from neuron import h
import numpy as np
from stimStrat import rampKFS
# build fibres
Afibre = h.AFibreBuilder(0,0,0)
# Uncommment to automatically run the toolkit if you don't have the rx_xtra_interpolated.txt already in the directory.
# import toolkit header
import autoToolkit as tk
# define arguments
path2server = 'C:\\Program Files\\COMSOL\\COMSOL56\\Multiphysics\\bin\\win64'
path2mph = 'C:\\Program Files\\COMSOL\\COMSOL56\\Multiphysics\\mli'
simBox_3D = [5000, 0, 0]
simBox_size = 12000
nerve_3D = [-50, 0, 0]
nerve_R = 400
nerve_L = 10100
substrate_3D = [5000, 0, -216]
substrate_W = 500
substrate_L = 4000
substrate_D = 30
e_R = 10
fasc_3D = [[-30, 0, 0]]
fasc_R = [200]
fasc_L = 10060
# call the function to automate pipeline
tk.pipeline(path2server, path2mph, simBox_3D, simBox_size, nerve_3D, nerve_R, nerve_L, fasc_3D, fasc_R, fasc_L, \
substrate_3D, substrate_W, substrate_L, substrate_D, e_R)
# set transfer resistances between the fibres and the electrode
# attach electrode
# assign stimulation waveform to electrode
delay = 10 # ms
amp = -0.003 # mA, cathodic DC ramp amplitude
rise = 50 # ms, cathodic DC ramp time
platDur = 0 # ms
sineDur = 0 # ms
sineAmp = 0.00245 # mA, KFS amplitude
freq = 3e3 # Hz
falls = np.arange(0,301,10) # ms, anodic KFS ramp time
sineLast = 50 # ms
dt = 0.005 # ms
last = 10 # ms
# ramp amp
attDv = h.Vector()
for fall in falls:
# attach electrode
(h.stim_time, h.stim_amp) = rampKFS(delay, amp, rise, platDur, sineAmp, freq, sineDur, fall, sineLast, last, dt)
h.attach_stim() # apply waveform to the electrode
# detect fibre's spiking rate
h.v_init = -80
h.dt = dt
h.tstop = delay+rise+platDur+sineDur+fall+sineLast+last
spikeTrain = np.array(attDv)
# write to file
f = open("data/rampKFS/amp-3.0uA_tdc50ms_" + "tkfs" + str(fall) + "ms.txt", "w")
np.savetxt(f, spikeTrain)