from neuron import h
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter
import sys
from stimStrat import biphasic
# count the number of spikes given a spike train
def firingRate(spikeTrain):
threshold = -50
aboveThresholdFlag = False
aboveThresholdSpikes = []
countSpike = 0
for sp in spikeTrain:
if sp > threshold:
aboveThresholdFlag = True
if aboveThresholdFlag:
if abs(max(aboveThresholdSpikes)-sp) > 40:
countSpike = countSpike + 1
aboveThresholdFlag = False
aboveThresholdSpikes = []
return countSpike
# specify the location of stimulating electrode (please adjust the 3D coordiante to suit your case)
e_3D = [5000, 400, -300]
# build nerve
# Uncommment to automatically run the toolkit if you don't have the rx_xtra_interpolated.txt already in the directory.
# import toolkit header
import autoToolkit as tk
# define arguments
path2server = 'C:\\Program Files\\COMSOL\\COMSOL56\\Multiphysics\\bin\\win64'
path2mph = 'C:\\Program Files\\COMSOL\\COMSOL56\\Multiphysics\\mli'
simBox_3D = [5000, 0, 0]
simBox_size = 12000
nerve_3D = [-50, 0, 0]
nerve_R = 2100
nerve_L = 10100
substrate_3D = [5000, 0, 340]
substrate_W = 500
substrate_L = 4000
substrate_D = 30
e_R = 50 # change to 100, 200, 400 for the other three TIME diameters
fasc_3D = []
fasc_R = []
fasc_L = 10060
with open('../nerve/fasciclesInfo.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
info = line.split(',')
# optional arguments
rotate_deg = -45 # change to 0 and -90 for the other two insertion angles
simBox_G = 1.45
nerve_G = 0.01
fasc_G = 0.0517
mesh_size = 3
e_type = "monopolar"
e2e_dist = None
# call the function to automate pipeline
tk.pipeline(path2server, path2mph, simBox_3D, simBox_size, nerve_3D, nerve_R, nerve_L, fasc_3D, fasc_R, fasc_L, \
substrate_3D, substrate_W, substrate_L, substrate_D, e_R, \
e_type=e_type, e2e_dist=e2e_dist, rotate_deg=rotate_deg, simBox_G=simBox_G, \
nerve_G=nerve_G, fasc_G=fasc_G, mesh_size=mesh_size)
# set transfer resistances between the fibres and the electrode
# attach electrode
# sort the fibres based on distance, store into array
dist = dict()
detected = []
Nsec = 0
for sec in h.allsec():
Nsec = Nsec + 1
# ignore section for electrode
if str(sec) == 'sElec':
# get fibre's ID
secName = ''.join(e for e in str(sec) if e.isalnum()) # e.g. "AFibreBuilder11MYSA0"
fibreType = secName[:6] # e.g. "AFibre"
num = ""
for c in secName[:17]:
if c.isdigit():
num = num + c
fibreIndex = int(num) # e.g. 11
fibreName = fibreType + str(fibreIndex)
# only process undetected fibres
if fibreName in detected:
# get fibre's distance to electrode
dist[fibreName] = math.sqrt((sec.y3d(0)-e_3D[1])**2+(sec.z3d(0)-e_3D[2])**2)
fibres_od = sorted(dist, key=lambda fibre: (dist[fibre])) # sort the dictionary by fibre's distance to electrode
# loop through biphasic current
I = np.arange(0.01, 0.16, 0.01)
for amp in I:
# assign stimulation waveform to electrode
delay = 2 # ms
width = 0.1 # ms
gap = 0.05 # ms
last = 2 # ms
dt = 0.025 # ms
observeRange = 1170 # add an observation range, e.g. only observe the 10 closest fibres
# attach electrode
(h.stim_time, h.stim_amp) = biphasic(delay, amp, width, gap, last, dt)
h.setstim() # apply waveform to the electrode
# detect fibres' responses
""" fibre responses stored in the following dictionary (example):
resp {
"AFibre11": {
"dist": 412.3,
"sr": 4
resp = dict()
attDv = h.Vector()
detected = []
counter = 0
for sec in h.allsec():
# ignore section for electrode
if str(sec) == 'sElec':
# get fibre's ID
secName = ''.join(e for e in str(sec) if e.isalnum()) # e.g. "AFibreBuilder11MYSA0"
fibreType = secName[:6] # e.g. "AFibre"
node = secName[-5:]
num = ""
for c in secName[:17]:
if c.isdigit():
num = num + c
fibreIndex = int(num) # e.g. 11
fibreName = fibreType + str(fibreIndex)
# ignore the first node for C fibre
if fibreType == 'CFibre' and node == 'node0':
# only process fibres within observation range
if fibreName not in fibres_od[:observeRange]:
# only process undetected fibres
if fibreName in detected:
# display progress
counter = counter + 1
sys.stdout.write("\r processing %f percent" % (counter/Nsec*100))
resp[fibreName] = dict()
# store 3D position info
resp[fibreName]['y'] = sec.y3d(0)
resp[fibreName]['z'] = sec.z3d(0)
# detect fibre's spiking rate
if fibreType == "AFibre":
h.v_init = -80
h.dt = dt
h.tstop = delay+2*width+gap+last
h.v_init = -60
h.dt = dt
h.tstop = delay+2*width+gap+last
spikeTrain = np.array(attDv)
# remove stimulus artefacts by a filter
b, a = butter(10, 3000, 'low', analog=False, fs=40000)
spikeTrainFiltered = lfilter(b, a, spikeTrain+80)-80
# store and plot response
if fibreType == "AFibre":
spikeRate = firingRate(spikeTrainFiltered)
resp[fibreName]['sr'] = spikeRate
spikeRate = firingRate(spikeTrainFiltered)
resp[fibreName]['sr'] = spikeRate
with open('data/biphasic/diam100_45degree_' + str(round(amp*1e3)) + 'uA.txt', 'w') as f:
for fibre in fibres_od[:observeRange]:
print('%s %g %g %g' % (fibre, resp[fibre]['y'], resp[fibre]['z'], resp[fibre]['sr']), file=f)