none')
sp.axhline(y=0, c='gray', lw=0.5, zorder=0, ls='--')
sp.axvline(x=0, c='gray', lw=0.5, zorder=0, ls='--')
if ind == (len(err_types)-1): sp.set_xlabel(err2)
if ind2 == 0: sp.set_ylabel(err)
# Fit regression
model = LinearRegression().fit(x_dat.reshape(-1,1), y_dat)
reg_ys = model.predict(reg_range.reshape(-1,1))
sp.plot(reg_range, reg_ys, lw=1, color='black')
r_sq = str(np.round(model.score(x_dat.reshape(-1,1), y_dat),2))
sp.text(-0.10, 0.32, r'$R^2$ = ' + r_sq)