The cross section of sciatic nerve is adapted from figure 2, panel B, left image of Burks, Levi, Hayes, & Levi, 2014.
Publication DOI: 10.3171/2014.2.JNS131667.
Fibre coordinates in the nerve are generated from the MATLAB script "fibreCoordsGen.m".
// global settings
nLargeFasc = 3 // number of large fascicles in sciatic nerve
nFibreLarge = 150 // number of fibres within a large fascicle
nMediumFasc = 5 // number of medium fascicles in sciatic nerve
nFibreMedium = 90 // number of fibres within a medium fascicle
nSmallFasc = 6 // number of small fascicles in sciatic nerve
nFibreSmall = 45 // number of fibres within a small fascicle
totFibres = nLargeFasc*nFibreLarge + \
nMediumFasc*nFibreMedium + \
fibreCounter = 0
objref fibre[totFibres], rand
objref gFobj
strdef fName
sprint(fName, "sciaticNerveCoords.txt")
gFobj = new File()
// randomise placement of fibres
rand = new Random()
// construct sciatic nerve
printf("Info: will create %d fibres\n", totFibres)
for i = 0, totFibres-1 {
// read from coordinates
y = gFobj.scanvar()
z = gFobj.scanvar()
// place: 30% A fibre, 70% C fibre
if (rand.repick() < 0.3) {
fibre[fibreCounter] = new AFibreBuilder(0,y,z)
} else {
fibre[fibreCounter] = new CFibreBuilder(0,y,z)
fibreCounter += 1