# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Sep 18 12:11:30 2019
@author: ocalvin
18 Sept 2019 - Version 2 of the network code started. The goal is to move away
from separate neuron and network classes and to instead
integrate them into a singular entity. The primary reason for
this update is that the NumPy code is better optimized, so it
will be better to move to a matrix algebraic approach that will
handle the neurons as a population.
20 Sept 2019 - Optimized :)
21 Oct 2019 - Had to rework how spikes are collected and processed because
the previous method was incompatible with multiple networks.
It's a bit slower now, but I may be able to improve on this
18 Sep 2020 - Went back and updated the documentation so that this is better
for future use.
22 Apr 2021 - Added more documentation and established hierarchical code
import numpy as np
from . import currents
from utils import ivprobs as rk
class baseLIFPop(object):
def __init__(self, size, vTh=-50, vReset=-60, refDur=2, cM=0.5,
AMPA_g=0.7, NMDA_g=0.07, GABA_g=0.1,
noise_rate=1.8, noise_g=0.003, leak_g=0.025, leak_vL=-70,
Initialize the leaky-integrate-and-fire population.
size : int
The size of the population.
vTh : float, optional
The membrane voltage threshold that will produce a spike.
The default is -50 (mV).
vReset : float, optional
The resting membrane voltage. The default is -60 (mV).
refDur : float, optional
The duration of the refractory period. The default is 2 (ms).
cM : float, optional
The membrane capacitance. The default is 0.5 (nF).
AMPA_g : float, optional
AMPA receptor conductance. The default is 0.7 (µS).
NMDA_g : float, optional
NDMA receptor conductance. The default is 0.07 (µS).
GABA_g : float, optional
GABA receptor conductance. The default is 0.1 (µS).
noise_rate : float, optional
Rate of Poisson spikes. The default is 1.8 (kHz).
noise_g : float, optional
AMPA noise receptor conductance. The default is 0.003 (µS).
leak_g : float, optional
The conductance of membrane leakage. The default is 0.025 (µS).
leak_vL : float, optional
Leak reversal potential. The default is -70.
record_i : bool, optional
Whether the current should be recorded. The default is False.
# Population parameters
self.size = int(size) # How many neurons are in the population
self.vTh = float(vTh) # Spike-initiation threshold (in mV)
self.vReset = float(vReset) # Resting potential (in mV)
self.refDur = float(refDur) # Duration of the refractory period (in ms)
self.cM = float(cM) # Membrane capacitance (in nF)
# Blank lists
self._neuronBaseList = np.array(range(self.size), dtype = 'int')
self._blankSpikes = np.zeros([self.size,], dtype='bool')
self._blankTimes = np.zeros([self.size,], dtype='float')
# Current Sources
self.AMPA = currents.AMPAR(self.size,
self.NMDA = currents.NMDAR(self.size,
self.GABA = currents.GABAR(self.size,
self.noise = currents.noisePoisson(self.size,
self.leak = currents.leak(self.size,
self.afferents = currents.affFlat(self.size)
# Initializes the membrane potential
self._vM = (np.random.rand(self.size)
* (self.vTh - self.vReset)
+ self.vReset)
self._tempvM = np.zeros([self.size,], dtype = 'float')
self._spiked = np.zeros([self.size,], dtype='bool')
self._spikeTime = np.zeros([self.size,], dtype='float')
self._endRefract = np.zeros([self.size,], dtype='float')
# Arrays for temporary information
self.numSpikes = 0
# Received spikes
self._rPyrCount, self._rIntCount = 0, 0
self._rEmpty = np.empty((0, self.size+1))
self._rPyrSpikes = np.copy(self._rEmpty)
self._rIntSpikes = np.copy(self._rEmpty)
# ------------- State Reset Command -------------
def reset(self):
Resets the population to a blank slate by reinitializing
many internal variables and classes.
# Resets the membrane
self._vM = (np.random.rand(self.size)
* (self.vTh - self.vReset)
+ self.vReset)
self._tempvM = np.zeros([self.size,], dtype = 'float')
self._spiked = np.zeros([self.size,], dtype='bool')
self._spikeTime = np.zeros([self.size,], dtype='float')
self._endRefract = np.zeros([self.size,], dtype='float')
# Resets the currents
#--------------- Network Input Functions ------------
def stim(self, **kwargs):
Add stimulation to the network. Can set the afferent
current via relevant keyword arguments.
**kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments to be passed to the 'afferents'
parameter's stim function.
def removeStim(self):
Remove afferent current.
def receivePyrSpikes(self, dt, num, dts, weights):
Receive excitatory spikes from pyramidal cells.
dt : float
The change in time.
num : int
The number of spikes.
dts : np.array(float)
List of spike times.
weights : np.array(float)
Weights for each of the spikes.
if num > 0:
# arranges the received spikes and cuts those that don't matter
temp = np.hstack((dts, weights))
temp = np.delete(temp, np.argwhere(temp[:,0] == dt), axis = 0)
# adds these spikes to the other ones that have occured
self._rPyrSpikes = np.vstack((self._rPyrSpikes, temp))
self._rPyrCount = self._rPyrSpikes.shape[0]
def receiveIntSpikes(self, dt, num, dts, weights):
Receive inhibitory spikes from interneurons.
dt : float
The change in time.
num : int
The number of spikes.
dts : np.array(float)
List of spike times.
weights : np.array(float)
Weights for each of the spikes.
if num > 0:
# organizes the received spikes
temp = np.hstack((dts, weights))
temp = np.delete(temp, np.argwhere(temp[:,0] == dt), axis = 0)
# adds these spikes to the other ones that have occured this time step
self._rIntSpikes = np.vstack((self._rIntSpikes, temp))
self._rIntCount = self._rIntSpikes.shape[0]
#--------------- Processing Functions ------------
def predictSpikes(self, dt, time):
Uses the second-order Runge-Kutta to determine if a neuron
is likely to spike within the duration.
dt : float
The change in time.
time : float
The current time.
# Resets the received pyramidal and interneuron spikes
self._rPyrSpikes = np.copy(self._rEmpty)
self._rIntSpikes = np.copy(self._rEmpty)
self._rPyrCount, self._rIntCount = 0, 0
# Calculates the anticipated membrane voltage
# Note: This isn't perfectly accurate because the refractory period
# could be between time and endTime, but this is more
# computationally efficient and the possible error is minor.
self._tempvM = (self._vM +
(rk.RK2(self.project_dVmdt, 0, self._vM, dt)
# Handles if a neuron spiked in that interval
self._spiked = np.where(self._tempvM >= self.vTh, True, False)
self._spikeTime = np.where(self._spiked == True,
* (self.vTh - self._vM)
/ (self._tempvM - self._vM)
self._endRefract = np.where(self._spiked == True,
time + self._spikeTime + self.refDur,
self.numSpikes = np.sum(self._spiked)
# Makes spikeTimes verticle so that receiving populations don't need to
self._spikeTime = np.reshape(self._spikeTime, (-1,1))
def processTimeStep(self, dt, time):
Processes the spikes that have been recently received.
dt : float
The change in time.
time : float
The current time.
pyrTimes, pyrWeights = np.array([]), np.array([])
intTimes, intWeights = np.array([]), np.array([])
# Must resort the received spike times, because this could be
# misstacked if there are more than one source
if self._rPyrCount > 0:
self._rPyrSpikes = self._rPyrSpikes[np.argsort(self._rPyrSpikes[:,0])]
pyrTimes = self._rPyrSpikes[:,0]
pyrWeights = self._rPyrSpikes[:, 1:]
if self._rIntCount > 0:
self._rIntSpikes = self._rIntSpikes[np.argsort(self._rIntSpikes[:,0])]
intTimes = self._rIntSpikes[:,0]
intWeights = self._rIntSpikes[:, 1:]
# update the currents
self.AMPA.update(dt, pyrTimes, pyrWeights)
self.NMDA.update(dt, pyrTimes, pyrWeights)
self.GABA.update(dt, intTimes, intWeights)
self.noise.update(dt, 0, 0)
self.leak.update(0, 0, 0)
self.afferents.update(dt, 0, 0)
# Calculates the new voltage of each cell
self._vM = np.where(self._endRefract < time,
+ (rk.RK2(self.dVmdt, 0, self._vM, dt) / self.cM),
def dVmdt(self, dt, vM):
Change of the membrane potential's voltage over time.
dt : float
The change in time.
vM : float
The membrane potential's voltage.
This component of the base class is not defined.
raise NotImplementedError("You are trying to invoke 'dVmdt' with the base class.")
def project_dVmdt(self, dt, vM):
Given current parameters, what is the expected change of the
membrane potential's voltage over time.
dt : float
The change in time.
vM : float
The membrane potential's voltage.
This component of the base class is not defined.
raise NotImplementedError("You are trying to invoke 'project' with the base class.")
# ------------- API Commands ---------------
def VMs(self):
Get the membrane potential voltages of all neurons.
The membrane potential voltages.
return np.copy(self._vM)
def spikes(self):
Get a boolean list of whether a set of neurons spiked.
List of whether a set of neurons spiked.
return np.copy(self._spiked)
# Returns a copy of the spikes, which will be great for rastergrams
def spikeTimes(self):
Get a list of the times during that neuron's spiked during
the last dt.
List of when during the last dt the neuron's spiked.
return np.copy(self._spikeTime)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------- Typical Populations --------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class pyrPop(baseLIFPop):
def __init__(self, size, **kwargs):
Initialize a pyramidal cell LIF population.
size : int
The size of the population.
See baseLIFPop for all keyword arguments.
kwargs.setdefault('vTh', -52)
kwargs.setdefault('vReset', -60)
# creates the population
super().__init__(size, **kwargs)
# Rate of change for the membrane potential's voltage
def project_dVmdt(self, dt, vM):
Given current parameters, what is the expected change of the
membrane potential's voltage over time.
dt : float
The change in time.
vM : float
The membrane potential's voltage.
return (-self.afferents.project(dt, vM)
- self.noise.project(dt, vM)
- self.leak.project(dt, vM)
- self.AMPA.project(dt, vM)
- self.NMDA.project(dt, vM)
- self.GABA.project(dt, vM)
# Rate of change for the membrane potential's voltage
def dVmdt(self, dt, vM):
Change of the membrane potential's voltage over time.
dt : float
The change in time.
vM : float
The membrane potential's voltage.
return (-self.afferents.current(dt, vM)
- self.noise.current(dt, vM)
- self.leak.current(dt, vM)
- self.AMPA.current(dt, vM)
- self.NMDA.current(dt, vM)
- self.GABA.current(dt, vM)
class interPop(baseLIFPop):
def __init__(self, size, **kwargs):
Initialize an interneuron LIF population.
size : int
The size of the population.
See baseLIFPop for all keyword arguments.
# sets the default parameters if they are not included in kwargs
kwargs.setdefault('cM', 0.2)
kwargs.setdefault('vTh', -52)
kwargs.setdefault('vReset', -60)
kwargs.setdefault('refDur', 1)
kwargs.setdefault('leak_g', 0.02)
kwargs.setdefault('leak_vL', -65)
kwargs.setdefault('AMPA_g', 0.2)
kwargs.setdefault('NMDA_g', 0.02)
# creates the population
super().__init__(size, **kwargs)
# Rate of change for the membrane potential's voltage
def project_dVmdt(self, dt, vM):
Given current parameters, what is the expected change of the
membrane potential's voltage over time.
dt : float
The change in time.
vM : float
The membrane potential's voltage.
return (-self.afferents.project(dt, vM)
- self.noise.project(dt, vM)
- self.leak.project(dt, vM)
- self.AMPA.project(dt, vM)
- self.NMDA.project(dt, vM)
# Rate of change for the membrane potential's voltage
def dVmdt(self, dt, vM):
Change of the membrane potential's voltage over time.
dt : float
The change in time.
vM : float
The membrane potential's voltage.
return (-self.afferents.current(dt, vM)
- self.noise.current(dt, vM)
- self.leak.current(dt, vM)
- self.AMPA.current(dt, vM)
- self.NMDA.current(dt, vM)
class pyrRingPop(baseLIFPop):
def __init__(self, size, **kwargs):
Initialize a circular pyramidal cell LIF population.
size : int
The size of the population.
See baseLIFPop for all keyword arguments.
# sets the default parameters if they are not included in kwargs
kwargs.setdefault('leak_g', 0.025)
kwargs.setdefault('AMPA_g', 0)
kwargs.setdefault('NMDA_g', 0.4)
kwargs.setdefault('GABA_g', 1.40)
kwargs.setdefault('noise_g', 0.0031)
super().__init__(size, **kwargs)
# Creates the positional information based on the size of the ring.
self.directions = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, num=size, endpoint=False)
# Makes afferent signals directional
self.afferents = currents.affRing(self.size, self.directions)
def project_dVmdt(self, dt, vM):
Given current parameters, what is the expected change of the
membrane potential's voltage over time.
dt : float
The change in time.
vM : float
The membrane potential's voltage.
return (-self.afferents.project(dt, vM)
- self.noise.project(dt, vM)
- self.leak.project(dt, vM)
- self.AMPA.project(dt, vM)
- self.NMDA.project(dt, vM)
- self.GABA.project(dt, vM)
def dVmdt(self, dt, vM):
Change of the membrane potential's voltage over time.
dt : float
The change in time.
vM : float
The membrane potential's voltage.
return (-self.afferents.current(dt, vM)
- self.noise.current(dt, vM)
- self.leak.current(dt, vM)
- self.AMPA.current(dt, vM)
- self.NMDA.current(dt, vM)
- self.GABA.current(dt, vM)
def stim(self, direction, **kwargs):
Add stimulation to the network. Can set the afferent
current via relevant keyword arguments.
direction : float
The direction that the stimulus is associated with.
**kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments to be passed to the 'afferents'
parameter's stim function.
self.afferents.stim(direction, **kwargs)
class interRingPop(pyrRingPop):
def __init__(self, size, **kwargs):
Initialize a circular interneuron LIF population.
size : int
The size of the population.
See baseLIFPop for all keyword arguments.
# sets the default parameters if they are not included in kwargs
# positional information and directional afferents are created in pyrRingPop
kwargs.setdefault('cM', 0.2)
kwargs.setdefault('leak_g', 0.02)
kwargs.setdefault('AMPA_g', 0)
kwargs.setdefault('NMDA_g', 0.3)
kwargs.setdefault('GABA_g', 1.05)
kwargs.setdefault('noise_g', 0.00238)
kwargs.setdefault('refDur', 1)
super().__init__(size, **kwargs)
# Rate of change for the membrane potential's voltage
def project_dVmdt(self, dt, vM):
Given current parameters, what is the expected change of the
membrane potential's voltage over time.
dt : float
The change in time.
vM : float
The membrane potential's voltage.
return (-self.afferents.project(dt, vM)
- self.noise.project(dt, vM)
- self.leak.project(dt, vM)
- self.AMPA.project(dt, vM)
- self.NMDA.project(dt, vM)
- self.GABA.project(dt, vM)
# Rate of change for the membrane potential's voltage
def dVmdt(self, dt, vM):
Change of the membrane potential's voltage over time.
dt : float
The change in time.
vM : float
The membrane potential's voltage.
return (-self.afferents.current(dt, vM)
- self.noise.current(dt, vM)
- self.leak.current(dt, vM)
- self.AMPA.current(dt, vM)
- self.NMDA.current(dt, vM)
- self.GABA.current(dt, vM)