;We modify the function in ACT-R 7.21 to not inherit those triggers after the compilation and assign the reward trigger at any time point after the production compilation occurred.
(defun initialize-utility-for-compiled-production (new-p p1 p2)
(trigger-reward *reward-value*)
(let* ((at1 (production-at p1))
(at2 (production-at p2))
(at (max at1 at2))
(r1 (production-reward p1))
(r2 (production-reward p2))
(reward (or (and (numberp r1)
(numberp r2)
(max r1 r2))
(and (numberp r1) r1)
(and (numberp r2) r2)
r1 r2)))
(setf (production-at new-p) at)
;;(setf (production-reward new-p) reward)
(setf (production-u new-p) (car (no-output (sgp :nu))))))
(defvar *reward-value* 0)
(defvar *visited-points* nil)
(defun visit-point (point)
(setf *visited-points* (cons point *visited-points*)))
(defun get-visited-points ()
(reverse *visited-points*))
(defun clear-points ()
(setf *visited-points* nil))
(defun set-reward-value (value)
(setf *reward-value* value))