A simple fascicle containing five A fibres and five C fibres.
// global settings
fascD = 400
nfibre = 0
totfibres = 10
objref fibre[totfibres], fasRand
fasRand = new Random()
proc placeFibre() { local isafibre, loc, std
yjit = $1
zjit = $2
fibre[nfibre] = new simpleFibreBuilder(0,yjit,zjit)
nfibre += 1
proc createFascicle() { local i, fasCenter, fasSize, numPopulation
// normal distribution jitter for population location
fasCenterX = $1
fasCenterY = $2
fasR = $3 / 2
fasRand.uniform(0, 1)
printf("INFO: creating fascicles...\n")
// create fibres within the fascicle
for i = 0, totfibres-1 {
// place A type fibres
r = (fasR-10) * sqrt(fasRand.repick())
theta = fasRand.repick() * 2 * PI
placeFibre(fasCenterX+r*cos(theta), fasCenterY+r*sin(theta))
printf("INFO: fibres = %d\n", nfibre)