# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Oct 9 11:29:39 2019
By Olivia L. Calvin at the University of Minnesota
9 Oct 2019 - The purpose of this code is to implement an agent base class that
can be used with tasks. This code will adapt as I wrote more
tasks, and the first task that are designed to interact with is
the DPX.
There are two guiding principles for how the agent interacts with
tasks. The first is that the agent is responsible for recording
data about itself, because if this responsibility were the
labratory's then it would hinder reusability. Otherwise, the
laboratory would have to know the internal mechanisms of whatever
agent it is testing. The second is that neither the agent nor
task will know how the other represents behaviors and stimuli.
Instead a 'dictionary' will be passed between the two that will
contain this information and translate between them.
11 Oct 2019 - NOTE: General guideline for the map is that the map is
FROM -> TO. For example, cues come from the world so it would be
the world's representation in column 1, and the agent
representation in column 2. Acts come from the agent, so the
agent's representation would be in column 1 and the world in
column 2.
The act_map will always be one longer than the number of
responses. The first element will be 'no response' and the rest
will actions. Dimensions of act_map are [#responses+1, 0]. For
this first agent, the mapping to action is ['O', 'L', 'R'].
21 Oct 2019 - This code was not directly changed, but the back code that goes
into ringAgent was adjusted to account for multiple sources of
pyramidal spikes.
22 Nov 2019 - Updated the agent with the new, faster LIF code. The old version
is backed up in the scrap file.
06 Apr 2020 - Made some updates to the agents so that they are easier to work
with. Mostly modified the agents to better use kwargs.
18 Sep 2020 - Improved documentation and made the code more in line with
Python coding standards.
import bisect as bi
import numpy as np
from .agentBase import agentBase
from .currents import affRingPoisson
from . import LIF_Pop
from collect import spikeDC
__version__ = "1.0"
class DPX_Agent(agentBase):
Dual-Ring atttractor agent that I used for the 2021 paper. The
agent has one ring for perception and a second for memory that
interact to produce actions.
act_map : dict
The mapping between the agent's action and the task. Provides
a response that matches the task
perc_pyr : LIF_Pop.pyrRingPop
Pyramidal cell population in the perception network.
perc_int : LIF_Pop.intRingPop
Interneuron population in the perception network.
mem_pyr : LIF_Pop.pyrRingPop
Pyramidal cell population in the memory network.
mem_int : LIF_Pop.pyrRingPop
Pyramidal cell population in the memory network.
perc_pyr_count : int
Size of the perception network's pyramidal cell population.
perc_int_count : int
Size of the perception network's interneuron population.
mem_pyr_count : int
Size of the memory network's pyramidal cell population.
mem_int_count : int
Size of the memory network's interneuron population.
resp_options : int
The number of response options.
resp_probs : np.array(float)
The probabilities of engaging the responses.
choice : int
The index of the last choice that the agent made.
resp_tau : float
The mean life expectancy of the response kinetic.
softmax_tau : float
Controls the relative importance of the two response options.
__init__ - Initialize the agent_base class.
act - Checks to see whether the agent is prepared to act.
description - Prints a description of the agent to the console.
full_reset - Resets the agent for the next experiment.
hide_cue - Remove information about the world.
present_cue - Receive information from the world.
process_TStep - Process a time step.
pull_data - Extracts data from the agent.
set_act_weight - Set weights from the networks to the response
set_weights - Sets the ring and matrices weights.
state_reset - Resets the agent for the next trial.
_init_kwargs = {
'record_i': {'type': bool,
'help': 'Whether current information should be recorded.'},
'pp_size': {'type': int,
'help': ('The number of pyramidal neurons in the '
+ 'perception network. [1024 Default]')},
'pi_size': {'type': int,
'help': ('The number of interneurons in the '
+ 'perception network. [256 Default]')},
'mp_size': {'type': int,
'help': ('The number of pyramidal neurons in the '
+ 'memory network. [1024 Default]')},
'mi_size': {'type': int,
'help': ('The number of interneurons in the '
+ 'memory network. [256 Default]')},
'aff_rate': {'type': float,
'help': 'The maximum rate of the afferent signal. (in kHz)'},
'aff_g': {'type': float,
'help': 'The conductance of the afferent signal. (in uS)'},
'ring_p': {'type': float,
'help': 'The p parameter of the ring weighting.'},
'ring_sigma': {'type': float,
'help': 'The sigma parameter of the ring weighting.'},
'pp_AMPAg': {'type': float,
'help':('AMPAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the '
+ 'perception network. (in uS)')},
'pp_NMDAg': {'type': float,
'help':('NMDAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the '
+ 'perception network. (in uS)')},
'pp_GABAg': {'type': float,
'help':('GABAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the '
+ 'perception network. (in uS)')},
'pi_AMPAg': {'type': float,
'help':('AMPAR conductance of interneurons in the '
+ 'perception network. (in uS)')},
'pi_NMDAg': {'type': float,
'help':('NMDAR conductance of interneurons in the '
+ 'perception network. (in uS)')},
'pi_GABAg': {'type': float,
'help':('GABAR conductance of interneurons in the '
+ 'perception network. (in uS)')},
'mp_AMPAg': {'type': float,
'help':('AMPAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the '
+ 'memory network. (in uS)')},
'mp_NMDAg': {'type': float,
'help':('NMDAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the '
+ 'memory network. (in uS)')},
'mp_GABAg': {'type': float,
'help':('GABAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the '
+ 'memory network. (in uS)')},
'mi_AMPAg': {'type': float,
'help':('AMPAR conductance of interneurons in the '
+ 'memory network. (in uS)')},
'mi_NMDAg': {'type': float,
'help':('NMDAR conductance of interneurons in the '
+ 'memory network. (in uS)')},
'mi_GABAg': {'type': float,
'help':('GABAR conductance of interneurons in the '
+ 'memory network. (in uS)')},
'mult_NMDA': {'type': float,
'help':('Reduce NMDAR conductance network wide.')},
'softmax_tau': {'type': float,
'help':('Soft max decision making parameter.')},
'resp_tau': {'type': float,
'help':('Half life of the response kinetic.')},
def __init__(self, act_map={0: 'O', 1: 'L', 2: 'R'},
pp_size=1024, pi_size=256, mp_size=1024, mi_size=256,
ring_p=0.7, ring_sigma=0.05,
pp_AMPAg=0.00, pp_NMDAg=0.37, pp_GABAg=1.25,
pi_AMPAg=0.00, pi_NMDAg=0.30, pi_GABAg=1.00,
mp_AMPAg=0.00, mp_NMDAg=0.37, mp_GABAg=1.25,
mi_AMPAg=0.00, mi_NMDAg=0.35, mi_GABAg=1.00,
aff_rate = 1.25, aff_g=0.001,
softmax_tau=5, resp_tau=80,
resp_options=2, mult_NMDA=1,
Initialize a LIF neural network with dual-rings that serve the
functions of perception and memory.
act_map : dict, optional
The mapping between the agent's action and the task.
The default is:
0 : 'O'
1 : 'L'
2 : 'R'
pp_size : int, optional
The number of pyramidal neurons in the perception network.
The default is 1024.
pi_size : int, optional
The number of interneurons in the perception network.
The default is 256.
mp_size : int, optional
The number of pyramidal neurons in the memory network.
The default is 1024.
mi_size : int, optional
The number of interneurons in the memory network.
The default is 256.
ring_p : float, optional
The p parameter of the ring weighting. The default is 0.7.
ring_sigma : float, optional
The sigma parameter of the ring weighting. The default is 0.05.
pp_AMPAg : float, optional
AMPAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the perception network.
The default is 0.00 uS.
pp_NMDAg : float, optional
NMDAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the perception network.
The default is 0.37 uS.
pp_GABAg : float, optional
GABAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the perception network.
The default is 1.25 uS.
pi_AMPAg : float, optional
AMPAR conductance of interneurons in the perception network.
The default is 0.00 uS.
pi_NMDAg : float, optional
NMDAR conductance of interneurons in the perception network.
The default is 0.30 uS.
pi_GABAg : float, optional
GABAR conductance of interneurons in the perception network.
The default is 1.00 uS.
mp_AMPAg : float, optional
AMPAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the memory network.
The default is 0.00 uS.
mp_NMDAg : float, optional
NMDAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the memory network.
The default is 0.37 uS.
mp_GABAg : float, optional
GABAR conductance of pyramidal neurons in the memory network.
The default is 1.25 uS.
mi_AMPAg : float, optional
AMPAR conductance of interneurons in the memory network.
The default is 0.00 uS.
mi_NMDAg : float, optional
NMDAR conductance of interneurons in the memory network.
The default is 0.35 uS.
mi_GABAg : float, optional
GABAR conductance of interneurons in the memory network.
The default is 1.00 uS.
aff_rate : float, optional
The maximum rate of the afferent signal. The default is 1.25 kHz.
aff_g : float, optional
The conductance of the afferent signal. The default is 0.001 uS.
softmax_tau : float, optional
Soft max decision making parameter. The default is 5.
resp_tau : float, optional
Half life of the response kinetic. The default is 80 ms.
resp_options : int, optional
The number of response options. The default is 2.
mult_NMDA : float, optional
Multiplier to globally reduce NMDAR conductance. The default is 1.
record_i : bool, optional
Whether current information should be recorded. The default is False.
self.perc_pyr_count = pp_size
self.perc_int_count = pi_size
self.mem_pyr_count = mp_size
self.mem_int_count = mi_size
# Initializes the perception and memory networks with default values.
self.perc_pyr = LIF_Pop.pyrRingPop(
AMPA_g = pp_AMPAg,
NMDA_g = pp_NMDAg * mult_NMDA,
GABA_g = pp_GABAg,
record_i = record_i
self.perc_int = LIF_Pop.interRingPop(
AMPA_g = pi_AMPAg,
NMDA_g = pi_NMDAg * mult_NMDA,
GABA_g = pi_GABAg,
record_i = record_i
self.mem_pyr = LIF_Pop.pyrRingPop(
AMPA_g = mp_AMPAg,
NMDA_g = mp_NMDAg * mult_NMDA,
GABA_g = mp_GABAg,
record_i = record_i
self.mem_int = LIF_Pop.interRingPop(
AMPA_g = mi_AMPAg,
NMDA_g = mi_NMDAg * mult_NMDA,
GABA_g = mi_GABAg,
record_i = record_i
# Set the signal current to self.perc_pyr to be an AMPA-Mediated Poisson
self.perc_pyr.afferents = affRingPoisson(self.perc_pyr.size,
self.perc_pyr.afferents.stim(0, aff_rate)
self.perc_pyr.afferents.g = aff_g
# 'Action' neuron kinetics and softmax parameters
self.resp_options = resp_options
self.resp_probs = np.zeros([self.resp_options,], dtype = 'float')
self.choice = 0
self._resp_kin = np.zeros([self.resp_options,], dtype = 'float')
self.resp_tau = resp_tau
self.softmax_tau = softmax_tau
self._record_resp_kin = True
self._resp_kin_record = np.empty((0,self.resp_options))
# Sets the parameters for the ring weights
self._ring_prop = ring_p
self._ring_sigma = ring_sigma
# Initialize neuronal intra- and inter- connections
self._perc_PtoP_wts, self._perc_PtoI_wts = [], []
self._perc_ItoP_wts, self._perc_ItoI_wts = [], []
self._mem_PtoP_wts, self._mem_PtoI_wts = [], []
self._mem_ItoP_wts, self._mem_ItoI_wts = [], []
self._perc_to_mem_wts = []
self._perc_to_act_wts, self._mem_to_act_wts = [], []
self.set_weights(self._ring_sigma, self._ring_prop)
# Internal data tracking
self._rec_pp = spikeDC(self.perc_pyr.size, 'Perception Pyramidals')
self._rec_pi = spikeDC(self.perc_int.size, 'Perception Interneurons')
self._rec_mp = spikeDC(self.mem_pyr.size, 'Memory Pyramidals')
self._rec_mi = spikeDC(self.mem_int.size, 'Memory Interneurons')
def act(self):
Checks to see whether the agent is prepared to act.
Returns chosen action from act_map.
# implements softMax with the activity traces and action weights
self.resp_probs = np.exp(self._resp_kin / self.softmax_tau)
self.resp_probs /= np.sum(self.resp_probs)
# Draws a random number between 0 and 1
r = float(np.random.rand(1))
#This will return the default 'O'
self.choice = 0
# Looks for the correct response
for i in (np.arange(self.resp_options)+1):
if r <= np.sum(self.resp_probs[:i]):
self.choice = i
return self.act_map[self.choice]
def present_cue(self, direction, **kwargs):
Receive information from the world.
direction : float
Radial direction that is associated with the cue.
See currents.directionalPoissonAff for details on other kwargs.
self.perc_pyr.stim(direction, **kwargs)
def hide_cue(self):
Remove information about the world.
def pull_data(self):
Extracts data from the agent. CAN BE IMPROVED.
List of the data recorders.
return [self._rec_pp,
def state_reset(self):
Resets the agent for the next trial.
self._rec_pp = spikeDC(self.perc_pyr.size, 'Perception Pyramidals')
self._rec_pi = spikeDC(self.perc_int.size,
'Perception Interneurons')
self._rec_mp = spikeDC(self.mem_pyr.size, 'Memory Pyramidals')
self._rec_mi = spikeDC(self.mem_int.size, 'Memory Interneurons')
# Resets the perception and memory networks to a blank slate
# Resets the tracked response kinetic
self._resp_kin_record = np.empty((0,self.resp_options))
def full_reset(self):
Resets the agent for the next experiment.
def set_weights(self, sigma, prop, p_to_m = 0.10):
Sets the ring and matrices weights
sigma : float
Width of the Gaussian-like component of the circle weights.
prop : float
Proportion of the weights that is comprised of the
Guassian-like component.
p_to_m : float, optional
Multiplier of the weights between the perception and memory
networks. The default is 0.10.
def _circ_w(sigma, prop, from_pop, to_pop):
Creates circular weights for the ring attractor.
sigma : float
Width of the Gaussian-like component of the circle weights.
prop : float
Proportion of the weights that is comprised of the
Guassian-like component.
from_pop : LIF_Pop
Neural population that the connections are coming from.
to_pop : LIF_Pop
Neural population that the connections going to.
weights : numpy.array(float)
Normalized connection weights.
# Initialize the differences matrix
_diffMatrix = (np.ones([to_pop.size, from_pop.size],
* from_pop.directions)
_contrast = (np.ones([to_pop.size,], dtype = 'float')
* to_pop.directions).reshape(-1, 1)
_diffMatrix = _diffMatrix -_contrast
# Calculates the weights
weights = ((1 - prop)
+ prop * np.exp(2 * np.pi / sigma
* (np.cos(_diffMatrix) - 1)
# Normalizes the weights
weights = weights / np.sum(weights, axis=1)
weights = weights.T
return weights
def _flat_w(from_pop, to_pop):
Creates flat weights for the ring attractor.
from_pop : LIF_Pop
Neural population that the connections are coming from.
to_pop : LIF_Pop
Neural population that the connections going to.
weights : numpy.array(float)
Normalized connection weights.
return (np.ones([from_pop.size, to_pop.size], dtype = 'float')
/ from_pop.size)
# Sets the parameters for the ring weights
self._ring_prop = prop # difference between the max and min
self._ring_sigma = sigma # in radians
# Circular Connections
self._perc_PtoP_wts = _circ_w(self._ring_sigma, self._ring_prop,
self.perc_pyr, self.perc_pyr)
self._mem_PtoP_wts = _circ_w(self._ring_sigma, self._ring_prop,
self.mem_pyr, self.mem_pyr)
self._perc_to_mem_wts = _circ_w(self._ring_sigma, self._ring_prop,
self.perc_pyr, self.mem_pyr)
self._perc_to_mem_wts = (self._perc_to_mem_wts.T * p_to_m).T
# Flat Connections
self._perc_PtoI_wts = _flat_w(self.perc_pyr, self.perc_int)
self._perc_ItoP_wts = _flat_w(self.perc_int, self.perc_pyr)
self._perc_ItoI_wts = _flat_w(self.perc_int, self.perc_int)
self._mem_PtoI_wts = _flat_w(self.mem_pyr, self.mem_int)
self._mem_ItoP_wts = _flat_w(self.mem_int, self.mem_pyr)
self._mem_ItoI_wts = _flat_w(self.mem_int, self.mem_int)
# Sets the action weights
self._perc_to_act_wts = np.zeros([self.resp_options,
self.perc_pyr.size], dtype = 'float')
self._mem_to_act_wts = np.zeros([self.resp_options,
self.mem_pyr.size], dtype = 'float')
def set_act_weight(self, low_dir, high_dir, weight,
from_network, accum,):
Set weights from the networks to the response accumulators by
defining the bounds, weight, and direction.
low_dir : float
Direction for the lowest bound that will be weighted.
high_dir : float
Direction for the upper bound that will be weighted.
weight : float
Weight to be assigned.
from_network : str
String specifier for the network that the connections are
coming from. The two options are 'perc' and 'mem' for the
perception and memory networks, respectively.
accum : int
Index of the response accumulator to be assigned.
lBound = 0
if from_network == 'perc':
uBound = self.perc_pyr_count
directions = self.perc_pyr.directions[:]
elif from_network == 'mem':
uBound = self.mem_pyr_count
directions = self.mem_pyr.directions[:]
raise AttributeError("from_network must be either 'perc' or 'mem'.")
lBound = bi.bisect_left(directions,low_dir)
uBound = bi.bisect(directions,high_dir)
if from_network == 'perc':
self._perc_to_act_wts[accum][lBound:uBound] = weight
elif from_network == 'mem':
self._mem_to_act_wts[accum][lBound:uBound] = weight
def process_TStep(self, dt, time):
Processes a time step.
dt : float
Change in time (ms).
time : float
Current time (ms).
# Determines which neurons will fire in this time step.
self.perc_pyr.predictSpikes(dt, time)
self.mem_pyr.predictSpikes(dt, time)
self.perc_int.predictSpikes(dt, time)
self.mem_int.predictSpikes(dt, time)
# Handle the perception ring's firings
# Pass perception pyramidal spikes to the memory ring
# Handle the memory networks firings
# Processes the time step
self.perc_pyr.processTimeStep(dt, time)
self.mem_pyr.processTimeStep(dt, time)
self.perc_int.processTimeStep(dt, time)
self.mem_int.processTimeStep(dt, time)
# Collect spike data
self._rec_pp.collect(self.perc_pyr.spikes(), time)
self._rec_pi.collect(self.perc_int.spikes(), time)
self._rec_mp.collect(self.mem_pyr.spikes(), time)
self._rec_mi.collect(self.mem_int.spikes(), time)
# Handles the response kinetics
self._resp_kin += (self._perc_to_act_wts @ self.perc_pyr.spikes()
+ self._mem_to_act_wts @ self.mem_pyr.spikes())
self._resp_kin *= np.exp(-dt/self.resp_tau)
if self._record_resp_kin:
self._resp_kin_record = np.vstack((self._resp_kin_record,
def description(self, return_str=False):
Prints a description of the agent to the console.
return_str : bool, optional
Whether a string should be return rather than printing to
the console. The default is False.
desc : string
Description of the agent (only if return_str is True).
def _pop_desc(pop, ins=" ", afferent=False):
pop_desc = (ins + "Size: " + str(pop.size) + "\n"
+ ins + "AMPAR g: " + str(pop.AMPA.g) + " uS\n"
+ ins + "NMDAR g: " + str(pop.NMDA.g) + " uS\n"
+ ins + "GABAR g: " + str(pop.GABA.g) + " uS\n"
+ ins + "Leak g: " + str(pop.leak.g) + " uS\n"
+ ins + "Noise g: " + str(pop.noise.g) + " uS\n"
+ ins + "Noise rate: " + str(pop.noise.rate) + " kHz\n"
if afferent:
pop_desc += ins + "Afferent g: " + str(pop.afferents.g) + " uS\n"
pop_desc += (ins + "Afferent max rate: " + str(pop.noise.rate)
+ " kHz\n")
return pop_desc
wdth = 42
ins = " " * 2
pop_ins = " " * 4
desc = ("-" * wdth + "\n"
+ "Dual-Ring LIF Agent".center(wdth) + "\n"
+ ("Module Version " + __version__).center(wdth) + '\n'
+ "-" * wdth + "\n"
+ "Decision Making (SoftMax)\n"
+ ins + "Accumulator Tau: " + str(self.resp_tau) + "\n"
+ ins + "Softmax Tau: " + str(self.softmax_tau) + "\n"
+ "Ring Weighting\n"
+ ins + "Gauss-like Prop.: " + str(self._ring_prop) + "\n"
+ ins + "Gauss-like Sigma.: " + str(self._ring_sigma) + "\n"
+ "Action Mapping\n"
for par, val in self.act_map.items():
desc += (ins + "Response " + str(round(par,3))
+ " action: " + val + "\n")
desc += ("Perception Network\n"
+ ins + "Pyramidals\n"
+ _pop_desc(self.perc_pyr, pop_ins, True)
+ ins + "Interneurons\n"
+ _pop_desc(self.perc_int, pop_ins)
+ "Memory Network\n"
+ ins + "Pyramidals\n"
+ _pop_desc(self.mem_pyr, pop_ins)
+ ins + "Interneurons\n"
+ _pop_desc(self.mem_int, pop_ins)
desc += "-" * wdth + "\n"
if return_str:
return desc
class CueProbe_Agent(agentBase):
Single-Ring atttractor agent that I used for some cue-probe experiments.
act_map : dict
The mapping between the agent's action and the task. Provides
a response that matches the task
perc_pyr : LIF_Pop.pyrRingPop
Pyramidal cell population in the network.
perc_int : LIF_Pop.intRingPop
Interneuron population in the network.
perc_pyr_count : int
Size of the network's pyramidal cell population.
perc_int_count : int
Size of the network's interneuron population.
__init__ - Initialize the agent_base class.
description - Prints a description of the agent to the console.
full_reset - Resets the agent for the next experiment.
hide_cue - Remove information about the world.
present_cue - Receive information from the world.
process_TStep - Process a time step.
pull_data - Extracts data from the agent.
set_weights - Sets the ring and matrices weights.
state_reset - Resets the agent for the next trial.
_init_kwargs = {
'record_i': {'type': bool,
'help': 'Whether current information should be recorded.'},
'p_size': {'type': int,
'help': 'The number of pyramidal neurons.'},
'i_size': {'type': int,
'help': 'The number of interneurons.'},
'aff_rate': {'type': float,
'help': 'The maximum rate of the afferent signal. (in kHz)'},
'aff_g': {'type': float,
'help': 'The conductance of the afferent signal. (in uS)'},
'ring_p': {'type': float,
'help': 'The p parameter of the ring weighting.'},
'ring_sigma': {'type': float,
'help': 'The sigma parameter of the ring weighting (in radians).'},
'p_AMPAg': {'type': float,
'help':' AMPA conductance of pyramidal neurons. (in uS)'},
'p_NMDAg': {'type': float,
'help':' NMDA conductance of pyramidal neurons. (in uS)'},
'p_GABAg': {'type': float,
'help':' GABA conductance of pyramidal neurons. (in uS)'},
'i_AMPAg': {'type': float,
'help':' AMPA conductance of interneurons. (in uS)'},
'i_NMDAg': {'type': float,
'help':' NMDA conductance of interneurons. (in uS)'},
'i_GABAg': {'type': float,
'help':' GABA conductance of interneurons. (in uS)'},
def __init__(self, act_map={},
p_size=1024, i_size=256,
ring_p=0.7, ring_sigma=0.05,
p_AMPAg=0.00, p_NMDAg=0.35, p_GABAg=1.25,
i_AMPAg=0.66, i_NMDAg=0.20, i_GABAg=1.00,
aff_rate = 1.25, aff_g=0.001,
Initialize a single-ring LIF neural network.
act_map : dict, optional
The mapping between the agent's action and the task.
The default is {} because this agent doesn't engage in actions.
p_size : int, optional
The number of pyramidal neurons in the network.
The default is 1024.
i_size : int, optional
The number of interneurons in the network. The default is 256.
ring_p : float, optional
The p parameter of the ring weighting. The default is 0.7.
ring_sigma : float, optional
The sigma parameter of the ring weighting. The default is 0.05.
p_AMPAg : float, optional
AMPAR conductance of pyramidal neurons. The default is 0.00 uS.
p_NMDAg : float, optional
NMDAR conductance of pyramidal neurons. The default is 0.35 uS.
p_GABAg : float, optional
GABAR conductance of pyramidal neurons. The default is 1.25 uS.
i_AMPAg : float, optional
AMPAR conductance of interneurons. The default is 0.66 uS.
i_NMDAg : float, optional
NMDAR conductance of interneurons. The default is 0.20 uS.
i_GABAg : float, optional
GABAR conductance of interneurons. The default is 1.00 uS.
aff_rate : float, optional
The maximum rate of the afferent signal. The default is 1.25 kHz.
aff_g : float, optional
The conductance of the afferent signal. The default is 0.001 uS.
record_i : bool, optional
Whether current information should be recorded.
The default is False.
self.perc_pyr_count = p_size
self.perc_int_count = i_size
# Initializes the perception and memory networks with default values.
self.perc_pyr = LIF_Pop.pyrRingPop(self.perc_pyr_count,
AMPA_g = p_AMPAg,
NMDA_g = p_NMDAg,
GABA_g = p_GABAg,
record_i = record_i
self.perc_int = LIF_Pop.interRingPop(self.perc_int_count,
AMPA_g = i_AMPAg,
NMDA_g = i_NMDAg,
GABA_g = i_GABAg,
record_i = record_i
# Set the signal current to self.perc_pyr to be an AMPA-Mediated Poisson
self.perc_pyr.afferents = affRingPoisson(self.perc_pyr.size,
self.perc_pyr.afferents.stim(0, max_rate=aff_rate)
self.perc_pyr.afferents.g = aff_g
# Sets the parameters for the ring weights
self._ring_prop = ring_p
self._ring_sigma = ring_sigma
# Create the connections between neurons
self._perc_PtoP_wts, self._perc_PtoI_wts = [], []
self._perc_ItoP_wts, self._perc_ItoI_wts = [], []
self.set_weights(self._ring_sigma, self._ring_prop)
# Internal data tracking
self._trackPyr = spikeDC(self.perc_pyr.size, 'Pyramidals')
self._trackInt = spikeDC(self.perc_int.size, 'Interneurons')
def present_cue(self, direction, **kwargs):
Receive information from the world.
direction : float
Radial direction that is associated with the cue.
See currents.directionalPoissonAff for details on other kwargs.
self.perc_pyr.stim(direction, **kwargs)
def hide_cue(self):
Remove information about the world.
def pull_data(self):
Extracts data from the agent. CAN BE IMPROVED.
List of the data recorders.
return [self._trackPyr,
# resets the agent for the next trial
def state_reset(self):
Resets the agent for the next trial.
self._trackPyr = spikeDC(self.perc_pyr.size, 'Pyramidals')
self._trackInt = spikeDC(self.perc_int.size, 'Interneurons')
# Resets the perception and memory networks to a blank slate
# resets the agent for the next experiment
def full_reset(self):
Resets the agent for the next experiment.
# Sets the ring weights and adjusts the matrices weights to account for the changes
def set_weights(self, sigma, prop):
Sets the ring and matrices weights
sigma : float
Width of the Gaussian-like component of the circle weights.
prop : float
Proportion of the weights that is comprised of the
Guassian-like component.
# Sets the parameters for the ring weights
self._ring_prop = prop # difference between the max and min
self._ring_sigma = sigma # in radians
# Directional pyramidal interconnections
self._perc_PtoP_wts = np.ndarray([self.perc_pyr.size, self.perc_pyr.size],
dtype = 'float')
diffMatrix = np.ones([self.perc_pyr.size, self.perc_pyr.size],
dtype = 'float') * self.perc_pyr.directions
diffMatrix = diffMatrix - np.transpose(diffMatrix)
self._perc_PtoP_wts = ((1 - self._ring_prop)
+ self._ring_prop
* np.exp(2 * np.pi
/ self._ring_sigma
* (np.cos(diffMatrix) - 1)
self._perc_PtoP_wts = (self._perc_PtoP_wts
/ (np.sum(self._perc_PtoP_wts, axis = 1)))
self._perc_PtoP_wts = self._perc_PtoP_wts.T
# Create the other perception network weights
self._perc_PtoI_wts = np.ones([self.perc_int.size, self.perc_pyr.size],
dtype = 'float').T / self.perc_pyr.size
self._perc_ItoP_wts = np.ones([self.perc_pyr.size, self.perc_int.size],
dtype = 'float').T / self.perc_int.size
self._perc_ItoI_wts = np.ones([self.perc_int.size, self.perc_int.size],
dtype = 'float').T / self.perc_int.size
# Processes this time step
def process_TStep(self, dt, time):
Processes a time step.
dt : float
Change in time (ms).
time : float
Current time (ms).
# Determines which neurons will fire in this time step.
self.perc_pyr.predictSpikes(dt, time)
self.perc_int.predictSpikes(dt, time)
# Handle the perception ring's firings
self.perc_pyr.receivePyrSpikes(dt, self.perc_pyr.numSpikes,
self.perc_pyr.receiveIntSpikes(dt, self.perc_int.numSpikes,
self.perc_int.receivePyrSpikes(dt, self.perc_pyr.numSpikes,
self.perc_int.receiveIntSpikes(dt, self.perc_int.numSpikes,
# Processes the time step
self.perc_pyr.processTimeStep(dt, time)
self.perc_int.processTimeStep(dt, time)
# Collect spike data
self._trackPyr.collect(self.perc_pyr.spikes(), time)
self._trackInt.collect(self.perc_int.spikes(), time)
# Print a description of this agent.
def description(self, return_str=False):
Prints a description of the agent to the console.
return_str : bool, optional
Whether a string should be return rather than printing to
the console. The default is False.
desc : string
Description of the agent (only if return_str is True).
def _pop_desc(pop, ins=" ", afferent=False):
pop_desc = (ins + "Size: " + str(pop.size) + "\n"
+ ins + "AMPAR g: " + str(pop.AMPA.g) + " uS\n"
+ ins + "NMDAR g: " + str(pop.NMDA.g) + " uS\n"
+ ins + "GABAR g: " + str(pop.GABA.g) + " uS\n"
+ ins + "Leak g: " + str(pop.leak.g) + " uS\n"
+ ins + "Noise g: " + str(pop.noise.g) + " uS\n"
+ ins + "Noise rate: " + str(pop.noise.rate) + " kHz\n"
if afferent:
pop_desc += ins + "Afferent g: " + str(pop.afferents.g) + " uS\n"
pop_desc += (ins + "Afferent max rate: " + str(pop.noise.rate)
+ " kHz\n")
return pop_desc
wdth = 42
ins = " " * 2
desc = ("-" * wdth + "\n"
+ "Single-Ring LIF Agent".center(wdth) + "\n"
+ ("Module Version " + __version__).center(wdth) + '\n'
+ "-" * wdth + "\n"
+ "Ring Weighting\n"
+ ins + "Gauss-like Prop.: " + str(self._ring_prop) + "\n"
+ ins + "Gauss-like Sigma.: " + str(self._ring_sigma) + "\n"
+ "Action Mapping\n"
for par, val in self.act_map.items():
desc += (ins + "Response " + str(round(par,3))
+ " action: " + val + "\n")
desc += ("Pyramidals\n"
+ _pop_desc(self.perc_pyr, ins, True)
+ "Interneurons\n"
+ _pop_desc(self.perc_int, ins)
desc += "-" * wdth + "\n"
if return_str:
return desc