# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Oct 14 14:19:19 2019
@author: ocalvin
import argparse
import time
import os
import numpy as np
from agent import CueProbe_Agent
from world import DPX
from DPXAnalysis2021 import cp_raster_plot
# -------------- Parameters ----------------
# Create the mappings between the agent and world
cueMap = {'A': np.pi/2,
'B': np.pi/2,
'X': 3/2 * np.pi,
'Y': 3/2 * np.pi
actMap = {0: 'O', 1: 'L', 2: 'R'}
# Output Control
shwTrials = True # Assumes that you only want to run a single experiment
collectData = False
# Unstable Firing
min_excess_rate = 20 # average hertz
max_excess_count = 5 # early quit point
excess_count = 0
# ------------- Parse Program Arguments --------------------
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Runs a single-ring agent on a series of AX DPX task trials.',
usage='%(prog)s outfolder [options]'
name = 'outfolder'
if not collectData: name = '--' + name
help='Folder that recorded data will be stored in.'
# Add the parser arguments for the world
dpxGroup = parser.add_argument_group('DPX Task')
# Add the parser arguments for the agent
agentGroup = parser.add_argument_group('Single-Ring Agent')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
# ------------------ Incorporate arguments ------------------------
# output location for this trial
outputFolder = args['outfolder']
# Set the World defaults for this experiment
popped = DPX.pop_kwargs(args)
popped.setdefault('trials', 100)
popped.setdefault('aProp', 1.0)
popped.setdefault('axProp', 1.0)
popped.setdefault('dCue', 500)
popped.setdefault('dISI', 2000)
popped.setdefault('dITI', 500)
# Create the world
dpxTask = DPX(cueMap, **popped)
# Set the Agent defaults for this experiment
popped = CueProbe_Agent.pop_kwargs(args)
# If running a local test use these parameters
if shwTrials:
popped.setdefault('p_AMPAg', 0.45)
popped.setdefault('p_NMDAg', 0.27375)
popped.setdefault('p_GABAg', 1.25)
popped.setdefault('i_AMPAg', 0.495)
popped.setdefault('i_NMDAg', 0.225)
popped.setdefault('i_GABAg', 1.00)
# Create the agent
rAgent = CueProbe_Agent(act_map=actMap, **popped)
# ------------------ Print Details -------------------------
# ------------------ Start the Task ------------------------
# Creates the directory if it doesn't exist yet
if collectData and not os.path.exists(outputFolder): os.makedirs(outputFolder)
# Set the dpxParameters
tskDur = (dpxTask.preCueDur +
dpxTask.cueDur +
dpxTask.ISI +
dpxTask.probeDur +
# Run the trials
for t in range(dpxTask.numTrials):
startTime = time.time()
# Reset the state of the agent before starting the trial
# If the data is being collected
if collectData:
p_rec, i_rec = rAgent.pull_data()
# collects the spiking information
p_rec.save(outputFolder + 'pyr.csv', t+1)
i_rec.save(outputFolder + 'int.csv', t+1)
# Calculate the average rate of firing for each neuron
rate = rAgent._trackPyr.raster.size / rAgent.percPyr.size
rate /= (tskDur / 1000)
# Determine the duration of the trial and update kick out an update to
# let the user know the status of the program.
print("Trial ", t+1, " duration: ",
round(time.time() - startTime), " seconds"
if shwTrials:
# Raster plot
p_rec, i_rec = rAgent.pull_data()
break # only run one trial
# Kickout early if the network is continuously firing.
if rate > min_excess_rate:
excess_count += 1
if excess_count >= max_excess_count:
print("Early kickout due to excess firing.")